
1 Review
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Panic Room (2002)
With "Panic Room" Fincher Does It AGAIN!
9 April 2002
I was leery after seeing the first trailer for Panic Room, but as I saw it each time I noticed something I liked about it. First, the story looked okay, but then I realised Forrest Whitaker was in it (usually a great sign!) and then I saw Jared Leto and noticed Dwight Yokam's name in the credits, and I was ready to see it. Then I realized this was the new David Fincher film, and I was HOOKED! I loved Seven, Fight Club, and I even admired Alien3, simply because of Fincher. The movie is fantastic, full of twists, turns and jolts. The performance of Jared Leto was awesome. His character was funny and seemed to hold the action together. Jodie Foster is great, as usual, and Kristen Stewart was very good as the Sarah (although from the trailers, it was hard to tell if it was a boy or girl...)and Dwight and Forrest were great as well. This is the best suspense film in a while, and Fincher once again proves he is at the top of his profession! "Go see Panic Room!"
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