
19 Reviews
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Drive Angry (2011)
Nicolas Cage at his finest
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is in my top 5 favourite Nicolas Cage movies for many reasons: Nicolas Cage plays one of the most badass roles in his career The violence is over the top and it is amazing The concept is unique and something I haven't seen before It nails the Grindhouse style and reminds me of Tarantino and Rodriguez's 2007 double feature Grindhouse which Nicolas Cage had a small role in as Fu Manchu There is some examples of bad CGI and very obvious 3D effects that feel strange to watch without 3D glasses The ending is one of the best I have ever seen, Nicolas Cage riding on a burning bridge into hell: it's epic.
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Con Air (1997)
One of the best movies of the 90's
25 March 2024
Con Air is an absolute classic. I haven't seen a movie that is so completely stupid and over the top that borders into satire and irony. It has a refreshing sense of self awareness and doesn't take itself too seriously. Simon West really knew how to make an action thriller that isn't tiresome to watch, sometimes you need action movies to be un-intentionally hilarious (or maybe intentionally hilarious).

One of these scenes is the 'put the bunny back in the box' scene which perfectly encapsulates what Con Air is, it's made even better by Nicolas Cage's brilliant performance as Cameron Poe and his atrocious southern accent.

Very good movie. I recommend.
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The Apprentice UK (2005– )
The funniest comedy of errors I have ever seen
22 March 2024
What can I say about the Apprentice? It's a a show about a bunch of complete morons claiming to be 'businesspeople' failing miserably at not that hard tasks. What's not to like?

I am fully convinced this is a comedy show, they are hilariously stupid. It's hilarious. Alan Sugar has to be holing in his laughter, if I was him I'd die of laughter because of how stupid these people are.

If you have an hour to waste watch any episode of the Apprentice, you'll be crying with laughter. There's something so funny about watching complete morons failing at basic common sense.

So in conclusion a near perfect comedy show- 9/10.
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The Office (2001–2003)
The greatest comedy of all time
17 March 2024
I have never seen a comedy so gritty and realistic. It is boring, embarrassing, painful to watch and sad. Like how an office should be, which is why the American version is so terrible.

The characters are so plain and boring, not goofy and crazy like in the American version. The writing is incredible, it's brutal, painful and is cringey, like what cringe comedy should be.

David Brent is the most unlikeable character but the funniest, he is sad and desperate for attention resorting to saying offensive things and upsetting everyone and at the most part unsufferable.

So to summarise, The Office is the most painful, hilarious, saddest, brilliantly written show in all of television.
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A childhood masterpiece
20 January 2024
Before I start this review I have to take you back years ago, when I got the dvd for this movie. I was ecstatic as I had read nearly every book. When I watched it I was really impressed. I had never seen such an amazing book to movie adaptation (until I saw Lord of the Rings).

The casting is impeccable and the acting is surprisingly amazing. The child actors did a great job at playing these characters.

I remember watching this movie so much when I was a kid and even know I watch it once every week or so just because I love it so much.

Horrid Henry The Movie deserves to be in a museum and preserved as it is a big part of my and many others' childhoods.
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Family Guy (1999– )
One of my favourite shows of all time
27 September 2023
This and South Park are shows that master dark comedy and satire.

It is very well written, the jokes are good and land (most of the time).

The voice actors in this show are incredible, the Griffin's voices are iconic and have their moments.

On the other hand, after season 13 it really fell apart, the episodes aren't nearly as funny and are basically the same, they barely make any Brian and Stewie episodes (which are the best episodes).

Unlike South Park, it doesn't get better with age, it isn't as culturally relevant (even when it shouldn't be) and feel boring and painfully unfunny.

Seasons 1-13: great Seasons 14-present: no, just no.
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Actually pretty good
25 September 2023
I am quite a big fan of AVGN and I really enjoyed this movie. It captures the charm of the series and captures the humour well.

The plot is a combination of an 80's sci-fi movie and a road trip movie, which really works based on the source material.

Most of the movie is obviously done with action figures and green screen which I think really adds to the charm and works well with the small budget of the movie.

It does drag on a bit too long, and there are too many plot twists but ignoring that, it is genuinely well written and well-acted movie that beats Smosh: The Movie, Not Cool, and Airplane Mode. It is a flawed but enjoyable movie.

Well done James!
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The worst Star Wars movie
16 August 2023
I was very disappointed with this movie. I knew it was going to be hard to make a Han Solo spinoff without Harrison Ford but I didn't expect it to be this awful.

The tone is completely different from Rogue One (a movie I actually liked) which wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't made in post-Disney Star Wars era.

Han Solo is fine but not as good as Harrison Ford, his personality isn't similar to the original trilogy (even though this is supposed to be set in the prequels).

Rogue One felt more Star Wars-y than this, it is a boring, generic, lacklustre that adds nothing to the Star Wars lore and just feels like a way to make more money.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
The greatest show of all time
7 July 2023
This show is perfect.

Bryan Cranston is perfect as Walter White: his character is on the verge between bad and good and is absolutely terrifying.

The cinematography is amazing, the script writing, the direction, the use of symbolism, the choice of music is perfect.

The storyline is fantastic, no plotlines are left unsolved and all the characters are important to the story in some way.

I can't think of anything bad about this show. It's just perfect.

This show is filled with secret details and hidden meanings, so every time you watch it you notice different details and the show doesn't go on for too long or too short.

Well done Vince!
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The greatest movie of all time
15 June 2023
This movie is perfect. I could end this review right now, but I'll continue.

The humour is almost identical to Bee Movie (which coincidentally one of my favourite movies) and Bill Murray's voice acting is sensational. It is surprisingly accurate the comics and the character of Garfield is spot on: he's a bit of a dick, he's very jealous and arrogant and is a lasagna loving, Monday hating, obese ginger cat. He's basically the same character.

The CGI is worse than Scooby-Doo (even though this came out 2 years later) and it looks like Garfield is either drunk or high during the whole movie.

To cut a long story short: pure perfection.
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Absolutely hilarious
9 March 2023
Killer Bean Forever may look like it was made in Blender in 5 minutes but how trashy it looks actually adds to the charm.

The jokes are funny and the action is on the level of Tom Cruise.

It isn't the first time we've seen Killer Bean, there was 2 shorts in 1996 and 2000, which are equally brilliant.

It is very original, and the visuals are impressive and is a great adult animated flick.

The movie is free on YouTube and is very rare to find, but if you get past trying to find it, it is worth the wait.

While it isn't Dreamworks or Pixar, it is truly the John Wick of animation.

Overall, an enjoyable movie.
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Bee Movie (2007)
Dreamworks' best movie
21 February 2023
Bee Movie is one of the movies which isn't going to delight everyone. The humour is immature and there is too much innuendos than it needs.

It is a comical, humorous look into the lives of bees, and the voice acting is excellent.

The real standout moment is Ken (Patrick Warbuton) he is one of the best characters in the movie and his other roles (eg. Kronk, Joe Swanson) utilise the same voice which is both practical and the monotonal sound of his voice is just hilarious.

The cameos in this movie are insane: there is a bee version of Larry King (actually voiced by Larry King) and Sting (also voiced by himself).

It's not the greatest animated movie ever but it definitely a must-watch and a classic.
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
best live action adaptation ever
11 February 2023
This movie should win the award for most underrated movie ever. It is an amazing adaptation of the classic cartoon and it's casting is perfect: Freddie Prinze Jr portrays Fred perfectly and Matthew Lillard is the best actor to play Shaggy (he really captures the stoner-ness and cartoonishness of the cartoon).

The real stand-out moment of this movie is the acting of Rowan Atkinson: he is just amazing.

The CGI of this movie is really good for the early 2000s, if The Matrix was 10 years before it's time this movie is probably 5 years before it's time.

In a flurry of what seems like 5 billion Scooby-Doo movies, this movie is a breath of fresh air and a movie definitely to watch.
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Huge improvement from it's predecessor
10 February 2023
Shrek Forever After isn't amazing, but it is a huge improvement from Shrek the Third: it has a memorable villain, a clever plot and bearable characters with a pretty good soundtrack.

Shrek Forever After is a breath of fresh air for the Shrek franchise, after Shrek and Shrek 2 remain cult movies, Shrek the Third is a cinematic disaster, this movie is a breath of fresh air for the Shrek franchise: bringing back originality and memorable characters.

This movie might have the cliché 'be careful what you wish for' moral but it plays it to it's advantages.

Like it's predecessors, it's a pop-culture volcano and definitely a movie to watch.
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Whiplash (2014)
Truly a cinematic masterpiece
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie can only be described as a cinematic masterpiece, it is a powerful spectacle of cinema which can only be compared to Spielberg's classics from the 90's.

The plot is perfectly constructed with NO plot holes, the acting is sensational and the cinematography is fantastic.

The on-screen relationship of Teller and Simmons is brilliant and deserved the awards it got.

The ending of this movie is epic (and not in the way you would expect).

Ending the movie off with an epic drum solo is the only way this movie could have ended. It really reflects the movie: a silent teen to an epic drummer.
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unfunny and disapointing
4 February 2023
Shrek 2 was one of the rare times a sequel is better than the original (eg. Home Alone 2, Toy Story 2, Gremlins II, Spiderman 2) but this is not as good as Shrek and also Shrek 2.

It is not very funny and when it is it is mostly unfunny fart jokes.

The villain in this movie (Charming) is forgettable and not as iconic and memorable as Farquaad and Fairy Godmother.

This movie has a boring plot with not much interesting or remotely funny moments.

Justin Timberlake is a joke and possibly the worst character in the Shrek franchise.

Overall, this movie is a joke: it's a boring mess of a movie!!
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
Jaws has got nothing on this!
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sharknado is an unexpected masterpeice.

The concept is insane and stupid (that only The Asylum could think of) which really sets the tone for the movie: insane and stupid.

The action is surprisingly good (Arnie has got nothing on Ian Zerling or whatever his name was) When Fin comes out of that that shark at the end is both awesome and very stupid at the same time.

The production value is surprisingly high (i mean it's the only movie The Asylum ever tried to make good) the gore is convincing and the acting is actually good (except for John Heard).

I would recommend this dumb movie to everyone.
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The Jeremy Kyle Show (2005–2020)
truly a British masterpeice
15 January 2023
Used to watch this with my nan on Sunday mornings, every time I watch this it brings back nostalgia.

Jeremy Kyle is a very memorable host and it is very funny what comes out of his mouth.

This will go down as a British classic and a show that should have NEVER have been axed

before you say Jeremy dosen't solve anything check Wikipedia. It helps a lot of people.

ITV, please pit this back on ITVhub (ItvX) because i don't want to spend tons of money on box sets of all 17 series.

I would highly recommend this pinnacle of British culture to everyone (British or American).

This show is too good to explain in words.
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Morbius (2022)
best movie of 2022
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this movie more than 100 times (actually 8) and it blows my mind every time, I even compared this to Eternals and it is 100 times better.

Jared Leto is great and the acting in general is awesome.

By far one of Jared Leto's best movies (there's not much competition).

The only thing I can fault is that Micheal Keaton's role was depleted to 2 end credits scenes and that all the links to the MCU has been digitally removed.

This is in my top 10 recommended movies to watch on a weekend.

It is dark and quite scary at times (there are 2 jumpscares around the movie).

The cgi is very good.
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