4 Reviews
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Enter Mycel (2022)
Moody mushroom movie
24 October 2023
I saw this film at Fantaspoa film festival and loved it. It's different to anything I've seen for a while but if you had to pin it down you might call it Lynchian. The film has a certain mood that perpetuates throughout. It spreads through the film, out through the screen, into the cinema filling the room and then through your eye and ear holes, taking roots deep within you.

Techincal aspects such as the cinematography, editing and sound design are very good and all work in harmony, but what really elevates it are the bold filmmaking choices. Using the camerawork and sound mix as expressive tools. I especially loved one scene, all shot with floaty low angle hand held, and with dialogue drifting in and out of the soundscape. Really glad I went to the cinema that day and stumbled upon it. Plan to rewatch it when I get a chance. See it if you can.
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That reminds me of when my snake died
24 October 2023
I am 37 years old and I thought I remembered what being a teenager was like. But then I watched Soundtrack to Sixteen and I realised my memory had been infected by all the teen movies I've seen and actually THIS is what being a teenager was like. If you were brought up in the UK in the early 2000s I think you may have a similar experience. And if not, you get an authentic portait of that world. The dialogue, performance and some of the details brought back memories long buried in the back of my mind. They were mainly embarrassing memories but still, it's nice to have them back.

This is a very impressive debut from the Shakespeare Sisters and even more so when you find out how it was made and how young they were. But it's not just a likeable indie, it is also laugh out loud funny and has twists and turns that make it fly by and a really fun watch. The house party dialogue was a highlight for me, as was the voice over which adds Peep-Show-esque laughs by giving us a window into their teenage logic. By the end I was also very invested in whether or not they would do well in their A Level exams, probably more so than I was invested in my own A Level exams at the time. The Shakespere Sisters get an A star from me.
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Bite (II) (2022)
WARNING: contains pie
24 October 2023
The director of Bite, James Owen, came to filmmaking from being a surgeon. I had the pleasure of meeting him and he is a very lovely guy, but all I can say is that having watched his movie, I never want him near me with any sharp objects. Bite is a fun first-time-film that ticks all of the low budget horror boxes. It has scares, laughs and gore and some fun performances. I especially enjoyed Annabelle Lanyon and Stuart Sessions as the (big air quotes) "sweet" couple that our hero stays with when her car breaks down. The practical effects are also well done, so much so that if you're a wimp like me you'll have to spend half the film looking away. James is making waves in the UK film industry so catch his first film when you can and he is one to watch too. Just maybe don't accept an invitation to stay over at his place and if you do, definitely don't eat the pie.
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Watch this if you like Sci Fi or Rom Coms or just watch it anyway
24 October 2023
I saw this film at the London Film Festival and loved it. It stars Zosia Mamet (known to me as Shoshanna from Girls) who's performance has the charisma, charm and depth to carry the film on it's own but is also helped by great performances by Aristotle Athari and the supporting cast. The retro-sci-fi style and inventive filmmaking make it very likeable but it's not just a quirky indie, it's also laugh out loud funny and packs an emotional and political punch at times. It may be set in the future, but it's the observational comedy about dating and life-in-general in todays world that makes it funny. As a fan of both sci-fi and rom-coms this film is made for me but I don't think you have to be a fan of both (of even either) to enjoy it. Your continuing mission should be to boldly go and seek out this film.
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