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Poor script, decent adjusted story and visually stunning.
3 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is a solid 6.5, so I'll round it up to 7, I believe most of the harsh critics come from the angle of being worried about rating it favourably due to the manufactured outrage (more on this to be addressed later under the spoiler section).

The movie is visually stunning, with many iconic scenes and technologies being portrayed almost scene for scene without being a direct copy due to the story adjustment, if you are a fan of anything Cyberpunk, this is pretty much the closest thing to looking like Neuromancer's world on a big screen with today's effects. The main critique I'd have would be for its less than subtle script, the dialogues are at times cringe worthy, and at other times redundant, where the writers felt the need to spell things out directly to the audience when everything is obvious from context.

That said, I enjoyed it thoroughly, it was well paced with amazing visual effects, locations and props. The casting was better than I'd expected, the story was decent, and I would fight the urge to let professional critics sway us from seeing this movie over some melodrama.


As an East Asian living in the West, my main initial skepticism of the Scarlett Johansson casting upon viewing the trailers wasn't the fact that she is white, the same way I didn't worry about Attack on Titan sucking because everyone was yellow, but instead it was the impression that she may have shown too much femininity / emotion in the trailer clips, something Motoko was anything but, she is also growing as a female action star with her success in the Avenger series and Lucy, leading me to worry that this would become a mindless action movie.

The result however, had proved I'd worry too much, while not as philosophical on existential topics as the 1995 movie, it certainly was not dumbed down to a pure mindless action flick, the story adjustment and the "origin stories" are also welcomed in my opinion especially for the masses who may not have seen the original, whether if it's how she became the first fully integrated brain in an android cyborg, or Batou's eyes. The race change was clearly acknowledged in the story, and in my opinion, necessary, to enforce the story that her identity was forcibly taken away from her and erased. Whether she had been put inside a white body, or a black body, the change in race actually is more impactful than if it were the same race, remember how thought provoking it was when Motoko got put in the body of a little girl in the 1995 movie, or when she basically didn't need a physical body anymore?

I walked out of the cinema having seen it with 5 Asian friends, some from Hong Kong who welcomed the portrayal of their city in this ultra cyberpunk world, some from Japan who thought Scarlett Johannson did a good job, none of us were offended to the slightest, I wish people would stop using minorities as a means to make a living by either being professionally outraged on behalf of us, or purposefully inflame an issue, when there is nothing to be outraged about.
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1984 (1956)
"This is a story of the future, not the future of space ships"
8 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
*Also contains minor spoilers from the 84 version of 1984.*


A sentence that stays on your screen for over 10 seconds as the film opens, just to ensure you get the idea that this is the future that could be near, in case you've missed the film's title 1984.

How could someone who's actually read the book think this is in anyway truthful to the it..? Visually, the Ministry of Truth looks like something off Star Trek, the canteen was ridiculous, seriously? Food tray coming out of a hole? "the girl with black hair" apparently was blonde, Winston is 40 pounds too heavy, and their strange overalls are so seldom shot in full length, I was under the impression that Winston was wearing a sports jacket most of the time.

The psychological aspect of the book was never shown through this film, Winston's fear of rats were explained so briefly that it was hideous, "Rat! A rat! it's the one thing I really hate" screams Winston after throwing the coral dome at the rat in the film. It's a phobia, you don't get up and throw things at it like anyone else would, in the book he went into shock, simply from the knowledge of one being near, started sweating and shivering. The sense of oppression and the idea that anyone could be watching was portrayed by a annoying short girl playing a member of the Junior Spies buzzing around Winston the whole time, a character that did not exist in the book. It's details like that which shows whoever made the film thought its audiences are too dumb to understand anything unless it's screamed at their faces.

I felt patronised throughout the film, and worst of all, the line at the end by the narrator "This is the story of the future, it could be the story of our children if we fail to preserve their heritage of freedom", I assume everyone who's written the reviews of this film wrote it when internet had been invented? Or when IMDb has been established? Maybe this film was relevant in the 50s, but viewing it now? It's a blatant piece of propaganda that grants very little credit as an adaptation to a great book. It's taken everything that's intellectual from the book, filtered it so that the only message left is "this is what's going to happen if the Russians win", they should really have played God Save the Queen through the credits.

Like someone else has pointed out, this is your overly patriotic grandpa's version of 1984, not Orwell's.
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Repo Men (2010)
Could have been great
1 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the first film that's irritated me in its opening seconds, Jude Law's monologue about the Schrödinger's cat was completely wrong, while you can argue that he's a meat head British veteran that somehow fought for as an USMC therefore couldn't understand a physicist's thought experiment, he was quoting something that he read, the only reason why the writers decided to rephrase the thought experiment is that they think we are too thick to understand it, which immediately annoyed me.

The people behind the film seemed to struggle to decide what type of film it was suppose to be, at times the dialogues are extremely silly, what's with the freeze-frame and monologue just before a "funny" moment? I'm not watching a Guy Richie film. The relationships between all the characters are very weak, Remy and Jake are meant to be childhood best friends, yet Jake never once showed intentions of helping Remy pay the bills after the accident. Yet after he went through all the trouble of smashing him up, he decides to pay for all his expanses including the fancy Minority Report halo, why not pay for his heart in the first place?

Remy's wife has also shown absolutely no sympathy towards neither the accident nor how she actually felt about his profession, if you married an assassin knowing that he is one, why try to change his profession that keeps food on your table? It's fine to say that the guilt slowly eats up at her, but at least show the build up?

As for Beth, at least make an effort to show development of the love between her and Remy? He had gone through all the trouble to save her from the slum to clear her records because why? He saw her sing at a restaurant? Come on now.

As for visuals, I have absolutely no problems with violence in films, or even the glorification of it, for the record I bloody loved 300, because they made it clear from the start, "everything you are about to see is for nothing but your visual pleasure, we do not care about story nor history, now sit back and enjoy". However in this case, like the rest of the film, they simply couldn't decide why they've included the violence, make up your mind! While it makes perfect sense to make sure the repo scenes are as gory and as "real" as it gets to highlight the brutality of the business, there's no reason why we need to see slow motion blood splattering knife fights (Old boy?) of the last pink door scene other than to please the audiences who came into the cinema expecting Gamer or Ultraviolet. The blade-runner-esque city was impressive while they showed the overhead view, but the second they zoom back in, I've completely forgotten about that future city, it doesn't seem to be filmed in context of the CGI'ed city.

The 'It was all a dream' ending didn't even bother me, because by the time I've watched to the end, I honestly couldn't care anymore about any of the characters anymore.

The film has all the ingredients to become a dark, complex film, if done properly with a little re-writing of the story I'd even go as far as to say that this could have been the closest live action version of Battle Angel Alita, however the end product turns out to be a half baked weak attempt to tackle a few serious ideas, to a down right silly action film. As for those who'd like us to judge this for what it is, well, how do I do that? I don't know what this is suppose to be! If you are expecting a mindless action film set in the near future? This isn't it. If you are expecting a cyberpunk film that deals with organ trafficking, this isn't it neither. The movie is worth a watch only if you are very bored, expect some occasional decent action scenes, frustrating moments, lots of plot holes, weak characters, cringe worthy dialogues, and an ending that makes you say to yourself "come on, I stopped watching Shyamalan's stuff to avoid exactly this.".
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Scrubs: Our Drunk Friend (2009)
Season 9, Episode 2
It hasn't ruined Scrubs for me
6 December 2009
No, it hasn't ruined scrubs for me because as far as I'm concerned it was over in the season 8 finale. After finding out that Zach Braff will only be in 6 episodes, it's pretty much for certain that I won't be watching after he's gone. The fantasy scenes are even more forced than the bad ones we've seen in season 6, and some of the jokes are downright stupid to a point where I'm laughing during the joke, but at the writers, not the joke. Cheap jokes fills both of the first two episodes, since when was Turk a racist, there were moments before where he'd bring up things like "so a brother can't swim?" or "why has it got to be a colour commentary cause I'm doing it?", those were funny, but never "I'm going to grade you all by the colour of your skin, raise your hands if you're white, F", imagine if a white character did the opposite, it's not funny, it's not exactly racist, it's juts plain stupid, like the whole not understanding the Australian accent thing from Dr Cox, or the crying cartoon portrait where Lucy says she looks Chinese because the figure's eyes are closed, very very cheap jokes that aren't even funny.

Without Eliot and Carla, combined with the effort of the writers, Turk and JD now act like an incredibly opened gay couple, which I have nothing against, but it never was what they were about, Dr Cox is actually becoming an unlikable character in the show, which again, was never what he was about, and the new characters, are forgettable, Lucy's basically a female version of Josh from one of the med student in season 1, Cole is a better looking version of Phil, all in all they aren't something we haven't seen before and worse yet, they are not likable characters.

I find it hard to see this show going to season 2 (that's right, I'm calling it season 2 because as far as I'm concerned this is the first season of another show that's already on its way out), but good news for us fans is that Bill Lawrence has made it clear that this is not Scrubs, but Scrubs MED, an entirely different show that has nothing to do with the the former.
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Gamer (2009)
28 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
You will see many many user comments here along the line of "hey look, if you're looking for a film with story and reflection of the modern society, you won't find it here, you have to take the film for what it is, if you disliked it because you thought it was anymore than an action film, it's your fault." etc, but that's exactly the problem, I went into this film expecting nothing more than Gerard Butler kicking ass, a film that's basically a video game where you won't have to be controlling, I didn't expect good story or good acting, I was in purely for a bit of special effects and a short amount of time to turn my brain off. Instead I ended up watching what seemed to be a desperate attempt to hook in with the teenager, with cringe worthy moments topped up with languages such as "epic" and "owned", and a story that's pulled out of someone's ass. the plot is so full of holes to a point where I almost wanted to walk out half way through.. (ie vodka and urine simply cannot start a car, if you can remotely control another person's mind, then reading data from someone's head isn't exactly a far fetch, therefore we really don't need lines such as "I thought this technology won't be around for at least a decade"... I could go on, but go and buy this if you think you will enjoy the following:

  • 5.56x45mm blowing limbs and heads to pieces

  • inappropriate nudity at inappropriate times

  • gaming references such as "owned" "epic" "ping"

  • dexter (michael c hall) dancing

  • peter petrelli (milo ventimiglia) being a pervert

  • happy ending where main character drive off to the distance where they'll certainly live happily after

Here is an idea, turn on COD4, go to option and run it as windows mode, and next to the game window, you open VLC playing censored porn, chances are you'll get more out of that than this poor excuse of a movie.
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