
7 Reviews
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
Early on review.
4 October 2016
Just finished watching ep.#3. I love the idea of this story line. Fortunately it is early on in the series so I have great hopes that it will improve after everyone settles into their characters and the writers modify the scripts to make it more believable. Mike Colter has the look and feel for the star. He's just too stiff. He needs to play a more confident character. You know ... a cross between Bruce Lee and James Bond. Suave yet humble. Compassionate yet confidently powerful. The power's he's been bestowed allows him to be mercilessly bold. THAT I like. Mahershala Ali ... Excellent actor. Love him. Perfect for the role of Cottonmouth. He's got the look and character down pat. A little stiff as well but least of all. He should actually pass along his smooth portrayal style to Mike. It would be an added bonus. I like Theo Rossi as Shades but his look is weak for the part. He'll have to beef up his "bad ass" and become more commanding in his character. His role in SOA (although good) will need a more powerful performance here in order to make it believable. Simone Missick ... nah. Trying to make her a female Mentalist just ain't working. The love interest angle works OK but it won't carry her character through the series. She needs to be more like Jada Pinkett Smith in Gotham. But a good guy of course. Frank Whaley ... terrible so far. Totally not believable. The whole partnership thing between him and Simone just ain't working. Funny is not, and serious just ain't washing. The rest of the cast (with the exception of Frankie Faison, who is excellent ... hint, hint) are stiff as well and following pretty weak character behaviors. But I am very optimistic that all this will improve as the show gets all the bugs worked out and everyone settles into their roles. I want this to be another major addition to the Marvel series.
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Better late than never.
20 August 2016
At last, something different, something different, something different! After flailing around (day after day) in the never-ending soup of present day cinematic, repetitive, mundane bilge ... stumbling across this wonderful series is like finding the proverbial oasis in the desert. I wish to thank the gods of Netflix for making it available and allowing me (admittedly late) to find and watch it. As a new-found fan of Mr. Cumberbatch (via Sherlock), I had just started to search out his other works when I found this wonderful epic.

I found it to be an excellent period piece that kept me enthralled and interested from beginning to end. And the end ... so refreshingly lifting in spirit and emotion. The language was impeccable and precise. The acting fantastic and the drama left little wanting.

I pray that the BBC Production Company never stops seeking out and filming these types of films.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Bravo Netflix.
18 July 2016
Netflix, you've done it again. Another quality production. The cast were excellent, the story-line fresh and new and the script was riveting and exciting. UNFORTUNATELY, ... I got overly excited and watch all 8 episodes in one day. I should have stretched it out but, hey, ... I loved it. I do have a question, however. There seemed to be an opening for another season at the end. Am I right? I realize that may not have been the intention but I know that I would certainly love to see another one. Of course, bringing back El would have to be a foregone conclusion. I would also have to agree with a previous reviewer that mentioned that the government entourage was pretty weak in this series. I would suggest beefing them up and making them more believable in any future effort.
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Gravity (2013)
21 March 2016
I, admittedly, do not have the patience of Job, but I did stick this one out to the end. It was very painful. I am a big fan of Bullock and a lesser one of Clooney (although, I enjoy knowing that I can usually expect a pretty good performance from him) but still a fan. Right from the start, I knew I was going to be challenged by the non-stop, hyperventilating of Sandra. I have a Belgian Malinois that came with a hereditary, hyperventilation defect. She, like Sandra in this movie, pants like she has just ran a marathon, all the time. The difference here being that the dog can't help it. Then there's the action part of the film. There were only two actions. For the whole movie. Get to the space station and get back to earth. So, for an hour and a half, we had to listen to Sandra hyperventilate. The script was "lightly" peppered with a smidgen of concern, panic and introspective release. But that was it. Awful and well beneath the talents of both of these great actors.
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Foyle's War (2002–2015)
Good Show!
2 March 2016
I was very pleasantly surprised to have found such a wonderful series. My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed every episode of all the seasons. It is a pleasure to be able to watch a well thought out story, performed by such gifted actors that made all their characters so thoroughly believable. Also, living in America, I find it SO very pleasurable to watch a show where everyone speaks such beautiful English and where, even the criminals behave as if they lived in a civilized society and where manners and culture are still observed and universally practiced. We just watched the last episode of the 2015 season on Netflix and I came online tonight to try to find out if there is a new 2016 season in the works. I realize that the cast has been together since 2002 and I am sure that their age and that of the show itself will be difficult to overlook but I/we sincerely hope that there will be another. Good show!
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Not too good
24 January 2016
I got where Megan was going with this but the story-line was too sophomoric in presentation. I think the 15 minute time frame was too narrow a window in which to convey any depth to the theme. Lacked dramatic character development and, therefore, feeling or emotion.

I would like to have seen some dialog between the teacher and the little boy where we get top hear how he views his world at school. How he views his connection with the other students. How he feels about his teacher. Does he have any feelings about his relationship with his father that he would like to share with her? How things are going at home that may be affecting how he is relating to his school environment? Couldn't get into this at all. However, I am looking forward to future productions, as, that's what it's all about. Keep going. It is a fact that there are very few people that have jumped right in to producing or directing and "got it right" on the first attempt at a production. Or the second or third for that matter.
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Very uninformative.
15 September 2002
For such an interesting topic, I found the film lacking in actual information about Victor. Then the film just ends. Victor is somewhere between 12 and 15(?) years old, if that old, and all we've seen are the attempts to teach him to read. The film was neither a film (acting was apparently not an issue) nor a documentary. I had to look up online to find out that he died 28 years later. Of what? What happened to him between where the movie ended and when he died?
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