
125 Reviews
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Were you born with a watch on?
2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched the restored Blu-ray version DVD, and what an excellent film this is.

The sign of a good film is that it felt too short, and was certainly good enough to have a spin off series.

In the series I would have liked to have seen Dr Forbin's relationship with Colossus develop, and the building of the new Supercomputers.

In its early stages, Colossus reminded me of Data from Star Trek, as it tried to make sense of humans and their emotions.

But it soon did, and revealed its plans for Mankind.

At least the plans seemed benevolent, unlike those of another computer in the short story - I have no mouth and I must scream - were the computer hated humans so much, that it put them through endless torment.

There has been talk of a remake, but it would have to be exceptionally good to match this classic.
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Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
So so
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started like the episode of Dark Mirror, with a group of young people seemingly all in love with themselves and looking for constant praise (Nosedive)

Again Ncuti, hardly appeared in full person at all, as he spent most of the time appearing on a small screen.

It was effectively a simple take of how young people are glued to Social media, to the degree that interacting with people in the real World becomes difficult.

And of course, the young people are slowly being eaten whole by the monsterous Corporations that are controlling how we live.

It was none too subtle, and there was very little evidence of all the extra money that Disney have provided on show.

Overall, a bit disappointing as there was no real mystery, or action.

Russell T, just what are you doing to our beloved show?
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Just loved this show
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up with this series, and would eagerly wait for its weekly transmission here in the UK.

As the series progressed it did become a bit surreal at times, and got plagued with a monster of the week.

Poor Admiral Nelson, his diary would have been full of Lobster men, plant men, rock men, silver aliens and giant squids.

However in-between all the monsters, there were still well written adventure stories, just as had been featured in the majority of season one.

The actors made the whole series feel believable, with, often, grave solemn tones as the bay days would open, to reveal yet another huge adversely.

I'd certainly like to see a remake, because at its best, it was very exciting, and a lot of fun.
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Doctor Who: Invasion: Part One (1974)
Season 11, Episode 5
If only.....
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly the computer generated dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were still nearly 20 years away, which is a pity because a good story was affected by a special effects company that had no real idea how to produce effective monsters.

The budget will have played a part, as I'm sure the BBC would not have been able to afford the services of the wonderful Ray Harryhausen.

I've always enjoyed high concept stories, and this is a good one ( apart from the miserable dinosaurs )

There is mention on Wikipedia that Barry Letts said that it was the story that he'd most like enhanced with modern special effects.

Perhaps, one day, the money will be found which, together with some trimming to the running length to cut out some padding, could turn this story into a classic.
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A real Humdinger
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well the BBC certainly put its hands into its pockets for season 7 and gave Dr Who a decent budget

At times there was more action in this story than The Sweeney.

I actually lost track of the body count, but it seemed to be on par with The Wild Bunch.

And let's remember that this used to be transmitted at about 17:30 in the UK

The was much more maturity in season 7 than the the later incarnation of Dr Who, especially the latest 2023 special featuring the return of David Tennant, which I thought was dreadful, seemingly aimed at 3 year olds.

As with all the 7th season, there is a lot of believable, commited acting, to bring all the stories to life.

I wish Dr Who could return to this sort of mature story telling, but I guess there's very little chance of this happening.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Hooray - Star Trek is back
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'd generally been disappointed with this second season, recycling of old ideas and a general lack of creativity.

But this episode was splendid and had a welcome suprise half way through where Pike and crew come across a new friend, who just happens to be a creative genius.

The acting was very good and the special effects cinematic at times.

It may have featured an old foe , but transformed through modern day effects

No rubber suits this time around.

I hope that series 3 builds on this excellent episode , and possibly brings back some of the classic episode music from TOS .

TOS featured some wonderful composers like George Dunning, Fred Steiner , Sol Kaplan and of course Alexander Courage.

Their compositions really enhanced each episode, with a classic composition by Sol Kaplan for The Doomsday machine.

Anyway, my faith in this series has been restored.
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Star Trek Enchanted?
27 July 2023
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I'm just trying to work out what fans reaction would have been if two of the new characters in Star Trek, The animated series , had gone through a portal, and ended up on the bridge of the original Enterprise .

I was half expecting the two characters from the future to have found out they dreamt it all.

So we have a 2D carton character jumping into the realm of real humans.

Now would Spook be able to explain this? Travellers from a 2D Universe that could interact with his Universe.

I mean it was a fun episode with the writers giving a nod to the impossibility of it all by turning the characters of the real Enterprise into a 2D version by the end

But where this actually fits in to Star Trek cannon, I have no idea.

I've given a 1, because there's no way to award it zero.

Awarding zero doesn't mean I hated it , just my way of saying that this episode would have been better served staying on the drawing board.
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Star Trek - Strange new Soaps
20 July 2023
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I'm still finding this series disappointing, there was just too much talking going on in this episode, discussing concepts which Star Trek has put forward many times before.

The ship is still not going anywhere exciting and just seems to be stuck in orbit around a Planet called , Old Ideas.

I appreciate the show's producers want to make the existing fans feel comfortable but it's time for the Enterprise to blast out of its writing malaise and actually warp off to somewhere new and exciting.

Innovation is the name of the game here, so a rethink is required as I'm , unlike previous shows , simply not finding it remotely exciting or interesting.
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A bit of a mish mash
6 July 2023
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Memory loss among the crew and main characters is nothing new, and this episode felt like a mixture of previous adventures across the franchise.

The Return of the Archons, The Paradise Syndrome and Clues.

It just felt far too routine and nothing really innovative or exciting happened.

The special effects were fine, but the direction was leisurely with somewhat uninteresting performances.

The series still needs more innovation and risk taking because, after all , the original series was highly innovative and had a huge amount of creativity.

So this is coming across as a fan pleaser, nothing wrong with this, but that's as far as it currently goes.

If it really wants to invoke the spirit of the original series then it must produce some better, more original, imaginative stories , with stronger music to boot.

I was bowled over when I watched the original series in the UK way back in 1969, but I just found this episode dreary.

If any of the production crew , or actors , are reading this then, come on guys, you can do a lot better.
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Not very strange at the monemt
23 June 2023
This is a well made and acted series. But so far I'm a bit disappointed because they've not really gone anywhere new and exciting.

I was hoping for some really deep space exploration where they come across , let's say , really wierd and exciting lifeforms, but they're playing it too safe at the moment.

However there are some exciting looking titles coming up in series 2 which I hope will get the series back on track.

I can see that the majority of fans really like this series and I can see why, but only to a point.

But I'm looking forward to watching the remainder of series 2 in the hope that some real risk taking creativity is on display.
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Star Trek: Picard: Imposters (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Wow what an episode and series.
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of Star Trek across any of the incarnations that I've seen in a very long time.

Well acted and an excellent story arc.

I just wish they started the Picard series after the 2009 Star Trek film as the cast would have been that much younger so there could possibly have been far more stories to tell including the former cast of STNG.

All credit to the writers as they've managed to inject intrigue and exciment back into the franchise.

I'm just wondering what is going to come next in this series as there have been so many twists and turns so far.

I for one will be staying tuned.
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The Director's Edition remaster
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The colours and sound are certainly much better and the Directors cut improves things regarding the pace of the film.

However one thing still spoils it - and that's the initial scenes in San Francisco.

The shuttle craft in flight looks worse than the one created for Star Trek The Final Frontier.

Also when it lands at the terminal it still looks crude and clumsy as it transitions from flight to the landing rails.

Almost as unforgivable is that the view of San Fransisco from the terminal still looks almost as bad the the original matte painting.

However it's a good intelligent film which I enjoyed watching in its restored form.
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Still time to change
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A good episode - but as pointed out by other reviewers - the problem is Captain Kirk.

Now the actor seemed to make no attempt to even capture the essence of the original captain.

His acting was bland and uninteresting plus at 42 he looked too old to represent Kirk - when Kirk himself was around 35 at the time.

But there is a way out - the episode went 6 years into the future so if Kirk is to appear in the original timeline there's no way the actor can make himself look 28 / 29

So perhaps the Producers will use this as a reason to hire someone else who can produce the outstanding charisma Kirk has and of course capture his essence.
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Much better than I expected
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This succeeded where other sequels had failed - basically it featured a return to the vunerable humanity displayed in the first two films whereas the previous sequels just fell back on mindless CGI or ridiculously complex plots.

The acting was good and the CGI complimented the film instead of engulfing it.

The new Terminator was the Devil himself - able to split into two - for double the trouble.

I enjoyed it very much - but as it failed at the box office it's the last we'll probably see of these cruel machines.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Star Trek is back!
5 March 2022
Great episode - almost cinematic at times - well it does have a great screen actor in the lead role.

I became very disappointed with Discovery - the first two seasons were goood but the third was poor.

But this first episode of Picard has restored my faith in the franchise.

I like the characters and the acting is good while the special effects are very good.

It's an intriguing start to the new series and I'm looking forward to more - something I haven't felt for a while with Star Trek.
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The Outer Limits: O.B.I.T. (1963)
Season 1, Episode 7
Good episode but....
19 February 2022
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If anyone is familiar with the Isaac Asimov short story - The Dead Past - they'll realise that the basic concept - a machine that can spy on someone has been explored before.

In the Dead past a machine called the Chronoscope is used to look into the past for historical research.

But when a smaller version is created that could be used by many at home - the autocratic Government tries to stop it.

The reason? Well when does the past begin 200 years ago - 1 week ago - or just one microsecond ago?

In other words if the machine goes mainstream it could be used by everyone to spy on each other in real-time which could sow discontent - just like the machine in O. B. I. T.

Whether the writer of this episode had read the Asimov story - we'll probably never know but its themes of intimate surveillance are strikingly similar.
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Lost in Space: Trust (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Sad to see it go
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole series got off to a bit of an uneven start but it improved greatly.

This was a really good episode with great family values and a real sense of high adventure.

Apparently there's not going to be a fourth series which is a real shame as there was entry of scope for some new adventures.

I did miss the music from the original series though.

Perhaps one day we'll be able to travel to Proxima Centurai B - but that's many years distant.
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Universe (2021)
Full of pompous music and sermonising
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a bad effort but it's very much treading water - for example telling us that the Universe is very big ( yes we know this ) and that we originate from the stars ( yes we knew this too ).

I would have liked to have seen Brian take a new approach - disposing of an over reliance on pretty CGI and slow walks across endless plains.

But still it's - so far - worth watching despite the dreadful music.
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Star Trek: Spectre of the Gun (1968)
Season 3, Episode 6
Good spooky episode
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favourites from season 3 - with the set of Tombstone perhaps reflecting how fragmented our own memories can be at times.

I really like the acting from the guest stars and am trying to imagine what my response would be if someone came up to me in a different style of clothes insisting that they were from the future

One slight problem though is that if Scottie could taste the Whisky - why did the smoke bombs have no effect?

However it's a clever intriguing episode.
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What about Submarines
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I find it difficult to believe that - apparently - a relatively small group of these creatures could completly overrun the combined might of Earth's military.

They maybe bullet proof but there's no way they could withstand a hellfire missile fired from a drone.

And even if they could survive the explosion they'd be forced backwards at supersonic speeds and be smashed to pieces as they are - after all - made up of flesh and bone because bullets can kill them once their protective skin is raised.

What about fighter jets - Apache helicopters - and the Navy - who would be safe in submarines ?

Still it's well made and enjoyable.
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Space: 1999: The Dorcons (1977)
Season 2, Episode 24
Good final episode
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'd of like to have seen more of these Dorcons - looking at their guards costumes - and their militaristic way their society operated - they reminded me of a much later race - the Necromongers - featured in the film The Chronicles of Riddick.

A lot of sets and outside buildings were destroyed during the Dorcons' attack - making me think that some redesigning was going to take place for the sadly cancelled season three.

I was sad to see Space 1999 end as it was a colourful - often very imaginative series.

True there were some clunkers in season 3 - but also some very enjoyable ones.

Let's hope one day it gets remade.
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Could have been so much better
5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Uneven in tone - lacking in logic especially when it comes to time paradoxes - but has decent action sequences.

It seems like the script writer - story writer - Producers and Director were not in the same room during preproduction.

The film is disjointed and never really knows what its trying to be - a buddy movie - a serious time travel movie - a movie about family love or an all action humans vs monsters flick.

As a result you feel as though you are watching several different films that have been clumsily stitched together.

But the actions sequences are good thanks to hundreds of clearly hard working FX artists while the monsters make your average Zombie look like a friendly neighbour.

Personally I would have ditched the idea of time travel and produced it as a straight monster movie as the aliens themselves were capable of providing all the action - and gore - the movie fans of the genre love.
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Truly dreadful and insulting
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When this franchise began it had a relatively low budget - believable characters - believable car chases and general action scenes that didn't break the laws of physics.

Here we just have endless mind numbing action - product placement - pathetic acting that would insult school drama and the dumbest of dumb stories.

The writers - director - producers and the actors should all hang their collective heads in shame. Vin Diesel was once a good actor - here he doesn't seem capable of portraying even basic emotions.

Just terrible * 10 and a ruined franchise.
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Together (VI) (2021)
Emotionally raw - funny and affecting
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a bickering couple - who are only staying together for the sake of their child - having to face up to lockdown and losing someone close to them.

As the lockdown progresses their previously destructive relationships slowly changes in to one that involves more understanding and empathy.

There's also an exposure of the early blundering of UK health officials - sending infected patients back to care homes were carnage was inflicted - and the slow response of the Government to putting into place a lockdown.

It's superbly acted - and if you haven't seen it - I'm sure you can catch it on the BBC iPlayer.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.7 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 7
Bulk watching
3 May 2021
Having never watched the series before I gorged myself on BBC iPlayer during last year's lockdown - and in keeping with tradition I'd recorded all episodes of this season to bulk watch. Thank goodness I had a quick look at the reviews as it appears to be a disaster. Therefore I will not watch the final season ( if it is the last) and leave with happy memories.
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