
2 Reviews
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***Warning Ignorance was used to make this film***
1 February 2012
UPDATE: Here's a spoiler for you. This film was produced 8 years ago and the island is still there.

I am moving my rating from a 1 to a 2 based on the cinematography, otherwise I would look for something below 1. Had the director chosen to tell the story of a 'man-gone-mad', then that might have been interesting but this dribble is just another propaganda film for the environmental movement.

What perplexes me is the assertion "the main island has lost 5 meters of beach front and that Manhattan Island is also at the same depth". Here's an inconvenient truth for you- ALL ISLANDS ARE AT SEA LEVEL! Here's another obvious fact that might present an obstacle to thinking people. Sometimes beaches erode because of ocean volatility and their lack of protection from the elements. Sometimes the plates of the earth sift and islands sink and sometimes islands rise because volcanoes erupt under the sea. There are a number of reasons that an island can experience beach erosion so why not explore all the reasons before jumping on one concept because it supports what uneducated people want to hear.

I love the passion of President Nasheed but it's passion misplaced. Passion for passion sake is acceptable for a child but for a grown man it is simply naive. If you think "An Inconvenient Truth" was science based then you'll love this film. If you see the hypocrisy of Al Gore purchasing beach front property in California then you might want to avoid this film.
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The Eagle (2011)
Could have been so much better... (Spoiler ALERT)
26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the Eagle I felt compelled to make a list of a few 'no, nos" that should be avoided when spending $25 million of someone else's money. I know how hard this job is so Kevin please accept these criticisms in the manner they are intended; to make us all better at our craft.

Here's what I liked: The opening- very Terrance Malick. The cinematography and the choice of locations- good job with Scotland. I liked the fact that little CGI was done; Boreman did it all in camera with Excalibur.

Here's what I didn't like: (SPOILER ALERT)

1.) Consistency- if you're going to represent another language then keep the language consistent. I realize we can't watch the film in Latin but at least give everyone the same accent. (Remember the disaster of Kevin Costner in Robin Hood.)

2.) Camera work- (this is for you Kevin). Be careful with your coverage. If you're going to pay homage to Malick make sure the you follow his pacing. What makes Malick great is he makes you wait. Don't rush to the establishing shot- tease the audience. Let the v.o. carry the scene and allow your DP to love his job.

3.) Dialogue vs. visual: Upon entering the garrison for the first time Marcus tells the commander that the latrine is not properly working. What are you trying to tell me? Is Marcus a stickler for command and rules? Why not show that he latrine is a problem. Marcus also wants to re-enforce the walls with pitch and spikes. Why not have Marcus survey the garrison instead of just putting his clothes away. Always keep your visuals consistent with your script. All of it is meant to tell us something so be careful what you convey.

In the opening battle the local horde are attacking. Why? We know of no reason for the attack other than to demonstrate Marcus' bravery and abilities which lead to his acceptance by his fellow soldiers . I liked the fact that Marcus is vindicated but isn't there more to this story line? For me, this is where the film begins to break down. Marcus' acceptance by his men is lost because these soldiers were never seen again. Why? If you're going to open with something that significant make it pay off later.

Here's where I thought the story was going- the tribal leader leaves the battle field then emerges with ROMAN chariots- chariots that Marcus recognizes. Where did they come from? Only the Romans put blades on their wheels so were they captured? Could this be a lost chariot from the ninth? I wish it had been because that would have propelled Marcus to search for the eagle. Instead we get this ambiguous drive that only lives in his memory.

4.) Other Tongues- if you're going to use other languages in a film then be careful not to allow to much time to go by before telling the audience what is happening. From the trailer I knew that the master/slave role would be reversed but I was left wondering about the nuances of the Esca/tribe relationship. The explanation doesn't have to be exposition but it could have been used to further the plot of Esca's loyalty.

5.) Finding the village was very "Apocalypse Now", minus the Apocalypse and no compelling tribal leader, a la Marlin Brando. Who was the chief? I ask this because when Marcus kills him he sees his father's ring. I love that plot point but the father doesn't have the ring on in Marcus' first remembrance of this father. Marcus asks him, "Why do you have my father's ring?" The chief tells in only a language that Esca understands. This is probably the largest gaff in the film because he asks Esca a second time in a different scene what the chief said. Everyone is waiting for the moment that Esca tells him and it never comes. How could this have been missed? Any first time filmmaker knows to never set the audience up like that and not deliver. This was not some artistic choice, it was a major gaff.

6.) Time and Space- Upon Marcus and Esca's escape from the village, Esca is confronted with the little boy and whether or not to kill him. I like this scene so I'm really confused by the decision to have him killed in the river bed by the Tribal guy. Let recognize the scene for what it is, it's to differentiate between good and evil. Esca and Marcus are good, the tribal warrior is bad. There was no reason for the boy to be brought to the river bed and executed in front of the Marcus and Esca. First, it was impossible to get the kid there, for that matter if was impossible for Esca to round up the remaining soldiers in the same amount of time. Secondly, his death was for the audience not Esca and Marcus. Just have the "bad" tribal warrior kill him in his tent.

7.) Continuity- If your main character is living in a field for weeks make sure his beard grows.

8.) Casting & Roles: Donald Sutherland, the uncle, he doesn't arrive until minute 23 and leaves before the 3rd act. He's only relevant for funding so use him wisely. Denis O'Hare, why? There are so many British actors that could have done this role.

Two final thoughts. One, the script is all over the place, people enter and leave and are never heard from again. A copy of "Save The Cat" would have saved this film from box office ruin. Secondly, and this goes for all filmmakers, make sure you hire a script supervisor with a raging case of OCD.
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