
2 Reviews
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Gran Torino (2008)
Diamond in the Rough
11 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I have to say that I think I have been the youngest viewer to sit in every showing of Gran Torino. This disappoints me because I think that it is truly sad that a film like this cannot catch younger viewers who really need to witness a great film. However, I was never too surprised to see the absence of young audiences. After all, who wants to see a meaningful, touching film when there is My Bloody Valentine and Notorious. I digress.

Although, I am an avid fan of Clint Eastwood, I judged this film unbiased. I know a bad film when I see one. This is Clint Eastwood's most defining moment as an actor. I have heard some viewers commenting this film as being unreal, but everything about this man (Walt Kowalski) is real. Clint Eastwood's character actually possesses flaws and reveals himself as an old man who, deep down, cannot challenge the entire gang. After all, Clint Eastwood actually dies.

The whole ending is beautiful as he sacrificed himself like Jesus Christ. Now, I am not a religious person, but I could not help but see the comparison. Walt Kowalski finally was at peace by saying, "No, I have a light." I can understand why viewers are uncomfortable with this film. I believe most of us are unsynthesized and can only hold out for an explosion or a car chase scene. As Gran Torino came to a close and the theme song started playing, no one moved. I looked all around me and I saw people transfixed by the screen. Every viewer was seated holding each others hands and drying their eyes. I was really touched. It almost made me have hope for man kind and gave me more admiration for what films are capable of.

My one negative comment towards this film would not be the acting of Thao, but of the priest. I know that this character is young and naive, but does he have to be a bad actor as well? However, this does not affect my judgment of this film, because the overall message is far more important than a minor character.

This film, by far, is a diamond in the rough for 2008 along with Changeling. Clint Eastwood as an actor and as a director has done so much more than most in his field and I wish people would recognize this. I think that Clint Eastwood has finally made a film that is perfectly mixed with all the elements that represent him (drama, humor, tension). I also have to comment on the cinematography, beautiful yet again.

I really disagree with most of the negative comments posted on this site. In fact, I am always hesitant to posting comments on this sight because I do not feel that it is right to reach out and persuade another towards your viewing. However, after reading the negative comments I had to speak out. This film is definitely not a waste of your time or money.
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Australia (2008)
Quite a surprise
28 November 2008
Upon seeing the trailer I was not expecting much. Personally, Baz Luhrmann's former films are not high on my list for story, but more of a visual effect. However, Australia has completely given me a fond respect of Luhrmann.

A lot of critics and audiences alike are smashing this film on its length and plot. The plot was so engaging that time was not even a factor for me. This film made me fall in love and feel for each character deeply. I am not even a fan of Nicole Kidman, but her character made me care for her. I have always loved Hugh Jackman and I have never understood why his acting abilities have not been recognized for pure excellence (The Fountain, The Prestige). The story was very expansive and I did not mind the mixture of romance, action, and social justice. I in no way felt that his film was trying to reach out for tourism or prove something. I believe that Luhrmann merely wanted to tell and achieve an engaging story.

When I left the theatre with friends I was completely blown away. I did not expect the film to reach the level it did. However, it was not perfect. It is rare that a film is, but I felt something. That is all I care about. It was a great feeling and I was so relieved to see a decent film. Even that is rare. Every actor within the film did a fantastic job. The cinematography was breath taking and I believe that the direction was handled quite well. This film was quite a surprise.

I hope that this film's ratings will go up and critics will stop force feeding audiences their opinions. Please go see the film for yourself. It will be worth something.
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