
20 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A top 3 based on true story movie!
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The hype was big for this movie with the cast and having Christopher Nolan overseeing it. It exceeded my expectations. The whole film is very thought provoking, and can lead you into a rabbit hole of different paths of thoughts and research not only into history but science as well. And this history set human kind on a story that is still open-ended. The dialogue is very intelligent and doesn't take time trying to make it seem otherwise. In an already very long movie, I had no issue with googling certain concepts and characters from the movie. Something else that I did not expect although clear from the title. This movie is truly about Oppenheimer not the A-bomb testing leading up to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I found Oppenheimer's character inspiring but in no means perfect. Like real people and real history, stories are nuanced. Although it's easy to absolutely cheer on Oppenheimer against Robert Downey's character, the movie brought up the imperfections in both characters and allowed the audience to form their own opinions on the true motives of both characters. At the end of the movie, both these characters lost, and I hadn't been so shocked by the end of movie since Infinity War (which is funny because completely separate genre). This story is a steppingstone into the Cold War and the conflicts resulting in the current power rankings. War is forever changed. The thought of nukes is hopefully a last resort as we learned of the lingering effects of the first bombings in World War II.

Back into the actual film itself. While this movie certainly felt long, I can't think of a scene that needed to be lost or a thought regarding bad pacing. I will say the 1st half of the film was more thrilling to me, but the second half was essential to understanding Oppenheimer and the aftermath of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Cillian Murphy was fantastic as well as the rest of the cast, but with him having to carry many parts he did exceptional. I never knew much about Oppenheimer's story, but I think going forward add cinematic fame onto his resume thanks to Murphy's performance (I will have to give Peaky Blinders a watch now). Because this isn't just a good history movie where you thought it was cool to learn about the past, this is just as entertaining as the Dark Knight but also scares your soul a bit knowing this is all real. Absolutely loved Damon's line where the doctor asked why he should move out to New Mexico, and Damon responded something along the lines of "this is the most important thing to happen in the history of the world." The stakes were made quite evident here to me. It's hard for me to try to imagine being in these character's minds where they are scared about the Nazis beating them in the development of this weapon and using it to conquer and reshape the world. I also found all the conspiracy and espionage regarding the Russian Soviet's intriguing. I wish to further research the politics of this movie going forward.

Also, thought that Tom Conti made Einstein's presence be important, Emily Blunt did great in her testifying scene, and that Josh Peck did fantastic helping to elevate the tension in the pushing of the button that would set off the Trinity test. The build up for the scene, and the explosion itself were spectacular. The lead up before with the rainy darkness and Damon's line about the possibility of the ignition of the atmosphere had me in high anticipation. The soundtrack from Ludwig Göransson is still stuck in my head and makes me wish I had studied the elements that make up all matter. The patriotic symbolism was great but not overbearing to me. I could be bias though. I thought Oppenheimer getting hoisted up onto the shoulders of his men with the U. S. flag was so very cool. This is a man who changed the world after who knows how many stressful hard worked days and his associates were giving him the praise. The rest of the movie plays and you are met with many thoughts. Everything is nuanced and it's hard to see what the correct decision is. The bombing of Japan seems to me like an impossible decision that I would not want to be involved in. Is it too much power for such a game changing decision to be made by a few in the government? Should scientist voices have more of a pronounced sway in an ethically difficult decision? Was Downey's character and others wrong to be skeptical of Oppenheimer's affiliations with known soviets and get his security clearance? Should Americans that have soviet like beliefs be monitored and considered a threat or are they practicing their own freedom? Should Oppenheimer been allowed to keep his clearance until proven guilty as the saying goes? I ask questions that seem to have two answers, but really have a bunch of different aspects to them. Multiple things can be true at once. The scene when Oppenheimer gives a speech after the bombings shows this. He seems to be both proud and horrified of their achievement. All I realized is that people/culture/history is complicated. Thank you Christoper Nolan for this movie.
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The Whale (2022)
Simplicity makes for reality!
8 January 2023
This movie keeps it simple, and in doing so really lets you get to know the characters. The fact that the movie was this good when it all took place in one room is incredible. While the writing the was certainly great, this movie was carried on the shoulders of Brendan Fraser. He kept you watching every scene. The suit and makeup for his obesity was great. His scenes almost make you want to cry. These character all suffer from past and present sins. Even if you don't deal with the same sins, these characters feel very real, and you are sympathetic towards each of them although they are messed up in different ways. This movie is full of small heartfelt moments that make the movie. Fraser's breakdown in front of his ex-wife, his depressed eating spree, and the last minute of the movie were standouts for me. The depressed eating stood out because it showed how a complete stranger and small interactions can have a huge impact on people. This is very real and happens in the workplace. But this pizza guy who should've known that Charlie was fat by all the pizza he brings, looks as if he saw bigfoot when he sees Charlie for the first time. And this is what tips Charlie into full suicidal again after trying hard to make some connection with his daughter. While Simpkins and Chau did very solid in their roles, Sadie Sink was the other standout performance. What seems like an unrealistically naive teenager feels real with her performance. Yes, I realize I keep saying real, but that is what drove this movie: emotions. All her evil acts that would sound over the top on paper, worked with her performance. And the breakdown in the last scene was the best climax. People do care.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Unique Theater Experience!
4 January 2023
Did this movie flop money wise? Yes. However, I thought the movie was phenomenal and had great time. It has been a while since I thought about a movie so much after seeing it and wouldn't mind going right back into the theater to watch it again. This movie is meant for the theater as you can tell with all the sound. The party's music is meant to be played loud and surround sound. The ending is a montage better experienced in the theater. While it wouldn't work as well on a basic tv, the theme of film appreciation was achieved. After thinking this whole movie was going to be a huge party, it themes were shined own, and they were excellent. This film conveys 3 things in a unique and excellent way. One, as I already said, it makes you appreciate film.

Two, it brilliantly conveys the missing the good old day's theme and the mental effect new times can bring on people. Brad Pitts character showed this, and his role was amazing. He had so much yet so little. The deaths in this movie were so random and you could choose if they were funny or sad. Of course, if it was real life, it would be sad, but when you are watching this movie, you aren't thinking about the world and that's a good feeling. The movie also presents political issues but doesn't force them forward anymore. Nobody starts a rebellion or anything huge. This is a nice change of pace from other studios like Disney where they force it. The characters get screwed, and the story continues. You get to choose for yourself how to feel, and you feel sympathetic towards characters.

Three, the plot tells a story about the changing of the film industry. This sounds like one, but I mean something different. In one I meant the celebration of film. In three, I'm talking about the story/plot and the smooth progression of a somewhat historical story. I found it very fascinating how much changed. The introduction of sound into film was more interesting than I would have thought. I loved the scene where the producer's and LaRoy had to adjust to this, and the director had a meltdown. Again, the deaths were so random I didn't know whether to laugh or not, the movie let me choose. The comedy was spot on from the start with the elephant to the ending. A little much but nothing cringe. One last thing this movie did very well was different and not in a dumb way. This was a unique vision and fun to watch play out. It doesn't remind me of other films or of other films Chazelle did himself.

There wasn't one actor I thought that was bad. Brad Pitt keeps your attention and is and entertaining character at the beginning. By the end, he is a tragic character that you continue to think about. Margot Robbie is the best actress out there in my opinion. She constantly goes from crazy to sad. A character starting from nothing seeking grandeur who by the end doesn't know what to do with her life. I didn't know who Diego Calva was, but he was very solid as someone who gets most of the screentime. A character with a bright future and fixation in film who won't give up his obsession with LaRoy. Tobey Maguire was amazing in every scene he had, though they were few. A character with clever movie ideas. Tobey underground scenes were some of the most interesting in the movie and set forward the stakes. My two favorite secondary characters were the director that had a meltdown and Conrad's first director (not sure if those are the correct titles).

The soundtrack and lighting in the film were very impressive. The only reasons I could see it getting bad reviews is because of the runtime and not thinking the R-rated content was necessary. The thought of time crept into my mind, but I had nowhere to be and was more immersed in what was going to happen next in the movie. Damien Chazelle did a great job.
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Great BlockBuster!
10 December 2022
This movie stndout moment purely come from the action. It was like a Transformers movie and lacked the plot and character development from the first Avengers movie and Infinity War. The movie was great until after the trin sequence. From there it lacks awe and is just big cgi fight. Ultron was interesting but rushed. This should have been two movies as it's an "age" of Ultron. The Hulk vs Hulkbuster fight was amazing. The Black Widow and Banner romance was terrible. I understand they trying to add character to Hawkey, but family scenes could have been at least a little entertaining. Downy, Evans, and Hemsworth carry this movie as the plot and other character certainly didn't. Liked the party sequence. Great opening scene and good sequel.
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More Iron Man!
10 December 2022
This movie is entertaining all the way through but doesn't have any standout moments. Besides Downey's usually amazing performances, Kingsley has the next best performance. I also loved his work in All Hail the King. The twist was good, However Peirce performance and writing as a villain wasn't good and made a high explosion climax very anticlimactic because you had no care for his character. I also wasn't impressed with Cheadle as Rhodey. They tried to give Rhodey and Pepper moments in that final fight when I just wanted to see Iron Man in his last stand alone movie. I loved the final man quote at end and Black Sabbath/ I liked the Christmas theme and very serious terrorist plot. I wish Marvel still made serious movies. The Airplane scene was cool and probably the best one. I liked the nightmare scene. Great poster.
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Unique Masterpiece!!!
10 December 2022
This movie cemented the hype around the MCU. And the ironic thing is that this movie had no hype at all when it was coming out. The comic characters aren't popular, and it seemed like an absurd movie with a racoon, a tree, and aliens. However, James Gunn is a creative genius, and this movie is great. His taste in music is great as well, so great to the point where my dad actually enjoys these movies, and he doesn't enjoy any superhero movies. This movie is the perfect blend of humor, stakes, and heartfelt moments between characters that have nothing in common. Chris Pratt action career took off here and he is a great lead. Saldana plays Gamora with multiple levels too her character. Even though it's CGI racoon. Bradly cooper and Sean Gunn's Rocket will become an iconic character by the end of these three movies. Vin Diesel is being payed to say Groot. Is it worth it? Probably as Groot has some of the best moments in this movie. Bautista is great humor presence, but also has a great serious scene when he talks about his rage covering what he has lost. Opening scene is iconic. Rooker is great as blue alien Yondu. Visuals and CGI in this movie are incredible. I remember seeing this in theater and instantly loving it. Crazy that a movie that was supposed to flop become the highest grossing movie of 2014. Sets up so much more in future movies of guardians and the infinity saga.
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God of War Ragnarök (2022 Video Game)
Best game ever ?!?!
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's too many good things to say about this game. For me this definitively wins game of the year over the great Elden Ring. Although gameplay is just built upon 2018 is still feels fresh and has the players always on his toes. Opposed to the 2018 game, this one has plenty of enemy variety. Where this game really sets itself apart is story and characters. I now think of kratos at a top 10 character in fiction. The story is great and connects everything in a way for the most impactful ending for kratos. He finally becomes a loved god and has healthy relationships around him. Even though I wanted to absolutely tear apart Odin and Thor, the way the game went made the story much better. And I still got to choke Heimdall to death. My one complaint would be that ragnarok should've contained multiple levels and Thor's final fights should've been bigger in scale, maybe even having them fight on Jormandgandrs back. The soundtrack ramps up the epicness of Ragnarok though and even Hozier makes a song for this soundtrack. Bear did an amazing job with it. Cory and Eric did an amazing job with this game and deserves a lot more recognition than it will ever get due to it being a PlayStation exclusive and people being addicted to cod and nothing else. I live the twist in this game although I saw it coming and had since watching a YouTube theory on it back in 2018. Can't believe it guessed it. Hurst is amazing as Thor and I prefer this to mcu even. I enjoyed that they went all out with the 2 realms we hadn't visited yet. The Thor revive screen was fun and creative. The spear was a great weapon and added new thoughts to a players combat. So many touching scenes, fun fights, lores, discoverable areas, great visuals, and great dialogue make this game. Kratos and Atreus connection is amazing, mimir is a great brother, freya compliments Kratos, Odin is a business dictator and Thor his hammer. I'm going to have to think whether this is the best game ever made, but it is definitely worthy of being in the conversation.
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Not a soldier, but a good man.
21 October 2022
This movie allowed for audiences to take Captain America seriously. Think about it: a character named Captain America is now top 5 in superhero popularity across the world. This was his introduction. While Chris Evans was a good Johnny Storm, he is great as Captain America. This character isn't a USA bond gimmick or goody two shoes. This is a decently grounded movie where you can watch it with someone not into superhero films, like my grandpa, and they would enjoy it. This film, which is about war shows more death than the entirety of cash grab Phase 4. I'm glad I can rewatch this now and enjoy it just as much as when I was a kid. Captain America's freeing of the soldiers was great and the whole movie overall was above good and had great action. I loved how they just went from battle to battle. Hayley Atwell does a great job as Agent Carter and a love interest. She supports him even when others are laughing at him. Stanley Tucci is excellent as Steves mentor and has a touching death. He trusts Steve to stay a good man even with great power and that is what Steve does. Random thought but Margaery Tyrell and Star Lord's mom are both in this. The only thing I wasn't a big fan of was how the Red Skull was defeated. I thought it could've been more creative. I also enjoyed watching the howling commandos in action. Tommy Lee Jones Was excellent as a colonel and has some great comedic moments as well. It was cool to start the movie with old Brooklyn and end it with modern New York.

I would like to think Stan Lee was very happy to see this character come alive in this movie. It's sad that Wonder Woman just about copied this movie and is probably more popular. It was a good movie, but I'll stick with The First Avenger.
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Chris Evans & Scarlett Johansson's best MCU performance in debatably the best MCU plot.
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was great even if you aren't the biggest comic book fan. This is more of a political thriller, spy, and action movie. While Captain America is a superhero, he isn't over the top. The plot for this one was fascinating. It includes many twists and moves made by Fury and Pierce that make you examine them. The soundtrack is epic. The Winter soldier's theme is terrifying and a top 3 villain theme ever. The movie theme is excellent as well and incites the inspiration that the movie does. This movie has it all from car chases, to espionage, to amazing hand to hand combat, to great protagonists and antagonists, to high stakes, and more. This is probably the best Marvel movie up to this date; Avengers would be the opposing argument. This submitted the MCU as a franchise that wasn't done after the first Avengers.

Like I already mentioned in the title, this is Captain America and Black Widow's best performances. The movie starts off with a bang as they have a mission to rescue hostages on a cargo ship. The action here was great. They get great actions scenes, inspiring moments (Captain's speech to SHIELD and Black Widow's exit from the capital scene), have great chemistry that is used in future movies, and there best looks. Captain America has a great spec op suit and switches to his iconic WW2 suit later. They both grow to learn that they need to know who they are fighting for, which is why they both make being an Avenger (working for themselves) is a priority in Age of Ultron. Steve's main story is about a good man learning to live in a corrupt world, and this is great. It is different from the other MCU characters where the good world helps them overcome their arrogance. The action is 10/10 with the only movie comparing being Infinity War. But that's a different kind of action. This movie's action is pure military and hand to hand. The choreography in this one is amazing. Sebastian Stan nails it as the menacing Winter Soldier. His look is very cool, and he has a whole arsenal to use. I loved the brothership between him and Steve and it pays off in the end. I would also argue this is Samuel L Jackson's best MCU performance (Avengers comes close) and Anthony Mackie's. The car chase was on Bond level of excellent. Fury explains his reasoning for distrust and is proven correct as SHIELD had been infiltrated. Although he doesn't convey whole truths, he does try to do what is right. I like the perspective of freedom in this movie. Robert Redford as Alexander Peirce is great. He is a master manipulator and each of his scenes is worth paying attention to. My top 3 scenes include the highway ambush, Captain America's inspirational speech, and Steve deciding not to fight Bucky. Another great one would be the elevator scene. This movie puts Captain America on the same popularity level as Iron Man. While Marvel may make more comedic movies like Thor Ragnorak and more Avengers movies, I don't think there will be another movie like the Winter Soldier.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
This show is simply the best!
19 October 2022
Do not be overwhelmed by the number of episodes or slow scenes. If you are debating this don't, it is well worth it. This show has better dialogue than any show or movie I've seen. This show has some of the best episodes I've ever seen (every episode 9). Battle of the Bastards was a mind-blowing experience of how invested I was in this episode. Season 8 in my opinion is over hated and a bit better than 7. Sure, Winter was short but the lead up to before the battle and the battle itself was greatly done. It doesn't make sense for the Night King to die any other way with all his power than in a cheap unsuspecting way. Jon isn't beating him in a 1v1. And Daenerys arc makes sense. She loses everyone and was always more of an overthrower than ruler. The season was a bit rushed in terms of story but it's not an awful season. Go watch the later season of Arrow or the Walking Dead if you want awful. The red wedding was the most unexpecting thing I've ever seen with only Infinity War, Shutter Island, and Inception coming close. Top 5 characters are Tyrion, Jon Snow, Jamie, Ser Davos, and Tywin.
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The Avengers (2012)
19 October 2022
No other movie has done a better job combining different main characters with different ongoing storylines. The Justice League got nowhere close (even the overrated but better than original Snyder Cut), not Jurassic World Dominion, not Star Wars (the sequels which are also very bad). The only piece of fiction that I would argue that did as good of a job combining characters is Game of Thrones. This movie also set the standard for invasions and cgi fights. I kept you invested and was pure fun to watch. When Hulk stops the giant alien worm and the 6 unit in a pan around shot complimented by the legendary music every audience member goes nuts and you are left with goosebumps. This same music is played during the Thor Wakanda entrance and portal scene from Endgame. Point being that this theme is used only for the most epic music. This is a top 20 scene in fiction and one that would shape history in film. Before this, comic superhero movies weren't all that popular. This is when, as a young kid, I became hooked and am still now with the MCU. Very disgusted to see how bad Phase 4 is turning out to be. Iron Man and Hulk carry this movie with Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury and Black Widow adding strong support. I will say this was a weaker movie for Thor and Captain American and his awful costume. Nick Fury and Black Widow do a great job of tying all the main characters together and introduce the audience to SHIELD. Every scene on the Helli carrier was worth watching. I loved how randomly Tony pointed out the Galaga player and the team's argument. Hulk is terrifying, which he should be, and we get see him on both sides. His fight with Thor was short but epic. Loki is an amazing villain to go up against everyone. Hiddleston gives a great performance with little. It makes sense why they didn't kill him off in this one. The death in the movie was sad but necessary to provide some stakes. The end invasion was kept simple enough to show off every character. And it ended in a unique way. Captain America vs Iron man is a great concept and started in this movie. They make for great allies and rivals. Black Widow, Bruce, Iron Man, and Captain America's opening scenes were all good. This is the only movie in which I have liked Ruffalo as Bruce. I will say he did great in this one. I don't care about the comedian in the other movies. End credit with Thanos set up everything and kept the audience wanting more.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Not a waste of time.
19 October 2022
The moment the movies start, Iron Man's epic vibe gets the viewers' attention. You can't go wrong with AC/DC+Iron Man. His entrance at the Expo was in character and they play more to this side of him during the movie. This is mainly because he is dying and deciding to act on every impulse he has. This included entering a race, which leads to his greatest suit up scene. Another great scene that isn't fighting is his press conference one that has pay off in the end with the pinning. He is the man that has a clever remark to everything people throw at him and is shows here. And I love how they constantly interrupt each other like the real world. Downey gives his all in his role and this alone can carry a movie not having a complex plot. Scarlett Johansson enter the MCU in this movie and does an excellent job. She plays the beautiful but unable to read agent exactly how it should be. Her fight choreography for her fight scenes at the end came out smoothly and established her character as one fun to watch on screen.

The one character I don't like is Rhodey. I see him not as Tony's best friend but rather the guy that is monitoring him all the time and become the friendly acquaintance. I like the first guy more but understand he asked for too much money for a side character. This guy steals Tony's suit. There is no arguing it. I don't care that it was bad publicity for Tony to be drunk. It was the man's birthday, and one that he thought would be his last. Rhodey loves complaining and even makes fun of Thor in Endgame when he is trying to redeem himself by sacrificing himself with the snap. And also, I did love how Tony dominated him even though he was drunk with Another One Bites The Dust playing in the background. I though the scene where they shot each other's blast was a good idea and a unique way to end a boss fight. As expected, the cgi robot fight was entertaining and fun to watch as Tony showed off all his gadgets. This movie also contains another great experiment scene with him constructing a new element. I loved this scene just like I did him building his armor in the first film. The suits in this movie look great for Iron Man, War Machine, and Black Widow. I did wish they used Tony's grey and red armor more or in the future but at least it was used in good scene. There wasn't crazy character development in this as Tony took a couple steps back due to the thought he was dying. But by the end he gets back to being a motivated hero. Downey kills it again and even Elon Musk was in this one.
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Iron Man (2008)
The start to the billion-dollar studio going 10+ years.
19 October 2022
Iron Man nails everything needed from the superhero genre. The best thing about it is how entertaining the main character is and his growth. Robert Downey made this character go from a semi popular character to a top 3 superhero. I don't care what comic loving people say about Batman, Superman, Hulk, and Spiderman. Iron man is the greatest on-screen superhero to watch and that is because of Downey. Money speaks and going of profits from movies, his Iron Man is much popular this day than Superman or Hulk.

This movie is grounded with no crazy villain or super abilities. He takes on terrorists to atone for his sins of the past. He dedicated his life to doing good, since he spent so much of it ignorantly going through life. The soundtrack is great and hypes up the scenes. His building and testing of his armor was well paced and fun to watch. The villain is generic but threatening. The focus, again, is on Tony's growth as a character. He goes from being completely irresponsible to a little bit responsible. Sounds like nothing but it is. He keeps his confidence and quick remarks but does start thinking about how others feel. This is shown by his feelings towards Pepper and the villagers who have to leave their homes. The action scenes are slower than in the future and each punch or movement has weight. Him blowing up the tank complimented by the tank was epic. The pov of Tony inside has suite was a great choice and give Downey more room to shine. The press conference in the end sealed how cool his character and leaves the audience wanting more.
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Thor (2011)
Great Introduction of the longest running (movies) Marvel character.
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was entertaining and nailed Thor's introduction. He starts of as an ignorant, naive, warmongering god that wishes to muscle his way through his rule as king. However, this does happen to the manipulating of Loki. Loki is such a great character because there are times where you can tell he is a lonely figure wanting to prove himself and in a life crisis due to betrayal but then there are times where he is just manipulating everyone. And on top of this, there are times where you can't tell which. Is he being real or fake? This makes every one of his scenes interesting. Hemsworth, Hiddleston, and Hopkins all nail their roles. The dynamic between these three are great and the movie. The movie is simple with emotions, like betrayal and impulse, driving it. The best moments are those of breakthrough of character development. Thor finding his worthiness again is the climax the movie was really leading towards. And the fight with the destroyer was quick but epic. He then goes home to find that Loki hasn't killed Odin but made another attempt to please him. And you can tell both brother care for each other but must fight. Loki is what Thor was at the beginning, showing that he must of looked up to Thor in some ways. The reason he sent the destroyer after Thor was because thor was the only obstacle from having everything he wanted. He didn't do it out of hatred. The soundtrack is amazing and every scene zooming through space is cool. Asgard is beautiful, and I wish they showed more of it.

By the end of the movie, Thor learns the value of life and why it is worth fighting for. He realizes his power/superiority shouldn't impact his mentality towards others. He learns that the world is bigger than himself.
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Overhated. Overall entertaining.
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie gets plenty of hate for small reasons. WInner of worst movie in MCU definitely goes to Captain Marvel or something in Phase 4. The biggest respect I have for this movie is that it takes itself seriously, unlike newer Marvel projects. The dynamic between Thor and Loki is great. The action is an improvement from the first one. The final fight with Malekith was unique and after each punch the two were somewhere different, which is how it should be with a god fighting.

Frigga's death scene was one of the saddest in mcu and done correctly. It made the dark elves more threatening. And it led to a very beautiful Asgardian ceremony. People hate of the dark elves for being too bland and dark. Well, that was what the movie was going for. Not every villain has a great motive. Some are just pure evil like Sauron and if they are threatening, then they are doing their jobs. More responsible then falls on the protagonists to carry the movie. Thor is still growing as a character here and defies his father again. He decides he wants to be a good man instead of a king. Not crazy character development but better than his appearances in Avengers 1&2.
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God of War III (2010 Video Game)
The end of the trilogy that cemented it's legacy!!!
8 September 2022
Thank you Santa Monica Studios and Stig Asmussen! This game was exceptional. When it comes to puzzles and different enemies this is the gold standard. I can't name a single game with better enemy and boss variation (as frustrating as some of them can be), not even the new God of War. The mechanics are great and this game being as difficult as it is makes you feel amazing every time you beat a boss. Zeus, the giant scorpion, and the giant hell dog with the goats in Hell took me forever to beat. But boy did it make kratos punishment that much better. Kratos legacy as the video game character was cemented in this game. The game is a literal journey from him at the bottom to the top. Each god fight is just so epic. This was the first God of War game I played after finding it at a Half Priced Books. Now this series is my favorite (so excited for Ragnarok) and my favorite game of all time is God of War 2018. Get this game off Amazon or somewhere and play it!
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Marvel's Avengers (2020 Video Game)
This game sucks!!!
8 September 2022
This game sucks. This game suck. This game sucks. What a waste of great voice actors and a great team of characters. The guardians game was amazing. I don't know what this crap is. If they just relying on future updates then they need to realize it's over and move on. The gameplay and super moves were cool at first & then you realize the formula of the game and hate it. It makes u hate gaming. The emptiness of spamming buttons with zero skill on the most unimaginative ai enemies possible during the most bland missions possible. Campaign was alright yet ruined by the the crappy choice of enemies. Multiplayer a disgrace to blockbuster games everywhere. It sucked. Inventory management sucked. Game didn't get harder, extra health was just added to villains. Disgrace to marvel and video game fans. Ultimate alliance 100 better. All it took was effort and it wasn't here. What a waste of my money!!! It sucked!!!
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#1 Superhero Movie and top 15 all time no debate!!!
30 August 2022
This movies marketing even started off great. The trailer for Infinity War is the most watched on youtube ever. I remember coming out otf theatres with a feeling I've never had after watching a movie in theatres before. Not a single scene was wasted in my opinion. This movies is far superior to Endgame in my opinion because of the real stakes, Thanos, and character arcs (mainly Thor and Iron Man). The action is phenomenal and the fight vs Thanos is far superior to the cgi blob in Endgame. I know some people might say Dark Knight or Logan is greatest cmic book movie ever and while that is fair due to the themes those movies have, I don't think its a debate for most entertaining. The pacing, story, shocks, and characters are all amazing. It paid off on the build up and I would've been fine with the MCU ending here. If it continued I wished it would of been as prequels or a world after half the population was eliminated. The two stand outs for me are Thanos and Thor. Both on a journey leading them to each other at the end. Thors arc was phenomal and proved a comedic character can turn into a real and depressed one real quick. The pay off (wakanda entrance) is the greatest movies scene ever in my opinion even though Captain America lifting Mjolnir made me happier in the moment. I get goosebumps every time the Wakanda scene comes on tv. This movie turned thanos intomy favorite villain of all time as well as a top 10 movie one no doubt. He is menacing, worked for everything he achieved, surprising (like throwing Gamora off cliff), and sympathetic at times. The resect he gives to opponents makes him respectful in some of the audience's eyes. What a movie.
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What no other adaption could achieve!!!! That good!
30 August 2022
Transformers fall of Cybertron was my favorite game growing up and is definitely still top 3 (god of war pretty good). But you can tell how much effort went into this game and it isn't just a cheap money grab made by a popular franchise like the newest Avengers game of Rise of the dark spark. Activision killed this series and that just makes me sad. Dark Moon did absolutely stellar job. You can tell they care about every character and try to get you to as well as all of them have different perspective of the war and attributes. They make the gameplay and level design different with each character having different abilities. They made the boss fights epic and great hard difficult for those up to the challenge. Unique enemies like the sea of rust alien things were cool. I enjoyed going stealth with cliff jumper and starscream. And of course grmilock, bruticus, metroplex, and the final face off between negation and Optimus was just epic. This game deserves game of the year. Fans complain so much about the humans in the movies that I wished they just played these two incredible games. Peter Cullen is back and they even got Nolan North! This is the exact war story and gameplay I wanted about a robot war. The amount of effort in the campaign went into the multiplayer and survival game mode as well. Till all are one.
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God of War (2018 Video Game)
Best games of all time!!!
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is a reason this game beat out Red dead Redemption and Spider-Man at the awards in 2018. This is the best game of all time not just 2018. There is no better combination of gameplay mechanics and story. This game turned Kratos into a top 10 fictional character in my opinion. It also makes Norse mythology so interesting and Mimir is a welcomed favorite. They flip the script with changes and it paid off!!! New weapon, new gameplay, new point of view, new enemies and pantheon, kratos is a dad again?!? Can't wait till ragnarok. Simplicity can turn into greatness with care (talking about the plot). Thank you Santa Monica Studios.

Spoiler: kratos reunited with his blades is best scene in the series.
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