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Avatar (2009)
A fun film but not a great film.
20 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think over the next 5 or so years this film will settle down to a score around 7. It is fun but it nothing like the world changing film that deserves a near 10.

I say this because I had a great time watching it, but it did have some significant weaknesses.

The main one is that it was escapist fluff with no real message or analysis.

For example The Sam Worthington character sacrifices his old life completely for the new one too easily. No struggle, no sorrow. LIfe is never 100%.... but he is able to drop everything. Is it just the chance to be the hero and get a tall blue babe? This was a great opportunity to really dig into what it means to be human and the choices that a future might give us as technology develops.

The tall blue dudes are just so perfect. Again life is never 100% The film says all the problems are caused by us people from earth. However the solution also comes from us - this is hugely disrespectful of the Navi and also duplicates the exact way that we have attempted to destroy Native American or Australian Aboriginal culture ... because we think we know the best thing for them. This is exactly what Avatar does too. It completely fails to look at the reasons us humans have made bad decisions and hurt other groups of people in the past. It is never pure greed or combativeness. Many of the people in Australia who hurt the aboriginal people thought they were helping and protecting them.

It reminded me of the first three Starwars releases.

And a lack of real emotion - which was the effect of the "story by numbers" approach. Where was I surprised about the story - not once. It was always going to end in a big fight.

But Sam's character was much less interesting than Luke Skywalker with Lukes struggles about who he thought he was and who he could be and his struggle with good and evil, what it means to be human and what it means to be a machine.

I could almost feel the Ewoks hanging around just offstage in the last third.

And there was never any real sorrow about the cost to both sides - life is never 100% but this film isn't really interested in that either.

There was never any examination of another way. This examination of another way might be what saves us right here, right now on this planet Earth today. This film doesn't look even slightly at any of that.

On a technical level the modelling of the flying machines was really poor - their dynamics were clunky in many cases and the models ... well looked like models - remember the scene where we see the helicopter next to the lab module they stole. It really really looked like a model - it should have gone back for tweaking as well as several other shots.

The regular camera-work used a really highschool quick zoom, a few times to focus on a face or some action - but didn't do anything to establish it as part of the way the film works. My guess is that they didn't have the intervening footage to make a smooth transition and fudged it ... or they thought it would work in 3D. That should have gone back for more fiddling too.

Also I am wondering ... why didn't the Navi just give them the rock?

Any paid film critic who says this is a great film is not being very objective. It is a firm 7 and gets there for the technology and scale, but not for plot, characterisation, cinematography, its philosophy or its depth. Even the CGI needs a good quality control person saying that "this is not good enough".

The film is very BLACK/WHITE. It is fun, i enjoyed it, but it is a fun film, not an important or deep one.
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An early reality show on film
13 May 2009
I liked this a lot.

Its premise is to duplicate the many thousand mile voyage of Captain Bligh and several crew after he was kicked off his ship the Bounty.

With remarkably few resources he held his crew and the boat together.

With this recreation, the boat is a careful replica built in New Zealand, and they managed to dig up (not literally I hope) a distant relative of Bligh to be Captain.

We have the term "A Captain Bligh" for someone who is Autocratic and downplays the skills of others. And the relative does show this tendency.

As this is before the idea of "reality shows" the emotions here are quite real as the crew grumbles and starts hating every moment.

So a really interesting study of human emotion. Against this is the difficulty of making an interesting documentary sitting on a small boat in the middle of the Pacific.
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A Charming Film.
17 November 2008
I saw this in high school when it first came out.

It is very charming and sweet.

It was one of the first foreign languages I saw with subtitles. Since then I have been a strong follower of foreign films.

It is interesting that there are some strongly negative responses in the other comments, that such a gentle sweet film can register such strong responses.

I look at it as a bit of a fantasy ... that it is not there to really ask us to work out the nitty gritty of what happens to children or the other relationships. It sorta says ... how would you be in this situation? Anyway .. a very nice foreign film.
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They say this is one of the best Chinese films ever made
15 March 2008
This is a film about deep and unspoken human relationships.

Eventually they do become spoken, but is there a chance to change anything about the situation.

Originally made in Shanghai 1948 and quite free of propaganda the film introduces us to the Dai Family. There is still some weight about the history that surrounds the family. History usually has weight in Chinese literature and serious film.

A young married couple - Liyan, an invalid, and his wife Yuwen live in a once great family compound that is partially ruined.

A bright contrast is Liyan's young sister who cannot really remember the past of the family but accepts everything in quite a natural way. Her spirit is as bright as the other two are reserved.

Into this apparently stable world comes an unexpected visitor...

I ended up feeling quite sad - but definitely a superior film.
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Where is Sofia going?
31 December 2006
Well, I thought Lost in Translation was one of the best films of the last few years.

But I can't say the same for this.

It seemed to me that either Sofia doesn't have enough experience to handle a story of this magnitude or perhaps she needs a few doubting Thomases around her to point out where the work is weak.

Too many people being supportive around her? A lot of other Coppolas mentioned in the credits...

The acting seemed somewhat cartoonish and one dimensional and there seemed to be little character development - Marie and the Dauphin seemed to be doing different things that they were at the beginning of the film but there was little sense that they had changed as people.

I don't think I would recommend this film to any of my friends.

But I'm happy to watch "Lost in Translation" any time!!! Michael
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Dolls (2002)
A highly realistic film
24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw Dolls on Television. I am a great Kitano fan.

I disagree with many of the other people who have written here, but deeply appreciate their views too - almost everyone has said something deep and beautiful - and that is the purpose of this film (perhaps) to let us see the beauty of what is around us in both human and environmental terms.

To me this film strips away the conventional outward focus of what we all take to be the nature of relationships.

We all focus on specific times as being joyful or sad, we remember the arguments, the holidays, the parties, the waking up together, the partings and the rejoinings. The other side is how other people stand outside and judge us - imprint THEIR view of what our relationship looks like to them. And we stand outside and judge their relationships for what we take to be the "facts"

"Good relationships" and Bad relationships".

But what is the nature of that bond - what is its real form. To do this you have to strip away all the inessentials - strip the actions and the words - look at the shining light that a relationship is made of.

That's why I differ in thinking that all the relationships in the film have not failed = they are intact and perfect - they don't exist in time and space - they ignore the space that self help books trade.

What really ties us together? The two at the end are together eternally - just like the puppets at the beginning - eternally ready to play out the nature of their relationship. Myth and metaphor are things that bite well beyond the surface of things.

And cut to the truth.
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Fireworks (1997)
Two fat blokes eating chips behind me and it didn't matter.
22 July 2006
I actually got free tickets to see Hana Bi when it first came out.

My friend and I arrived in the cinema early and got our seats. It was a Friday afternoon session so only about 10 people scattered through the cinema.

Just as the film started two big blokes came in noisily and sat directly behind us. They had been to the supermarket and had bought a good half dozen jumbo packets of chips and they proceeded to crunch both the bags and the chips through the whole performance.

Usually I would have been pretty upset - but Hana Bi was such an engrossing film it just didn't matter.

Kitano, in my book, is produces wonderful ENGROSSING films.

I suspect the two guys behind were pretty strongly affected too as by the time the road trip part starts the munching had stopped.

Beautiful, Beautiful Film Thankyou Takeshi-san

Michael Storer www.ozemail.com.au/~storerm
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