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I Am a Killer (2018–2022)
No Logic at all
16 January 2024
I know each case is different, different lawyers, different states (even if USA is 1 country??), jurors, judges, circumstances etc etc.

But halfway throught the first season, i see a guy in a love triangle gone bad and a weakminded guy trespassing and ending up shooting an old lady, both recieveing a deathrow sentence.

Now i in no way want to judge otherwise, but i am asking if they are a menace to society, will they keep on killing? I think probably not.

Then there is this episode with a underaged guy killing in the name of satan etc bla bla bla, this person gets 40 years because he's to young to get the deathsentence (???) which releases him at around 60 years old and still pretty able to go and kill some more people in the name of satan.

Leaves me to ask which of these 3 guys i fear most and which of them has the best chance of release?

Not god (whatever that is supposted to be) but the law works in mysterious ways....

Overall a good series though, just a very wobbly justicesystem.
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Betrayal (2023)
Not too bad
21 September 2023
First off, it might be a low budget movie and played by volunteers, but that didn't bother me very much.

I enjoyed this more than some big ww2 blockbusters from the last few years (including Dunkirk and Midway and the remake of Sobibor).

It was a refreshing movie when it comes to new faces instead of the usual dutch "big" actors.

Some bits might not be very logical, but it's still a movie, sometimes certain cuts need to be made and it doesn't always work out perfectly. Its a good try

The only thing that really should have been cut is the short monoloque at the end, it adds nothing to movie.

There you are enjoying the movie (or not) and then there comes the jewish daughter as a kind of kindergartenteacher to close the day and telling you what to think and do. F*** that, i make up my own mind thank you very much.
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Here's he plot for the missing episode 7
6 August 2023
Title: Make your cult a religion

All of these episodes and just about every (if not all..) chapters fully apply to the big religions we know today.

A few examples i wrote down during the show.

  • Build on your own piece of land (uhm like maybe the vatican?, maybe even Israel?)
-Uniformity, no one stands out (except the leader offcourse), so wear the same clothes (nuns, priests, imams, bisshops, monks, etc, etc)
  • Wipe all doubts with standard frases (like "God works in mysterious ways" ?)
  • The end of time (apocalypse, every religion has them)
  • Although (a bit) saver now, overall agression is or has been used by all big religions, either to non believers or as punishments
  • Go and multiply, 8 billion people on this world, killing the world by breeding more and more, believers like this one i guess
  • Biblecamp
  • Successionplan (Like the pope?)
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Wounds (2019)
Such a shame
30 June 2023
What missed opportunity.

These days a good horror movie is hard to find, this one had the potential to become a modern day classic.

It starts with a quote, which just about means nothing to me, don't know the text it came from or the writer who wrote it.

I read some reviews who apparently did get the quote, their further explanation still didn't make to much sense in regards to the movie but oh well..

The movie is a slow start storywise, but not to bad overall, then it keeps a low profile and same time no story is being build ust a little tiny bit of mystery.

Then it ramps up at the end showing some real promise and then..... the end .....

Please cut alot of the first 1 hour and 15 minutes out and add alot of those last minutes kind of stuff in.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
great in the first 5 seasons
25 February 2023
Loved this show especially in the first 5 seasons, might even take season 6 too (that ending!!) but the show got milked for way too long.

Still a good watch, don't get me wrong, but nothing new or exciting happened anymore, the stories were told and the viewers were longing for a great ending.

Sadly that did't happen (i'm at s11 e 16 now), the makers persisted in draging it on and on and on, until no one really cared anymore, as happens with alot of shows these days (walking dead, arrow, flash, lost, etc) Still ended on a 6 out of 10 for me, but could have been a 10, hoping the last 8 episodes of s11 will be great, but not getting my hopes too high.

So sad......not a way a series like this should be remembered......
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Explained: Cults (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
forgot the big cults again
22 January 2023
It's amazing how people (and docu makers) always conveniently seem to forget or just plain bypass the mayor religions in these kind of stories.

All,.. and i do mean all of the characterizations linked to "cults" in this episode are also very much applicable to any of the mayor religions.

Catholic church or islam or jewishm or which ever religion you might think of, are all also very much cults.

They're not there for you or your fellow worshippers, they're there for their own plan, their own wallet, their own agenda.

Cults usually get called out for their acts of violence, wel religions have them just the same. Think of the crusades, think of the darkage-ish things IS does eventhough we live in modern times. Big religions aren't anything better or anything else in anyway than what we like to call cults.

Believe in what you want, but don't give any institute like that power over your own life.
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Athena (2022)
visuals don't save everything
28 September 2022
This movie gets a lot of praise because of the visuals, but just like in games, visuals(graphics) aren't worth anything if there is no story or anything.

There is a thin story here, but not enough to make this a great or even good movie.

Basically there is just a big showcase of violence which gears up to kipnapping and terrorism.

In the last shot its all brought back (along with a few other mentions along the way) to have begun with an act rasicm, which again doesn't make up for all the violence in any way, shape or form.

Maybe the moviemakers should have done more with this part of the story, instead of promoting violence the whole time.

Back to those visuals then, as that is the ONLY high note of this disaster, well its not bad, but also nothing super special either.
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title is what the viewer wishes after watching this
18 August 2022
Boring, overly prentencious crap.

Please do not waste your time on this, might not be the worst thing i ever saw, but it might make the top 10, if i could care to remember them.
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Tribute not so much comedy
20 June 2022
I guess it's an OK tribute to Bob Saget.

Don't watch if you want a comedy show, there isn't much comedy going on.

Some forced (and failing) jokes from mostly Jim carrey and Jeff Ross.

Other than that, i think a song by Bob's daughters was cut out?

And the whole thing seemed very messy.

Just like other "comedy shows" on Netflix recently (spring 2022) it fails, just giving a little bit higher on this one because of the tribute to Bob.
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netflix failed project
16 June 2022
Watched a view of these shows (bill burr, amy shumer and now Jane and Lily) and they just don't work somehow.

Not even Iliza could save this one, the idea of these shows is nice, but sadly it failed.
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waste of time
10 June 2022
First i wouldn't call it horror, a bit creepy at best.

The movie is a documentary style story, mostly interviews and not much happening except for a few mysterious shots of creatures lurking in the shadows.

Most of the time it's in english, but some parts aren't which didn't bother me, i have subtitles on anyway.
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Pretty much like the book
15 May 2022
Just like the book it a back and forth between the 2 main characters.

Not a huge fan of the books either, but for what it's worth, this movie is a good reflections of the "story".

Didn't hate, didn't love it.
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Supergirl: Blind Spots (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
keep to the superhero show
14 May 2022
Nobody wants all the political BLM propaganda.

Supergirls says she's sorry in the show, she shouldn't have to be, she was busy with bigger problems, not everything is about the slums.
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Good story, mediocre movie
4 May 2022
The movie has a strong story and its a good thing that it's being told.

But the shaky camera and weid camera angles are very annoying.

Also some very weird leaps in the story, at one point 1 guy is lost and a second later were in a very diffent spot and they're together again.

Too bad it's not a good movie, otherwise it could have been a classic film.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
waste of time
13 February 2022
They stole concepts from Ghost and Interstellar, but forgot to put the rest into the movie.

Nothing happens in this movie, don't waste your time on it.

(clicked on "no spoilers" there simply isn't anything to spoil! )
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Seaspiracy (2021)
Starts right, but fails to point out the big problem
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with the hypocracy of the labels for fishfriendly fishproducts, which are all bogus labels.

First off, no surprise for me, but an eyeopener for the "green" people when it comes to labels like dolphin safe or others like FSC Wood or "healtier living" food or everything "eco" or "bio" whatever label you can buy. (Also not using plastic straws won't help us, woow big surprise!!)

The labels on any of these products (again not just fish) are bought not earned.

Later on it gets close to the main problem with the industrialistion of fishing.

They never ask why the industrialisation is needed, on fish or meat or veggies or anything.

Thereby they skip the main problem, yes too many humans on earth.

No foodsource is sustainable with the amount of people on earth, so we don't eat fish but switch to seaweed as proposed, with the amount we need, we still kill the fish, because there is no food left for them.

Same with meat, to replace 1 cow in calories with lettuce, you probably need a whole field of lettuce, maybe even more, were are we going to grow all that lettuce to feed 7 billion people??

Too bad they ignore that point, but so does every government in the world so what else is new?
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Voir (2021)
Mostly good
21 January 2022
Overall this is a good series about different aspects in movies and character development.

Minor spoiler: The last episode totally missed the mark, there is probably alot of racist stuff out there certainly in the 80's and before, but i don't think 48 hours is the great example of this.

Sure those issues are put to the test in that movie, but it ends far better than the narrator tells us. (a very onesided view imo) If you want racistmaterial go and look at richard prior's standup shows. (its front to back about race, not much comedy)
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