
16 Reviews
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Pull the other one!
20 June 2004
Proof, yet again, that the biggest budget will get you nothing but fancy effects. The script is the most important part, and this one sizzles. Perhaps one of the funniest movies of all time. Yes, there is a British sense of humor, but unlike many English movies and understanding of British humor is not entirely required. There is physical comedy, musical comedy "It's only a model". And of course it wouldn't be a Monty Python movie without ripping "society" a new butt. "Oh, King, eh? Very nice." "Bring out your dead!"

4 stars
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WOW. . . .BAD
24 November 2003
Jeez, what a crummy movie. I just didn't realize people had this much free time. Next time I want to waste two hours of my life. I'll do something much more exciting, like staring at the wall. I don't think this movie could've been worse if it starred Marlon Perkins. Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad, I think if I had to watch the second one, it might turn me retarded.
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Eye See You (2002)
It was so close!!!
8 May 2003
I rented this movie simply because I'm a unapologetic Stallone fan, and my curiousity got the best of me.

I didn't think it was as bad as most straight to video releases, however it wasn't without many faults.

I thought that they featured the less able actors like Robert Patrick and Christopher Fulford, when they had the talent of Kristofferson and Dutton yet sorely underused them. Stallone did better than I expected as he drastically strays from what made him a household name. Yet the moments he seems the most comfortable are the gun-toting, no lines, Stallone moments. Still good though. I thought that the identity of the killer was revealed too early and the method in which he was, (the matchbook) wasn't all that great either.

5 out of 10, good pass of two hours
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Very funny, just. . .not as funny as expected.
16 April 2003
I love Jack Nicholson. I "like" Adam Sandler. So even though I went to the see this movie for Jack, I found myself laughing more at Adam. Which is fine, I enjoyed myself and the movie was pretty good. I just wished Jack had been a little funnier. ::shrugs:: I don't know, maybe it was the writing.
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Why is it that a movie can change over time?
16 April 2003
When I first went and saw this movie in the theatres. I liked it. I thought it was a good movie. I mean it's just so darn likeable and. . . and. . .uh, Disney, I guess.

BUT, it didn't effect me that much.

Now when I watch it, I cry like a seven year old girl a nickel short at the ice cream truck? What's up with that? I mean, okay SOME movies every ONCE in a while, I tear up a LITTLE. But for some reason this movie now when I watch, I completely lose it.

How did this happen?

Anyway, great GREAT movie. Ignore that it's from Disney and enjoy yourself.

...maybe I just wasn't paying attention the first time?
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Okay, but this time the "Keanu" effect fits. . .
16 April 2003
In this movie Keanu is in full blown "I know kung fu" mode, but it was okay to me this time. You know why? Because it FIT this movie. And if it fits, then it doesn't bother me that much. Football and movies are my two favorite things. The football is pulled off very well visually in this movie, from the uniforms down to the players movements. It doesn't look that staged, even though we all know that it is. Having someone like John Madden in the film also helps in the football credibility department, and I just love that he and Pat don't have a problem making fun of themselves. Orlando and Jon are extremely funny and Brooke Langton is extremely gorgeous in this film, and I'll never ever forget the infamous cheerleader scene with Heather, Dawn and all of their stripper friends. Classic. Um, what am I missing? Oh Yeah! The acting? Doesn't really matter in this movie. It's good. Check it out.
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Just Married (2003)
What the hell is wrong with me?
21 January 2003
I was getting dragged to this movie, like I'm sure a thousand boyfriends were on the same night. And all in all I pretty much got what I expected. However, there were some moments in this movie that made is watchable. Ashton is really funny when he gets really bad. And about three or four different times in this movie he loses it, (with the hotel manager, after the ash tray incident, at the front gate) and these moments to me were the funniest. Plus Brittany Murphy was so damn likeable, that smile. . .I couldn't fight it. I enjoyed myself when she was on screen.

UGH. I feel awful. What the hell is wrong with me?
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A Different Feel For a Spy Movie
21 January 2003
The only other spy/assasin movie that I could think of that had close to the same premise was a Long Kiss Goodnight. However, that being said, these movies are nothing alike. The movie takes the spy genre in a different direction. It has action and suspense, yet is character driven unlike XXX, or Bond movies. Matt Damon pulls off the action star thing because he has to acting chops to be believable in the scenes inbetween the action sequences. The aren't that many laughs, although they try for a few, mostly this is a serious movie. And it works well. Good movie.
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Rocky III (1982)
It lost a little something
31 December 2002
Let me start by saying that this is by no means, a bad movie. It was entertaining, enjoyable, and a nice change of pace. However, that being said, Having just watched the first two Rocky movies, it seems like a different Rocky to me. I think that some of the what made these characters got lost. Rocky just seemed a little smarter, Adrienne seemed like a different person. I just don't think they stayed true to the characters from the first two. Because they were a far cry from the Pet shop girl and the club fighter. ..but that's just my opinion.
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Hard Target (1993)
Are you kidding me?
23 December 2002
This is what I like to call. . .foreshadowing. The director shoving the most insulting stunts down our throats, that reminds me a movie he would later come to direct. Um, let's see. . was it Mission Impossible 2?

There is one similarity that is absolutely hilarious! Both of these movies contains laughable motorcycle stunts. MI2, Tom Cruise dragging both feet next to the bike before leaping 20 feet into a mid-air collision. Yeah, right. Hard Target, we get treated to Van Damme STANDING UP on the seat of the bike (which by itself is stupid enough) but then the bike continues to go perfectly straight, AND he shoots the bad guys with perfect aim.

Now, I don't know how stupid they think the general public is. . .but apparently it's enough, that he would reprise the bike stunts for MI2. I guess he didn't get the memo, the first time.

Bad movie. Ridiculous. is you disagree
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Blade II (2002)
No Substance, No Problem!!
23 March 2002
This movie kicks your ass, from start to finish. It never lets up and I never wanted it to. I'm not even a big Blade fan, yet the raw power of this movie and this character really came alive in this film. You could feel the power, literally.

And sure there were some parts (including part of a swordfight) where it was obviously digtial but the main reason that I didn't have as much of a problem with it as I had with like Mummy Returns and Star Wars, is that it complemented the movie and didn't get in it's way. They only put it were they had to, in order to pull off some of those things that are only possible in comic books.

Great movie, must see!
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Batman (1989)
Why so good? Simple. . .Jack.
13 March 2002
Jack Nicholson, made what would have been an okay movie, and injected it full of life. Many people gave Burton all the praise on this one, but I think 90% of the credit, needs to go to Jack. He legitimized it, perfected it, nailed it. . . .he WAS the movie.

Worth seeing just for the Joker.
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Superman II (1980)
One of the only good sequels to a superhero movie
11 March 2002
I remember, that as a kid, the first Superman movie, especially the earthquake really bothered me. Plus it was slow moving in parts, and I was happy to watch the second one, which concentrates on what makes comic books popular.

Good guy versus Bad Guy. Lots of flying around and using super powers. OKAY, so I have to snicker when Superman pulls syran wrap out of his chest and throws it at the enemy. But even now at an older age, this is a very enjoyable movie, and one of the few good superhero films.

Helped along by what I believe to be a perfect and hilarious portrayal of Lex Luthor by Gene Hackman, and the last five minutes of the fight is the best part. How could forget Supes holding Zod over his head, with a little smirk. . .

Good movie.
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Lay off Costner, Very good film
31 January 2002
I remember in 1991, when this movie first came out, I was 12 years old. I must have watched it three times a day. Not even close. . .it was my favorite movie.

After a long time, now at 23, I have sat down and watched it again. I see a lot of people mention Costner's "lack of personality" in this film. However, I never did think of Robin Hood as a person just bounding with personality. In this movie he is gritty and withdrawn into himself, because he is (save for his Moorish friend) a loner and upset over the wrongful death of his father. He did much better than anyone is giving him credit for.

The battle scenes are very well done, especially the against the Celts, the musical score is engaging and Rickman is perfect as the Sheriff. I loved that there was no Prince John.

If you like the story of Robin Hood, or you like period films, you WILL enjoy this movie, it is very good. Don't listen to the so called "experts".
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Three Amigos! (1986)
It's campy, It's fun, relax and let yourself laugh.
20 October 2001
This is definetly one of the more campier films that I've seen. However, unlike most cases, it suits this film. It's a fun film that is easy on plot, high on stereotypes, and loaded with some great one liners and sight gags. If you are just looking for an hour and a half of clean fun. Then rent the Three Amigos, Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase alone are worth the $2.
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Noises Off... (1992)
Maybe the funniest movie ever made.
24 June 2001
If you can keep up with this movie, you'll laugh from beginning to end. The movie that never stops. This movies rapid fire comedy can make you dizzy and it provides very few and small slow spots to catch your breath! The story of a inept theatre troope that just gets worse and worse, the closer they get to the bigtime. It reminds us that there is no business like show business. No business at all!
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