
5 Reviews
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Comedy Tour De Force
10 August 2013
I have followed Alan Partridge now for what seems like my whole adult life and have been waiting years for this film to be made. With such high anticipation going into a movie you usually end up disappointed. Not this time! The laughs are relentless and you know you have seen an exceptionally funny movie when you are still laughing about it 2 hours after watching it. Americans will probably not get it but who cares! This is British comedy as its very finest by arguably the best comic actor of his generation in Steve Coogan. Back of the net, in off the red, cashback and Jurassic Park all at once and the ONLY comedy on my account to have been awarded the 10/10 mark!!!! I urge you to see it!
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Predators (2010)
Missed opportunity
13 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me say that Predator is a bona fide classic and a film I have loved since I was a kid. So I went into this movie with excitement but also with the mindset that this film was never going to be as good as Predator and to just enjoy it for what it is. This had all the right materials to be a worthy sequel Soundtrack/actors/Robert Rodiguez/Jungle Setting and best of all the most kick ass alien ever seen on celluloid. Unfortunately all these elements were undermined by poor screenplay and obvious poor editing leaving the finished product confusing and frustrating.

Here be spoilers....

All the above could be somewhat forgiven if we were treated to some kick ass by the predators which never comes (and this is my most damning critique for the movie) The creature in the first movie is terrifying in that he is just that a 'predator' who uses stealth, cunning, camouflage and the trees to hunt his prey. In this movie the creature is slow sluggish and gets his ass whipped so damn easily that I found myself asking why the filmmakers have tampered with it.

On the whole an alright addition to the franchise. Could have been miles better if handled with more care and attention to detail My best advice being just take this movie for what it is. A homage to the superior original.
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Book of Blood (2009)
Book of CRUD
17 November 2009
Until Clive Barker himself dons the directors chair we are going to be inundated with cheaply made horror drivel that drags the masters name down into the depths. Lets put this into perspective. Clive himself directed Hellraiser, Nightbreed and Lord of Illusions all of which are classic scare the crap out of you movies whilst being true to the mans vision. On the other hand all the adaptations of Clive's work which have been directed by someone else with the exception of Hellbound Hellraiser 2 and Hellraiser Inferno and too a slightly lesser extent Midnight Meat Train and Candyman have been awful. Book of Blood has to be the worst adaptation I have seen and I have seen Saint Sinner and Plague! Book Of Blood bears no resemblance to the story in the books of blood and is in no way scary at all. The acting is woeful, the characters are one dimensional and I found myself actually wanting them to be killed of. In a nutshell my brother renamed the movie "book of crud" and I have to say I agree whole heartedly. I don't think i'll even bother watching another adaptation of Clive's work unless he gets of his bum and directs it himself. Did you know that Clive was so annoyed with the earlier adaptation of Rawhead Rex that he insisted on directing Hellraiser without any experience in movie making. Lets just hope he will see this and roll up his sleeves and start making his own movies again or else we are in for an abomination in the hellraiser remake!
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My Favourite Movie Of All Time
3 April 2009
What can I say about this movie? Words are hard to find. Not only does it have the greatest cast, script, one liners, aliens, parasites, zombie dogs, Axe murderers, zombie jocks, zombie Axe murderers, inept cops, exploding heads, jars of brains, zombie cat, lawnmower death, crippled hero's, flame throwers, jocks called Brad (aka The Bradster) Mono Browed jocks called Steve, Morton Salt girls called Cindy, an amazing soundtrack, a corpsicle and the most wise cracking detective ever put to celluloid. It also has the honour of being a Horror, Sci Fi, Buddy, Love, and B Movie all at the same time. Its Unique, endearing, heart warming, scary, funny, sad, and simply.....

The Greatest Film I have ever seen. I love it!
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11 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Is the best word to summarize this movie. It was lacking in every department. I was expecting something quite good judging by the trailer I saw a while ago coupled with the fact that I have a soft spot for this directors first film "Hellraiser Inferno". Instead I go an Incoveniant Truth all over again but with Al GORT!!!! I mean come on the kid in this film is perhaps the most annoying person I have bore witness to in a movie EVER! So much so that I just wanted the equally annoying Jennifer Connolly to give the brat a clip round the ear. I was actually hoping the annoying Alien played by the annoying Keanu would throw the kid into one of the annoying orbs (that don't actually do very much), or better still Pinhead from the aforementioned Hellraiser film would appear with his Rusty fish hooks on chains and damn the little tyke to an infinity in Hell for making me so annoyed. However I am not Annoyed that I went to see this movie as I got to see the bigger trailer for Terminator Salvation which looks amazing. Oh yeah but this film is annoying. Don't bother!
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