
8 Reviews
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God of War: Ghost of Sparta (2010 Video Game)
18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps this is the most appropriate game for the fantasy, battle, mythology and adventure genre that exists. Surpassing any of the unbearable (Tomb Raider) and even those of the franchise itself, including even the 2018 that to be honest was disappointing in every aspect of the genres mentioned above.

To be honest, this game, like the others in the saga, does not escape the cliché of immense brutality, a confusing HISTORY and an appealing script. However having an epic ending, beautiful effects (even on monsters) and an understandable family history.

This is the only GOW game in which you can play and still have those old sensations of experience in war fantasy that we liked to have in the Game Of Thrones series and in the books and films of The Hobbit and LOTR.
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God of War: Chains of Olympus (2008 Video Game)
18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the best game for the psp, and when it comes from the best gaming series of the ps2 its no wonder. Psp games are often overlooked and are thought to be a far cry from the ps2 games but this title is just as good as god of war 1 and 2. This game is a prequel to god of war 1 which is a good idea as e get to not only find out but play through what happened to kratos before god of war 1 starts. It stays true to the previous titles which is something that is very rare in psp spin offs of ps2 games. Its a fun and interesting game to play and belongs in everyones collections as do the previous 2 titles. The graphics are solid and for a psp game, the graphics sometimes amaze you, certainly an attractive game. In all my scores for this game are: gameplay: 10/10 graphics: 9/10 storyline:9/10.
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God of War: Ascension (2013 Video Game)
18 December 2022
Thoughts: Ahhh! God of War, the prime example of grand button mashing goodness, none will ever compare. The game is easily the second most graphic in the series, it wasn't shocking like GoW 3, but it is more detailed than the other four games. This game is really pointless, I don't care about whats happening or whats gonna happen, since I know how it all ends. This really is a game only die hard fans will thoroughly enjoy, everyone else could care less. But I'm not complaining, the more GoW, the more better.

The Game: The story is made up of present day situations and flashbacks, throughout the game I started to forget which was which. The opening level pits you in a prison built on top of a titan, that was a pretty cool idea, but you don't get to fight the titan, but instead another monster that offers little to no excitement. Lets just say none of the boss's I have played so far are worth any thought. Nothing will ever beat those awe inspiring boss's in GoW 3. Here's a little content advisory: The brunt of the nudity is in the first stage when you walk into a room with at least 5 nude women with over-sized you know whats, but it is just an illusion. Kills include slicing an enemies head vertically in great detail and tearing open a Cyclops's abdomen exposing organs and the rib cage. The rest is nothing you haven't seen before for experienced players. And then there is the over abundant force of bare cheated female enemies, even more so that previous games. I thought I'd put this here since no one has updated the actual content advisory.
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God of War II (2007 Video Game)
18 December 2022
God of War could be my favorite game of all-time. It had non-stop action, blood, gore, nudity, a sex-game, a great story, amazing graphics, neat puzzles.... I can go on and on about how great this game is. Well, the highly anticipated sequel has come out, and man oh man, this baby does not disappoint.

Kratos is getting a little power hungry and the higher-ups are not liking this one bit, especially the big man himself, Zeus. Zeus demands Kratos to stop his actions, but unfortunately for Zeus, Kratos is a little stubborn. Zeus then takes actions into his own hands and leaves Kratos fighting for his life. From this moment on the violence kicks into extremely high gear....scratch that, for the reason there was a epic boss battle just moments prior. Well what follows after Zeus and Kratos have this little showdown is one of the most beautiful, barbaric, action bloodfests I've ever played. Like what I said above, it's the same here, but improved upon. You got the blood, you got the boobs, you got the puzzles, you got the story, the graphics, the screaming, the bosses, the torture, the....whoa.

I really didn't find any drawbacks with this game. Some people complain about the ending, I thought it was absolutely fine, and was pretty much expected. If I were to complain about anything, I'd complain about there wasn't enough of the Hi-Res Cinematics...especially in the boob department. And that Titan Mode is ridiculously difficult. But that's just because I'm an impatient panzy who's broken around a half a dozen controllers.

God of War II is easily one of the best games on the PS2 or on any console. If you're looking for a great action game look no further. If you're into action games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Rygar or just a lover of great games like Shadow of the Colussus, Gears of War, Castlevanias....this game will definitely make you one happy little gamer. And if you enjoyed God of War, there is no reason why you shouldn't be playing this baby. 9.5 outta 10.
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God of War (2005 Video Game)
18 December 2022
God of war is an instant classic, its a visceral, exciting, intriguing adventure of a game that grips you in away that few games can .

Playing as kratos (one of the most bad ass game characters ever) god of war invites you to solve the brilliantly conceived puzzles and fight the truly awe inspiring monsters of a game that pushes the PS2 to its limits.

God of war excels in all areas -amazing graphics , a simple but brutally effective combat system, Great character designs, a beautifully haunting score and a storyline that you actually give a hoot about. The only problem (and i stress the word "only") is that it has bad replay value-to get all of the games extra goodies you have to complete the game AGAIN in a pretty darned impossible "god mode". Apart from that though, its all good.

God of war is one of my favourite games ever and if you haven't played it then i suggest you do . Now.
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God of War III (2010 Video Game)
18 December 2022
The latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine is in, and it's got the first review of God of War 3, giving Kratos' third outing a 9/10.

Is it better than the recent rip-off (but pretty bloody good) Dante's Inferno? Yes, says the review in issue 43 of OPM, and it even destroys the first two GoW games too.

"They fall a long way short of the series' long-awaited PS3 debut. Like, a really, really long way - this is on a scale PS3 has never known. It makes not only its predecessors seem small, but the competition too. Darksiders and even the very decent Dante's Inferno have nothing to compare with Kratos' almighty comeback," it reads.

So why a 9 and not a 10? "The game is inches from scoring 10/10, and it's only the familiarity of the core gameplay (standing on the shoulders of giants) that makes it feel less than the very, very best. But it's definitely the biggest, and if this is the finale (and the corpses littering the stage by the end of the game suggest it might be), then God Of War III gives PlayStation's toughest hero the send-off he deserves," says the review.
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God of War (2018 Video Game)
18 December 2022
A common term that has been bouncing around Game developers of late has been that single player games are dead and that multiplayer games are the way of the future due to their popularity. God of War came to blow that statement out of the water and it did just that. What I love most about this masterpiece is the people behind it. Within just the first hour of playing you can really tell that the incredible team at Sony Santa Monica poured their hearts into this game. Within a short period of time we are introduced to new and yet familar Kratos and his son Atreus. The combat feels fresh and as fluid as ever. But nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the feeling of throwing the Leviathan (Kratos Axe) for the first time only to recall it and feel a slight rumble in the controller as you catch it makes you feel like you are actually Kratos. The greatest part of this game is getting to watch and experience the relationship between Kratos and Atreus grow and evole into one of the most epic Father/Son stories told of all time. What blew my mind was that a game that has rougly a 20-25 hour story plus with an additional 10-15 hours of side content to tackle is that it is all done in one seemless shot. Thats right no breaks to cutscenes, no loading screens, nothing! Apart from when you die of coarse. I can honestly tell you there were times that I wasnt sure if I was supposed to controll Kratos or if it was a cutscene because they are both as one when it comes to God of War. Even as the end credits roll you are never taken away from the game. That's right it throws you right back into Midguard to finish any unfinished tasks you may need to complete. I have played every entry in the God of War series and I can honestly say this is their greatest one yet. From its gripping and appealing story, incredible scense of immersion to its fluid and addictive combat it is safe to say Sony Santa Monica has officially set the standard of single player games to a whole new level and has changed the way we play games forever. So thank you to everyone at Sony Santa Monica for this incredible experience and I look forward to seeing the next Chapter in the God of War series.
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The good
18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen the 1981 original version of Clash of the Titans. I wasn't originally planning on seeing this new updated version either. Going by the previews, this looked like nothing more than a CGI-fest...which is what it pretty much ended up being. To quote Sam Worthington from various interviews, it's basically him "in a skirt with a rubber sword, killing monsters". If you're expecting anything more than that, then yes, you will probably be disappointed.

Some of the cast manage to make the most of what they're given to work with. Having not seen Sam Worthington in anything prior to this film (except Terminator Salvation), I don't really have anything to compare his acting to. He was good in Terminator Salvation and he's good in this as well (despite the occasional slip-up of his accent). He serves his purpose as Perseus, playing the action hero well enough. His interaction with the humans who accompany him on his journey is probably the most entertaining part of the film. Mads Mikkelsen, who was a memorable villain in Casino Royale, actually gets to play a fairly decent good guy in this film (Draco). Sure, it's the role of the typical grumpy guy (who's reluctant to follow the "saviour" and is a bit of a bully) teaching the hero how to fight and who eventually comes around to respecting the hero and ending up on good terms with him...but Mads manages to make his role a bit more than a cardboard cutout, thankfully. The other men who accompany Perseus aren't too bad either (they do provide a bit of humour), but they're not given much character development at all. Actually, there's very little development for any of the characters.

As far as the gods are concerned, they're basically just a bunch of folk who stand around in Cloud City (I mean Olympus) and talk. Liam Neeson isn't given a whole lot to work with as Zeus (shining in his silver armour as brightly as Marlon Brando did in the original Superman movie wearing his tinfoil costume). Ralph Fiennes, while good, is kind of irritating with his raspy voice as Hades (though, thankfully, that goes away by the end). The rest of the gods have jack squat to do or say.

I really didn't like Jason Flemyng's satyr character. Alexa Davalos pretty much just plays the damsel in distress in the movie and leaves very little impression as Andromeda. Gemma Arterton (as Io), however, proves to be the most successful female character in the movie. As a sort of angel on Perseus's shoulder, she guides him, teaches him and actually proves *useful*. Her and Worthington work well together/have good chemistry and I enjoyed watching the two of them share scenes. I was happy with how they ended up in the film.

As for the FX, the previews basically give it all away (Clash of the CGI might have been more befitting a title for the film). Perseus fights giant scorpions, Perseus fights the Kraken and Perseus fights Medusa. As large-scale as the Kraken was, I personally enjoyed Medusa more. The fight with her proved to be the most interesting of the many fights in the film. I liked the 'look'/design for her and I also really enjoyed Pegasus, the flying horse.

I'll just come right out and say it: the movie has many a flaw. The story isn't great, the pace is off, the writing is slapdash and most of the dialogue is sketchy at best. While the movie does try to get across a message, it comes through in a somewhat haphazard sort of way. Having said that, if you go into this film not expecting much more than a Monster Mash of the Titans...then hopefully it should prove to be entertaining enough.

Crap of the Titans? Not quite. But at the same time, it's kind of forgettable. As Worthington describes it, it's a "popcorn flick". Take from that what you will.
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