
34 Reviews
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Getting unrealistic
20 March 2024
So I just started binge watching this series and up until the Atorney General was killed it was somewhat in the realm of reality but now, not so much. I would hope that in the real world the director of the CIA wouild not concentrate all of his/her efforts to finding one person. That part makes no sense to me. It is bad enough that the head of the task force is doing it but the head of the CIA come on. That being ignored I do enjoy the show with all of the twists and turns. Early in the series I used to think that Liz was the most beat up and shot up agent ever and now on the run she is still the target.
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Should be called the great race
29 December 2023
I really liked the first Indy movies this one was a meh. It seems to me that there was one chase after another and that the producers were trying to fille time. I really liked the character that Phoebe Waller-Bridge played she was a perfect antagonist. Her character was a little see through but played very well. The effects throughout the movie and of course as usual the places shown were interesting. I did not care for the underwater scenes as for me they were a little dark. Bottom line is that it is an enjoyable movie just go in and be ready to watch and consider it a movie for the brain dead.
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Silent Witness: Greater Love: Part 1 (2013)
Season 16, Episode 9
Dumb dumber and dumbest
7 November 2023
We have been binging this series for several weeks now. Many of the episodes show the team to be pretty dumb for a team that is supposed to be made up of smart people. This episode takes the cake for being dumb. The previous couple of episodes fretted about expenditures and who will be paying for the test. In this episode the whole team flies to Afghanistan so who is paying for that. Then the real stupidty happens after an attack and they are worried about getting the job done not that they may be killed. Leo is always on some soap box but he was at his best in this one, what a dope. I really like the series but this one was truely awful.
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The Ark (2023– )
Personally I enjoyed it
14 May 2023
I see a bunch of reviews that trash this series but for me I enjoyed it, The show kept me interested even though there was a bunch of it that was predictable. It turns out to be the typical "lost" show where a bunch of people have conflicts with one another, but it still was a show that kept me interested. Yes there are a bunch of things that are not possible but heck it is entertainment and frankly that is the way I looked at it. At first I thought that some of the characters were going to be very annoying, and some were, however they fit right into the storyline. Frankly I can't wait to see the next season and how the character relationships will evolve. I think too many reviewers got hung up on the minutia heck sit back and enjoy it.
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Suspicion (2022)
Everything is political
10 January 2023
I was really enjoying this series up until episode 7. Up to that point it was an enjoyable mystery. A real who dunit. At first really feeling sorry for the folks who I thought were innocent. That then changed and I began to suspect them. Then along came episode 7 where it all turned political and all about climate change. I wonder how it turned out as the climate thing ticked me off so much that I stopped watching. Why do they have to do this. UGH. I just wish all the people making shows now a days would stay away from the politics and give us some good entertainment. If you are a greenie you probably will like this show. For me not so much.
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Coroner: Death Goes On (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Hope there is a season 5
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show but they sure blew it on the last episode. It was so confusing it had my head spinning. I am not sure if Peggy died, was there really an accident, did McAvoy quit, did Jenny quit? The list goes on. It looked as if the writers ran out of ideas so they let their kids do the writing. I sure hope there is a season 5 so they can straighten this out.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
Hope there is season 2
26 April 2022
I see that a lot of folks did not like this series because it is set in France but the actors are British and while that is true the dynamic of the two main actors makes one forget that part of the show. The show is well written and frankly I feel is one of the best who done it's on the air today. I really hope that they make a season two.
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Edge of tomorrow remake?
6 March 2022
This was a good action film and I really like Chris Pratt as an actor he adds to most movies he is in. It is not really a remake of edge of tomorrow as it was more like groundhog day while this was a back to the future thing. Funny that there was no mention of time travel paradox which there could/should have been. The battles went on forever and the one thing that struck me was they never ran out of bullets. Bottom line is that it is an OK movie but one that I would probably not watch again.
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Worth the binge
11 February 2022
OK so the show is very far fetched and a scifi kind of thing, I am not sure if they classified it as such, but it was worth the binge for me. As with most spy shows there were a lot of twists but at least they all were resolved or explained. My heart burn with any time there is a woman "hero" they will beat the heck out of guys but have trouble beating other woman... makes no sense. Anyway the reason for just 8 stars was I thought it dragged on a bit but all in all go ahead and watch it.
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American Auto (2021–2023)
The edsel is calling
31 January 2022
I started watching this because Harriet Dyer is in it. I loved her in the InBetween and while I think she is a good actress a fantastic actress could not save this train wreck. On top of not being funny I feel that I am having the woke nation being pushed down my throat. I got up to episode 6 and have watch my last episode.
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Love Me (I) (2021– )
Time well spent
27 January 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. The characters were believable and all the actors did a great job in their roles. Even the brother who was so annoying did a great job, he made me uncomfortable but I am pretty sure that was the point. I am not sure there will be a season 2 if there is it may be a bust. I actually liked the way they left it.
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All I can say is UGH
13 January 2022
Based on the previews that were shown on TV I was really looking forward to this. However, this is by far the worst movie ever made. The plot was thin with a bunch of holes, the special effects were poor but at least the acting stinks. Do not waste your time with this.
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Murder Manual (2020)
Not sure why I watched the whole thing
7 January 2022
I, probably like others, started to watch this movie because of Emilia Clarke boy what a let down. I don't think she was even in 3 minutes of the movie. The rest of it were random stories(?) that made no sense and were never tied together. The only horror part of this movie was the puke I had to clean up after watching it. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
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Annika (2021– )
Typical who dunit cop show
1 November 2021
This is the typical who dun it cop show but it is really well done. I love the interaction between Annika and the camera I find that refreshing and a good why to get the characters thoughts. Each episode was similar but what cop show isn't. In all an entertaining show. I just hope that they will have a season 2.
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Ghosts (2021– )
I will give it time
11 October 2021
I really enjoyed the BBC version and had high expectations for the US version. The jury is still out on this. I felt that Rose Mclver was not as good as Charlotte Richie. Charlotte had this sort of dry delivery that was almost always funny. Rose character so far seems to be a little winey. The plots are very similar save they are in different countries. So like I said the jury is out I will give it some time.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
It looked good BUT
6 October 2021
I had great hopes for this show and did not read any review or anything prior to seeing it. Boy was I surprised and disappointed. It is a combination of Lost, the Returned and Land of the lost but very poorly done. I will give it one more episode but don't have much faith that it will be any good or last.
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The InBetween (2019)
It is a shame it was canceled
29 September 2021
While this show reminded me of the Listener or the ghost whisperer I really enjoyed it. I actually binged it in a day and a half. The characters are well developed and I thought. Harriet Dyer and Paul Blackthourne do excellent jobs. When the character played by Justine Cornwel came on the scene I thought oh no another cop not getting along with his new partner but it did not turn out that way which was very refreshing. My one negative comment is that all of the episodes were very similar. Darn shame it was canceled.
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Not worth the time
11 August 2021
There is virtually nothing redeeming about this film. I watched about half hoping it would get better then skipped through the rest. The acting is as bad as an elementary school play. The cop in the flick reminds me of the 3 stogies all wrapped into one person. Dialog is bad not even close to being real. Maybe I missed it and it was supposed to be a spoof. The only good thing is some of the scenery but that was sparsely shown. The two girls aren't bad to look at but other than that don't waste your time.
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Wicked (2021)
Barely OK
28 June 2021
The movie started out OK but then the second minute happened. The acting was mediocre at best. What kept me watching was watching Anna Maiche. Not the best actor in the world but worth they eye candy. This movie did two things for me. 1 is that is going to make me read the book as it tweaked my interest. The second thing is it got me wondering if there will be a second movie following along with the trilogy. If not you will be a bit disappointed as the movie ends with a cliff hanger.
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Decoys (2004)
I like horror but...
20 February 2021
This had to be one of the dumbest movies I have watched. What puzzled me is why I sat all the way through it. The storyline was predictable and the acting was poor at best. The acting from the guy playing the cop was of the worst I have ever seen. Maybe I missed this and it is supposed to be a spoof. If it is it is still a bad spoof. This is a movie never to be watched again.
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The Dig (2021)
I will watch this again
6 February 2021
I don't know anything about Oscar awards nor do I care. I know what I like and I really liked this movie. The acting was very good by all the principal characters. The filming and the scenery was beautiful. I thought it would be a bit of a chick flick and perhaps it was but I still enjoyed it After reading about the true Sutton Hoo it seems the stuck to the theme of the reality. The romance was added but I felt that was not needed as it really did not bring all that much to the storyline. In all I will be watching this again.
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Vivarium (2019)
Way too long
2 November 2020
The concept of this was interesting but it was way too long. It needed a few minutes of the little boy growing up so we would get the idea of what was going on. Then a little of the digging etc. Then the ending could have been left alone. I think it should have been 45 minutes tops. The acting wasn't bad and again the concept was good but I found myself fast forwarding some of it.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Nice break from reality
8 October 2020
I found this not a too bad series and a good break from the covid reality. In all it is a bit silly and I read somewhere that the folks in France hate it. I can sort of see why as all the people depicted as French are very stereotyped. The down side is that all of the episodes, so far (I am on 7) are exactly the same. She goes to work gets in trouble and wins in the end. But a good watch.
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Impulse (2008 Video)
Worth at least looking at this film
23 September 2020
The story starts our a bit slow as it was introducing us to the characters and their professions. As the story continues we see that the wife, while happy and in love with her husband, is not satisfied in the sex area. She trys different approaches to turn the guy on but with little luck. She goes on a business trip and meets a guy who looks just like hubby. Now this is where we turn a little ridiculous. What are the chances. So without spoiling anything thing will obvioulsy spiril out of control. The story ends with the wife with a baby and if you are a perfert, like me, you will wonder whose baby it is. Anyway worth a look see even if it just to watch Willa Ford naked.
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Evil Intent (2010)
Not sure why I watched the whole thing
13 September 2020
For me this movie was not worth watching. I am honestly not sure why I watched the whole thing but I did. The movie reminded me of a high school play. I think I saw it was low budget and it was. There was a murder scene in it and they spared every expense as it was not even close to what we see in some movies. Basically it was a flash back the main character had during her sessions with her shrink. So if you need a nap watch this movie as it will probably put you to sleep.
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