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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
What a joke.
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a completely different show compared to season 1.

An all female lead cast. The females are the brains and braun of the show (I rolled my eyes when the female cop took down the huge guy and cuffed him. Very unrealistic.).

All of the men in the show are weak and dumb. Again, unrealistic in society.

A lot of the performances are poor. Jodie Foster is solid. The rest are average or terrible.

The feel of the show is cheap and run of the mill.

I watched half the episode and gave up to write this review. I won't be watching any more of this series and probably won't watch any future series considering this is the direction they've taken.

Such a shame because season 1 was the best single series of TV ever made. Season 2 was decent. It got better the more you watched it. And season 3 was alright.

This is shockingly bad.
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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
Recycled material....again.
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
By his own lofty standards, this special was poor. He is still recycling old material (LGBTQ jokes) and it is so predictable it is becoming cringey.

Dave mentioned his first special filmed in the same theatre over 20 years earlier, 'For what it's worth.' That special was hilarious and is still funny to this day.

It was all original material that was filled with jokes and punchlines.

Dave needs to sit down and watch that special again and get some inspiration from it. Because the content he is producing now is nowhere near as good as it was once was.

It might be a good idea for him to take some time away from the comedy scene to take a back seat in life and observe it with a fresh set of eyes, in order to eventually come up with some fresh material. If he keeps putting out this nonsense, he's going to lose a lot of his fan base.
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It went for far too long
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
10 episodes was what killed this show. 5 or 6 episodes would have worked so much better.

Episodes 8 and 9 were essentially filler episodes.

The show lacked direction. Was it a cop and gang show? Was it a mum and son show? Typically, a well written series will focus on one and show glimpses of the other.

It looks like the writers decided to pursue both angles to stretch the series to 10 episodes, which resulted in pointless and boring moments.

Some of the performances were awful as well. Others were quite good.

The music in the first half of the series was excellent, then it was cheesy and cliche towards the end.

All in all, it was a hit and miss show. Very wishy washy.

It is a shame because the story itself is very interesting.
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12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst Moore does raise some good points with the negatives of Capitalism, specifically when he delves into the stories of people being exposed by banks and insurance companies, he loses credibility by asking Catholic Priests whether Capitalism is holy or evil. The Catholic church is the epitome of capitalism and greed. It is one of the wealthiest institutions on earth, yet does not pay a single cent of tax, anywhere in the world.

So asking for opinions on how evil capitalism is from those who benefit from it more than most is amateur hour.

I would like to watch an updated version of this film from Moore. I'm sure he would now see the corruption between politicians and bankers as the real problem, not capitalism itself. Capitalism encourages a free market. By definiton, it does not promote fraud and corruption.
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FIFA 23 (2022 Video Game)
The worst FIFA of all time
28 October 2022
If you haven't purchased FIFA 23 yet, do not bother. Stick with the older edition you might already have because it will be miles better than the latest.

Playing against the AI is just ridiculous. Playing the worst sides in career mode is ghastly. The worst players and sides in a league turn into Messi and Real Madrid all of a sudden. The team can be on the bottom of the table prior to the match, but start passing the ball like Manchester City and score worldies like Ronaldo when you play against them.

It is SO unrealistic.

I just had my striker sprint towards the middle of the pitch, when I had the ball with a winger, right on the penalty spot. I nearly tapped X to pass it the striker, but rather than either remain stationery or move into a better position (which is typically what happened on every other edition of FIFA in the past), he turned away from goal and sprinted towards the other end of the pitch.

I've had dozens of other similar instances, but I cannot be bothered mentioning them.

I now understand why EA have decided to make FIFA 23 the final release of this once great game. They can no longer make a good football game that is fair and balanced.

I will say though, the music is pretty good this time around. Of course there's some stuff I don't like, but most of the tracks are easy listening and some are excellent.
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The Stranger (II) (2022)
A much better film than most people give credit for
20 October 2022
If you enjoyed True Detective, Killing Them Softly or The Place Beyond The Pines, then you'll like this film.

If you adore superhero movies, rom-com's, action movies, and your run of the mill Hollywood type movie, this probably isn't for you.

Every performance is excellent. There is enough mystery in the first half of the film to keep you wondering what the hell is going on. After then, it unfolds nicely.

The director was brilliant. The score was great. The camera work was outstanding. I could go on and on.

Simply put, if you enjoy a dark and gritty film, that has outstanding performances throughout, then watch this one.

The fact it's based on a true story makes it even more compelling.
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Untold: The Race of the Century (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Australia II and the 1983 America's Cup
9 September 2022
A nicely put together documentary. The perfect amount of drama and emotion, mixed with the action of the races.

My family owned a pub in Fremantle when this race was run in Western Australia in 1987, so this doco was especially interesting for me as I could finally relate to the stories I was told by my Grandad, Uncle and Dad about the '87 race in Freo and the enormity of the 1983 America's Cup for Australia and Western Australia, as I was only a toddler when this event occurred and obviously have no recollection of it.

Despite my personal interest in this documentary, I would still highly recommend it to everyone.

It is not drawn out like a lot of Netflix documentaries are these days. It is done perfectly and covers a monumentous moment in the history of sport really well.
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Worth the watch. But that's about it.
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even as a massive Arsenal fan, I can't give a rating higher than 6 for this series.

It was good to see all of the behind the scenes with the manager and his staff, as well as the player interactions. No matter which football side features on a series of this show, the behind the scenes stuff is always the highlight.

But the constant small interviews and sound bites from over the top and ridiculously reactive fans (and haters of Arsenal) was just too much in the end. It did not represent the opinions and emotions of the average Arsenal fan around the world.

The only fan interview that was balanced and constructive was from club legend, Ian Wright.

They used sound bites from popular youtuber and Chelsea fan, Rory Jennings, who has publicly admitted he dislikes Mikel Arteta and naturally hates Arsenal.

So why Amazon would think a Chelsea fans opinion on Arsenal is relevant to the Arsenal documentary is quite baffling.

If they stated who he was and his allegiances, then fair enough. But they mixed his comments in with real Arsenal fans for dramatic effect. It's really lazy stuff in all honesty and made a lot of the episodes seem like a circus.

Something that was out of Amazon's hands was the performances of Arsenal over the season, which can determine how entertaining the show is.

The Arsenal season had its up and downs, but it was essentially a decent season from an above average squad. So the game itself didn't really add much entertainment value to the series.

But as the title suggests, it is still worth a watch if you're a football fan. Just don't be surprised if you lose interest after a few episodes.
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More of the same old crap from Netflix
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching the series 30 minutes in.

To begin with, they do a quick recap of Woodstock 69 and ask artists and individuals who either weren't alive at the time or were way too young to be at the event, what their thoughts and feeling were about the 69 festival.... How about asking 1 of the 100's of artists who played at the festival what it was really like?

Lazy stuff from Netflix.

The kids that attended the 99 Woodstock are interviewed next. Most are in their mid to late 30s now. And they're the stock standard cast Netflix like to interview.

A burnout, an average Joe and someone from the LGBTQ community.

10 points for originality there Netflix.

Not long after they show footage of the Sheryl Crow performance. An interviewee is saying as a voiceover she was on the bill for the soft rock audience, etc ,etc.

But wait, there was a huge controversy...!!!

A person from the crowd shouted "show us your t!ts.." to Crow. She took a couple of seconds to respond to the question and came back with a witty response.

Done and dusted, or so you would think.

The interviewee and voiceover was just appalled at the behaviour of a random 16 year old kid in the crowd, and nearly had a meltdown. Saying it was totally inappropriate, etc. You'd think it all happened last week by the way he reacts. But it happened 23 years ago. So why not still be outraged, right...???

I just couldn't go through 1 more minute of they same old, stock standard junk from Netflix on this one. Making mountains out of mole hills, laziness and unoriginal.

If you're like me and have had a gut full of the same story arcs and productions from Netflix docos, then don't bother with this one either.
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AFL 360 (2010– )
*VFL 360
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have tried time and again to watch this show, but I always end up giving up on it.

The discussions on the show are far too Melbourne centric. Essendon, Collingwood and Carlton are the 3 teams that get constant airtime.

If you support a side that is outside of Victoria, then forget about it. It can take weeks for you to hear your side discussed by these 2 journalists.

Gerard and Robbo try to turn the AFL into a soap opera. Constantly talking about the emotions they feel about certain events. They whinge and moan about "the state of the game." If there wasn't a good game of football over the weekend, they begin asking questions about the AFL and what they're doing to make the game more exciting, or what coaches should be doing in the game and their responsibilities. It is a load of jargon from two of the most reactionary characters I have ever seen.

They are also obsessed with the tribunal and suspensions. Again, going into emotional rants about someone bumping someone else in the head, whether the MRO has got it right or wrong, etc, etc.

It is unbearable to watch a lot of the time.

I recommend footy fans stick with other shows from Fox Footy, the Sunday Footy Show on 9, and Behind the Bar on 7.

They are miles ahead of this Victorian obsessed monstrosity.
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1883 (2021–2022)
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a stickler for detail in TV shows and film. Half the cost have Hollywood smiles (super white, perfectly straight teeth) despite the film being set in the late 1800's. Faith Hill looks like she's just had plastic surgery in the last couple of years....again, this show is set in the late 1800's.

There are things that just don't add up.

McGraw and Hill aren't convincing at all. Neither is May.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Master-classes everywhere
6 November 2021
Quite simply, this season is stacked with world class performances.

Luis Gerardo Mendez and Scoot McNairy are at the top of the pile.

This season has plot as excellent as the previous two, but goes up a notch with the standard of acting. Mendez in particular is outstanding.

Well worth the watch.
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11 May 2021
The performance from Daniel Day Lewis is the greatest of all time. Without question.

There is no point trying to describe his performance and the film itself. Just watch it.

It is unbelievable.
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The worst episode of all time
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst episode of all time.

Mindy destroyed the show. As good as she was on The Office, she was a complete hack on this show.

Thank the heavens Dennis returned by the end of the episode to resume the norm.
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The Irishman (2019)
Bang Average
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The casting is not only a let down in this film, it actually ruins it. Scorsese and co should have cast actors around the same age as the characters were in the movie. De Niro looks like he's in mid 70's the whole way through. Even with the make up and special effects, he is still hunched over like an old man, fights like an old man and chews his food like an old man. No special effects can gloss over this. Harvey Keitel was great in the few minutes he was on screen, as were other characters in small roles. Pacino over did it at times, and De Niro was poor. Joe Pesci was very good. In short, the main characters were either too old or not good enough for their role, whereas everyone else in the film was great and should have had more screen time. I felt the film didn't have to go for 3.5 hours either. I quite like a long movie, but only if it's necessary. An hour of scenes could have been cut from this movie and the same story would have been told. I was so excited to see this when it came out. I was full of hope that it'd be a final masterpiece from Scorsese, Pacino, De Niro and Pesci. But it wasn't. It was an average film, telling a story that has already been told many times before. I'll be watching Goodfellas or The Departed next time, not this one.
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Ex Machina (2014)
To put it simply...
9 February 2021
This film is outstanding. The performances, plot, setting, everything was spot on. What I liked most was it addressed a very real issue that human beings will likely experience in years to come, Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, how we as humans will deal with a being we've created, that has the potential to outsmart us and threaten our existence.
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A Cult Hit
5 February 2021
To put it simply, this comedy is for those who have a twisted sense of humour. If you find Romantic Comedies funny, you will not understand the humour in Freddy Got Fingered. This film is odd, gross, crude and ludicrous, but that's ok. Comedy can be just that.

If you find South Park, The Eric Andre Show or Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job funny, then this film is for you.
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Us (II) (2019)
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I could, I'd give this movie 6.7. The performances were all excellent. There were a couple of scares and even a couple of laughs. It was also pretty interesting, but something was missing from it. I felt like the movie built its way to a really dramatic ending or huge twist, and although there was a twist, it was a bit of a let down. All in all, it's worth a watch. But it was a couple of good ideas away from being an 8 or 9 star film.
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14 November 2020
This movie is a crack up. You need to have watched 'Walk the Line' and 'Ray' to understand a lot of the humour though, as this is a bit of a parody on those films. If you haven't watch them, don't bother watching this one. You'll miss all the jokes and end up giving it a 3 or 4 star rating.
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Black Panther (2018)
20 October 2020
This is one of the worst films I've ever seen. Admittedly, I am not a super hero fan at all. I don't get into the whole Marvel thing. I do love the Christopher Nolan Batman's, which is what I was told this film would be. Far from it. The dialogue was below average, there were only a couple of decent performances. The story line was predictable. The action scenes were dull. It was a total waste of my time and money.

If you like marvel films, then I imagine you'd like this movie. If you're like me, don't get caught up in the hype. Steer clear of this one.
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A strange story.
19 October 2020
A well put together documentary, revolving around a seriously unusual set of circumstances. This documentary appeared to be neutral throughout, asking questions from both sides. However, I have read since watching the series that the trial wasn't as flimsy as the doco suggests. Either way, it's definitely worth a watch.
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True Detective (2014– )
The Goat
24 September 2020
The first season of this show is the greatest season of any television of all time. The acting is top drawer, storyline even better. You name it, it's outstanding. The second season drops off a bit but is still really good and worth the watch. The same can be said for the third season.
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28 July 2020
It was refreshing to watch a good documentary on something from the lighter and brighter side of the world. Most good documentaries these days focus on the negative and somewhat dark aspects of life, but this film is the total opposite and will put a smile on everyone's face at some stage of the film. The average person understands the importance of guide dogs in society, but the rigorous training and caring needed by different handlers is unknown to most people. So it was interesting to watch and learn how these animals are raised to help our blind people. I recommend this film to anyone and everyone. If you despise dogs, then maybe don't watch it. But for everyone else, this film is a winner.
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