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The Veil (I) (2016)
Lily Rabe Could...
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...sit on the floor and scribble on the floor for an hour and I'd still enjoy myself. I'm a big fan, obviously. Now what I REALLY liked about this movie is that it had nods to a LOT of different horror movies--and it didn't feel like a rip-off--it felt more like an homage. Obviously the Jonestown Horror (True Horror, at that) was an influence; I had a lot of Blair Witch vibes on top of it; I had all the others in my head while watching but silly me didn't write any of it down. (Sorry if this is a spoiler...) the Sugar Cubes: Wasn't that an Alaister Crowley thing...? I noted the three nails, the trinity and the number three was of magickal substance as well...Pagan influence with all sorts of genuine Demon/Satanic dots here n there. I loved all the DETAIL in this movie. Her appearing to walk on water, that chick knew what she was doing, ha ha

Triangles and Circles, my friends. The secret of life after life. I know all about that sort of thing. *wink wink nudge nudge*

The acting was fabulous as well. I'm a great fan of Mr. Jane as well, he was having himself a good ole time.

Definitely give this one a go when you aren't expecting too much and then get a little more in return for the time than you anticipated.

Watch with friends, you can scream at the characters. Enjoy yourself!
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If You Are Going to Read a Spoiler, CHOOSE THIS ONE.
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's best to probably read this and by my telling you this, it's not exactly a spoiler. Mom is nuts. Something triggered (I HATE that word) the mother when the child turned seven years old. Nothing you see is a hundred percent ACTUALLY happening. Especially regarding the child. The mother-Sarah-is absolutely out of her mind bonkers. It didn't start with the kid turning seven years old--I mean, in the MOVIE, it appears to start with the birthday party--but flashbacks help us see that she's been out of her mind for quite a while. Oh wait, there's more: I think her father passing away might have been the first set of blocks to fall or marbles to lose. I think her father was her FRONT; I think her Mother was estranged because mother KNEW.

I think a lot of the explanations that others are complaining about ended up on a cutting room floor for whatever reason. But if you go into the movie knowing the mother is out of her mind, that makes the movie SO much better. Because now it's genuinely on YOU--the viewer--to figure out if she's doing all the harm herself, is she actually murdering people, is that rabbit even THERE, is the kid saying have the stuff her mother THINKS she's saying...this is all on YOU to figure out.

I wish they did chapters, I do.

Chapter One: The birthday bite. (Perhaps mother is NOT crazy, and the sepsis from the animal bite is making her even MORE insane--that was another theory I had.) Chapter Two: Who IS this child, anyway...?

And so on.

Enjoy the excellent acting (imo).

If you are going to read about spoilers, this is the one to read. It might make the ride so much better.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
This Has Been My Nightmare for Years Now.
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once upon a time, I don't know--somewhere before the covid games--I was in another room talking to my husband about footwear. How I hate flip flops, specifically. I go from his office all the way to my office, which is same house but several rooms and spaces away and I get an ad for flip flops on MY desktop computer. I LOST. MY. MIND.

I will not speak if there is a cellphone or smart anything around me. I won't use my real name if I know I'm around that garbage (my neighbor's vehicle is SO in tune, it knew what I had in my purse when I rearranged it as he got gas; next ad I got on YT was about something in my purse). I am NOT exaggerating, this actually happened to me. I don't like this.

I will never have an iAnything unless it is completely unrelated to me. I will not own a smart-anything because not only is it as intrusive as this show implies, I think it is utter and blatant INSANITY to require a phone to turn a light on or off. That's just...mental case la la land stuff. My relationship with the light fixture is a switch: On and Off. The End.

So this episode freaked me OUT. I turned it off a hundred times, out of sheer paranoia and discomfort. This was a very difficult episode for me to get thru and I'm surprised I made it to the end.

This episode was absolutely GENIUS, don't get me wrong. But it hit a nerve in me that shook me to my core and I'm terrified of our future. I'm an old hag, I am leaving within 20yrs if I'm lucky (??) but my grandkids: I cannot imagine this Big Brother life that EVERYONE seems to want to embrace. TERRIFYING!!!! And everyone is cheering, begging for more more more. It's just so scary. Out of ALL the Black Mirror Episodes EVER, this really got to me. They did a wonderful job, it was positively cringe--forget my fear and paranoia: They outdid themselves with this one.

I love that they are trying to tell us thru humor what is ultimately coming for us. I need an Amish Island. I don't think I can handle a world that's sole purpose is to watch me, exploit me, judge me...I can't get with that. That flip flop thing blew my mind and this episode did NOTHING to help it, haha.

Well done, Black Mirror. Well done.
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Blood (IV) (2022)
So Much Potential...
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Right off the bat: It isn't bad, at all. My fresh teen and even tween grandkids would enjoy it because it isn't too gory or even bloody in the traditional sense. It's blatantly fiction, kids cannot be too terribly terrified when it's something like this. Sure, any dog can bite. Any dog that large can potentially kill a child, certainly bite a child--which is scary enough when it is a dog you love and loves you back--that is more frightening to a relatively logical child that actually has pets; having to go to the hospital to get intravenous antibiotics (even a small bite get the Emergency Room hopping around like kangaroos). At best, a dog bite can leave a mark. So in our home, that would be the most realistic horror. Kids know that.

The rest, however, is sheer folly and fiction. I agree with the other review where what happens to the mother--the monster SHE became--THAT is horror.

Again, for kids, I'd have say ten out of ten. They don't need details and backstory as much as adults do when rating a movie. I wanted to know everything about that "lake," and the rib cage in it, the demon inside: SO many branches and leaves to this story, it almost inspires me to write my own back-stories and endings (along with tertiary tales because why not) for the movie myself.

Or have the kids come up with their ideas for it. Score a few points for homeschooling, filed under creative arts, literature, English grammar...yeah. That's MY plan for the elder grandkids.

Still miffed about lack of story, being an adult. The movie is not awful, tho. Horror for any parent whose child turns to drugs, because if you make it allegoric, it's a definite nightmare horror full of fuel. Any parent of an over dosed child can concur.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
I Think We'll Be Hearing from...
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...Davis. I have a strong feeling that he will be referenced probably as often as Callow, Waldo and even San Junipero; White Bear gets the most Easter Egg coverage. Hilarious that within this episode, they talk a lot about the Eggs and Egg protector; I feel like I was seeing all kinds of Easter Eggs in this episode.

Anyway, I have a feeling that this poor dude will come to a very talked about and referenced character in Seasons to come.

And What a Season!! I'm blown away by this entire Season, even the American Werewolf in Czechoslovakia one caught me completely by surprise. Had it been set in the 80s, perhaps.

Oh, and this Season has a lot of fantastic tunes within it. I thoroughly enjoyed Melanie's "People in the Front Row" being used.

This episode: I KNEW that mask was going to play a huge part in this episode, and I was getting gut feelings all along. Monica Dolan (Doolan?) is one of my favorite actresses despite my not remembering her last name. Seeing Daniel Porter was also a WONDERFUL surprise! More of him, please. And I'd like to visit that town, but I think I'd have preferred it quiet and scary because why else go to the United Kingdom if not to enjoy the rain, mist, fog...?? The architecture, the land, the everything: But without a crowd. Sounds like heaven, so this episode was definitely a tourist attraction.

This was epic, this one.

PS: I'm beginning to wonder if Davis is actually Iain's son.
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Going to Hazard a Guess...
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...those who loved this movie are a little older while the people who hated it are young. I'm finding that one thing that has been happening to children (30yrs or younger) is the attention span issue. It's insane to believe 100% of children born after 1990 have ADHD or some other deficit. It's conditioning.

Because of technology, if something is not delivered instantly or even yesterday, it's time for a screamfest--be it the type in tantrum form or the type in quiet frustration. Instant gratification is almost unachievable in real life, so the constant disappointment (when ripped away from some black screen) must make one a little nuttybar. That explains so much, but again: Just hazarding a guess.

I also felt a Tim Burton/Sleepy Hollow vibe and that beautiful gorgeous setting in every outdoor scene was brilliant. The movie is worth my time for that alone. Another natural wonder that offers instant gratification but only appreciated by those who understand its value. From the Peanut Gallery: If it's not on a screen or happening yesterday, it's not worthy. How did we betray our youth in this manner? So disappointing.

The Handwriting: I picked up on that instantly, but couldn't pinpoint the reason(s). I found myself surprised left and right toward the end there. The acting was absolutely amazing, from the smallest parts to everyone else sans Gillian Anderson...she seems to be playing the same character in different clothing in the last three or four movies/TV shows (Hannibal). Or is this a case of botox overdose where she cannot move her face/speak?

That being said, the casting was amazing in this project but some actors are easily marked as "the eventual bad guy." The kid that was castrated: He instantly is "the bad guy" in anything he's in, and while that might be stimulating for him, it's getting lame. We like a *little* surprise.

All in all, I really enjoyed this one.
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Jessie's Dad (2011)
I Wish We Had Follow Up Documentaries...
19 May 2023
...not only on this story, either. I want to know what happens to any and all sex offenders (child predators the most) after something like this. I want to have documentaries following ALL child predators that are let back into society. Too BAD about their privacy, they really need to be supervised at ALL TIMES once they are out among us. The only people who don't want that are the bloody criminals!

People clamor for those absolutely horrible "reality shows," when THIS is so much more important. Follow them, keep them under tabs--alert all their neighbors since they don't do it.

I am also very invested the after care of the surviving families of these poor shredded little angels. Unless THEY do not want to share. We care about you, Mark. We care about you, Ms Perrywinkle, we care about ALL OF YOU.

This is one of the best documentaries, and I am completely gobsmacked at Mark's resolve throughout. Humble, good man who did NOT deserve this...and I cannot help but wonder: If the police checked for child molesters FIRST--which should be number one protocol for heaven's sake; how can it NOT BE??? And THIS is why we need professional letters sent out to all those that are forced to live near this human trash. I really wish there was an instant death penalty for this kind of crime. If DNA is up inside a child, why BOTHER with due process?? So some greedy awful attorney can set them loose on a technicality? DNA cannot be argued, so why bother? "Rights" should go down the toilet once DNA is in a little kid. The End.

Not even going to bring up Josh. There's a huge difference between a teen fling or relationship in motion vs a stolen CHILD. And I have a feeling I know why Utah was so difficult to jump on board, there's about a hundred documentaries covering THAT.

So I took a look and found that three sex offenders live within a relatively short distance from me. No mention of children, but still: It took this story and my watching the Medical Examiner's testimony in the Cherish Perrywinkle story for me to look.

We ALL should be NOTIFIED. No, I don't want the sexual predator to come to my house, knock on my door and scope out how many little kids live in my house while they inform me that they may rape and murder one of them. THAT IS INSANE.

That should be someone's job within the government: To send letters to the neighbors of the sexual predator. That needs to be part of the protocol.

I cannot tell you how incredibly valuable this documentary is. I don't even like little kids, but good heavens, it's up to ALL OF US to protect them!!

Mark's heart will never mend, it's impossible. I am the parent of a murdered child but she was a young adult--I cannot even begin to imagine. He sure turned an incomprehensible situation into something good and meaningful for the rest of us.

Thank You Mark. Thank you Boaz. I'm crying now.
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Offseason (2021)
I LOVE Movies Like This, but Note the Last Will.
14 May 2023
It would behoove everyone to please make several copies of your Will and do not just put them in the hands of those you trust. Put them in the hands of several folks who do NOT have a stake in your claim. You'd think that the attorney executing the Will would be enough but no. It's not.

The Executor/Executrix of your Will really should be someone that has ZERO claim in it, especially if they want to change your Will. Because that authority allows them to do that. It is NOT up to those in the Will to keep the Executrix in line. This is why you leave that job in the hands of those who could give a crap less about your stuff. The attorney is going to make a buck either way, why not the additional percentage of keeping everything exactly the way you want it? You will also not upset anyone else by choose one over the others. Nobody needs that at a time like that.

This takes me to the changes in the Will in this story. I know, it's just a movie but it did 'trigger' something in me that made me want to share this bit. If the woman had only ONE daughter, that would have likely been her Executrix and she would have had the authority to revert the Will back to her mother's wishes. Honestly, it's usually the other way around.

My idiot father put my junkie sister as Executrix of his Will and almost NONE of his wishes were followed. I'm not joking, she altered the ENTIRE THING. He did not want a funeral, nothing fancy--he wanted us to use our inheritance for ourselves. Nope. She had to have this $80,000 Funeral that nearly nobody attended because he dropped dead unceremoniously. A funeral HE didn't want. You can imagine all the other changes she made and wanted to continue to make (to her own benefit) that the attorney finally told her that he's taking my half out BEFORE she made all these changes. She basically wanted all of the remaining inheritance to pay for her living costs, taxes, oil for the house SHE kept...yeah. She never told me ANY of this, the attorney did. Years later, her jaw hit the floor when she learned that my inheritance was not touched, only hers.

Make sure you do not set up YOUR kids to do this to each other, please.

I know this has nothing to do with the movie, but I needed to share that with anyone reading this. It felt important.

Back to the movie: I love the lead actress, I love this kind of movie...and I am pretty sure I have figured it out at a mere half hour into it, but I'm still going to watch it.

People are talking about Silent Hill, but there is only one scene where it's remotely close (imo). It reminds me more of Insidious, to tell you the truth. The music is DEFINITELY the same person or it's heavily inspired.

Now that I'm at the end of the movie, I have to say: I really liked this. Sure, there was LOTS of filler but it's still a good story.

I thought those draw-bridges needed communication w/the other side, to operate together/work in synch. Interesting.
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Attachment (2022)
To Call it a Jewish Exorcist is Oversimplifying.
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is nowhere near as intense as the Exorcist. What it DID reveal to me is a lot in common with Paganism and Yoruba (grandmother of Santeria, VooDoo).

Sure, yes, of COURSE Jewish Mysticism, but I hadn't realized just how closely related all things otherwordly are connected. It was just an interesting surprise, because I come from Jewish and Catholic roots...but primarily was brought up Pagan. You don't see this side of the Jewish faith...crystals, sea salts, etc. All my Jewish grandparents were extremely stoic and earthy--logical with facts, please.

Just my experience, of course but the point is that it still gave me a nice surprise, something learned. It's wonderful to learn something that close which hadn't been known before. This is where I find joy, learning new things. So close to home (so to speak) was icing.

Another review wrote that this is a couple you want to see make it. Definitely had those vibes, I typically do not go for Rom Com but this was really sweet. You form a relationship with your main characters--The Deerhunter had this element. Spent a good hour getting to know those guys, party with them, so to speak. The gut punches that follow make it that more extraordinary.

Such is it with this movie. The makeup was very good too, the skin deterioration was done in an unusual (but still incredibly ugly) style. Subtle, giving one the heebiejeebies.

Moral of the Story: Communication is KEY. Someone screams in your face that they love your adult might want to ensure that they know how to keep your adult child alive. Yikes.
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Next Exit (2022)
Wow, What a Surprise! NOT A Rom-Com at ALL.
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I thought this was the other movie about proven afterlife (Rooney Mara is in it, along with Riley Keough and Robert Redford)...I distinctly wasn't a big fan of that flick despite two of my favorite actresses being in it, so was a little worried that this might have the same effect. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, it did NOT. Very happy about that.

Someone complained that this movie wasn't about the actual "science" of the afterlife, that this is a colossal movie faux pas--well, honey, there already IS a movie about the "science" of it and it stunk--so that theory obviously isn't a 100% of a "science." ha

And that is not to say a movie WELL DONE with the topic isn't a huge draw: It is. So...moving along...

Sometimes, it IS the journey that is the best part of the experience. The people that they meet, it is always very unexpected, how it turns out. I think that's the point of this movie...things are not always what they seem. The poor guy at the bar, omg, I was sobbing (sorry if that is a spoiler). The main actress is beating herself up the entire time--only to find out that her crime was already forgiven. I knew who was haunting our lead actress, long before that scene, but I wasn't sure why.

Anyway, I really really loved this movie. I was hoping it was NOT a typical Rom Com, and it most certainly wasn't--I'm not a fan of those. This was complex (to me), we got some peeks of Hell from various characters.

The thing I hated the most about this movie was Karen Gillan's voice. There's a limited series out there called The Dropout w/Amanda Seyfried. The character is Elizabeth Holmes who (painfully) tried to lower/deepen her voice and it's obnoxious and...humiliating. Karen Gillan sounds like this. Trying waaay too hard to deepen her voice to the point of it being embarrassing. So I hope she stops doing that/only did it for this movie. Utterly repellant.
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The Motive (2020–2021)
Did I Watch the Same Thing...
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers the rest of the people complaining that they never revealed the motive...?

It's the same motive that goes back to the dawn of civilization: GREEEEEEED...!!! The kid wanted nothing in the way of his inheritance. They talk about it through most of E3, I think they touched on it at the end of E2. And of course the Defense Attorney picked up on it--and supported it; he's a pig, he flat out said he'd had murderers acquitted before, so he's a piece of trash--how ELSE is he going to get paid unless he got with the program?

The kid needed it to be a manslaughter because murderers do not inherit.

How can so so SO many of you MISS THAT??? I only read about 30 reviews and not ONE of them actually paid enough attention, evidently. It's not like it was a hidden innuendo comment or a blink and you miss it moment, either. I mean, someone murders the family--blathers on about a green creature--then asks about seeking manslaughter because they want to still be able to inherit: Really? We need more than that? This isn't even a Murdaugh situation, and it reeks of greed.

Onto E4: Oh, NOW he wants to talk about killing people because his father beat the family and NOT him? Just stop, really. The Greed was enough of a motive. Greed causes about 98% of all crime, let alone murdering the entire family.

Now, this is not the best documentary I've ever seen but good GRIEF people...try to pay a teensy bit of attention from time to time.
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Florida Man (2023)
Emory & Abbey...? Yes, Please!
15 April 2023
Going to flat out admit that I had sent a reminder to myself when this was going to drop on Netflix. Why...? Because I'm a HUGE fan of Emory Cohen's. I'm guessing he's not getting the recognition he should because of his weight issue--which I believe to be a medication/prednisone problem--but I'm not sure. He was easy to fall in love with in Brooklyn (what girl wouldn't want a guy like that?) and he was easy to terrify one in Lords of Chaos. In fact, I had no idea that was HIM in that movie, I had to look it up--I watched it mostly for Rory Culkin--because the character was 100% believable and terrifying. There's also an underlying current in LoC, comedic current. Emory really blew me away in that movie; I was stunned because I didn't even recognize him. It was a lot like seeing Sean Penn for the first time in Fast Times, then see him in Bad Boys the same year--such RANGE.

This leads me to Abbey Lee. Yes, I have an intense Girl Crush on her, I will watch her in anything. There, I said it. Shallow? Yes. But hang on, she's just not another fox playing eye candy: She is a very talented actress; her role in Neon Demon was outstanding. She managed to be quite frightening in one scene and completely vulnerable--almost childlike--in another scene only for her to turn absolutely feral in less than a minute in said scene. Just WOW. She also can do subtle comedy which was witnessed in ND and Mad Max.

Back to my first sentence: Emory & Abbey all at once? Yes, please. You will see both of them in this comedy (I feel this show was hilarious, despite oh so many dark themes). Sick Humor appeals to me.

What doesn't appeal to me: Having the lead character have this strong accent while his father and sister have none. That's just bad casting, I'm sorry. Yes, I get that the media and television need to pander to all the demographics (yawn), but I'm not screaming because my group was under represented (aging Asians). Nobody wants to hear it. From ANY ONE.

If you like dark humor, just roll with it. Murphy's Law has the biggest role of all. Kept me on the edge of my seat.
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ANOTHER Preachy Movie. Yawn.
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Is anyone else tired of this Age of Preach being a nonstop constant in-yaw-FACE agenda going on quite ironically from the most hypocritical creatures on the planet...? The constant badgering with the message of Wealth being a terrible thing: WE GOT IT. It's been what...? Well over a decade of this garbage...? Enough already, ffs.

I gave this a six, and I think I'm going to dodge another star or two for the copying of Monty Python's Vomit scene in Meaning of Life. It's been done, it's foul so only needed to be done once and not only did they copy, they went completely overboard (no pun intended) with it. I don't care if this is a spoiler, I'm flat out warning everyone that it is beyond overdone. That was not necessary.

I could go on, but I'm finding it terribly difficult to take instruction let alone take seriously any preaching from the very people who take their private jets all over the planet just to eat sushi or go skiing. "The people must eat less," while chewing some lobster and hitting Peter Luger's for the turf later, breaking a scale. But yes, we the little people and of course the sheeple must eat bugs to save the planet, right? Yes, I think I might dust off my Series 7 License and try to peddle bridges w/NASDAQ.
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The Hooded Figure is MORE than AIDS...
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read a lot of the reviews, and I have to say that while I agree that the last episode was kind of garbage--I understand all of it and WHY. Not that I didn't like the tune they chose, not that AIDS plus hatred focusing on murdering a certain group--women DID get AIDS: From their cheating closeted husbands; THAT is why Barbara died at the hand of "The Boogie Man." Also note that Music Videos were THE THING in the 80s...and it's not businessmen in suits falling into the grave, it's people dressed in their final resting outfit which is almost always a suit. Only children were allowed to wear casual items like baseball uniforms and girl scout uniforms. (Source: I grew up in a family funeral parlor.) THESE were the reasons for that last episode. I get it.

The Big Daddy figure encompassed ALL that killed people of the gay community back then. I was there, in the City at that time. This season started out with such a fantastic premise; instantly I was thrown back into time with old friends and good times before it all went to h3ll via AIDS but there were thousands of instances where people victimized members of the gay community and got away with it: That was the point of Patrick being a cop, so we could see first hand how so many people got away with it. This is why the face was never revealed. It wasn't just ONE killer, not by a longshot.

The hooded figure wasn't JUST a metaphor for AIDS. It was the anonymous faceless brutalization of ALL the vicious circumstances that hit the gay community and those who mingled with them. Yes, another faceless criminal set the club on fire. Faceless criminal being the operative words. Metaphor yes. For simply ONE ghastly occurrence? Not so much.

While I loved this season for many reasons, it did spiral and could have used those last two episodes to clarify just what the Big Daddy creature was about. Everyone needs things completely spelled out any more.

AIDS and Hatred did a number on the gay community. That is what they were trying to say.

Hope this helps.
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Spoor (2017)
Activists: Take a Page from This.
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greta would cream over this movie--the lead looks like an older version of her as well. The reason this movie works is because this woman isn't going out of her way to inconvenience anyone with her views until it becomes personal. Then all bets are off. She doesn't stop traffic or glue herself to things to make a point (that everyone would miss if she pulled these attention grabbing stunts)--nobody would GET the point, as proven when she merely loses her temper, {which is obviously misdirected grief over her lost dogs}. We can understand that.

The beauty of this flick is--while a bit long and her spiraling due to aforementioned grief can be a bit over the top for some--the good guys WIN. It's a rare situation when the good guys WIN. Everyone loves a happy ending when it comes to this sort of thing--even if you ARE a hunter. There's layers of reasons, layers of stories: You have to watch it, pay attention, and stick it out till the end.

I highly recommend it. The setting was also incredibly beautiful, I always wanted to go to Poland--even live there. So lovely.
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Mama's Milk is Dry.
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is it absolutely crazy that I loved this song/poem? It's catchy, it's hilarious, it's dark, it's off the hook. Actually, I have found all the music in this season to be above par, but then American Horror Story usually does have a top caliber music selection and score. Hotel will always be my favorite, but the 80s will always be number one for this old hag of a queen.

This season starts off incredibly strong, and while I do not want to reveal spoilers, this season should have been one of the incredibly longer ones, at least 13 episodes if they were going to waste two of them (okay, maybe just one) on the way too long song in the last episode.

But getting back to this early show: The underground scene is so much fun.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
"This is a Song of Hope."
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
S P O I L E R S .

. .

. .

. .

Sorry...was that pretentious...?

Somewhere in the middle of the movie, this is the line (of the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin) that kept coming to mind. All the way to the end.

Having read several (if not all) reviews, I came to the bitter expectation of NOT loving a movie with Florence Pugh. Even the trailer, I wasn't bubbling about it as I had been with let's say Little Drummer Girl or Midsommar.

Well, I was wrong. The "pretentious" bit at the beginning and end, taking you out of the movie: That is the POINT. It dares you to NOT be drawn 100% into it, dares you to NOT be wowed and biting your nails with expectation to where it leads, what might be revealed...if you are a nail biter of course.

So in SPITE of that beginning, I was all the way into it. I can't help it, but I LOVED this movie. A Lot. The idea of being reborn from such ugly tragedies...such HOPE. I'm crying again because I was abused as a child; I lost my youngest child. I lost my Mom and Sister--my only family left--within 7mos of each other (and my child a year later). I'd give anything to start over. In fact, that is how I spend all my time, wishing that death will be a do-over, only I want to know everything as I go, not make mistakes, avoid the pain...

Isn't that what everyone wants? Hope for a new beginning, especially after concurring tragedies? Yeah, most of us don't get to this point till much later in life. For some of us, it begins while we are still single digit ages.

So this movie happened to touch me, I got lost in the story despite the opening act (I didn't really care about the end--I was way too moved to give a rat's).

Fun Fact: I didn't realize Laudanum was flammable. I had no idea it was a mixture that probably mangled more than a few brains back in the day. Women's Drug, if you research the history (as I just did). Fascinating.
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Vikings: The Last Act (2020)
Season 6, Episode 20
I Get It. The Witch Queen...
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...was the best candidate LEFT in Kattegat for the job. She absolutely WORSHIPPED Bjorn. Of COURSE she is going to rule with his influence. She had spent enough time with him (maybe not on screen) to understand how he would rule if he were still there. Then we have the influence of Gunnhild who was some magickal being, in my opinion. There was something otherworldly about her, and she showed Ingrid all about acceptance, how to be a graceful queen...and probably even a little bit shield maiden without the shield, if you get my meaning. The compassion and releasing her for loving Bjorn, respecting the love Ingrid had for Bjorn; she rose above petty jealousy. That is a gift in itself. So Ingrid had learned a LOT from Gunnhild, as well as Bjorn. She was definitely the best candidate left to do the job. Additionally, she likely learned a lot from skeevy Harald, ever the politician. Yeah, Ingrid received the best and move valuable education on how to be a leader from those three combined. Would you rather Erik ruled??

Ingrid was cunning, was likely enslaved at the same time as the other chick (sorry, I forget her name. Nissa?) The way they nodded at each other when the attempted murderer was hung told me all I needed to know: They were tight. When she rose to the throne with Ingrid, again--I didn't need it spelled out. They were together for a long, long time; since Erik enslaved them, they bore the same mark. It was quite obvious that Ingrid had Nissa lined up to murder Erik for quite some time. A very elaborate way to eliminate him, if you ask me. How very VIKING OF HER.

Sometimes, you just have to rely on inference and small details. I know, it's not spelled out over six episodes because it is just too difficult to pull yourselves away from the stupid cellphone...but I understood the whole greater picture. I loved this ending for Kattegat.

Ivar. What can I say? I was very very happy for the Rus story because of Ivar finally learning unconditional love. If not for that kid Igor, Ivar would have remained the horrible creature that he was. I HATE IVAR with a passion. Aslaug KNEW he'd be a monster and I don't mean the broken leg brittle bone problem. I knew it was going to be something evil. In fact, I expected that baby to be born perfect, almost angelic, with incredible beauty...while having the brain and heart that would make Hitler look like Ghandi. So I was thankful for the Rus story on Ivar's behalf. I love old Russia (I know, not a popular opinion at the moment) but I am talking about the architecture and the like.

I think Hvitserk was just like the rest of them: An opportunist. That's what they all were, if you think about it. Nothing altruistic about it. Or maybe he knew the inquisition was coming.

Anyway, I didn't think I'd like the Ivar All the Time seasons, but very pleased that I did. And those raven skull crowns: How cool were THEY?
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CreeePeeee ... !!
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This one is the favorite of the bunch if we're going to horror sci fi. Slow burn, super creepy and eerie...just ALL bad, especially if you know how an autopsy is performed. I cannot imagine poor Sykes' pain.

And that ALIEN, holy gross genitalia creature, batman! I thought all the things in Alien were...ridiculous. This thing takes the cake (hiding in a turtle shell, no less).

I should have known that F. Murray Abraham would taken one of the best in the group.

Good grief, I feel like I need to take a scrubbing, ala nuclear plant style after that episode. Grody nasty body horror, all told with a sadistic slant.

Might be up many a person's alley. All in all, it was VERY compelling, once I could get with it. The roll was slow in the beginning, but very much worth the wait.
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Horror of a Different Sort.
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So nobody out there would find turning into a moronic clone a little horrifying? No? How about being an incredibly devoted spouse, only to find your significant other actually resents you for it and hacks you up for it...? Nah, not that either? (Coming Soon): The TV starts to have conversations with you.

That last one kinda bugs me out the most, because I feel like Big Brother has been watching long before Snowden told us all about it. But that's just me, that is horror.

Wasting that fabulous duck meat to (gag me with a Ginsu) microwave (which is likely already compressed bug protein granted to us from the benevolent Klaus Schwab) garbage was also a horrifying moment for me personally.

I guess nobody would mind a 6ft tall humanoid made of lotion in the basement, either...? I about lost my mind when I saw all the nasty footprints on the carpet (ugly carpet), but still a cleaning job of horrific proportion.

Last but not least: I am allergic to everything. I don't just break out in hives (up to 150 or more per quadrant front AND back), but I get the throat closing, eyes lips eyebrows blowing up to where I make Sly Stallone at the end of Rocky look like a supermodel of the 80s. So yes, her reaction to the glop actually scared my grandkids who have inherited this lovely allergic nonsense.

Horror of a very different sort. Watching a very unique lovable smart and talented person become a cookie cutter clone of the worst kind...? That also sucks. High School all over again, in a way. Talk about horror.

Diana "Edie Peach" Bentley rounds it up to perfect 10.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Motherland (2022)
Season 5, Episode 8
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm curious how the story will morph into the Testaments part of the book series IF it does. We'll have to see more of Hannah & Aunt Lydia, I think, but for now...

I'm sick of June and Hannah. It is the same. Thing. Over and over with that. She's going to be so focused on the one she CANNOT have that she's going to miss the ones she DOES have and that's...painful. Why is one more valuable than the other? She's going to lose the second family to the next blond that walks by and Nick also coming to claim his kid. I mean, I saw the Nick angle as soon as his wife was mentioned to be pregnant. We're going to have a Serena 2.0 when she has an unbaby and they want June's kid. Everyone seems to want June's kids. Except June (when she has them; then all of a sudden, they aren't as important or valuable). It's getting very annoying.

Watching Serena live the path she set up for other women is giving some satisfaction. Watching Joseph become the bigwig is also satisfying, but in the books he was THE WORST.

The smartest thing would be for Joseph to marry Hannah (doesn't he do that in the books? Or tries to?) and it be the ruse that everything is when it comes to What June Wants.

At least the show is sort of moving on in some regards, like Americans GO HOME and will Nick become more Sinister, plus I'm hoping they keep tabs on Janine and Esther. Janine is gonna 180 when she learns June lied about her son.
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American Horror Story: Something's Coming (2022)
Season 11, Episode 1
Ode to Cruisin'...the World I Lived In
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Instantly I recognized the timeline; I asked, "Is this supposed to be the late 70s?" based on the trash pileups, which would be the Garbage Strike. I guess I was off by a couple of years, when later it was 1981.

Also, before anyone opened a suitcase, I had felt the Cruisin vibes. Aaah, then I started to think of Christopher Street, what lovely memories. I suppose the bandanna (not handkerchief, get it right, honey) system is still in full effect or making a comeback. It's been a while.

Most of the gay community I knew were waiters in the best restaurants in The City, and thru them was found the best connection for the best 'caine around--straight out of Columbia. I remember hosting dinner parties with my sister for this lovely couple (yes, who were also gay).

A word about the caine for those with money: It wouldn't make you run to the toilet nor would it burn your nose nor make you shake your head like a dog. That would be crank (aka meth). Good caine was smooth sailing, perhaps a stroll to the bathroom, and when you were done at the end of your "evening" which was typically after sunrise, you are to run water down the drain, else it WOULD eat a hole thru the septum...too much of a good thing IS bad, but not the bad they are displaying here. Those people need a better dealer. Hahaha.

So as far as the show is going, I'm thinking they are nailing it 9 outta 10 so far. And I am eternal grateful. This old butterfly is now a dusty tattered moth, but the memories oh the memories. At least before AIDS ruined every effing thing in that part of my--and millions of others'--life/lives.

A huge THANK YOU to all the people who made this theme possible. Sure, it's about horror and mayhem--but that part is for cinematic value. I haven't been this happy with AHS for a while now, but this homage to HOME for so many of us...

Wonderful to see Zachary Quinto back in the AHS saddle. I'm really excited about this season. All the boys I follow seem to be in this episode.
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Nitram (2021)
Couldn't WAIT for This One.
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had been waiting for this to come out. Caleb Landry Jones is a phenomenal actor, and I will watch anything with Essie Davis in it. I wanted to learn more about Helen than Nitram (I love how his real name was NEVER mentioned in this movie...which is what he wanted, to have infamy. Too bad, he's not even getting THAT)!! Helen's story is much more interesting to me, so I got a glimpse of her in this movie.

The US Media can learn a bit on how to handle mass murder. Never using the perp's name: Ever. Spelling it backward to infer that he was a reverse person was brilliant, as I'm not sure anyone actually called him that IRL. Never giving them the glory. It's like Australia buried and forgot this guy, all these years. GOOD. Again, USA Media: Take a page from this, will you...????

I've watched this movie five times already. So many times I shout at him, at everyone around him, the gun dealers (and I'm a gun owner) breaks my heart how this happened. I cannot say enough for the acting in this. The story is one that needs to be told, because you can see how erroneous everyone got it when dealing with this kid. From his father who probably felt OVERLY responsible for his son's behavior to the very end, his mother just turning her back on the situation. "Not My Boy," after a lifetime of letting him know just how unloved he was.

To the Reviews... To JTindahouse: So there's nothing but 'hunky' male actors in Oz, nothing else...? Then please explain Shane Jacobson that's been in 100 things. Setting him aside as a rarity or wealthy enough to get himself inserted into shows...that only tells me that nobody can get hired for Acting Jobs in Oz unless they're superficially good looking with nothing else mattering. Which is it?

And ftr: Caleb Landry Jones is usually a stick figure. I applaud him for putting on weight to look like the Australian (not American) fat Nitram. Vanity is clearly not a problem.

To MosquitoBite: The reason WHY is because maybe it will save lives elsewhere. To ignore history is to be doomed to repeat it. I'm also guessing there's a Gun Law Lesson to be learned. Bryant went under the radar mostly because of what he looked like (a lot more attractive than Landry portrayed), so most people thought he was just being an @$$h0le. He was repulsive, I'm not sure sympathetic was the goal here.

Another reviewer wrote about Unrecognizable Anthony LaPlagia. I have to agree, I did not recognize him either. I thought at first it was Bill Pullman after gaining 200lbs. What a commitment.

Everyone gave it their all in this one. For a very good cause, I thought.
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X (II) (2022)
Actually Quite Hilarious.
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers

I'm hardly 8m into this, and already I've had a few chuckles. It's pretty obvious (to me) who that preacher on TV is talking about; going to guess there's some foreshadowing regarding the blond and the alligator on the trailer from whence she emerges. Then, the question, "What is your dream (blond)...?" Cut to a black, uhm, rooster.

That just had me roaring and had to start my review, in case I forget later.

Later: Well...removal of some stars because there was a saying in the 60s and 70s about the Three Biggest Lies. It was truth then, and it is still true. Why Hollywood is trying to jam the rooster down our throats is a mystery but I remember "something is beautiful" being one of the three biggest lies. It was truth then, it's true now. Nuff said on that.

I wonder, if the "Congratulations. Now You're a Pig" moment hadn't occurred with Church Mouse...would the events have folded out the way that they did...? (That line is from another 70s movie, SNFever where Tony says to that stupid Donna some similar sentence. That felt spot on for that entire nast-e-ness.)

Anyway, Mia Goth is great as usual...she's adorable with the freckles. Looking forward to seeing Pearl and Maxxxine.

Cheers all, have a good giggle.
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Devil in Ohio: The Dawning (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Fantastic to Watch w/Youngsters
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Written from a 11yo & 14yo's perspective, with a bit of my own (McGuinness' Grandma).

I chose to watch this because I really like Emily. I see a lot of comments about why she'd take this project, blah blah: Maybe SHE has tweens & teens in her life that would enjoy this? I always think about that.

The kids loved it, I didn't hate it, I was a bit gripped by the mystery and story buildup. The idea of one's own family carving them up is definitely terrifying for kids, maybe look at it from that point of view.

We disliked the "agenda" moments with the casting. Many other reviews mention this, the ticking of boxes vs reality: We are SICK OF IT. My 7yo grandkid asked me, terrified, "Will I be forced to marry..." Because it's all she sees on TV and she hates the bullies at her school, including her cousins that "fit the agenda." So I'm glad I'm not the only person who hates this sort of casting.

About the ending: It's obvious to me. Mae has complete control over her situation. She asked for wishes from the Wish Granter/Satan...built an altar and everything. It was clear that she asked for Suzanne to stay with her and push all the others out of the way. The Devil in Ohio is still there.

I see a lot of influences from old movies in this one, The Godsend {1980} among them.

So WHAT if there are "plot holes" or whatever? You liked GOT with dragons, zombies, etc. Good grief, the entire story was about devil worshippers and getting their wishes granted, like a genie. Yeah, that's a bunch of plotholes right there, dummies. Carving a pentacle in someone's back and everyone cheering...not likely. But yeah, let's talk about dumb things "that aren't likely."

It's TV. Do you believe EVERYTHING you see on TV?? Watch with the kids. They'll dig it.
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