
17 Reviews
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Encounters (2023)
Just a Note for Documentary Filmmakers
1 October 2023
When you start your documentary or documentary series about UFOs, or anything else really, with a religious fanatic, your credibility is almost immediately shot by most critically thinking individuals. One could argue that critically thinking people wouldn't watch a show like this, anyway, but that's not true. We are always looking for evidence. Expecting someone who believes in an invisible man of the sky is not the way to present it. This series doesn't really present anything else, either. If you are interested UFO phenomena, then watch it at least for that. Just don't expect anything new or evidentiary.
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Catching Killers (II) (2021– )
Enjoyable, But...
16 July 2023
This is an enjoyable, well produced series about several well-known killers and the law-enforcement hunt for each one of them. It's not overly detailed and the pace keeps moving. I think anyone who's into true crime shows will enjoy it. The one quibble, and I think it's a big one, I have is with the Eric Rudolph episode specifically. The series glosses over his extreme right wing views, which I find sad because we're dealing with that even more so today. Fascists like Rudolph have been able to infiltrate our government, our military, and our law-enforcement, and I really feel like more violence is to come. This was an opportunity to really show how evil these people are by emphasizing their extreme political beliefs, but this episode comes up way short. I'm sure the producers wanted to not offend anyone, but you need to offend people like Eric Rudolph. Otherwise, I enjoyed it. I would recommend it to any other true crime show fans.
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Wild Reeds (1994)
Must Be Missing Something
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A pleasant enough story about a young gay man and his friends in 60s France. However, it seems to be much ado about nothing. And, as usual, the homosexual is set up to be somewhat pathetic and ends up loveless. Granted the movie ends before he grows up, so I hope that's not always the case, but as in most gay films, and certainly those of this era, the gay guy can never get the boy. Either they have to die or they end up alone. The acting was OK, although the lead is a bit wooden. The direction is good, and the France versus Algeria subplot is interesting. Also, the young French Algerian is the most interesting character in the entire movie. A movie about him would've been more interesting. Good enough for a rainy afternoon, but no masterpiece.
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Religion is Poison
13 December 2022
Compelling and heartbreaking, this account of the kidnapping of this poor young girl is also infuriating. Religion is just so destructive. It's time to stop believing in these archaic fairytales. The money and power wielded by the Vatican could do so much good. They seem to really only do much evil. This documentary is a little long and it can be repetitive at times, but overall it's very well done. It's Netflix, so the production values are high, but it's also at least one episode longer than it needed to be. They actually spend one entire episode on a red herring. However, it is a part of the story, and I guess it needed to be told.
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Katla (2021)
Enjoyable, but...
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This Icelandic series kept me interested from the opening scene. It's well acted, the story is compelling, and I finished it in two days (approximate 8 hours total). However, I do have some issues with it. Mainly, some unresolved plot issues and some character behavior that seemed unlikely. For example, when Grima's is in the house and the husband, who's talking to the Grima's "double," never ones notices her. He walks right past her - she's sitting right there! Also, what is the motivation for Grima not just telling him, "Hey look - there's two of us!"? It just seems kind of dumb. No one in real life would not want to prove what they're saying, depressed or not. Also, where are Asa and Mikael's bodies? Surely the ocean will give them up. Another one - the woman who attempted to take Mikael home, along with her husband, had her throat slit open.. Did no one at the accident scene notice this? Did they think auto glass did such a perfect slice of the neck? Finally, where's Gunhild's "double" and why does Thor just sleep with her without freaking the hell out? Maddening. I do understand this is meant to be a series and, potentially, those questions will be answered if another season is made. Still, it's just frustrating. I enjoyed the series enough to give it a 7/10, but I would have rated it higher had people behaved like most would in such a freaky situation. I don't need everything wrapped up in a bow, but at least let's make it make sense.
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City of God (2002)
Brutal and Overrated
30 August 2021
This is easily one of the most overrated films I have ever seen. Nonstop violence and glorifying a lifestyle that is disgusting. Yeah, there are terrible consequences to these people, but for over two hours we have to watch human after human be massacred. It all just seems so pointless. It's well-made and beautifully photographed, but I hated almost every minute of it.
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Many reviewers are missing the point
7 May 2021
This was not intended to be about David Berkowitz. It's about one man's obsession with the case and the convoluted story he told. You can certainly believe it's all bunk and that the Satanic cult panic of the era drive him. That's the point. It's about his obsession. It's up to you to listen to the evidence and make up your mind. I would agree it's way too long. It's compelling stuff, though. Too bad people set their expectations on something that was clearly not the intention of the filmmakers.
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Extremely Well Done, But...
20 March 2021's a bit too revenant to an obvious con man. It almost seems as though Rajneeshees produced it at times. I do think the reaction by the Americans to the "immorality" of the group (the sex specifically) was way over the top, but overall they had every right to fear these people. The fact that people are still being taken in would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. So, take a lot of this with a grain of salt. This is proof that multiple suckers are born every minute.
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7 March 2021
In one episode, a guy says something like. "Skeptics will say I'm assigning meaning to something that's just not there." Of course, he's right, but this series insists that all of this is real. The interviews with actual scientists are interesting and the personal anecdotes are entertaining, but the filmmakers allow people to state all of this poppycock as fact way too often. People are free to believe what they like, but I require proof and this series offers none. I'm with Penn & Teller - mediums are b.s. and so is most of this series.
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Countering the Homophobes
5 February 2021
Felt compelled to add my review to counteract the obvious homophobia of those rating this sweet documentary short so low. John is an eccentric for sure and happens to be gay. It's heartwarming that he found love living where and how he does. Shame on anyone who can't see past their prejudices.
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The Dig (2021)
Here Come the Homophobes!
3 February 2021
This film is excellent, particularly Fiennes, Mulligan, and the cinematography. Reading the lower rated reviews, it's clear a large percentage of them had a problem with the gay subplot. Poor things. It's tiresome to still read such silliness in 2021. If you can handle adult subject manner, you should enjoy this.
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14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Can we have one gay-themed movie that has a happy ending, for once? I am so tired of somebody having to die or somebody having to go back to their hetero relationship. This movie has such promise, and then it just falls apart at the end like they always do. Gay is bad, straight is good. I rated this a 5 because of the acting and the two male leads are gorgeous. Otherwise, take a hard pass.
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Tension, Yes, but Also Frustration
5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The short films in this collection certainly provide a lot of sexual tension. The guys are hot and most of them acquit themselves well as actors. However, with vignette after vignette providing no obvious consummation, it became increasingly frustrating and less fun. See it for the guys, but be prepared to see desire - yours and theirs - unfulfilled
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A Disappointment
24 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I thought perhaps this one would be different, but sadly no. This film left me with an overwhelming sense of sadness. For the main character, for those who deny themselves to live the way society expects. For his girlfriend who ends up in a marriage that's a lie. I could go on. However, suffice to say that it's just another homophobic film dressed up as a "gay" film. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was funded by ultra-conservatives. Disappointing. It gets 4/10 only because of the better than usual acting you find in this genre. Also, some of the guys, including the lead actor, are hot. That's about it.
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Surrender, Dorothy (2005 TV Movie)
Cliché city
1 January 2006
A good, not great, Diane Keaton performance is pretty much the only reason to see this clichéd movie-of-the-week and the only reason it gets my rating. Would it be possible to have a TV film where zero gay characters dress in drag or are screaming queens? Would it be possible that no more characters hear something scandalous over a baby monitor? Can we get a movie with people most of us can relate to, instead of the usual East Coast elite (hey, I'm liberal, but c'mon - it's been done as recently as Keaton's own "Something's Gotta Give"!) Keaton is, as usual, worth sitting through this, but I just felt like I'd seen it all before.
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Braveheart (1995)
Crap, but pretty crap.
22 December 2005
Poorly made, poorly written, poorly acted. This was, in no way, shape or form, the Best Picture of 1995. Not sure it would even finish in the Top 50.

Of course, this film appeals to those who like their blood and guts, their hatred of women and gays, and their history-lite.

What's to like? Cinematography is OK. Patrick McGoohan is great, as usual, though he stars in the worst homophobic scene in modern film.

What's not to like? Just about everything else. The praised heaped on this dung pile is truly stunning. More evidence that the movie-going public will eat whatever it's spoon-fed. Sad the Academy felt the same way.

What's next? Will 'The Longest Yard' remake win Best Picture of 2005? Wouldn't be any less preposterous.
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A little disappointing...
28 October 2001
I greatly anticipated this film based on the trailer and advertising. Having not read the book on which this is based, I had no idea what to expect. First, let me say that the actors, for the most part, were excellent, with Brittany Murphy (Fay) and Steve Zahn (Ray) particular stand-outs. Drew Barrymore is fine in the lead (Beverly), but, unfortunately, she is the main problem with the film. She is supposed to age from 15 to 36 in this film. I could easily buy her in the flashback scenes to her teenage and young mother years, but I just could not buy her as a thirty-six year old mother of a twenty-year old. It was just too distracting; they appeared more like boyfriend and girlfriend and that just nearly ruined the film for me. Drew's acting is fine, but she just doesn't look the part in the latter day scenes. A more mature actress was needed. Still, the movie was entertaining, though a bit too long. Penny Marshall's direction was fine, but she's a long way from "A League Of Their Own" and "Big". I rated this 6/10, mainly for the performances of Murphy, Zahn, Lorraine Bracco and James Woods (as Beverly's parents) and Cody Arens (as the 6-year-old Jason, Bev's son) who were all outstanding.
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