
12 Reviews
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Terrible narrator!
26 May 2022
The main reason why I give this documentary the lowest 1/10 is totally resulted from the narrator's voice over the whole process; a terrible, spiritless, gloomy, energy-less, moody, old, lifeless low voice that affect the viewing to such a painful experience. Why chose this guy to narrate it is beyond my comprehension. The voice is like a dying person confessed to a priest in an ICU bed in his last breath, telling what he did wrong from his childhood to puberty teenage, to adulthood, getting old and older, became a senior, to a pathetic senile status, all his relatives were passed away, now he's on a life-support system and dying.

Jesus, I've never watched anything like this, this guy's voice is like a guy who sleepwalking in a complete dark street, murmuring, blabbering gibberish his lifelong tragic memories. There's no way for me to get excited or interests to follow his voice to watch along. Adieus!
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Hitokiri (1969)
Did we watdch the same movie?
20 May 2022
I love samurai movies, and I've spent a lot of time and energy to seek out them wherever and whenever possible to collect. Shintarô Katsu and Tatsuya Nakadai are both of the iconic actors in many great samurai movies. Yukio Mishima was one of the most famous and controversial Japanese writers in Japanese literature. A samurai movies with these three legendary actors and writers would suppose to be an even greater one, but regretfully, it just turned out to be such a disappointment. The whole movie was ruined by a very bad screenplay, then further ruined by a mediocre director. Something just didn't feel right from the very beginning, a somewhat weird and ridiculous storyline that just not ring true to a typical samurai genre movie. It's also the reason why I couldn't finish it.
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Not bad but
15 May 2022
I just can't believe that a director could abuse her two internationally famed actors as her wish. Actors signed on to play roles they think good for them to play, but if the actors are well-known or even award winning ones, usually, the directors might have to humble themselves to accommodate with those actors, unlike what the female director who would and could abuse, insult or abuse the ego, the dignity and the vanity of such famous actors like what we saw in it. This movie somehow actually delivers and shows us something about the people who involve in a movie production. There are several moments that I laughed, they are actually quite funny. A movie with limited participants and limited settings, all based upon a bare-bone skeleton-like hollow script, and it's obviously not easy to hold the interest of the audiences, yet it works by recruiting several great actors of our time. It's a very good analysis on peoples' egos, especially on those famous actors who sometimes have to compete with each other in the same movie as opponents to each other for better and greater performance. This linear going simple yet also complicated long movie indeed needs your patience and sense of humor to to through it.
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An okay thriller but
12 May 2022
Hate the drag-on slow pace. A thriller should avoid such slow-burn tempo. The totally unnecessary narration is another letdown, couldn't quite understand why the screenplay or the director needed to insert such unwanted blah, blah, and blah. Camera work is fine but too traditionally cliched and formulaic way of shooting, such as shot the person stepping out of the car, the shoes touching the ground, driver-side car door closed, then the camera following pair of shoes walking forward, the camera following them, then gradually raise up from legs, thighs, to upper body, but still only showing the back of the person...That, really sucks big time, man.

Then, there's a scene showing the sheriff and the female deputy sat on the rear of the police truck eating (lunch or supper?) in broad daylight. Then again, same eating scene, but it's totally dark. How long a meal could be last so long and so slow for just couple of sandwiches? Are the eating scenes that dragged so long for the purpose of building up the tension or just for the purpose to make the movie itself longer? So many unnecessary scenes could be smartly cut off and edited, but no, those scenes just have to stay to fill up the empty on-going. Man, why we have to watch a throw-back deadbeat thriller like this? An eatery in the middle of nowhere still opening for business at late night? It even equipped CCTV? One old woman running the diner?

Also, the killing spree is just kinda clueless and totally exaggerated, just to serve the hollow screenplay.
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Human Desire (1954)
3 years could make a hometown girl so old?
11 May 2022
I was a bit confused and clueless, how come the guy went to Korean War for three years and then back to his hometown, the Simmons teenage young daughter would have grown so fast into a overly matured woman like what I've just seen on the screen? It's definitely a miscast I think; exactly like I used to see Gary Cooper played twenty something young man when he actually was over 50s. I also think that Kathleen Case who played Ellen Simmons as the young woman would be more appropriate to play Vicki Buckley, since Gloria Grahame seemed too old and not attractive as Kathleen Case, and Gloria Grahame might be more appropriate to play Vera Simmons, mother of Ellen Simmons. I failed to see the Buckley woman would have the charm to Jeff Warren, played by Glenn Ford. If he would have fallen for the old and plain housewife instead of the young and attractive landlord's daughter, then should I say that Jeff Warren must have some MILF complex and, that's quite abnormal. For an older and mediocre look woman, the murder seemed to be more farfetched and not worthy all all.
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The Liberator (2020)
There's only ONE WORD to describe this series: Fantastic!
9 May 2022
Just finished watching this great 4 episodes series. As a lifetime movies viewer, this series is one of the very best. The unique filtering technique has enhanced the whole story into another level. I don't know how they did it, and I've remembered there are several similar movies with such animated effect, but this one is just unique as you could have experienced. The leading character, Felix Sparks, indeed is a hero, a great leader to fight with, a great man with a big heart. I don't know how much of his life story had been dramatized in this Netflix treat, but without doubt, it's one major part of his life that really shine to the whole world and let them know, yes, there are so many UGLY Americans as of today, especially those disguised public servants, those so-called politicians, and yes, we are also quite lucky to have GREAT Americans, Mr. Sparks surely is one of such great ones. I am honored to have the opportunity to know there really has such hero who really existed. But sadly, judging by nowadays polarized America, this kind of Americans might already have extincted.
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Dinner Rush (2000)
Where's the common sense?
8 May 2022
The kitchen is in the underground basement, dishes got to be taken up from the basement by steep stairs. Then the electricity is out...So how the kitchen in the basement still can cook? The exhaust system is out due to sudden power outage. Without exhaust-makeup air system, there's no way to cook, no way to exhaust the fumes even you can keep cooking. No oxygen in the basement, not enough light to prepare the cooking process. Yet this great thriller still shows us that dishes continuously popping up from the basement. Well, other than this ridiculous, totally flawed total blackout scenario, this film is still very very good, if you could put your common sense aside.
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All the Moons (2020)
A slow but totally different vampire story
5 May 2022
Very moody, dark, yet very poetically made vampire fantasy. This story also tells you that sometimes immortality is not as usually thought to be a blessing but a lament torture. Seeing the love ones, those who you finally getting familiar with, either becoming old, dying and dead. Being immortal is an eternal punishment and torture, becoming a vampire is not a blessing but a curse. Forever young might be the ultimate desire to some people, but to some people, existence with a lifespan limitation might turn out a better choice since getting old is already a burden when every part of your physical being is gradually weakened, longevity is not what people usually dream of.
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Coming Home (2014)
Somehow a bit similar to Somerset Maugham's Short Story "RED"
3 May 2022
But if compares it with RED, this COMING HOME, directed by Zhang Yimou, the former almost becomes a comedy and, the latter, becomes one of the saddest as well as the most sorrowful human tragedies inflicted by the CCP, the heartless, cruel regime so doomfully shrouded on the 1.4 billion Chinese people since 1949.

I don't know if the author, Geling Yan, who wrote the novel Gui Lai, ever read and inspired by Somerset Maugham's RED that resulted he wrote Gui Lai.

Here's the synopsis of RED:

"Red is the name of a person to be begin with. He was young and good looking and naturally fell in love with Sally, the native girl in an island of South Sea, like Adam fell in love with Eva. The setting is perfectly beautiful and innocent, two happy lovers would write the wonderful love story till the end of their life.

But they were separately by an incident-Red was made drunk and sort of kidnapped by the captain who wanted Red as his sailor. But I can't help to guess it might be Red's idea to get away from the island, or he might passively let this happen. Deep down in his heart, had he ever think of leaving the island? Had he felt bore of his lover?

Anyway, two lovers were separated and Sally was very sad and never give hope of seeing Red again. She was forced to marry to Neilson, who madly love her for years. But she didn't like Neilson, she only love her lover who has gone forever.

Years after, Neilson told the story of Red and Sally and his failure of winning Sally's heart to a skipper who land the island for stop by. He looked like talking to himself, or talking to the rival of the lover, Red.

I think most of readers can guess, the skipper is Red himself not long after the narrative began. But the nice looking boy has turned into a fat, rude and unintelligent man without a trace of his good looking and well-shaped body. I love the description of the look of old Red. I have to say Maugham shaped his character without mercy.

"He was a tall man, more than six feet high, and very stout. His face was red and blotchy, with a network of little purple veins on the checks, and his features were sunk into its fatness. His eyes were bloodshot. His neck was buried in rolls of fat. But for a fringe of long curly hair, nearly while, at the back of his head, he was quite bald; and that immense, shiny surface of forehead, which might have given him a false look of intelligence, on the contrary gave him one of peculiar imbecility. He wore a blue flannel shirt, open at the neck and showing his fat chest covered with a mat of reddish hair, and a very old pair of blueserge trousers. He sat in his chair in a heavy ungainly attitude, his great belly thrust forward and his fat legs uncrossed. All elasticity had gone from his limbs. Neilson wondered idly what sort of man he had been in his youth. It was almost impossible to imagine that this creature of vast bulk had ever been a boy who ran about. "

Similar to Red, Sally now was an old woman, fat, shapeless, bore and even darker. The two young lovers have changed and they didn't even recognize each other. Love could be a merciless joke played on unsatisfied human being by TIME. As a reader, my feeling towards three characters have changed as well. I feel pity on Sally at the beginning but now she seems quite stupid and bored. She had insisted on something that no longer exist and never tried to care for those who loved her. Neilson is such a tragedy figure. He was pretty sick and came to the island to die peacefully but God gave him a chance to survive; he has put all his effort and love on a woman who would never return his love; the love then turn into hatred; now he know two young lovers have become silly old man and woman, he has reach to the end of a love journey-he was no longer care of the woman he loved, no love, no hatred, nothing. He just want to walk away, to have his life without bother with being loved or not."The tragedy of love is indifference."

The story ends. I sighed and wondered:

Is this the true face of LOVE? "The essential element of love is a belief in its own eternity". But in reality,Love looks like a silly broken dream. It is so changeable and very easy to turn into ugliness."

But Coming Home is a tragic, heart-breaking movie with heavy burden to our heart. Feng Wanyu lost her memory, Sally never did. But Feng holding onto a messed up image of her husband, Sally only kept her memory of Red as a forever young red hairs handsome playboy-like sailor. Lu suffered so much from an exiled hard labor, Red never encountered anything bad. Feng and Lu's tragedy was further tormented by their daughter's brainwashed hatred to her father during the Cultural Revolution, an era that CCP encouraged children to treat their parents as Public Enemy No.1, to snitch on their disloyalty to Communist Party. It's a more complicated story, an ultimate human tragedy.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
The VERY BEST modern-day Western
2 February 2022
So good to last to Season 4 Episode 10. I just wish this series could go on forever! Every actor in this Drama Series is well cast and performed so well.

The father, the son, his wife and son, the daughter, her lover/husband, and all of the cowboys, their foes..., then the fantastic cinematography, the ranch, the cattle, the horses, the scenery... The good, the bad and the ugly...the ethic, the morality, the relationship between and among them...Well, I just can't say how I much I appreciate them so far; my list is just endless. Keep it coming, guys. I'm holding my breath for Season 5 and counting the days.
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One of the better and quite watchable Western movies
8 February 2021
The whole movie was seriously done with cares. What I appreciated this movie most is its soundtrack, unlike those stupid western movies bombarded with non-stop, drive-you-crazy, completely irrelevant loud music, the soundtrack background music was so subtle and so appropriately arranged, it timely played on and timely faded away, making this movie a joy to watch. Besides, its storyline was quite unique and colorful, there were minor stories among the major story allot with some colorful characters; bad guys, good guys, all well inserted and played by every actors, males and those two females, one lead, one support. But still, what I really want to emphasize about this movie is the rare and nice arrangement of the supporting backgrounded soundtrack, it never bothered you but timely supported to match the ongoing of the storyline, and help it developed well in tempo and depth. If all the Western genre movies could be produced in this way, Western movies would never phase itself out so miserably lost to the new generation of audiences after 60s to 70s.

Highly recommended, if you could still find it.
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The flaw....
4 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
She hurt her hand and dripped blood on the ground, but after the explosion, the whole area was blasted and in complete destruction. There's no way her dropped blood would still be possible existed for the police to extract. Also, the aluminum is one of the deadly heavy metals that causes lot of damage to the environment and human health. The recyclable excuse is just a lie that even stupid morons won't accept. The Chinese are trying so hard to excavate all the minerals from all other foreign countries with fat financial investments, but it's just a trick to benefit themselves by polluting other countries' environment.

This is a funny and weird movie from a different point of view to remind the world, just let the minerals buried in the deep ground as exactly as when the world was created. Don't allow the greedy people to ruin the world.
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