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24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The scenes are exciting, but how come the Nazins were so weak...

Liked Guy Ritchie a lot and loved his previous movie - covenant very much, and it takes no doubt to go to watch the latest movie.

The plot is about a team of crazy(?) soldiers to try to sink a supplementary boat of Nazin in Nigeria, and 2 spies and the team of 5 had to complete this mission, with the secret help of the Prime Minister. The fighting scenes were exciting and there were a lot of action scenes which can excite most people. But i have some doubts - how come the Germany soldiers/sailors were that weak that they just came out and to be killed? All of them seems without any combating/shooting skills and was just like puppets and tortured by the team. Even the evil big boss was so easily killed by the sexy lady without a fight... I know they are the main actors and should be powerful, but the oppoenets were just so weak and i never worry about them. And seeing Alan Ritchson just reminded me of Hawkseye! And he is even more powerful than the avenger!!! :)

Luckily this movie is based on a true story and it made me know more about the history, where James Bond is evolved from the team leader! And the sexy lady later became a movie star! With some truth and some illusion, can make the audience like the movie more!
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Old Hong Kong
14 May 2024
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There is a while no watching a HK movie with so many action stars in a movie! The movie is about a place which are so dark and lawless back in 80s of HK. Although i have never been here, i can feel the scenes and places really reflected the place at that time. The story is about the a young man who accidently went inside and was saved by the boss there. However, another gangsters would like to catch him and there is also family issues for all the men involved! There are a lot of brotherhoods and fighting scenes inside. The final big boss is strong as he learnt how to protect all over his body by using "Qi"! So he can easily defeated 4-5 men! However, after overcoming the boss then it is time to destruct the place as the Hong Kong Governement needed to demolish the whole are. Really hoping there is any other story about how to create this place! Waiting for it...
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Brand new Godzilla
14 May 2024
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Just aware that the title of the movie was that Japan was already deteroiated at that time, and the appearance of Godzilla further worsen it.

Seldom watch Japan Godzilla although i have watched a few Hollywood one. The CG of this movie is quite good and I can find out the change of size of Godzilla from a big one to a gigantic one. The plot is about a braveless soldier who survived from WWII, and lived togother with a woman and a girl who are not their children (it is quite weird that they have no relationship at all). With the danger occured by the monster, the soldier (who is a pilot) decided to sacrify himself to revenge for the death of his girlfriend, and later it come out to be a happy ending. Actually there are too much talks and talks in between, and it is most important to watch the fighting scenes in the beginning, the middle and the end of the movie. This monster is so untouchable that it can recover after damaged by weapon! Wow...worthy to watch.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Stunt man's show
3 May 2024
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Should be a blockbuster movie with these 2 stars. The plot is about a stuntman who was injured and disappeared, where his photographer girlfriend became a director and he decided to help her! However, the superstar just vanished and he needed to find him out. The mystery was solved during the process as he has accidentally killed the new stunt and Ryan was framed! The plot is quite reasonable and there are a lot of driving, jumping, fighting scenes in between, and we should pay a lot of tributes to the real stunt crew! Sure this movie has happy ending and the film filmed by Emily is fine ( really like the scenes Ryan told the truth but Emily let him die again and again). The last is so laughable as Momoa was deepfake as the actor! Unexpected!
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Dune (2021)
Sci-fi star war
30 April 2024
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I do not have much knowledge about how great and famous dune is, just know that this is the protocol of star war, wow! The casting is really great that so many movies stars are joining this project. The casting is also good and I especially like Rebecca Ferguson! The story is about the rise and extinct of the tribe and Timothy needs to get strong and revenge! All the scenes are good but I think it's a bit long in the story telling parts. It is also a bit annoying that Zendaya is flashing again and again. Would she play an important role in the second part? I am eager to find a that out and expecting more exciting scenes.
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Civil War (2024)
Would it happen!?
29 April 2024
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Dun let me know too much information before entering the cinema, and thus know nothing about the plot, and the outcome is so exciting and threatening! The story is about the civil war in United States, and the life of the military reporters. The casting is good is that I can sense the maturity of Dunst and green of Caliee. The plot is really simple and there is only one way - we are going to DC. The war scenes are so real and I have no idea the war reporters needed to be that close. The scenes are also suffocating and need to fear if they are going to die all the time. The ending is no ending and need to think. Good movie and glad A24 is always producing high quality movies..,
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Road House (2024)
Wrong re-make
24 April 2024
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Did not aware this is a re-make movie at first, and after watching just so curious why Jake would accept this one! The plot is too simple that he was an ex fighter, while killed other fighter accidentally and thus went to a remote place to act as a bouncer. Unfortunately the pub was to be developed by a gang and Jake needed to protect it. He has to fight the corrupted cops, the gangs and a brainless muscle man ( He is such a stupid character that I dislike a lot). The fight scene actually was not pretty ( he always sit and let other bouncers to fight), the actress is not pretty enough and I am a bit disappointed on this movie.
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WWII in Norway
23 April 2024
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Have watched a lot of WWII movies but usually it was from union side, a few from Germany side and I could not remember any from neutral side. This movie was about the first invasion of Germany to Norway. At that time Norway tried to insist as a neutral country and not helping any side, however, they were soon attacked by the Germans and it's the story about the male soldier and his hotel keeper the wife( actually she was the main character as she features a lot on how to save her hotel and sin, and how she was admired by the German official) it's great to see from this angle and this event is important as it's the first defeat of Nazin...
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Land of Bad (2024)
10 April 2024
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This movie still has no chance to be shown in Hong Kong but my family still have way to find it. The story is about a team to have a secret mission in the Philippine but it was suddenly changed in the last momemt. Russell is the pilot of drone back in US but he controlled the fate of the invasion team. The action scenes and explosion scenes are both exciting and smooth, the Hemsworth brothers have trained and acted good in the movie. The latter part was that all the team members were captured and I was just feared how they can escape. In addition Russell was ordered not to involve and he needed to go shopping in supermarket while his teammates were watching college basketball and nobody was listening to the call from Phillipines and they were almost boomed! The contrast was so so great! Worthy to watch.
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Rob N Roll (2024)
Black humor movie
14 March 2024
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There were 3 CNY movie this year and this one is the lowest profile, however it did not mean that it is not good! The plot is about a robbery and the events after. Aaron is the main thief and the character of the movie. With his outstanding appearance and acting, this sure can give the audience surprise! The other 2 are taxi driver and elderly home boss who both are facing financial difficulties and need to help Aaron. There are many places that can cause laughter though some of them are really in a sympathetic way. The ending of the movie is quite emotional as Aaron was hit and killed and he could not back home... really better than expected....
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A HK ghost movie not seen for a while
29 February 2024
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The movie is a ghost movie that used to filmed a lot in HK in 80/90s, so it is a bit touching when seeing it on cinema. The plot is simple as the Yum Investigation is invited to check the strange event of an old building, where the property agents are employing ghost killers to make the original residents to leave. The main actors are from Error, where only Dee is having much scenes to act with the sword. The action and CG are not bad for a traditional HK movie, though there is areas to improve. The big boss is the friend they once lived with and the last fight scenes are okay., and at least I won't want to leave early. Hope more HK movie can be filmed in the coming future.
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Much better than expected
22 February 2024
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This one is broadcasted in CNY 2024 and just thought that is was for mirrors fans. In addition, with the bad history of the director, I really do not have any faith on this movie. However, the plot is really good and reasonable, that 4 men was forced by a boss (Keung!?) to go to Japan to steal 3 famous watches, and they somehow found the lost moon watch! The ending is good and happy. Really need to appraise the information searching as it made Edan so professional in watching making! Good job! The fighting and gum scenes are also not bad, the casting of the movie is good, except Keung who is a bit not fierce enough.
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Madame Web (2024)
Not too bad
21 February 2024
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Heard a lot about how bad this movie is, especially this one is from Sony instead of Marvel. However, I do not this is that bad as the plot is complete and the actresses are acting good. The story is about madame web who has the ability to forsee the future, and she can change it! The boss is always dreaming 3 spider gals are trying to kill him and Dakota is trying to protect them. However, her ability is a little weak (she can replicate herself in the final fight). She needs to use her ability well to win. And she hates her mum much as she went to Amazon even in pregnancy, but it was only because she was only finding cures to save the baby. So it's not bad to watch this movie in my view...
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No More Bets (2023)
20 February 2024
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This movie is not treating audiences but it's about cheating tricks all around the world, and can easily let one think of the Kk area. The cheating gangsters are so formulated and strong that it even arose to become a government! The officials and police are also fear of them. There are many ways to cheat u, gambling, football and crytons! One of the victims could not stand and committed suicide. The participants at last called help from mainland and the gangsters are dissolved. One of the twist is the second of the gang let the gal go as pretend to kill her in the sea. At last it is an education movie and a bit bored...
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Argylle (2024)
A funny spy film with twist
18 February 2024
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Liked the director much since the movie of Kingsman, and the director said it's good with 2 good actions scenes, so cannot wait to watch in the theater! Originally think this is an original agent movie, but how come Dallas can write a real story? The twist that she was an agent was unpredictable (although how come she can be an agent with her body built?) but it is still reasonable. Her mum and dad come out are just the boss of the bad gang! The 2 scenes mentioned by director (smoky and skiing) are very fast and fun to watch! The outcome is a happy ending and agent R Gyle can finally be good with Sam. Oh got to praise Sam as he acted good in this one!
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Still good but cannot match first
15 February 2024
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After watching the first table for six which was already a complete story, how can the director generates any story, and that is without Dayo who was such an important character? With the introduction of many family members and the main theme are the wedding ceremonies of the brothers, the story is still good, funny and with something to tell the audience. With the escape of Dayo to Africa, the other members of the families would like to get married but there are so many obstacles to overcome, they have to face there intentions and stoping from the family members but they can finally achieve. Anyway Jeffrey is really handsome! What a character he is!
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To be improved plot
29 January 2024
I remember the director of the movie was one of the famous action movie in Hong Kong and undoubtedly the action scenes were good inside the movie. However, the plot was quite weak and it is easy to say how coincidental many things are. In addition, the male actors were acting good in the movie but the 2 main actresses were just acting in their own ways. The story was about the life of an undercover of police in a gang and how he fought with his life to against the gangs, however, I could not sense much excitement and nearly felt asleep inside. I should have forgotten the movie soon and really hope can have a better plot next time.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Jason's equalizer
24 January 2024
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The plot is really alike equalizer 3, where the hot man's neighbor was deceived, and he ought to revenge! (Although this kind neighbor has committed suicide). The process of the movie is really fast as beekeeper is continually chased by both FBI and the gangsters. The big boss of the movie is Josh, who is just the son of the madam president and so beekeeper is fighting the whole America! The action scenes are not bad but all his enemies seemed to be standing around and acted in slow motion and waited to be hit and killed! Even the final big guy is also hit with ease. The escape at last from the neighbor's daughter means there should be another episode?
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Eye catching comedy
24 January 2024
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The story is quite simple and somehow some unrealistic. One night stand couples who liked each other but then separated by miscommunication. They then met again as their family members are getting married and they got to face each other in Australia for a whole week! The mistakes then gradually let them know each other more, and they needed to pretend as a couple as they wanna drew attention from their ex. Sure it is a happy ending although I dun remember much fun scenes. The casting is good as both main actor and actress are having beautiful bodies! And the scenes of Australia is just so pretty. Won't be disappointed if you are seeking some happy moments ~
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Inception (2010)
IMAX Inception
23 January 2024
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Watched once when it was first issued in 2010, I still remember that my daughter was a baby and I had a great impression. This year there is IMAX and decided to watch again with my kids and the impression is even greater! The sound and experience in IMAX cinema could not be compared and the plot is really great! The plot is about how a team led by DiCarpio to steal things in others dream (oh that man is Oppenhamus!) The theory is complete and one can create dreams in others! Another main theme is how can DiCarpio redeemed himself after the death of his wife. The last scene is a dream or not seemed to be debated forever. Oh I forgot to praise the fighting scenes as well that all of them are good! Marvelous!
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Horrible, but real
11 January 2024
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Noted from Netflix that there is a plant crash and survival movie and thus watched with my family. Although it is in foreign language but it's fine as the plot is attracting. The plot is about a 1972 air crash in South America. Oh, it sounds so familiar and it is later found out it is same story of Alive! I was so fear that I did not dare to watch at that time! The crash killed half passengers and the remaining ones are facing different disasters, and most importantly they have to eat the dead bodies to survive! Luckily two young men ran to rescue and 17 are saved. Though it's quite horrible thinking to eat dead bodies but the story is encouraging.
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Ready o/r Rot (2023)
Not bad but not as good as the first
10 January 2024
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Just watched the first episode recently and thought the story was so real and the friends around them are just so crazy. With some expectations to watch the second one. However the main theme has changed and it is not about marry or not but how to face the change, especially the mother in law! The marriage of the his friends led to less crazy stuff as he is already a home sweet home daddy now and less comedy are evolved are from him which is quite disappointing to me. Another branch that led to daddy to be is not that fun at all. Although it is not bad to watch but I would rather crazy again to go to first one instead.
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Not that bad
9 January 2024
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Before the issuance of the movie, there are speculations that how that bad this movie is, how the actors and actresses are so bad etc. However, after watching this I really not think this is that bad. The movie is about another forbidden kingdom and the bad guy in the last movie went to discover the myth. Aqua man needs to rescue his brother (wow he suddenly became so muscular after getting into the water) and then they got to fight with the ghost. His brother was once went devil but soon recovered himself. The fight scenes are still okay and I like that seahorse! The baby is charming but I thought there are more scenes about his ability. Not bad to watch at all!
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All about business
8 January 2024
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This combination has not been together for 20 Tara after infernal affairs! So I am watching this movie with a lot of expectation. The story is about the rise of a business man where he used all method to make me rich. However the arrangement is quite strange with a lot of jumping and the presentation is a bit flat, though it may reflects the life of the real person. The act of Tony could not be doubt and there is little chance for Andy to present. The ending of the story is quite amazing as it just ends that Tony admitted the crimes he committed. I think the story could be with less presentation and could focus a bit more on others...
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Expend4bles (2023)
Still excited but the plot is so worse
5 January 2024
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The final(?) episode should be. Still the original members but included 2 girls inside, and one of them is Megan Fox! She is still good looking but how come i feel so strange on that. The big boss in this movie is Andy Garcia who was a government official but betrayed at last, and Sly was killed at the beginning of the movie ( though he rebirth at the end) I wonder why and maybe he does not want to take too many actions and let Christmas to do so? The main scenes are on the ship and Tony Jaa is added for new blood. But how come there are so many enemies coming out from nowhere and die so easily? The CG is quite bad as I easily see the fault. Pls dun film more unless the old ones are back.
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