
6 Reviews
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The Terminal (2004)
Half Baked
19 June 2004
Even the wonderful acting of Hanks, Tucci, McBride and Luna, and superb direction of Spielberg couldn't save this films shallow, contrived, cliche to cliche script. Wow what a failure. And could the ending have been more...useless? And who wrote the ending? This movie failed to portray clearly, confidently, or with any conviction any of the emotions we wish to experience during a dramatic adventure. Love, envy, friendship, greed, desire all half baked into a lukewarm, bland, saccharine sweet pie.

Also you might want to question the validity of the imdb voting considering 110 people gave this movie a 10 (Highly unlikely) and the next closest category only 29 people gave it a 9. It seems that many studio marketing executives need to take a class or two in statistics if they plan on cheating. This is the most blatantly obvious vote loading I have ever seen. Naughty Naughty!
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Mystic River (2003)
Alomost the worst movie of the year!
26 October 2003
With shallow, unmotivated, undeveloped, characters and a contrived, predicatable, pointless, plot I found it difficult to not walk out of the film. Each scene brought increasing bewilderment about how this movie got made or why the several high profile actors would agree to do such a film. The film simply had an unbelievable story, and no substance of any kind. It was well acted as you would expect from the level of talent in the film but wow what a boring movie!
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The Hours (2002)
Even More boring than you might have guessed!
15 March 2003
Wow was that annoying. Like being forced to switch between three children's television shows continuously . I stood up and walk out after 50 minutes. Three bad stories edited in parallel do not make 1 good story it just makes all three more boring. Production value and direction are superb and the performances

are what you would expect from some of the best in Hollywood, but great actors and beautiful lighting cannot make a boring story interesting.
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25th Hour (2002)
19 January 2003
Great acting, nice art direction but overall a typical, plotless, boring snapshot of a drug dealers life. Lots of forced misunderstood shots at corporate America. Typical of writers with no understanding of economics or how the business

world works. Random misplaced references to 911.
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8 Mile (2002)
zzzzzzzz, oh good the Ending.
12 November 2002
Right before I went to see this movie my friend told me that the writer wrote this "script" by just sitting around with Eminem and gang and recalling old stories of the hood. This is exactly what you'll see on the big screen. If you are from Detroit , like me, and you are into music, like me, you'll enjoy at least 20 minutes of this film. If you don't know anything about rap or its roots add another 5 or so minutes of enjoyment, other than that it couldn't have been more boring. Like when you sit around sharing stories with your friends you might think that they are great, but to anyone besides you and your friends they are kind of boring. Thats how this film is.

Its kinda , or really boring depending on your background. A 40 minute docudrama would have been perfect for this material but a 2 hour film ZZZZZZZ. Wait for the DVD, watch the first 10 minute skip to last 20 minutes and you'll get you $$ worth. If you feel like you have to get more Eminem here's an idea; stop the DVD around minute 10 and stare at your latest picture of Eminem for 45 minutes then restart the movie at the 80 minute of so mark.
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Short & Sweet
11 November 2002
Rating 7. I just rented this film on DVD because I figured that with a Jolie / Burns duo how could it be that bad. Just as I suspected, it's not that bad, not an instant classic but, not thaaat bad, not as bad as other critics make it sound. It was a cute film that could be lauded just for the attempt to inpire, many films these days don't even attempt inspiration let alone deliver it. This film was well written, well acted, well directed. Many "film" critics didn't like this film. They are probably just jealous because that haven't ever written and sold and seen made anything ever, and they can't stand that Burns an accomplished writer gets to make out with Jolie. Yes this is a fluffy feel good movie, and in many areas implausible but it by no means sucks. I think the critics of this movie have been watching too much "reality TV", suspend your disbelief a little (ok maybe a lot) and this film and it's not so bad.

This is a good film to recommend to your parents who live in Florida.
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