
42 Reviews
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Mack & Rita (2022)
Bad...soooo bad.
26 May 2024
Well, what can I title and 1 star says it all.

Save your life expectancy and forgo killing your brain cells. I lasted about 45 minutes. I should have had a vomit bucket next to me.

Diane Keaton is the real reason for this disaster, plus we have had too many movies of this type of genre..young person waking up old.

Now back to Diane Keaton. Her acting was wonderful decades ago. But now she is caught in this type of pastel, rainbows and unicorns type of movies.

To put it bluntly her acting is cringe worthy and just sooooo bad. And please Diane, lose the hats and same mannish look, change is good but she is caught in a time warp. So folks, you will thank me: DO NOT WATCH THIS THING!!
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Painful Experience
1 May 2024
I really don't know how I can possibly do a 600 word evaluation. The reason being I gave up after the second episode. I know it can take time to get to know the characters, storyline etc. A slow burn leading up to a fabulous ending.....well not for me I saw Annette Bening and Sam Neill..and I went okay, 2 fabulous actors, and Ms Bening was listed as a producer for the film. So she read the book, pushed to have it made into a mini series and probably did some financing Well, this is a bad show. Mr. Neill's performance was good, not so Ms Bening.

But the actors playing the children and the houseguest were absolutely dreadful. Wooden, lackluster performances. Especially the one daughter's girlfriend. Yikes, terrible . Avoid this series. Read the book instead.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Not even Idris can save this mess
29 January 2024
Horrible, horrible and horrible. The acting was atrocious, phoney family ties. Those daughters need to find another career now, save us from their strained, read straight from a cuecard acting. And Idris....why???? Do you need money that badly?

Who wrote this terrible script, he needs another line of work, too.

And Copley...he is the highest paid actor in South Africa!? He was so good in District 9 but this?? Why did you do this!?

I am glad I did not pay for this hot mess. As one fellow said, did the director and writers think we, the viewers, not know anything about cats and their big cousins?

Please do not watch is short.
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King Richard (2021)
22 September 2023
Except for the swearing ,of which there is little, this is just like a "Made for TV "movie..Lifetime channel.

The acting is not very good, I enjoyed the tennis playing though.

I see that Venus and Serena were executive producers and saying that it seems like a big promo film for them and their brand.

Will Smith's acting?? I prefer him in "7 Degrees of Separation' or "Legend". There his star shone brightly....but Best Actor for this soap opera drival..a big nope.

Now, I hope this does not offend anyone, but here it goes. I watched as millions did the "slap that was seen around the world". 15 minutes later, Sir Anythony Hopkins presented Smith with the Oscar and my feelings are, if Smith had NOT received the Oscar, he would have left the building right away.

So, in full, do not pay or rent this fluff. Sorry.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
9 September 2023
Why do I have write a 600 character review when I can sum up this movie in just one sentence....this was painful to watch.

Javier Bardern as the King of the Sea????. Noooo, and his CGI form was creepy looking. I enjoyed Melissa McCarthy as Auntie Ursula...but alas, her end performance was bad CGI. That added " rapper" song was stupid and hard on the ears. The sister mermaids were a joke...was that "I Dream of Jeannie" as one of the sisters? And Wonder Woman too?

And Hallie Bailey?, ..her voice faltered on a couple of notes (flat, even) and her acting is just "meh".

Give me Beauty and The Beast with Dan Stevens anyway.
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Nope ..not good
6 September 2023
I am watching this cringe worthy show right now. I have watched 2 shows and this is sooooo bad.

Mary is too sweet, to the point of getting diabetes when dealing with guests. Everything seems forced and nothing appears spontaneous. All is by the script and the script is bad and we don't even have a writer's strike in Canada.

I do like watching her cooking, Mary seems more relaxed when talking to the camera, she excels in that part of the show. Ditch the guests and was a clutter/organization. Unattainable in the real world and Megan and Mary acted like two little schoolgirls..annoying.

Mary, stick with being a wonderful Valeri Bertinelli...that is what your show should stay with. Cooking AND...make the show 30 minutes long.

UPDATE: I tried CTV, I really tried to give Mary several more chances .. I can't. The show is not improving, we are not a kindergarten class, those at home are probably retired seniors, yet Mary talks to us like we are 5. She said "Amazing" 6 times in 90 seconds today" Her husband and her Mum, keep them off the show. And her makeovers??? Appalling on the most part.

UPDATE NUMBER 2: When is CTV going to wake up and cancel this infantile show. Now, from saying "Amazing" and "Delish" sooooo many times, her latest catch phrase is "I'm not going to lie" over and over again. We are intelligent people as viewers on the most part...then give us a show that reflects this, not this ridiculous Romper Room garbage.
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2 January 2023
What I saw here in the latter part of this too long National Geographic film was James Cameron's ego.

Mr Cameron rehashed his films and the sinking of the ship, and Aliens 2...the stiltrobot walker( Sigourney in the outfit before), little Tuk going down the hole( Newt in Aliens2), and Abyss with the floating jellyfish things and Poseidon( not Cameron's but..) with the upside down ship and alot of breath holding.

Nothing original in the story and not the music..apologies to the late James Horner.

I never liked the first one but thought I would give this one a try. I started to fall asleep during those long insufferable mindless water sequences.

Please, no more sequels. We need good intelligent storylines. Didn't the movie "Idiocracy" teach us anything?

Positive thing: The wide reclining seats at the Cinema were wonderful and a blessing for a very long boring movie.
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Ghosts (2021– )
29 November 2022
600 characters needed to write one word to describe this abortion of a show: HORRIBLE.

The acting is an insult to the stage thespians.

Yes, I am comparing it to the U. K. series. British accent or American, not the is the script, the actors and why CBS??? This is an insult to our intelligence.

CBS, shows like these are the big reason why people leave cable and subscribe to HBO, Sundance, IFC et Al.

194 characters to go...sigh. Folks , we live an average of 85 yrs, life is precious, so do not let your children or grandchildren watch this show.

And CBS, please do no renew this poorly written , badly acted monstrosity.
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Please avoid this at all costs
25 November 2022
Even the dinosaurs were bad, the acting was horrible. Jeff Goldblum may be a man of fashion but acting has certainly never been his forte...same for Chris Pratt. Bryce???? Meh.

I did not pay a nickel to see this insult to our brains...from the library...thank goodness.

Life is short, please do not make your life shorter by watching this drivel.

The only excellent Jurassic was the original. Sir Richard Attenborough must be rolling in his grave.

So in closing, ( I have to write 1000 characters) promise me you will not let your children and grand children watch this disgrace of a movie. Please!!!
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Mom and Dad (2017)
Fun, Fun, Old Nicolas is Back
1 November 2022
Halloween night and I found this gem on Prime. Get your popcorn, turn your other phones off and enjoy.

A roller coaster ride. Nicolas was our old Nic back with wild looks, and strange mutterings but it was great. And Selma, thank you for casting her. A delight. The rest of the cast is terrific too.

The story is simple, and a fantasy in many tired, worn out parents' minds when our kids drive us to the point of madness and despair.

Haven't some us just want to be free of responsibility and aggravation bringing up our boomerang kids...cuz most come home back to drive us insane in our twilight years.

So just sit and is just a Horror/Comedy.
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Still Life (I) (2013)
Flawless and beautuful
29 October 2022
John May saw the lonely death of Billy Stokes as a possible glimpse into the future of his sad routine existence. And he fixed it by giving up his future pretty plot for his next life to Billy.

The ending was beautiful and hopeful for next transition...that we will never be alone. As Patrick Swayze said to Molly in Ghost...." "The love inside, you take it".

Please watch monsters, no special effects...just a quiet lovely film. It will give a couple of smiles. But get your Kleenex out..My Mum died 2 weeks ago and the ending truly helped me. I had not really cried yet..not even at Mum's funeral. But this movie got my emotions out and I needed. Thank you all who wrote and acting so wonderfully. People do care.
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Everyone was great, except....
18 July 2022
You know who. Why Kristen Stewart? She is just dreadful. Saw her in the abomination "Spencer"..oscar nominated for that ???

All the other actors ran circles around her. Charlie is brilliant as his her "brother" Chris H. And the 7 dwarfs. I would have given 9 stars but I could not, do to her lack luster wooden acting. And please stop her from doing British accents in future flicks.
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House of Wax (2005)
Well, I enjoyed it
10 July 2022
Acting was good, even Paris H was good. A fun Friday night movie to watch in your jammies and popcorn. I watched it on Tubi...some ads but nothing was cut out. Enjoy...
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Well, I liked it
4 July 2022
It is no Alien, but the a decent Sci Fi horror flick. The acting is terrific, the special effects are great. If you have the DVD, the filmmakers show how the effects were done.

And the music was haunting and memorable. I have watched it 3 times and still enjoy it .
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Hereditary (2018)
20 March 2022
Just like Alien and Alien must see these films over and over to "get that". Tonight, I am watching Hereditary again.... I keep missing stuff. Just like a book.

Thank you for this film.
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Old (2021)
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't bad..but I would never pay for this. The ending was all over the map. The "kids" were 50 and 55.. but yet they acted that age, not as what they are mentally 6 and 11. How did their knowledge mature?

Please do not buy or pay to see this film.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
4 February 2022
All the actors I enjoy.....but stupid movie. I turned it off...just bad...tries to be a African Queen and The Mummy at the same time.

Please do not waste your life watching this tripe.
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The Father (I) (2020)
Bravo Sir Anthony
15 October 2021
Before there was "Iris" and " Amour". Two fantastic movies about Dementia/illness.

Then there was that horrible candycoated film called "Still Alice" which was like a Hallmark TV movie. Dreadful and Julianne Moore should have that Oscar taken away for that mess.

Now we have "The Father". My fellow reviewers have painstakingly dissected it's wondrous attributes. So all I will say is 'Watch It.' Just a damn good film. Thank you ,Sir Anthony. Watching your performance is pure joy and pathos. Hold that Oscar high.

This film should be on the List of 1000 movies to see before dying.

Put the kids to bed, don't have snacks or alcoholic beverages. Turn your phones off. Savour this.. and have a Kleenex close by.
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Mermaid Down (2019)
A Mermaid, a Ghost and a Mental institute
14 October 2021
Well, I really liked it. Thought it would be stupid but it was free on Prime. So off I went.

The actors are good. Even the 2 gruffy old fishermen at the beginning had me intrigued with their banter. No waiting long for the Mermaid either.

The lighting was a wee bit too dark...but the Director did this on a budget of 85,000 usd.

It is not a kiddie's fairytale. Adults only.
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Host (II) (2020)
Short, sweet and scary
28 September 2021
Well ,Paranormal Activity movie et al...step aside.

This 57 minute movie scared the crap out of me several times. I was glad to be able to pause and rewind to check out something that went by fast with 6 screens to watch.

Low budget, during a Pandemic, it still had all the elements of a Hollywood big budget good horror flick. Acting was great, special effects spot on... Thank you Mr Sauvage. Thank you actors. You all have a bright future.
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The Hangover (2009)
Watch after the credits
7 August 2021
Not a spoiler..but, if you want to know what happened when they were all drunk and the missing tooth...You MUST stay past the credits. So many left the theater during the credits...too bad for them.

Also only 8 stars because Jeung was just tooooo much in his overacting.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Rebel Wilson is not funny
3 August 2021
I did like Rebel..but her humour is strained and cringe worthy. Actually the whole flick is dreadful. I should not say the "whole" flick. I gave up after 30 minutes.

No movie can surpass the genius of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
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What is this mess?
29 June 2021
I enjoyed the first Wonder Woman....but this was boring and bad writing. All good actors in other films, but not this one. Albeit, Wiig was not bad.

I could not finish watching it. Life is short..don't shorten it quicker by watching this drivel.
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The Mist (2007)
Never ever tire of this film
19 June 2021
So again I am watching it. Probably the 20th time. But I just realized how quiet this movie is...yes there are some screaming parts when the mist creatures attack..but truly it is very quiet. No overly dramatic music. The Quiet Place is almost silent and this one is too.

Love it, but I always cry at the end..never fails.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
A glorified mess
30 May 2021
Gave up after 45 minutes. Not good at all. Jennifer looked puffy around the face..I love Lisa Kudrow..she looked amazing and went on to do such good work.

But the show as a whole, sucked.
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