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(Television) Reality
27 February 2021
Full disclosure. I watched one full episode and half a second before it was time for me to stop. I will try to finish the second one... but probably won't.

These type of "reality" shows perplex me. The first episode may perk your interest if it's unique, but after awhile it becomes " same thing, different story". Thus was my thought here.

Beyond that, like so many of these type of shows, the purpose is of course to show "Successes" and .... then move on. Of course success is great, but this is a bubble and I'm not so sure that the successes may be long lasting. Also, because it's so condensed, the reintroduction into the homes seems.... nothing. I would assume that, like the training, it would take time, not just the happy feel good we corrected the problems. Here's your dog, let's show what she/ he has learned... yah.... move on. As for the training, I'm not an expert, so... but would not the owner need more that a home visit to learn them?

Many shows of this nature do the same. Queer eye ( never shows/ talks about the backlash or those opposed to what they do, like one episode a teacher, many students stayed home that day rather than be shown to be so loving, or home shows like extreme makeover, never talk about the people whom loose the homes because they can't afford the property taxes etc) are two examples.

My point is, these shows are designed to showcase success, leave you with a warmed heart or a tear, but many are a bandage fix that festers again after the episodes air.

I may sound heartless, I'm not. I want success for all the outcomes, but let's maybe try to ground these shows in more reality... show follow ups, show the ones that don't work. That's life.... but that's not the reality most people want in these type of shows
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The Dig (2021)
Classically British take of history
12 February 2021
Set against the backdrop of the beginning of WW2, and personal stories of characters within, this is not the type of film for everyone. It's small, quiet, slow moving and without CGI etc, but quiet films like this are enjoyable (for me), especially on a rainy Sunday or being confined to ones home during a pandemic ( ha). Strong performances, and an interesting showcase of a piece of history that some will find interesting and others will pass on. If you enjoy this type of film, it's not one that should disappoint. It's not perfect, but it's perfectly enjoyable viewing.
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Palmer (2021)
Clichés galore... but still watchable
2 February 2021
With almost Every cliché imaginable in this type of film, with this type of content ( no Spoilers), it is still an okay watch, if not a must see.

Pretty cookie cutter characters falling I to their roles... man trying to redeem himself for his past transgressions, addicted mom, abusive boyfriend, caring teacher, helpful grandmother, tragic events, over understanding main characters, loveable child, it's really not challenging, but expected ( and not to hard to see where the story will go). The kid is not bad to watch, for his portrayal. It's one of those stories that "woke" people will like for its " progressive direction ( eyes roll), and others may see as an "agenda" film. Either way, it's not, as I said, groundbreaking, just more the idea that... the world will come around to embrace the boy ( no spoilers), eventually, even if at first they don't.

I guess if one must spend a lot of time confined to their home due to the present world situation, it's an okay escape of two hours that will pass quickly, as you can see what is coming next. So watch and feel good that the world is so embracing (not) and that there is hope for us all to accept (not).

Not the worst thing you will see, but probably not something you'll much remember in a day or so, but at least it's a break from superhero, action and teen flicks that streaming seems to be pumping out, showcasing so much of right now. Enjoy a break between the hours of those type of films on the streaming services.
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Dream Home Makeover (2020– )
Paid commercial?
7 January 2021
Does Netflix own part of this couples business? I only ask because it seems that this "makeover" show is more an advertisement for their (her) design company. Then we see them living their "normal lives " with the kids (not), and .... oh, yes, sometimes they design something, but don't worry, it doesn't stray too far in to design. It keeps pretty focused on their business and personal lives. What a strange show, and surprisingly boring. I mean truly boring. If your interested in watching these people's lives ( not sure why you would be, but hey, this is a world that has shows like storage wars about people who buy crap and you watch them unbox it, so...) then maybe be, but otherwise, my god. Netflix, you produce so much already, you don't need more filler. You already have enough of that.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Soapy dribble
25 December 2020
Like Gossip Girl meets Downton Abbey. Is that a good thing? Maybe for a few escapist trashy hours, but like gossip girl, the fun probably wears thin and it becomes a boring rehashed soapy plot that no sets and costumes can save after three or four episodes.
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Seen this tired plot a million times before
18 December 2020
Clicé, silly, eye rolling dialogue. I would be shocked if this makes it to a second series.

So many things are inconsistent and make little sense. PS. Pay phones cannot accept collect calls. Would parents really leave their child in a coma and go back home? It just goes on and on.

One of my.. I will watch when I can't sleep... Netflix offerings. Ten minutes of this and...zzzzzz
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Extraction (2020)
Cliché plot with a million holes
29 July 2020
*Some spoilers of the action of the movie....

Like watching a first person video game at times. Silly dialogue and two main characters that would have died from the amount of falls from buildings, hits by vehicles and so forth that they inflicted. Two hours of killing that was fast enough at times you forgot there was really no plausible plot. Thank goodness it was Netflix so I could go back and watch from where I noodles off in boredom ( which was at least three or four times). These are the type of movie that so much crap blows up and Is destroyed but we never see the general public die. But in real life, the number of casualties would be immense ....zzzzzzzz
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Darker than ever
16 April 2020
As I watched the third series of Ozark, and digested the final seconds of the last episode, I thought again as I have so many times over this series... " wow, this has gotten really dark". The hole which the family finds itself in continués to become deeper and more complicated as they struggle to survive in an ever complicated situation. I also thought this series was the strongest yet for the women characters..... they are definitely one group of dark, cold b......s! This is not a series for someone looking for that happy ending, or everything will be okay Optimism. But, if your interested in seeing the darker side of our psyche and existence, check it out. Looking forward to see where the fourth series takes the story.
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Restaurants on the Edge (2019–2020)
All visual, sparse content
13 March 2020
Skimming through episodes of this Netflix answer to Instagram stories ( which they ripped off from snapchat), I was left with a feeling of how superficial this show is. These "experts", (the cook is not even being an actual chef,) seem to understand the cultures and flavours of a mind-blowing number of cultures... better than those who live there. This show sort of sums up the superficially nature that social media has brought to the world. Punctuated by hip music and slow-mo camera shots each episode means well, but are overall boring and at the end of the day seem more an opportunity for the establishments featured to capitalise on the initial push this exposure can bring..on social media. but I question the authenticity of the menus. Reads more like a travel show that superficially highlights some of the culture of the area with the "makeovers" of the restaurants as a backdrop to further the careers (and egos) of the hosts.

I hope that the restaurants featured are successful, but I can't loose the feeling of sadness at the empty ness that this type of show brings to society.

As a side note, I know the area highlighted in the Hong Kong episode well and while Korean and Japanese millennials would love that place as an Instagram post, for local flavours their are many places that are not about a look... but the food
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6 Underground (2019)
Exactly what I expected.
16 December 2019
It's the type of film, that when it slows down and tries to have .... a story .... you sort of realise it's, well, shortcomings.

The first 20 minutes are typical gratuitous explosions and death for this type of film, but unlike most things like this that blow up everything and kill thousands ( you never see), this film at least shows you a lot of the bystanders deaths straight on.

Stylised violence is such a bore.

Another good Netflix film to put on when you can't sleep (low volume), and ten minutes later.... peaceful slumber. It's nice to switch up the film to fall asleep to since 90 percent of them Netflix makes are the comedy/teen type.

Netflix is very good at making that type of film, that is what the three is for.

That and the like-ability (all be it, the same as every film he is in ) of Reynolds. It wears thin, fast, but you can't help but like him... at least while your still awake.

In short, typical fare, good to put on, roll over and fall asleep to on a night you can't ... . enough said
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The I-Land (2019)
If you can't sleep, this will do the trick...
13 September 2019
Unoriginal, badly written, terrible acting, uninspiring. Even worse (but not entirely unlike) garbage like The 100 etc. I would be surprised if they made a series two. A definite miss for Netflix
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Touch Me Not (I) (2018)
Not for Everyone, but worth the time...if you want to work a bit .....
8 October 2018
Touch Me Not is (for me,) one of those types of films that grows on you after viewing it, be that good or bad. In my case it was a good thing. It's not a perfect film, there are parts (the over-use of white for one thing) that smacks a bit of pretentiousness (again to me), but this is a beautifully filmed movie, and the central character, I found interesting, and I wanted to journey with her as she lived out her quest to come to terms with demons from her past (I will say no more), and find peace within herself and move forward... her comment about being fifty and understanding her limited time of full health, and her need to live those dwindling totally healthy years, truly healthy (body and mind), really rang true. As a new director, I am interested to see where she can go next. In the year of #metoo and #timesup, it's win at Berlin could be construed as an homage to that, but I feel in many ways it did deserve its wins for showcasing these ideas in a very intelligent manner. There are moments in the film (the "therapists" sessions and one part of the sex club scene...again, no more as to spoil anything), that left me with mixed emotions, but I think it was my own thoughts, comfort levels and preferences that were influencing and projecting onto the scenes. It was these types of instances that drew me to like this film, for a movie that can make me question my ideas and perceptions is all right by me.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Polarising Adaptation of a beloved Classic
11 July 2018
When someone takes on such a classically beloved and nationally iconic (for Canadians of at least a certain age) peice such as Anne of Green Gables, polar opposite opinions are bound to pop up. Such was my feeling after reading many of the reviews here. Having read such reviews, I can see many of the points raised on both sides (for and against this version). After viewing the second season in an all night , typhoon holiday (in my part of the world), I found myself enjoying the second season even more than the first. As a person getting on in my years, I have (more often than when I was younger) found myself of the opinion "there is no need to mess with the original", but here, I generally appreciated the update, and found in some ways added even more depth to the ideas of the original.

I have read many people speaking about "agendas" of the new series, or unrealistic ideas of what people would accept during the Victorian era, and so on, and while I do see those points, I don't (personally) agree with these assessments. At its core, the original writing itself was probably "provocative" for its time, and I always saw the ideas as very impowering for women in many ways. As such, I feel the writers of this series honoured those ideas in forging the new rendition with issues that some may say are an agenda and more modern issues, not right for this story, but again, I think many of those ideas have always been around, and I have no problem with the writers adding most of the ideas they have (the Male school teacher twist I don't think was necessary or forwarded the story much....no spoilers, I say no more), as I think that it creates a whole new base of younger more open to wider ideas of today (as i see the Anne of the original was as well) viewers, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

I don't think the writers have painted a picture of total, wide acceptance of these numerous issues at all, but have created an idea of understanding from Anne, and those she surrounds herself with, whom, like in the original, was more open in her own thoughts. I applaud that.

In short, this new version is not the original, but I feel a well though out (mostly) balanced attempt to show how Anne would be in today's world, and in hers, which had all of the issues brought up in this series (especially the second series), that Anne would see in a more open-minded way.

To those whom feel Lucy Maud Montgomery would have hated this adaptation, I don't think I agree. Again, harping back to the time she wrote the original (over 100 years ago), and her creation of such a strong, empowered female character, I think that if she had wrote the same book in the world of today with its view of more publicly debated and exhibition of issues, I feel she would have probably written her character Anne and the storyline in many of the same ways the new adaptation has.

Is this version more drama? In some ways, yes. Does it debase a loved classic? In my opinion, no, and I for one look forward to series three... but perhaps tone down the drama and "happy/feel good" endings a bit. Tragedy is also a part of life.

As an endnot, the choice of "Ahead by a Century" as the opening credits song was also a well though out choice. Fits perfectly with the ideas I think the writers are trying to convey.
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