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The Apostle (1997)
Self-indulgent mess
29 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Just because the main character is oh so COMPLEX does not mean the movie is going to be interesting. And just because Robert Duvall is one of the greatest actors in the world does not mean he is also going to be a great director and screenplay writer. "The Apostle" certainly supports the idea that great actors make lousy directors.

Obviously I am of the minority opinion. Much like a charismatic preacher with a gullible flock, this movie seems to have bamboozled a large number of respectable critics and laypeople, including my brother whom I love and who insisted I watch this movie. Whether I will be able to forgive him remains to be seen.

Like many actor-directed projects, this one creaks under the weight of its creator's humongous ego. As somebody else here rightfully pointed out, Duvall is way too old to play a guy who was a toddler in 1939, whose mother looks like his wife, is married to Farrah Fawcett and who would slobber over Miranda Richardson without her laughing at him as a dirty old man. Apparently Duvall did not want to let a younger actor play Sonny because he could not resist the chance to preach.

And does he ever preach. All the time. At least 80% of the scenes consist of him preaching. (SPOILER COMING) Even when he is about to be arrested for the murder of his wife's lover, we still have to put up with 20 minutes of preaching and singing and shouting and praising the Lord before the police can finally lead him away. An actual sermon would not go on as long as this movie does at two hours and 14 minutes. "The Apostle" is a sermon punctuated by the occasional plot point.

And unless Sonny was going to get some sorely needed humility quickly I did not care what became of him. He is a despicable character but not very interesting in his odium because as we hear over and over ad nauseum he Loves the Lord and therefore is not a villain. He is Complex. He has Weaknesses. Apparently he cheated on his wife because they talk about it. Why they couldn't have substituted one womanizing scene for one of the many preaching scenes is unknown. What makes the movie so boring is that this supposedly complex character does not develop. He does not change. He does not undergo any spiritual experiences himself despite the fact that he is a murderous drunk. The phrase "Physician, heal thyself" comes to mind. One could say here "Preacher, save thyself."

Why so many people are singing this movies praises is odd though not entirely a mystery. A brilliant actor directed it. It is about Serious Matters and it attempts to do something Different. Its settings are rural which seems to charm a lot of people. And it certainly seems to go out of its way to avoid being confused with entertainment. No, it aspires to be High Art. Just because it has aspirations does not mean it succeeds in those aspirations. It is a prolonged, self-congratulatory, one-note, boring, plot less abomination.
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Bad Influence (1990)
Lots of fun
7 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Nifty little move. It does not really try to be anything other than what it is, the proverbial psychological thriller. I personally enjoy movies that feature psychopaths because then I can observe brash, appalling behavior where nobody actually gets hurt and "Bad Influence" is a fine depiction of a psychopath. To those who complained that we don't get to understand Alex's motives, I would say that one is not supposed to. Like that of any psychopath, his life is a series of thrills - using and abandoning women, robbing liquor stores, torturing James Spader, etc.

Alex really does end up helping Michael by showing him how to outsmart his rival at work, disentangling him from what would have surely been a horrendous marriage and inadvertently bringing him closer to his ne'er-do-well brother. Naturally, Michael has too much of a conscience to go all the way to the dark side but he does acquire some much needed assertiveness training in the hands of the villain.

Like many movies of this ilk, "Bad Influence" stops short of being brilliant when it chooses style over substance. Pismo did not really have to go into that underground bar to retrieve a beer bottle with Alex's prints, did he? The scene is there so we can watch Michael's awkward brother amongst the beautiful people. But the movie is so stylish and attractively filmed that I do not particularly mind when the plot does not always make sense.

SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: The best scene is Michael returning to his apartment that had been cleaned out by Alex and seeing the television and VCR sitting ominously in his otherwise empty living room. I love the interplay of the horror on the television screen and the horror in the bedroom.
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