
17 Reviews
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Entertaining enough but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend.
23 April 2024
I haven't looked into who wrote it but I'd hazard a guess that it wasn't by a Brit. ( Edit, I just looked into who wrote/created it and I admit I was wrong. Oops, such a fantastic writer. Oh well not everything can be awesome I suppose ) The humour just doesn't land far too often. Yes it has its moments no doubt and the premise is really good. Too many things fall flat. I like goofy things, absurd humour ( yes note the spelling and my first sentence ) but so many things just don't quite work. And some of the characters leave a lot to be desired.

Considering the premise is supposed to be about a lot of super rich snotty people, we didn't really see much evidence of that I do believe. As for Hugh, I dunno, he just wasn't convincing. I really wanted to like this as that whole thing appealed to me, but the sum of the parts just don't add up to a truly successful output.

As per my title, entertaining enough, and certainly not utter garbage.
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Oh WOW. How have I not heard of this earlier ? April 2024
15 April 2024
I have had 'movie re-caps' keep popping up on my YouTube algorithm lately and it has led me to lots of new movies. So this one appeared yesterday which I am glad about. I love Sci-Fi, time travel themes, all those kinds of things, so i am unsure how I haven't heard of this before yesterday. Maybe it didn't exist until yesterday, who knows...

Yes it's on the lower budget end of things, but that can't stop a good story/concept from being shown. And my goodness in the latter part of the movie my heart was in my mouth, I didn't want to breath in case something changed too much.

We all have our own ideas on what makes a good story or film, and this might not be for everyone, but it is right up my street and I love the style of it, nice and different without being pretentious.
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I agree with the negative reviews.
15 March 2024
I decided to give this a go after such a long time. Actually wish I hadn't but i was curious. I agree with the person that said it never gets off the ground. It's like there's a build up to something good but that something good doesn't happen. It's a case of the sum of the parts don't add up or however that goes.

So slow, so muddled, not really much of a story to be honest. A bloke has a past as shown in ever so brief flashbacks, a girl needs saving. Violent stuff happens, it's all none too believable considering the people involved of certain importance.

I'll give it a 3 because JP is awesome in general.

I mentioned yesterday in conversation that often the makers don't actually know how their own film will turn out until they watch it when it's all finished and put together. I'd say in this case they went ''ohhhh shhhhiiiit''.

It's a big fat NO from this bloke.
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Reset (2022)
Started off OK then got tedious, irritating and ooooooh sooooooo sloooooooow
7 March 2024
Reading all the super positive reviews and it's also about a favourite subject I was excited to watch this. I forget the name of the American movie where our protagonist is on a train and has to solve a similar thing. He does it in the space of a movie, not 15 repetitive episodes. OMG I am so done and I've stuck it out to the end of episode 10.

I was going to try to finish it tonight but I just can't bear it any longer.

By E7 I was so close to start skipping, fast forwarding, but I persevered. I honestly believe you could totally skip episodes 6 to halfway through 9 and not lose a thing.

I had foolishly thought it ended at 10, but no there's another 5 left.

At this point I'm not even sure I'll bother to ever finish it. It's just not that interesting I'm sad to say.

Another reviewer said it is fast paced.....WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!

I was thinking of pulling some teeth out to pass the time.

And as another person hinted at, the characters are just dull, all rather similar. Yes the young lead is really good, she does convey emotion at times. Most of the others are somewhat cardboard.

I think I saw this on one of those YT channels that give a round-up of various movies. Well i won't be taking their suggestions lightly next time. I even came here to see what people's thoughts were. I'd have to imagine that all of the great reviews are from Chinese people and/or people involved in this series.

10/10 would not recommend. I'm annoyed and fatigued.

Edit. OK so I just had to find out what happens so I persevered. Sunken cost fallacy. The last 2 or 3 episodes began to give some ideas about what has happened to get to this point. One does have some changes of thought and it did get a little emotional at times.

The whole thing could very easily have been done in less than half the time though, no doubt. A third or quarter could be achieved I reckon.

So yeah giving it 3 stars is more than I'd like, but hey it is well filmed if nothing else.

Decent ending, wrapped it up at least but MEH.
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I almost quit not even halfway. Jeepers how dull.
25 February 2024
This got recommended on Reddit. I have been duped by Reddit comedy suggestions previously. Maybe you have to be American, maybe you have to be a Brooks fan. I really don't know but I do know I found this to be very lame. I mean the concept is decent, but it just didn't hit the mark at all for me. There are a few cute funny lines between the 2 leads, but that does not make a comedy movie.

So yeah big thumbs down for me. Glad i had time to kill. I watched it for free and I still feel ripped off. How it gets such amazing reviews is unfathomable. Do people actually think this is entertaining comedy ? OK I've reached the required amount of characters, bye.
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Retroactive (1997)
Started skipping scenes halfway through. Weak waste of time. Awful.
17 February 2024
Watched it hoping for something good after reading the varied reviews here. How anyone could honestly state that it's anything above rather lame is a joke. Paid for shrills for sure, or 9 year olds.

I mean OK I'm watching in 2024 and things have changed, but I still don't mind an older movie if it has some merit. I like James Belushi too, well usually. Sorry but this was nonsense. I'm slightly annoyed that I wasted an hour of my life on this. Heck I could've cleaned the bathroom, and the neighbour's bathroom in that time, been productive n all that.

Skip it I say, this movie has nothing to offer with zero redeeming features. Peace from Australia.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Just finished S4....meh
17 February 2024
I really enjoyed the first 3 seasons. I watched them all about 2 n a half years ago. I didn't know more has been made until I saw it mentioned on Reddit. It was stated that the latest one was fantastic. Maybe they said ''a baller''. Lol, what does that even mean ? (I'm in Australia.)

Well anyway I tracked it down and looked very much forward to it. Hmmmm, I just don't think it was too wonderful. It lacks the quirkiness of the original film and the first 3 series that's for sure. There were a few LOL moments, one being the hand gesture near the face at the potential father in law.

So I'm thinking that the positive comments that I read on Reddit are referring to season 5, I hope so anyway. Oh it was great to see Chris Rock in an utterly serious role, he nailed it. As did all of the actors to be honest. And ohhhh the cars, the cars, yummmm.

Hey it's a great production no doubt, hats off to the creators and all involved. It's entertaining and that's why we watch things right. Not actually complaining, this one just didn't live up to my expectations in comparison to the previous examples.

Well anyway it just doesn't have the same DNA as all that came before I do believe.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
So glad I found this.
12 February 2024
I now live in Australia and don't keep up with too many British shows sadly. Due to my wonderful Scottish neighbour suggesting a few things of late I also stumbled upon this gem. Wow I had some LOL moments.

Oh by the way I'm only up to S2 E2 as of now, Feb 2024. Had a big laugh at a certain funeral ( forgive me ) when they played his ''favourite song''. Haha. And my goodness us Brits just have the best sarcasm, something that is often seen as offensive in other countries and something that I have probably toned down after 30 years here. I mean it never fully leaves you of course.

I think I'm going to start watching a lot more British shows in the foreseeable future that's for sure. And I have been a fan of Gary Oldman for decades, and what a part he plays in this. So refreshing to see such great acting that leads you to kinda forget that they're actors acting. Anyway, looking forward to the rest and thank goodness they kept making more and more.
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I might've enjoyed it when it first came out, I was 11.
8 February 2024
I Googled ''Movies with cars'' as I felt like that kind of thing this afternoon. I vaguely recall this title from my high school days. Thought it might be worth a look.

I couldn't wait for it to end to be honest.

Yeah there's some fast cars doing some fast car hings. There's Susan George looking sexy and being annoying.

Good job they had some kind of PC thoughts making this back then because she might've got into feeling some pain with her shenanigans in the real world. ( I hate any real world violence by the way, truly ) Well anyway if you want some mindless old fashioned car chase thing with hardly any plot, and not too many cars really, then go for it. F and F it is not, which might not be a bad thing. However, this has not aged well in my opinion.
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Platform 7 (2023)
Too many people spoiling this with their titles and reviews
8 February 2024
Why oh why do people feel the need to give away the main theme in their titles and reviews ? Really, how annoying, and it seems that one can only do one reporting thing.

OK, I don't want to SPOIL a single thing as this is absolutely well worth watching. As for the person that left a review after watching just 1 episode, urm yeah well done. Please don't do this ever again. I reported that and asked that it be removed, but no can do.

This is a very decent bit of viewing for sure. It deals with some controversial issues but that's what life actually consists of for too many people.

It's not a hugely uplifting watch, as it deals with those topics that many don't want to acknowledge, but that makes for uncomfortable yet interesting viewing doesn't it ?

As for people saying that certain parts weren't relevant, jeepers it's a story that involves other people other than the main 2 people for goodness sake, that's how stories are. Sheesh.

The third episode disturbed me, a male, that has lived through a scenario similar to the one on display there, albeit not to quite the same intensity. But it got to me nonetheless. Once again that's confronting viewing that gets to you so isn't that something kinda good in a bad way. Not everything in life, or a TV series, is chocolates, unicorns and rainbows is it now.

Grit your teeth, give it a go and hopefully enjoy a show that will stay with you for a while after.

Oh and it might not be an actual 10 out of ten, but if a person is allowed to post a review after watching just the first episode, than I reckon I'm allowed to pump up the aggregate score. Cheers.
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After the Flood (2024– )
Give it a watch, ignore the terrible reviews.
7 February 2024
What the heck is with all the reviews absolutely slating this show ? Are people's attention spans or expectations just out of whack these days ?

I say give it a try, and switch off if it's not your cup of tea.

This was recommended to me by my Scottish neighbour. We both watch plenty of series and movies. OK maybe it's not super duper top notch drama or mystery, but it's entertainment. That's it, entertainment, it's not here to change your life or guide you to a higher plane.

Oh we live in Australia by the way, and so seeing the countryside, the towns and the 'people' is always a nice thing to us ex pats. It does get one homesick at times that's for sure.

In this series things certainly take a sharp upturn in episode 5, woooooh.

Somebody here stated that the bad guys are telegraphed, well OK there's only a handful of characters and well, someone there has to be involved, I mean that's how stories work right.

The way certain people are involved is what makes this turn out great, no spoilers intended, but it's not black and white.

I watched it over 2 days and it filled in some time, y'know like entertainment is made for.

OK, give it a go I say, and enjoy that cup of tea, cheers.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Struggled through S1, will NOT be wasting anymore time.
21 October 2023
So a year or so ago I started to watch this after reading some good things about it. I got 5 minutes in. The female Woody Allen ( I was a fan of his as a teen by the way ) grated on me immediately. She meets a bloke at a party, they go outside, he sticks his hand down her pants and actually says ''you're so wet''. FIVE MINUTES IN FFS !!!!

So fast forward to now, October 2023. I saw it suggested on Reddit. Not actually realising before that it was some kind of timeloop thing, I decided to go for it.

I have just spent 4 hours on a quiet Saturday afternoon watching this annoying, grating, disappointing piece of work. The first 2/3 episodes didn't seem to move on at all, which became old real quick. I thought, OK maybe it's setting things up so persevere, it gets good reviews, SOMETHING must change right, SOMETHING must happen surely. It's all going to tie in and be fantastically mind blowing. The payoff will be worth it.

Wrong Wrong Wrong. There is no payoff, I mean maaaaybe I'm just not deep enough maaaan. I am frustrated to say the least. Hey maybe that's Art baby. Maybe that means it had an effect on me so that must be it. GRRRRRR.

I'm going to have a drink now.
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The Resort (2022– )
Hoped that it would be better really.
20 October 2023
Binged this in an afternoon after seeing it compared to. Palm Springs. Sorry but no, no way. Palm Springs was a wonderful surprise as I knew nothing about it previous to watching it.

I think that this one offers a lot but it just doesn't deliver. Great premise, but falls a little flat I'm sad to say.

It doesn't seem to find it's own footing. Is it a thriller, comedy ( not much humour to be frank ) mystery, fantasy. OK maybe it's a touch of all those things, but it's all spread a bit thin I reckon.

It passed an afternoon to be honest, but I wouldn't suggest watching it to a friend. It seems to float some people's boat, just not mine. Enter at your own risk.
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
Unsure where all the 10s came from ?
8 May 2023
Have those people never seen a single cop show before ? I read lots of reviews and so decided to watch the first series. Started good, nice shots, odd storyline which I'm a fan of, then it got tedious and a bit of a slog.

I found it difficult to continue, but I'm the type that likes to see something through, I need the end result. Sadly, as with some of my actual relationships in life, it didn't work out for me and I feel I invested too much time in it. I had series 2 lined up, but I'm going to find something else instead I reckon. After I just finished S1, I came back here and scrolled down to eventually find some negative, and more honest reviews. And yes, that ending, dear oh dear.

Worth watching if you can't find anything else at all. Oh I really enjoyed the Bridge and stayed away from the other 'remakes' of that show, well until now I realise. Sorry, it just didn't fulfil me.
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OVNI(s) (2021–2022)
So very happy this found me.
1 January 2023
Wacky, wonderful, wise, endearing, magical, like other people have said. I binge watched this after Xmas and into 2023. Happy new year. I watched it over 3 days due to being laid up at home with some kind of cold. I could not have wished for anything better to be honest. What a wonderful show. Loved the cars, brick phone, tech, clothes etc from my earlier years. All main the characters were wonderful, no nasty or miserable ones. I am English and so used subtitles but that's fine, I'm used to those.

I do enjoy watching things that aren't the usual fodder, hard to put a finger on it, but quirky without being ridiculous. Well what a great show to welcome in the New Year, cheers.
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Motorway (2012)
Well it was ''car chasey''.
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK first up, a person here in 2017 wrote; ''There's basically a couple of police or whatever they are called in the poor Asian country''. Ha ! A poor Asian country ? Hong Kong, one of the richest places on this planet, Muppet.

Moving on. Well I'm a car freak, yes the F n F thing got completely out of hand. The French movies, ''Taxi'' have lots of realistic and entertaining car scenes. This one......hmmmmmm I mean really, an old 2.3 Audi up against some decent JDM cars, yeah sorry that's just not cutting it I'm afraid. And it all got quite bit same same sadly.

Oh and as soon as the older cop's retirement was mentioned.....really?

Anyway, it is entertaining enough I suppose, but certainly not mind blowing. Brum Brum.
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The Line (2009)
Glad I simply watched it on YouTube at least.
31 March 2022
What the heck was that ? Just goes to show that having some great actors in a movie doesn't actually mean that movie will be good. Unsure where the great ratings are coming from here.
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