
26 Reviews
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Bull (2016–2022)
Refined sugar
18 May 2024
I had to stop watching this show halfway into season one, but I can't rate it lower then a 7. It isn't bad, but it is also not special in any way.

The production is solid, the writing is consistent and everything feels big the whole time. Each episode starts by hooking you, introducing some conflicts and following the same beats over and over. And after, I felt nothing, except maybe a bit emotionally manipulated. There's no real challenge in any way, nothing to be learned, no new perspectives, no real dilemma's. Just a waste of time. And then a new episode starts, and I get reeled in like the little consumer fish I am.

This show has everything: the bright colors, the inspiring music, the suggestion of intellectual storytelling, but in the end it is mostly empty.

Bull doens't really want to tell you something, it just wants to spend your time. If you're okay with that, give it a try.
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GoldenEye (1995)
7 January 2024
I don't like how this movie wasted 4 hours of my time. 4 hours because only at the dumb joke at the ending I realised I saw this film before. There are some good scenes and action sequences, but it mostly feels like somebody 'tried' to copy a James Bond movie. The chemistry is not convincing. The opening song sounds so empty and out of the water. Tina turner sounds like she is trying to do someone elses voice. Famke was over the top, but also a bit boring. Pierce looks the part and moves the part, but it feels like he suffers from bad writing. There were many moments I asked the characters on screen "Now why would you do that?" And they didn't answer me.
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I just started watching this...
17 December 2023
...But I have to say, they allready did a good job at making me hate the bad guy by having him carrying around and singing along to a tape with a very bad cover of White Stripe's Seven nation army.

And now I have to type another 400 words? What is this supossed to be: A review or a book? If I don't have enought to say I lose the right to share it? That's nonsense. As you can see, what I wanted to say is very much 'share worthy'.

Another 170 words. Well okay, I gues I'll just end with saying that I will probably return to this review after watching the whole series to change some of this blablabla into a coherent story.

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Bad Santa 2 (2016)
My mom thought it was horrible, I thought it was alright
26 December 2022
This christmas after our big family dinner, my mom and I decided to see what was on tv. My mom, being a big fan of christmas movies, picked this one, despite not having seen the first one.

I can't say I am not proud of her, because she watched the whole thing like a trooper.

I kinda knew what I was in for, but I feel like this movie surpassed the first one in crude humor. Not one conversation was without mentioning some genitals or bodyparts close to them. There was a lot of talk about several variations of excrement. And of course there were quite a few scenes of 'love' making. The flow of filth was non-stop, which I didn't particularely like because I appreciate movies that have more contrast, but I think it may be a good thing for my mother, because after a while it numbed her a bit so she could try to actually enjoy the story - which sadly in the end she didn't.

Normally a movie about a mother-son relationship at christmas would be an easy winner, but in this case I feel it didn't make it easy for her at all. Still she laughed out loud at the scene where the kids were sitting on Bad Santa's lap and asking for dumb things and I managed to get a fistbump when our anti-hero managed to screw himself to the keys. When we got closer to the the end of the movie she said "Well, at least it all ends well", directly followed by a 'Yikes!" at the last scene. Her conclusion: 'What a horrible movie'.

So would I advice anyone to watch this movie with their mother? I don't know. At best it is a very cringy experience, but I did have a lot of fun. Having a great mom really helps.
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Durham County (2007–2010)
Just a warning
4 December 2022
The acting is fine. The filming pretty neat. The music is suitable. The whole production looks and sounds fine, but.

This thing is slow, very slow. The two main characters are very unlikable, which shouldn't be a problem (many shows do great with unlikable characters), but they keep focusing on what makes them so unlikable, not even the juicy stuff, and does this really slowly. So if you like to watch one guy having flashbacks of him cheating on his ill wife and another guy trying to controll his own wife for hours, you would probably like this.

I've read somewhere they got a different director for episode 5 which seems to have changed the tone of the show, but I don't know, I only just got past episode 3.

And I quit.

BTW, the plot summery om IMDB says the detective thinks his neighbour is the killer... This has not happened yet. I've finished episode 3, which means I am halfway season one. Watched 3 hours of slow drama, and what is described in the plot summary, hasn't happened yet.

Let that sink in.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
I didn't read the book...
28 November 2022
... so it's kind of hard to really rate this. As a thriller action movie, it entertained. But nothing more then that. Next week I will have forgotten most of it, because it's not a very interesting movie. More than once I found myself literally predicting what was going to be said, because it was so full of clichés. There were a few twists that were really obvious from the moment they were set up. Specially at the end of the movie. And I thought: Well, it's based on a book, which was probably written in a time these predictable twists and boring dialog weren't that cliché. But then I saw the book was from 1993. So then I thought: Well, maybe some of the more complex parts were just too hard to translate to film, so they had to be solved by using clichés. But then I read some of the book's plot on Wikipedia and it was a totally different story. A better one as well. So I have to conclude that even though I was entertained during the movie, it was not as good as it could have been, or should have been. The reason I watched it, is because I used to read Tom Clancy when I was younger, so this thing is mostly false advertising, which p*sses me off.

At the start of writing this review I gave it 5 stars, I'm bringing that down to 4.

If Wikipedia can present an interesting summary of a book, you can make an interesting movie out of it. This was not an interesting movie.
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The Old Guard (2020)
A cliffhanger? Really?
12 September 2022
This movie has an interesting setup: A bunch of immortal people going on missions together and stuff. And then we get to experience it all through the eyes of the newcomer. And then there is some traumatic past, and some betrayal, and some self-sacrify bits. Yeah, it's every other movie ever. There are some points where they could have done something interesting, but where they went out of their way to still make it as cliché as possible.

In the end, there is a good film in there (good, not great), it just needs to have a lot of boring filler removed, slow and annoying unoriginal parts that were supposed to give the characters some more backstory or depth, but it just went on and on and on and on... and after all of that, they hit us with a cliffhanger. How dare they?

Oh yeah, the music is terrible. Eventually I kinda got used to it, but at the beginning it was very rough.
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Terrible person finds out he is a terrible person
14 May 2022
So this movie is well acted, beautifully filmed and has some well written scenes.

I did not have a good time watching this. There are some funny bits, but not enough to make it fun. It is absolutely not a horror, even though it often suggests it is going to be. And maybe that's the joke, making it some sort of meta-comedy? But after the movie ended I just felt sad, angry and a bit flabbergasted.

The protagonist is a terrible person, self centered, paranoid, taking himself way too seriously but in the meanwhile making fun of others. Still literally everybody in the whole world is constantly messing with him, because he is supposedly the 'funny one'.

Half an hour in I was already hoping he would be killed, the sooner the better. After all it was supposed to be a horror. Instead it just dragged. Him being a manchild, making problems where there were none, and ignoring the problems that actually obviously did need some attention, over and over again.

I didn't check 'spoilers' so all I am going to say about the ending is that it ends badly. It ends badly for a viewer who is hoping for a comedy or a horror. It ends badly for a viewer who thinks 10 red herrings are a bit of an overkill. It ends badly for a viewer who doesn't like asking the movie 'why?' multiple times in the last scene.

If you want to see a horror comedy, skip this one.

If you want to see a one-liner joke, posing as a clumsy thriller, go ahead, pick this one.
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The Secret Circle (2011–2012)
What secret? Everybody knows!
3 February 2022
So this was an okay show. It had some good moments. It also had a lot of dumb moments. It's described as a drama, fantasy and horror, and I agree with that.

Let's start with 'fantasy', that's the most obvious one. They're witches, there are also some demons and all the 'normal' kids have fun at school dances. So 'fantasy' checks out.

There is also a lot of horror. But that doesn't really come from the expected part. Yes, there are some deaths, there are special effects on the demon posessed people, which a child may find scary and there is some mediocre CGI that allmost works because the cast knows how to scream and cry and look distraught. The scariest horror thought comes mostly from the close up shots of wannabe teens awkwardly kissing.

Then the drama. At first the show seemed to present itself more like a mystery. And don't get me wrong, on some parts it handled mystery pretty well. But on some other parts they showed the audience things that would have had way more impact had we found out together with the protagonists.

So try this drinking game.

Every time a character is about to give some very useful information, but they get interrrupted or the other character 'has to be somewhere', is not listening because he/she has something else to say, or 'just can't handle all this right now', take a shot. You will quickly discover where 'drama' wins it from 'mystery' in this show.

Anyway, it's not really good, but I did like it.

It kept me interested until the ending and the conclusion was solid as well (except for the little teasers for the following season that never came).

I never want to see this show again, but it was entertaining enough to watch once.
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It is a movie
29 January 2022
I realise I'm sounding kinda old when I say this, but I remember Bond movies being fun. 007 running around being kind of a sociopath by killing bad guys left and right in one scene and being super charismatic in the next. This movie just was not fun, the whole thing took itself way to serious. The mood was heavy and the protagonist unlikable. The action scenes were well done, but the rest of the story was quite forgettable. The ending felt like a reward though.

The best I can say about this one is: It's a movie. Things happen. It has a plot. It has a James Bond character. If that's all you want from a movie, you may as well watch this one.
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Definitely not better than the first
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, I'm giving this a six. It's not the worst game ever and it does a lot right, but, and this is what really brings it down for me, it does a lot wrong it did right in the first one. The first thing that stood out to me, was how hard it is to see stuff. Where goes the path? Can I walk here? I just killed a guy, where is his stuff? The map is the worst, it doesn't give any information, even the lines sometimes don't seem te add up with the surroundings. Names of buildings have dissapeared. so you can only know what they are by entering, because most of them really look like eachother. The default settings for the mouse are hellish, so I had to turn the sentivity all the way down. But still sometimes it's easy to get turned around. After playing for a few hours, my eyes were hurting. The first game did this so much better.

Controls - in the first game at least you could choose how you wanted to play. Witcher 2 doesn't seem te have this option - even though it's in the options menu. Learning the controls was the most annoying thing ever. You get thrown into an arena, where they tell you all you different moves. You want to practice a move? You can't. Because now it's time for the next move. In this way they expect you to learn 9 different moves, by doing them al once. And when the game starts it's the same. I got one coin, some guy wanted to armwrestle and he defeated me easily cause I didn't understand the instructions - the armwresteling by the way plays like playing a game that keeps lagging. Not a fun minigame, and I will probably skip that quest. - anyway, guy took my coin, and I couldn't try again. Later the king wants me to help him aim the balista, I use the crosshair, too high, again? Nope, you missed, now we'll just go to the next thing. The first game did this so much better by introducing moves and giving you a lot of time to get used to everything. Sometimes Geralt puts away his sword automatically, but sometime he doesn't which is fun because now, after fighting a bunch of monsters, you have to restart because the whole village now wants to kill you because you just wanted to talk with someone and Geralt didn't put his weapon away. Fun! The first game did this too. But it didn't hurt my eyes so much that I didn't see I was still hold my sword. Sound is super loud and the game somehow didn't allow me to use the volume control on my keyboard. Also, if you're on steam and you want the game to pick up from how you ended the first game, go find out how to do this first. I was dumb enough to think the games would do this automatically, but when I found out the continuation mistakes I was too far in. Really dissapointing. And then there are some crashes, sound crashed and first I thought it was my own installation quitting, after 10 very scared en frustrated minutes I found out it was the game. Also some hard crashes. The first game had these too though.

So what is better from the first game? Well it's more detailled. The lipsyncing is better. Better voice acting. Really vivid surroundings. Things you should expect from a game after a few years. But that's about it.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Couldn't finish it.
2 May 2020
Season 1 was pretty okay, not the best, but competent. The first episode of the second season should have been the first seasons finale, and the rest of season two? Well it probably just shouldn't have been made. It was lazy, boring, and very frustrating. I started to shout at my screen because of how dumb it was getting, so I turned it off.

I enjoyed the spin-off series Doom Patrol much more, watch that one instead of this waste of talent and money and time.
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This makes me sad.
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not just the cliché after cliché in this pilot but the extremely high ratings as well.

There was literally nothing interesting happening in this episode. It starts with a decent adaption of the Phantom of the Opera song, introducing us to all the main characters, well... introducing.. more summarizing their main characteristic. One is the righteous smart one, the other one still a masked hero, there is a model, and an addict who is supposed to be the comic relief, oh yeah and the sensitive one, she plays the violin, Big surprise. Then they meet up because dad is dead and they don't really like each other. And the butler is a monkey. And then there is a dancing montage. And then Number Five returns because he is a time traveler and maybe dad was murdered. Nobody says anything of substance, it's all emotional blabbering and childish fighting. There are some fight scenes with real bad guys, but they are just so lame, think Nostalgia Critics description of the Inspector Gadget movie. Bad guy points gun. Kid with superpowers does something. Bad guy: 'Huh?' and dies. This is repeated many times, shot in dim light, with music that's just there to be funny. HAHAHA THIS MUSIC DOES NOT FIT! HA! "Is that blood?" "It's nothing" Great writing. Number Five from the future says there is no future and Ellen Paige offers him coffee, end of episode.
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Search Party (2016–2022)
It's good, but becoming just 'ok'
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show really has its ups and downs, in the story as well as in the writing. There are moments that I was cheering for the writing and that's something that has not happened before as far as I can remember. But there are also some cliché moments and dumb decisions in there. Stuff one would expect from average uninteresting shows and because this is not average at all, this sometimes causes some deep holes. But to be fair, also these dumb decisions do not stay without consequences, which elevates the show immensely.

Season one? I loved it. The mix of unlikable but somehow recognizable characters gathered together in a mystery thriller, meanwhile having fun with their quirks and quarrels was very fun to watch.

Season two? I don't know. The mystery is gone, and is replaced with just the drama of them dealing with what they did. It's like the show doesn't really understand that Dory is the villain. Instead we see her struggling and trying to get over it. But we don't care about her trauma, we don't feel sorry for her. She lied and hid the truth from people over and over again, and now someone is dead, we want to see her punished, and she not getting punished is pretty unbearable at times. Anyway I haven't seen the finale yet, so maybe she gets what she deserves. It just took a bit too long to be really interesting. The same goes for the other characters, their flaws made them interesting when they were solving a case, but for just dramatic purpose, they are just to unlikable.

Despite this, the show still has smart moments and interesting characters and story lines. At the start it was far above average, in season 2 it kinda fell flat. Still I will give this show a 8/10
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Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
I am frustrated. Here is how it ends.
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So season 1 started out pretty interestingly. A mystery, some gory murders, good effects, nice characters, very cool music. I should have seen it coming...

Those last episodes were ****ing pieces of ****. As is revealed that the white haired girl is the other wolf, the pregnant girl is struggling and screaming as an idiot. Not listening to a word that is said. As Peter goes into battle she is screaming like an idiot. Peter instead of really doing anything is just waiting for the white hair girl to become the white wolf and only then thinks about fighting her. Peter is suppose to offer his face to become a wolf, but he just gets it back. He dies, he gets saved by LOVE. Roman has an axe and waits for the bad wolf to bite it instead of taking a swing. As Peter is fighting the white wolf everybody is just standing around. Get the ****ing axe, you ****. The sheriff is also an idiot who just starts shooting around in the end. And then everybody is just going to lie in his favor. Yeah right. Somehow most of this **** could have worked, if effort was put in. But it wasn't. so **** this ****.
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Dark Fist (2012)
A very decent low budget flick
4 August 2017
I'v been subbed to the Warski channel for a while now, but I just recently discovered they made this movie. I found it on Youtube and was pleasantly surprised. I've seen quite a few low budget films, even from some of the Youtubers I follow, like Ralph the movie maker and Channel Awesome. Sometimes it's a hit, like Ralph's King Candy and sometimes it's a miss or just a mess, like the Channel awesome film I saw. Dark Fist is a hit.

Yeah sure, it's not for everyone. It has the kind of crude humor that would probably turn away some people. but it's not meant for these people anyway. By times it's pretty obvious that this is a low budget production. But the tone of the film is consistent. It knows its audience and delivers. The story might not be very original, it still is somewhat inventive every now and then. And most important: There was not a moment that I was bored. The pace was very strong and in amateur movies I find that to be a rare quality. Also most of the action scenes were pretty good, the CGI blood at one moment was a little let down though, I almost always prefer practical effects.

In conclusion, I had a great time watching this movie. I loved the jokes, I liked the plot and the writing very much and even the acting was enjoyable for the right reasons.

I am very interested in seeing future projects from these guys!

Edit: I recently unsubbed from the channel btw, the research on their material is very poorly done and the jokes are very repetitive, maybe they should just stick to doing films like this.
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The Tomorrow People (2013–2014)
What spoilers?
18 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, I was bored and started watching this snooze fest, then someone said it really was going to get better and then I was curious if it managed to stay this bad till the end. I watched the whole thing and it was never any good. It was forced, predictable and very unrealistic. But I can't blame the actors for this, they did good, in some cases even great, making something of the unbelievable dumb dialogues they got, yes sometimes you can see how bored they are, but if there is anything good about this thing, it's the acting. The music is nothing special, the special effects are sufficient, the camera work is decent, but the writing... I checked the spoiler box, so I could list some of the 'plot twists' you know are coming, just so you know you got it right. The father is not really dead, the uncle is just a troubled guy with good intentions, the mother has powers too, the lead lady and the lead guy hook up, the best friend finds out and becomes a target, but survives, the bad guys' daughter dies, etc etc etc. Almost every plot reveals itself as it begins. Except for the epilogue which had some surprises, mostly because IT DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. And the premise? It's dumb. Just dumb. Evolved humans that can fight, throw people around with their powers, use guns, but can not kill, how does that even work? There is so much wrong with the story.

Some of the fight scenes are decent, but only some of them.
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This movie hurts my feelings.
26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ow my God, this thing was a waste of everything!

The plane hijack with the guy disguised as Tom Cruise was stupid, Tom Cruise climbing in the mountains and hanging around with one hand was over the top, but not in a fun way. It was just dumb and unnecessary. Then the bath tub scene was kind of okay, but the conclusion with: "I triggered the alarm, heh heh!" was quite dumb again. And then the chase - ridiculous - and kissing scene, Oh My God, the kissing scene. It was just awful, horrible, scarring, sickening!

After that this thing didn't really get any better. They found a way to make every twist predictable and every action scene stupid and dull. It strange, I've seen a lot of bad movies, but most bad movies are more entertaining than this. How can you suck all the fun out of the cheese? How can you make 'over the top' boring? This movie can teach you that. I am surprised at how cheap this movie feels compared to how much money went in it. I am typing this as the last boring dumb stupid cliché scene plays out and even though I am multitasking I feel like I have been wasting time. I feel scammed.

*beep* this movie.

You've been warned, if you want to play this movie at home, make sure you are doing something else as well.
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Stargate SG-1: Singularity (1997)
Season 1, Episode 14
26 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want to sound harsh or cruel, but let's all be honest: The kid should have exploded.

Don't forget we are dealing here with a superior bloodthirsty alien race that thinks of people as tools. Not only can this race of bad scum mother lovers create a disease that can wipe out thousands of people without even giving them the time to make a simple call, they also have the technology to attach a time-bomb, with the power of a nuclear explosion, to somebodies heart. A bomb that will explode when tried to get rid off through the stargate or when a certain time has been reached. Also, taking the bomb out of the hostess will kill her. Sounds like those alien butt wipes really know how to make a bomb, right?

But then after almost half an hour of tear jerking emo-TV the bomb doesn't go off, because... When it's getting away from the Stargate the bomb simply dissolves itself. Really? Really really? So it's okay to kill off thousands of unknown people, but a little girl with a bomb attached to her heart created by a bunch of technically superior aliens can not die because she has a name... Is that alien race even for real?

Now tell me, after seeing this episode, how can anything in this series ever be gripping or thrilling again, knowing the makers will ALWAYS take the save and predictable path?
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The worst episode till now
9 February 2012
Awwww, this is such a pity. Supernatural started as such a promising serial. Every episode with another horror story led by two solid characters, with not to much flaws in personality.

Then this episode came. Despite their hunting history together all of a sudden Sam stops trusting on Deans hunters instinct even though the prove of something going on is right in front of him. Dean suddenly starts to confront people that do not know what he is talking about. That's really strange because last season he was actually very good at knowing when someone was lying or not. This kind of mistakes really ruins it for me, I'd like to see the characters in whom I invest a lot of time to grow, get stronger, get smarter, learn. Not to see them change into some empty puppets who just follow some poor script.

For now I will still keep watching this serial, but I'm not really buying it anymore.
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Watch this on television for the commercials.
4 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not often writing reviews for IMDb, but since this movie is so high rated, I feel it's my duty to write something down as well.

This movie is the kind of thing you should see on television, interrupted by commercials, zapping to MTV and Jerry springer, or toilet breaks. As long as you're not trying to follow a story, this movie might be alright. But if you want to follow a story, just skip this one.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a 'terrible' movie, but it is 'terrible mediocre'. It's predictable, cheesy, shallow and amateuristic. The conversations feel unnatural and a lot of the made decisions are illogical. It annoys me when a group of people rather keeps screaming at each other than look for a constructive solution. It annoys me when somebody takes a tinkle right where an alien was blown up, while it is not sure at all whether the alien has died. It annoys me when his friends keep telling him how displeased they are with this stupid action, without looking out for the alien. It annoys me when a group of people decides to kill the alien and then don't kill the alien, but run away for his cripple, burnt remains. It annoys me when a girl shows her breasts and the camera moves up, if you're not going to show her breasts, then why would you put this in the script?

I think people should make movies out of creativity, not to just keep the industry working. I would give this thing 4 point, but since it has such high ratings, I give it a 1. Just for balance.
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Paintball (2009)
Lets die in a very stupid way, because its in the script!
11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I watch a horror/actionmovie, I want to see some action and I want to see some cool deaths. I do not want to sit with my mouth open in shock, wondering why the hell somebody would do such a stupid thing. Too bad that was exactly my situation for about fifty minutes, then I turned it off. It doesn't matter, I already knew how it would end after the first ten minutes and so would you. Yeah, its that kind of movie. Why would anybody yell for about ten minutes at his teammates while trying to hide, take of her camouflage, take of his jacket while laying on the ground with the killer face to face, stabbing an obvious innocent guy, killing a teammate in such a bloody stupid way, it makes me cry, shout at each other for minutes without anything else going on, etc... All I really can say about this piece of crap is: just skip this movie, its not worth it.
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Girl's Best Friend (2008 TV Movie)
Witty 'girl has boy and doubts' road trip movie!
8 April 2009
So yeah, once you've seen the first scenes, you know how this story is going to end. It's the same old love story being told over and over again... Or is it? Somehow I found this movie actually believable, in contradiction with some of the other well-known romantic flicks. Most likely this has a lot to do with the roll Janeane Garofalo is playing. She is the little neurotic music recensent Mary, who has a low self esteem-problem and who goes on a road trip. Without playing the cliché beauty 'that is so beautiful but just can't find the right guy', she puts down a realistic cynical little crazy woman and this is what makes the movie believable. The witty lines and some seemingly meaningless happenings made me often laugh out loud and curious all the time about what was going to happen next. Though I am a guy and Mary is a girl, I could really identify with her and her problems, which I know many guys have.

This is not a 'girl meets boy' movie, it's a 'girl has boy and doubts' movie mixed up with a road trip movie and a lot of witty humor. Somehow I think this movie is a great one for Gilmore Girl- fans, please correct me if i'm wrong!
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Extreme Movie (2008)
Robotchicken meets average teen movie
30 March 2009
No, this ain't no top comedy, typical teen movie, porn movie or really extreme movie, but it also isn't as bad as most IMDb'ers say. Some of the jokes are funny, some are lame and the acting is sometimes pretty bad, but still it as some funny and interesting aspects. The setup of this movie reminded of the animation series of Robotchicken: a bunch of sketches which are zapped when finished. And the same thing is going on here. Mix Robotchicken with an average teen movie and this is what you get. I did like the movie and I think the movie could have been only a little better, not much, because this is what this genre is like. Bad sex jokes, sexy babes and some typical American life lessons. If you like movies like American Pie, this movie is worth a try.
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Dragonquest (2009 Video)
The Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy should have won.
24 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you're younger than ten, you might find this movie exiting. If not this movie will be a waste of your time. The characters are all flat and cliché, their actions predictable, just as the 'coincidents' in the storyline. You know the boy and the girl will hook up, even though there is no chemistry between them at all. You know the boy will defeat the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy, even though he doesn't really do anything to deserve such a victory, got no dragonfighting experience and makes one stupid mistake after another. The special effects are pretty lousy and the dragons that appear are in no way believable.

Here a short summary: Boy lives in village. Super Evil Demonic Bad Monster shows up, burning and eating everyone. Boy surprisingly turns out to be the 'chosen one'. Boy must seek stones to complete his medaillonthingy. He meets: Super Strong Fighting Good Girl (She's going to betray him after she got brainwashed by the Super Evil Demonic Magic of a Super Evil Demonic Mirror, but in the end everything will be okay) and Super Strong Fighting Good Old Guy. (He dies, thank you God!)

Then there are: A Super Brave Fightin Selfsacrificing King, A Super Evil Bad Trader Guy, A Super Evil Stupid Blind Spider and the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy Himself.

The boy fights the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy and, of course, at first it seems like the hero is going to lose (Whahaha, yeah right!), then suddenly he wins because his magic (which he just discovered) is stronger for no particular reason. The girl walks up to the boy and kisses him, also for no particular reason. They look at their Super Strong Good Dragon (who came up in the last 2 minutes to fight the Super Evil Demonic Monster) flying in the sky. END.

There is actually one scene in this movie that I really liked: The battle between the two armies, somewhere at the beginning of this picture. It was kind of arty.
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