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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Watch Z Nation or The Walking Dead instead
20 July 2021
This series is highly generic and does not make you care for the characters in any way. If you want serious series about the zombie apocalypse, try the Walking Dead series' or if you want something that doesn't take itself too seriously, Z Nation is the go.
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Deltora Quest (2007–2010)
Terrible version of the classic books
11 July 2011
I have to say first of all that I am NOT a fan of anime in any form. That being said, Deltora Quest is one of my favourite book series. When I heard that there was finally going to be a TV adaptation made, I had to watch it, even though it was anime.

While this series may be fairly true to the books in content, they are made in the typical anime style of OTT voices and cruddy sound effects. And don't get me started on the animation style. Fans of both anime and Deltora Quest will like this series, but fans of only DQ may find it a bit lacking in quality.

The only reason Jennifer Rowe sold the rights to OLM is because they were the only ones who assured her that they would not change the content in the series, however if they made the series like "Legend of the Seeker" (I mean production value-wise) it would be much better.

For my views on how it should be done, check here:
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Stormbreaker (2006)
Great movie, worthy adaptation
20 May 2010
This film is action-packed and humorous from the beginning, with great one-liners and perfect facial expressions.

As far as acting goes, Bill Nighy is perfectly cast as Alan Blunt, Alex Pettyfer is right for Alex Rider, and Stephen Fry is hilarious as Smithers (he should have had a bigger role though). Andy Serkis has just the right face for Mr Grin, and Mickey Rourke is an interesting choice for Herod (now Darrius) Sayle.

Unlike what the naysayers think, this movie is well worth seeing, and was adapted for the screen by the original novel author Anthony Horowitz. I feel it is a worthy adaptation of the book, and hope they make more of the Alex Rider films.
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
"Children of Earth" is the best yet!
31 July 2009
When I first watched Torchwood, I thought it was pretty good, not the best show I'd watched, but by no means the worst. Then I watched Season 2 and thought it was terrific. The story lines and execution were brilliant. In particular the characters of Captain John Hart (brilliantly portrayed by James Marsters) and Gray (played by Lachlan Nieboer) were masterpieces. When Season 3 "Children of Earth" came out on DVD, I immediately bought it, thinking that it would probably be either as good as Season 1, or as good as Season 2, but no better. Boy, was I wrong! After the first half-hour, I was hooked. They had left out the strong language and had shoved even more action into the show than had been in it previously. After all five episodes, I was left asking "Is that it?" I wanted more. That's how good it was! Bring on Season 4!!!
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Get Smart (1995)
Terrific show, but not quite as good as the original
8 January 2009
As a "Get Smart" fan from my childhood (watching repeats on TV), when I bought a copy of this series, I had high expectations. The old 1965 series had a great mix of slapstick humour in it, with only extremely mild sexual references every now and then. "Get Smart Again" was similar. This newer 1995 series has got quite a few sexual references (still mild) as part of the humour. The humour is still slapstick, which is great, especially as a lot of it still involves the now Chief Maxwell Smart, and his receptionist Trudy. Max and 99 don't appear near as frequently in this series, which detracts from it's appeal a bit, but Andy Dick does a great job as Max and 99's son Zach. One thing I don't understand is why Zach's sister did not appear in the series at all. All in all, a great series, not quite worth 10/10, but well worth 8/10.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
This show is both "Fantastic" and "Brilliant"
4 November 2008
My first experiences of Doctor Who, was reading some of the books based on the classic episodes, due to my mother's influence.

When I heard that the classic series was going to be repeated on Australia's ABC station, I was really excited. I watched as many of them as I could, loving the stories and acting, and wishing that the special effects could be a little better.

Then I heard about the TV movie, and that was brilliant.

After that, the 2005 revival, which I tuned in for, with great expectations. Not only did the show meet expectations, it surpassed them! I was a little unsure of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor at first, but over the series, he really grew on me. Billie Piper was terrific as Rose Tyler, and so were Camille Codurie as Jackie Tyler, and Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith.

The second series came, with a new doctor, and again I was a little unsure, but by the start of series three, David Tennant had become my favourite Doctor of all ten.

Series three had Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones to fill the gap left by Rose, and I thought that Martha was a brilliant companion for the Doctor, providing a very down-to-earth attitude. The return of the Master (Derek Jacobi/John Simm) was a great thing for the series and made the series final three-parter just that much better.

Series four saw the return of Donna Noble (portrayed by Catherine Tate from "The Runaway Bride") who was a very strong-willed character. My favourite secondary character in this series was Donna's grandfather Wilfred Mott (portrayed by Bernard Cribbins), who was just a fantastic character.

All in all, I can't wait for the "The Next Doctor" and the series of four specials over 2009. I just hope that the new Doctor starting in series five will be a worthy replacement for David Tennant.

As many thumbs up as I can to the BBC, and Russell T. Davies for this Fantastically Brilliant revival of a cult classic!!
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Sea Patrol (2007–2011)
The best Aussie TV show in a long time
6 April 2008
In 2007, "Sea Patrol" blasted onto the Channel Nine program. At first I thought that it would definitely not be my thing, and was expecting a boring piece of junk. I was really pleasantly surprised.

This program has everything you could possibly want: action, drama, romance (if you're into that sort of thing), great writing, and more! It also has a stellar cast including: Lisa McCune, Ian Stenlake, Saskia Burmeister, and Kristian Schmid (of Tomorrow People: New Generation fame).

If you are looking for Australian drama of exceptional quality, look no further than "Sea Patrol," "Sea Patrol II: The Coup" and "Sea Patrol III: Red Gold."
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Monster Warriors (2006–2007)
Terrific Show!!!
28 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This show is awesomely funny! It is such a massive spoof of '50s B-grade monster movies that it makes it hilarious. Klaus von Steinhauer is a stereotypical monster movie creator, complete with fake German accent. The jokes it contains are weak at times, but that all runs in the vein of the show. The characters are such silly characters, which make it even more fun to watch.

If I could find a copy of the show on DVD, I would buy it because it is so funny that I would watch it over and over again! I would recommend this show to anyone who likes the spoof genre.

Altogether, a great show, one kids of all ages should enjoy.
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