
6 Reviews
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Walker Texas
30 April 2007
This movie is basically good because of Will Farrel. This movie has no real plot or anything in fact it's kind of ridiculous but will Farrell made the movie a great movie. In this movie it is full of comedy, never depressing never sad, even at times there should be a sad point, there is something funny occurring. I recommend this movie if you just want a smile on your face and be happy. It may not be as good as wedding crashers or dodgeball where you can see it a million times but its up there. Still i think they could of made this movie better by making a plot or some drama in it but Will Farrell and drama would just be "weird".
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28 April 2007
This movie i have seen five times and i currently just watched it. I cant help but watch this movie whenever it on. I love how it shows a good stripper against all odds working through her struggles to survive through all the obstacles. The movie also show true life of black woman and how violent they are but also shows how there are good sides to them that they actually do care but how it comes out late. Also Fenk Murphy is in it and whenever i see his goofy face i cant help but laugh. This movie is also funny because it has Jamie Foxx in it he always finds away to be funny in serious situations. The ending to this movie is perfect also make money don't let it make you
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8 Mile (2002)
8 miles
28 April 2007
This movie is a pretty good movie, its's full of everything you need to have in a movie. A plot, sex, violence,drugs a dilemma, dram comedy its all there. Eminem is perfect for this movie because its about is true life growing up. I find this a better than Hustle and Flow because you know who its a true story too. Also the movie is good cause the main actor Eminem is faced with so much obstacles its intense and when he succeeds it makes it more exciting. The only thing i didn't like about the movie is the love area of it, there really wasn't any of it just lust. I would of found it better if Eminem and Brittany Murphy got together at the end.
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300 (2006)
300 war
28 April 2007
This has become one of my favorite movies of all time. There is always battles in it and the music within the movie makes every scene so much better. It's a movie for those people that think they are the "bad@sses" of the world. The feeling i had when i got out of the movie was weird i was so pumped up like i was just rocking out to some slipknot. The only thing i didn't like about the movie is that they didn't win the war themselves with just the three hundred men but the ending they had was perfect, because he made the king bleed, and he said earlier in the movie by the end of this war i will show that even a god king can bleed.
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28 April 2007
This movie was a brilliant movie to create. Its basically a musical comedy that hits your laughing sensors to the extreme. In the movie the music that goes along with what jack black is doing and/or the other guy is so perfect and the music isn't even bad in fact it's really rhythmic.This is a build up for jack black from school of rock, thats because they realize he is real gifted in comedy and real gifted in singing. My favorite seen of the movie is the mushroom scene, just watching it you feel non sober. Also the ending of the movie opens the door for a sequel to come out, so i cant wait for it to come about. And another thing jack black is the best
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Menace 2 society
24 April 2007
This movie is by far one of my favorites. The acting in this movie is so perfect it almost as if its based on a true story. Although this film is similar to boys in the hood, it is yet a better film to me. Menace 2 society comes off as a funnier gangster film and boys in the hood is more serious. Some people also might be offend by this movie by it degrading black people, but it in fact was aimed to the black audience. Also the movie isn't just about violence and drugs, its also a story about survivng in the hood and there is indeed a plot. I recommend this movie for an older teen because it would show them the struggles going on that they don't even have to go through everyday, but not to a younger crowd cause it may portray violence into there heads
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