
23 Reviews
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The Cove (2009)
so we can't eat burgers while watching the film Australia
13 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
İ only gave 2 stars instead of 1 because of the undeniable efforts of the activists in this film.

Japan Government ignoring the fact that they are taking so much, it jeopardizes the ecological balance is one thing, crying for dolphins as they are being eaten is another.

There are some farmers trying to make a living here, they are not enemies of the activists. İn this film we see Richard O'Barry willingly saying how he wanted to physically beat a farmer. This is ridiculous.

The same thing happens in the cow farms or in the sheep farms. Go see a goat farm, people love goats, give names to them, call them with the names and the goats respond (so all mammals are intelligent at some level). And the season comes, people eat goats. İt is this simple.

Human kind must respect life. The activists plays an important role here being individuals that change the humanity in a good way. So why not start with the slaughters and massacres of the humans. İf there are some people out there to teach us respect life, they have to start with the human life. Thousands of humans are being murdered for no reason all around the world and no Oscar nominated documentaries about it!

The crew in this film should have given at least the half the effort they gave here, to make a film about human slaughter. Otherwise, this is a film about an old man crying for food, and two lovers diving in the middle of the night with tight swim suits.
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Cyborg Soldier (2008 Video)
a new carrier for the athlete
10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
He is not a cyborg. Nanotech is not cybernetic. He has no additional parts in his body.

Rich Franklin's acting is not bad at all. I wonder if this is the reason his performance in UFC is average now. Anyway he should take some acting lessons to be an action figure. But still his acting promises it. At least filming will save him from being beat up.

There is no problem in making a sportsman an actor. He will be better then Arnold and Dolph. We have seen them in screen more then some drama school graduated actors. This may be not fair. But movie cares for movie, if it works then there is no need to limit an athletes movie carrier.

A low budget film. Still good to watch.
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it is not the lack of evidence it is the lack of knowledge
5 October 2008
Films being a communication gadget are often being used as carrying ideas, hopes etc. Some (like in this family film) are just cut for its own audience. This does not make religion UNPROVABLE. İt mostly depends on how we define EVİDENCE.

We cant see someones mind but we know it by its effects. We cant hear someones generosity but we know it by its results.

And we should not depend on films bear the pure concept of science of religion.

Do we seek evidence and reality? They are uncountable.

Detectives believe and find the characteristics of someone, although they haven't seen him/her. Sometimes by just one look at the scene.

İn a show, we see a man disappearing a person, we cant explain but we know there is a mirror or light work hidden, because he cant do it by his own powers.

We see some money crawling on the floor, we know someone behind the corner pulling it with an unseen rope, because it cant crawl by its own.


The water in our body makes and does wise stuff like transporting chemicals, compassionate stuff like carrying food to cells, mighty stuff like being the most important substance to life and reproduction.

İt has to cooperate and deal with all other body organs and scientific rules do make these happen. But water is NOT wise, compassionate or mighty, it İS a dead material without any knowledge. İt doesn't know itself as water, we give it its name. So there must be someone hidden, who is compassionate, mighty and wise, to rule water.

To rule one substance, all others should be defined and ruled.

Because the water in a far planet in far space, will act just the same as the water in our glass.

Once in a time people believed there is the father Odin, the mother Frigg and their heroic son Thor. Today there is the father Physics, the mother Chemistry and their cute son Biology.

Now where were we, huh, this is a family movie to watch for fun without any further expectations.

With all my respects to all IMDb fans :)
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it will make people think
13 January 2008
Am ı being so sensitive in my comments about films which have Islamic issues. İf so, it only means the producers has hit the target, because there is no way they forget the Muslim's feelings for their films. They sure must making some searching and speaking for the people like me we are surprised and impressed. So there are people still cares for the world, for meaningless wars, there are people on this planet hoping the sorrows will end.

The film is about three journalists seeking a war criminal who has slaughtered Muslim's in Bosnia. Richard Gere is always Richard Gere calm acting for most times, no overacting, pure acting. Hollywood's rising star Terrence Howard does a good job, a supporting team mate, giving the film all he got (as he did in "The Brave One") The story is not boring. But i warn you the scenes after slaughter have been given so dramatic that you may not dare to watch it tears a Muslim's heart apart. Except those scenes you will sure enjoy it. And you will pause the DVD in the messages in the ending part.

Films mostly are not just for entertaining now. They are communication gadgets. And they are making nations come closer, share each other's senses, try to understand.

There is unfortunately some mistakes in Islamic way of living. Why do producers keep on doing mistakes at this point although they have good intentions. One of three of the world is Muslim we all watch your films as we feel close to them. İt is hard to understand.

İt is a fine film from a brilliant director.
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good to watch but consider the violence
6 January 2008
seeing kevin bacon as a bad guy and pervert in films was getting boring. he has a greater ability to perform the good guy also . ı was waiting to see a movie to expose his this side and this movie gives him a chance, and he plays it flawless. An almost stunning screen performance. kevin bacon fans will be satisfied with it.

the story is simple a gang kills a family guy's son, the law (as always) do not serve, so dad goes for himself. İt is not boring as charles bronson type of movies and not super natural as the daredevil, it is an ordinary, desperate hero that makes you believe the story.

there is a bad point in the film though. is it so right to let the audience think that there is only one way (a vigilant way) if the courts are not enough? a revenge action with strong family bounds (in either side both gangs and moral citizens) good to watch
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Stardust (2007)
a satisfying fairytale
4 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
the story and filmography is successful enough to loose yourself in the adventure

robert de niro and michelle pfeifer both steal the scenes they are in they act so convincing that the scenes they play seem like another movie in movie. robert de niro is always versatile and awesome. michelle pfeifer is the most suitable one to be the cute evil witch in family films.

the story is simple enouh to follow and complicated enough not to be boring.

there some goofs though such as;

this is a fantasy film so the lines spoken must be prevented not to be similar to the daily language,

in the scene the hero accidentally bumps the fallen star the star gets up says something like "a moron flying towards me" this moron word sentence looses the concept of the film

in the scene evil prince catches pirate captain dancing says "what the hell is this" this sentence is also a daily tongue and the concept is again gone

but i am just writing these to give some constructive opinion as a result the film is one of the in the year go watch and enjoy
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surprisingly good effects
4 January 2008
yes they have done an awesome work on these creatures i mean it they are nearly better then the jurassic park ones there exists no reason to call either visual or sound effects lausy


oh my rab has not anyone warned the director about what he is directing at least he could pay attention to the storyline, this is me talking who had watched titanic and survived, but this story is dumper then titanic's.

i am not a native English speaker and i honestly do not want to be rude but i got no other word to describe the story in my knowladge. and the acting, i am sure the word "crap" has the dictionary meaning of this kind of acting.

if possible, you should see the effects but not watch the movie (what the hell this last sentence means) allah forgive me ı use the word hell regardessly but the movie is that confusing :)
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Step Up (2006)
hey does he really perform the last dance !
4 January 2008
we are not so familiar with these kind of performing arts but it is mind blowing to see people doing incredible figures with their bodies to expose some musical sentences that we cannot understand well basically the film about a teen ager who is trying to find a right way to live and stop spending his time endlessly in streets having pointless fun here and there. a very good and useful idea for western teens to rescue themselves from being lost. but the aims given to western youth, are always not satisfying enough. so they will have these kind of emptiness forever. at least some one should tell them about the eternal life and its preparations.

what a pity young people searching some values worthy enough to spend their life for and can not find.

allah help these talented people to have answers. the boy in the film and his best friend give a very kind sample of true friendship and searching the truth. AND HE REALLY CAN DO SOME İNCREDİBLE FİGURES.

overall a very good family film to watch having some scenes that forces you think about western youth.
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The Game Plan (2007)
cute and hope giving
4 January 2008
it is really cute to see Americans do films about family and friendship although they seem to be the most violent nation on the planet thank allah we have the world of movies that give hope to all it is still possible we can be friends

the film is about a successful American football player who does not know he has an 8 years old daughter until one day she suddenly appears at the doorway the rock is a pankratio performer (americans call it "american wrestling") but he sure can act in this sweet family comedy as well as he can in action films.

as ı said seeing these films like different nations together in a team ( especially one of them named jamal ) is hope giving and this really is a very good warming film you can watch in an Sunday afternoon with your family

by the way it has no immoral scenes

my pray to allah Hollywood make these kind of films that warm hearts
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Hairspray (2007)
May seem a little awkward to us
13 November 2007
Yes, films and art has no limits. But John Travolta as a woman !

Oh my Rab ! what a surprise to eyes, how weird to mind. Who had ever thought such a brilliant idea ! I think most of the audience is watching the film because it has been told that he is playing such a role. And he is amazing as always.

Film is about understanding each other, tolerating differences, friendship. Gives good messages and most of all has no disturbing immoral scenes. By the way Michelle Pfeifer act a very impressive villain and she rules.

So film is also about how bad the racial divide between black and white people is, And it is very hopeful to see someone who is in favor of it,is defined as the villain. A very entertaining movie with high messages to watch with your family.
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Disturbia (2007)
a great Sunday morning movie
11 November 2007
The breakfast is ready, ı am home, a beautiful rainy day (this is not sarcastic, as far as ı know western people think rainy days are bad) and ı just watched this movie, AND had really great time. Shia is a talented actor. A near-flawless storyline, interesting events following each other, more of these the acting is truly convincing.

Characterisation of a good buddy is well played by such an unknown name.

Honestly ı did not expect this much but the moment the film ended, ı sat before computer and writing my commentment. A pleasant time with your family is offered in this film.

There is only one bad thing about the issue is, spying on a girl by two buddies. This is given as a funny scene but it is extremely Wrong. Teen agers should not be encoureged with these immoral acts. Although these kind of behaivours are mostly seen in western world Allah will give them more moral lessons from the good books ı believe.

Now go get the film from the nearest store and have a good afternoon.
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About a Boy (2002)
a hugh grant film
10 November 2007
Good thing about Hugh Grant films is that they will never get old. There is always something worths seeing.

He can act the character so well that it is nearly impossible to say if this is his life or acting.

But and a very big but, the characters he plays are often so close in manners so the movies he act as the leading actor are becoming a little predictable.

We will always time by time need these kind of movies and that all harmless good guy struggle gently for something good to happen. Thanks Allah unlike some other Hollywood romantic actors his films do not contain much nudity.
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Out Cold (2001)
pretty entertaining
10 November 2007
Very cool snowboard scenes, cute harmless jokes, easy to follow script, friendship, lots of things you want to see in a Sunday morning.

These guys are really sympathetic and their always smiling faces give the film a deep peace.

Besides there are some disturbing scenes a semi-nude woman takes the film out of family. İf you are going watch it with your family be watch out for this. And honestly what is the secret about homosexuality that often appears on screen. İs there a rule about that, something like homosexual rights. İn this movie the best friend of the snowboarding guys is gay. Where did that come from? I think western people finds something funny or humorous in this homosexuality that we can not understand.

Overall an entertaining film for breakfast tea.
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another marriage comedy but still worth a look
21 October 2007
Happy endings always work. in a film or in an animation or in a story. This film also have a happy ending in the END. But the priest giving a pre-marriage course is a bit long for the aim of the movie. The incident and tests could have been a little more entertaining. Robin Williams has given lots to the scenes. And the Bride could have been more dependable. it is always fun to watch these kind of scripts.

I personally had fun.

The message of "think wise, get marry, don't even see divorce as an option, give effort on your family" should be given to the western world as they have lots of divorced families. I pray Allah give them hope and patience. A good and entertaining film. Without disturbing sex scenes.
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much more than expected
20 October 2007
Jack Black İS a truly talented actor and a MUSİCİAN. He really performed the songs as a rock star. and better than some rock stars ı know. I know Jack Black from lots of films but this surprised me. A very low budget and a very high performance levels the film higher than most expensive films.

İt would be nearly flawless if he had not used "f" word that much (although it is a part of heavy metal cult) and not have shot the "laser disabling scene" using some disgracefull effects.

The innocence of a brilliant artist is kept and preserved successfully all along the film. Allah has given him an ability to expose his thoughts. So he should make more films about friendship.
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Transformers (2007)
a must go see one
20 October 2007
The visual effects, the sound design the humor were all undoubtly amazing.

Shia Lebeouf acted great. Not all actors act great. They seem great just because the role given fits their original personality but Shia Lebouf ACTS great and convincing enough (both humor and action).

Jush Duhamel fits the concept.Even Tom Cruise may not fit the movie this much. İt can easily be understood that he has given everything he has got to this film.

Micheal Bay is always a super talented director but there are some leaks in his flawless carrier in Transfomers as the music in some scenes could have been better, and the actresses he has chosen (if he choosed them) could have been better. I mean Megan Fox is not hot. Thin body and mini-skirt doesn't mean hot. İt's the carefully measured movements that makes the leading actress seem hot. And Rachael Taylor cannot pronounce English in British accent although she over acts it.

These are (not criticising a well rounded director as Michael Bay) just some humble and friendly wishes. May Allah give him opportunities to make better and more moral films. This is probably the best fantasy film of the year.
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great but not great as the first one
20 October 2007
When ı heard miss Kuriyama has won the MTV award a few years ago ı was so happy because she has some Allah given talent. But the award was surprisingly categorised "the best fight". Honestly there are better fights in films. Yes she is an awesome fighter but her character role playing is better then her fighting. She is nearly the number one evil girl character to me.

And miss Ueto had given a stunning performance in the first film displaying a strong hearted young woman. But somehow in this film she is weaker (ı mean Azumi) fight scenes are less convincing.

Overall this is a successful Japanese film to watch with family. The best of it is "love" is given without sex scenes. That makes the audience spectrum larger.
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right cast for the wrong concept
9 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
there are a few jokes about gay people being unnecessarily told in daily life between friends but they are neither meant to be taken seriously to make a film nor to have commandments about them. there is no need to prove that homosexuality is a pervert addiction. everyone knows it already. even the western countries which have no high morality lessons of faith exactly know that. even the confused intellectual people of darwinism know that there is something unnatural.

if this film has a message and if we look on the bright side it would be "gay people are not to be hated but to be rehabed" . but honestly there really were no reason needed for brother Adam and Kevin to act in such a film. these two are great actor of our time. this film İS İNDEED A GOOD film. but the concept of homosexuality is unacceptable. it would be a GREAT FİLM without the pervert concept. it has Buscemi and Legendary Chamberlain in it. it is such a pity and waste of all that good performance and energy.

may Allah's mercy be upon them to give them some wisdom to judge what is right to do. and come to their senses. there must be some things that cannot be performed when you expose your principles of your character as an actor. may Allah's forgiveness be upon them.
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Dororo (2007)
will keep you on seat
30 September 2007
although its effects are not satisfying, the scenario is well written and the actors (and actresses)are all (even the ones at the background)playing with everything they have in the movie. So this make the film going without loosing anything of its interesting tale and making the audience kept on their seats.

When we thing there are lots of movies with expensive effects but really have nothing to watch and extremely boring, maashallah dororo having cheaper effects has done no damage in the entertainment.

I congratulate all players especially the leading actor and the actress.

Waiting for next episodes.
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great actors but a disappointing film
28 September 2007
ı was hungry for vampire films since it really has been a while they don't do these kind. When ı heard the cast including sister Lucy and bro Micheal, i thought it would be a must go see movie.

Saw it. Truly ı am a type who loves Van Helsing kind not İnterwiev with a vampire kind. So it is obvious i didn't like it. BUT they at least could make a crime or thriller film.

This is not one or another ı can't find a genre, and couldn't decide what ı'm watching. ALL cast, really all of them did a great job but yet it is not a good movie. So this proves that it is possible for a film to have a great cast and still be a disappointment. Having no vampire teeth, no vampire scenario, no effects, it doesn't define a paranormal creature (vampire), it more like defines some pervert sex addicts that we try to keep our society away from, ask help from Allah.
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Knocked Up (2007)
an excellent comedy but could be less adult (!)
29 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
when ı have seen this movie holding on being one of the "tops at the box office" ı off course decided to watch. And found it truly funny. İ mean truly. I sometimes couldn't help my loud laughter as the sudden unexpected fun scenes caught me. Although the "becoming pregnant event" may appear to be a little unrealistic it doesn't spoils the movie because this is a movie! when an surprisingly dramatic event comes to real let's see what happens to the heroes of that event. And the story, the acting, the reality of character's actions, are Successfully designed and filmed. Turns out to be the most funny movie lately, still preventing its sentimental moments. Mr. Judd has made the characters easy to know and predict so professionally that you think you know them for years.

BUT AND I MEAN BUT. What is the secret rule about "lowering the dignity of woman body by showing it immorally acting or dressed" in Hollywood films. İ felt i missed the quarter of the film by fast forwarding. Thank Allah there were no kids nearby.

This may be the best comedy-family movie of the year without some immoral scenes in it. And yet İT STİLL İS THE BEST FUNNY FİLM i've seen in this season. Mr. Judd is capable of filming the disappointment and hope of that scenes without coming close to immorality. We would not miss the feelings going on but would and should miss the "actions in bed"

All in all this is a go see film with its concept telling the importance of family and showing father of Ben in always supporting role.
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Mr. Paul and Mr. Matt has done it. Congratulations.
26 August 2007
I can't give ten stars to films for a reason. Maybe ı'm still keeping it for something unbelievable. BUT this one kept me stunned looking IMDb charts. They have done it. It is amazing. İt can be seem very rear in films come in series. It is nearly a rule that can not be broken saying ; "İf You are making films in following order, you are NOT able to make them get better" they couldn't make it in Rambo films, the first was the best and got worse, they couldn't make it in Rocky, in Princess diaries, High School Musical even in Godfather etc.

Knowing and keeping this in mind ı sat before screen thinking "this is the third one. yeah ı know the second was exceptionally better, but how can this do the same. it possibly is the hardest work for a director keeping it at accelerating speed. Even if brother Matt had done his best it will be nearly impossible for Mr.Paul."

The film started and OH MY RAB, THEY REALLY HAVE DONE İT!

Brother Matt is versatile as always. The chasing scenes are so well designed that the audience don't get disoriented as in most films. İt is not just some cool looking guys running this place to that, İT REALLY İS A CHACE. And the shaky camera is not used for hiding the close-fight faults of the leading actor, but making the audience leak in the scene. The background intelligence of the command center stuff was intelligent. İt is a real spy film and far away from old unrealistic nonsense James Bond fantasy comic thing.
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what happened to Shrek's skills ? Snow White rules !
6 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was really nothing ı expected of. The first two were outstanding, entertaining, full of action surprises that are satisfying as this is not a drama animation. But this last one. I mean what happened to friend Shrek ? He knows how to fight. He is not like friend Obelix who uses brutal power to defeat bad guys. He can fight with his own skills in American Wrestling (as Americans say) or Pankratio (as we say) better than Sting, Rock etc.. And no friendly arguments with The Donkey, they more likely support each other in another calm grown up way.

Both Donkey and Puss are pushed unnecessarily to one corner and; Arthur and Prince Charming are the ones leading the supporting act. Kinda disappointing though.

But to give the Sezar, Sezar's due, Snow White is beautifully characterized in sense of realization. She really keeps the movie going when the story chokes up and does A GREAT PERFORMANCE in the scene she defeats Living Tree Gate Guards. Takes the song from older Disney shots and successfully transforms it to rock sound of our time. Congratulations to the writers.

All in all the movie gives the hidden message of being the last of the series, as it tries to make the characters settle down in one home, which we usually see in movies, trying to cure the lack of family sense in the west world.
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