
8 Reviews
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"Entertaining down to the Core!"
14 April 2004
First of all, this is my first review to start up reviewing every movie I see from now on! Hopefully I'll stick to that statement- lol-

~Anyways~ I finally saw "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" on Dvd! -Never been a fan of anime or action films, but sometimes enjoy martial arts and sword fighting!- However, this movie was Wow! (So Surprising!) An action movie with a great and interesting story. That's rare! lol- The story Rocks! I was cheering for Uma! It's nail biting- edge of your seat action! Visually it's unbelievable- (The Blood gets a tad cheesy, though- and some scenes became overwhelming at times with so much commotion!) 'The House of Blue Leaves' scene is amazing! And Uma is the BomB! She deserved her Golden Globe Nomination!

The ending was jaw-dropping! I'm just glad I only have to wait 2 days to find out!- lol- A masterful achievement in cinema! Kudos to Tarantino! My Take On It: 7/10
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Serendipity (2001)
"My Favorite Movie Of All Time"
18 December 2002
How can I put this movie into words? Okay, well let me start out from the beginning. I loved happy, romantic comedies for a long time. A Family member and I were on vacation and happen to go see "A.I."-(Great Movie As Well)- I had already seen it, but what I hadn't seen the first time was the trailer of "Serendipity". When with my relative, the second time, I did! I told myself I had to see it.

2 Months or so went by and I am setting on my bed, eating dinner, and I almost, literally, drop my plate. There it was, on TV, "Serendipity" Sneak Preview- Saturday Night. So, a friend and I went to see the preview, and I loved it-(even though I missed a really good part, when I went to the bathroom- laugh) So, I sat there, watching an awesome cast tell this amazing story, of love, fate, & destiny. The first thing that popped in my head was "Christmas In Manhattan". First of all, I love Christmas movies, and this one hit the spot. Now, you're probably wondering what I'm talking about when saying "Christmas In Manhattan". Well, there is this CD, produced by David Huntsinger, called the exact same name. I got it back in 1997, for like $4 at Wal-Mart, the Christmas music on it was so excellent, and peaceful, that you felt you were actually in New York! So, since "Serendipity" is about "Christmas In Manhattan" I was thrilled, and it was a wonderful, elegent film. So good, that I still actually have my ticket from the sneak preview. It was Saturday, September 29, 2001, it was a night to remember.

I saw it once more on the big screen, then it finally came to video April 9, 2002. Sadly, I decided to save my money for other DVD's. Boy, did I make the wrong decision. So, 3 months ago I used a Wal-Mart gift card someone had gotton me, and bought "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" Soundtrack, and "Serendipity" DVD! Since then I have watched it over 22 times, not to mention all the times I already watched it, because right after it came out I kept on renting it! Now, I also own the soundtrack, which I can't stop listening too.

Wow, what a movie! A great cast, plot, and soundtrack. I can honestly say that "Serendipity" has got me through rouge times, and through life since it entered my life back in 2001! I always turn to it, and it always entertains me. The lovely music from such artists as Shawn Colvin, Louis Armstrong, Wood, and so many more make you cry tears of joy, and John Cusake & Kate Beckinsale along with the whole cast make you cheer for more! And little things like "Christmas In Manhattan" for me make it even better. Do not think for one minute doubting "Serendipity".

I Have entered it into my family as well. I've also got my 2 stepsisters, who are 4 & 8 years-old hooked on it as well. So as you can see it's a great movie for all ages! "Serendipity" will lead you to a poweful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum"- what we currently refer to as destiny!
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"Start Of A Great Career"
23 July 2002
This is Bob Saget's first movie to make. He made Home Movies with his sisters when he was little, but this movie got his entertaining career off to a good start. It was made at the University that Bob went to, & won an award at the school! I personally, have only seen clips of it. It's about Bob's nephew, and his struggles going through surgery. Adam didn't have good bone structure in his face, so he went through surgery. This short film made Bob go on to other more important things. Like playing Danny Tanner on the Hit comedy series "Full House". Or his most important role, as being the director of his sister's (Gay) tragic true story "For Hope"! Bob has come a long way and his doing great!- Good Going Bob!
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Unfaithful (2002)
"What I Expected- And Glad I Saw It"
18 May 2002
I Waited Almost 8 Months To See This Movie- When I First Saw The Preview, The Whole Thing Looked Right Up My Alley- I Thought That Diane Lane Did A Great Job- But More Than Anything, I Was Very Impressed With Richard Gere, It's Such An Odd Role For Him To Play- This Movie Is One That Will For Sure Not Make You Want To Have An Affair- Adrine Lyne- Is A Great Director- And He Made This Movie So Creatively- And Graphicly, That You Just Know That He Is One Of The Best Directors Of The Modern Age. This Movie Ended Very Well- I Didn't Know That It Might Be That Predictable- But It Was Still Great Acting- Great Story- & Great Directing! Even Though Some Scences Were Very Graphic- And Included Dialoge- You Get Passed That- And You're In For A Real Treat! Y'all Have To See This Movie- I Now Also Know That I Waited 8 Months To See Such A Good Movie- *10 Out Of *10!
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Snow Dogs (2002)
"Better Than I Thought"
5 January 2002
When I saw the preview of this movie-(On November 3, 2001)I knew it would be another Disney comedy that the company just threw together and it would be something like "Flubber"-(Robin Williams) and "Cool Runnings"-(John Candy). But, I was wrong, this movie was a work of art. Now the only problem I had with it was, it really wasn't that funny, I mean yeah there was some funny moments in it where I even chuckled but it's not one of those laugh-out-loud comedys that I like. What I'm talking about is a movie to where a laugh out loud till I cry and disturb the people in front of me, now that's what I call a comedy. Laugh-out-loud movies like "Rush Hour"-(Jackie Chan) or "Mouse Hunt"-(Nathan Lane) and "Bandits"-(Bruce Willis)- which I thought was the funniest movie ever made. Now this movie was nothing like a laugh-out-movie but there was two reasons why I loved it. The first was the dogs, right when you see them you fall in love with them, and second was the story. The story was great, I thought it would be guy falls in love with dream girl, and guy finishes first in the dog-sleding race, pretty pratictable you say, well it was nothing like that, the story is a great one which makes you want to know more about each character. If you want to see a great movie with a great story go see "Snow Dogs", but if you want to see a laugh-out-loud comedy then still go see this, but just know that there might have been a better comedy at the Box Office. 9/10 James Coburn did a great job as ThunderJack and this is one of Cuba Gooding Jr.'s best movies yet!
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"Should Have Been Nominated"
28 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert Well, this is a very good movie. I absolutely love movies that are based on true stories, like "A Beautiful Mind", or "Forever Love", but when I saw this movie I was very impressed and had a great big smile when I walked out of the theater. Drew Barrymore is a good actress, in some movies, I really didn't care for her role in "Charlie's Angles", but she did a very nice job in "Ever After"-(A Cinderella Story). When I saw the preview of "Riding in cars with boys"-(On August 10, 2001) I told myself I'll see it when it comes out, just to see if it's any good, because all the time people will say, "I Hated that movie" or "That movie was a disaster", when I hear that, I still go see them anyway, because we all have our different opinions. So, I went and saw it, and I adored it. Drew Barrymore did an awesome job, plus her co-star Steve Zahn- (Happy Texas, Joy Ride) did a superb job for the part he had to play. I'm a very emotional person, when it comes to "tier-jerking" movies, at the very end when Jason left Beverly, tiers started to role down my cheeks, what a scene! I also love movies that are based on books like, "The Princess Diaries", "K-PAX", or 'Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory", so this movie was right up my alley. Just having to watch what Beverly must've went through, those awful years with Ray, how she was pregnant at the age of fifteen, or the scene where her best friend Faye had to leave, all those rough times just makes you feel for the character. Their are lots of true stories out there in our world, on books, on movies, in Science or History text books, but if I had to spend money and go watch a two and a half hour movie about a true nobody. I would pick "Riding in cars with boys"- which is about Beverly Donofrio, a true Somebody, who was played beautifully by Drew Barrymore who should be nominated for an award, and so should the film.
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"Entertainment For All Ages"
26 December 2001
In the late 90's, on a Saturday night, I walked in to a videostore not knowing that I was going to rent a movie so magical. I walked around and picked up one movie, and of course I wanted another one. There was really no new releases I wanted to see so I ran right on over to the Family section where I looked quickly cause I needed to get out. After picking up several boxes I finally saw "The great land of small". The family members I was with were at the counter saying to hurry up. As I scamed over the box I knew I would enjoy it. Ya see, I'm a big "Drama" fan and "Musical" fan, but I'm a big "Fantasy" fan also. I rented it and went home to watch it. I abosolutly loved it. So I one of my relitives to get it for me for Christmas. On Christmas morning I opened it, I was really excited to see that I could share it with other people and their kids. See, when I see a movie, and I enjoyed it, I always try to recommend it to other people, and then if I get that certain special great movie, I don't have to recommend it, I can now share it. For example, Last year I had a little childrens group at my church, it was called "Fun Kids". We performed songs and learned musicals, and we would also throw a big party-(which almost always included a movie) once every two mounths. One night we were throwing a party to celebrate for 3 kids who that day gave their hearts to the lord. The movie we watched that night was "The great land of small". Kids ages 6-12 that night loved it, and I'm now glad we showed it that night because we had one of the biggest crowds we had ever had that night. I guess that kind of tells you how I spread the magic of "The Great Land of Small". You know it so hard to find a good Family movie these days that entertains the whole family, well if you ever watch "The Great land of small" you get full great family fun, from every member of the family. I mean who can resist Fritz, Mimmick, Jenny, David,Sarah, and even the rude Flannagan and all the other characters which make "The Great Land Of Small" Entertaining for all ages.
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Sweet Dreams (1985)
"The Best One Yet"
16 December 2001
For those of you that thought "Sweet Dreams" was a stupid movie, well that's fine, but not in my opinion. "Sweet Dreams" tells a story, one of the greatest stories imaginable, I mean yeah it's not no fairy tale, but the life of The Legendary Patsy Cline is a very warm-hearted story to tell. I just saw the movie on VH1 about 3 months ago, I was messing with some things around the house and could not watch a lot of it. But, then about a mounth later it came on CMT and I finally watch it in it's entirity. I loved it so much I ordered it on DVD. It's just very neat how are these stars like Roy Rogers, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Barbra Mandrell, and Patsy Cline can pave the way to stardom easy for new country stars like Martina Mcbride, Jo Dee Messina, and Kenny Chesney, and to make a movie like "Sweet Dreams" that tells a story about one of these people is very Sweet and I give an applause to Hollywood for making it. I also give "Sweet Dreams" two thumbs up, I mean I'm not no Roger Ebert, but, I know a good movie when I see one, and this one is to good not to miss. Jessica Lange gives a awesome performance of Patsy Cline, not to mention Ed Harris as her dim-witted husband Charlie Dick. With all the crap that Patsy has to put up with, like her car crash, or that she's pregnant, she stll makes it to stardom with her hit song "Crazy". Also, speaking of songs Jessica Lange did an awesome jod of lip-syncing them. Out of "Great Balls of Fire", "La Bamba", and, "Coal Miner's Daughter", "Sweet Dreams"- (Jessica Lange & Ed Harris)The Legendary Story OF Patsy Cline is, The Best one Yet.
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