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BBC2 Playhouse: Going Gently (1981)
Season 7, Episode 28
A tough subject, beautifully played.
16 April 2021
To see two actors, who were primarily comedy players, switch to playing serious roles, is interesting.

Norman Wisdom, who always portrayed the buffoon in his movies, plays his part in this, completely restrained from comedy... and he does it perfectly.

As does Fulton MacKay.

Two men, both dying from cancer, sharing a hospital room. Two men from different backgrounds, who are like chalk and cheese.

Norman plays the terrified patient, who is unable to comprehend his situation and Fulton plays a sardonic Scot, who bitter outlook is ever present.

The interactions between the two is perfectly played.

The other player in this scenario is Judi Dench. She plays a nursing sister, who tends to these two men in their final days. She is perfect in this role.

It is not a pleasant story and there is no happy ending, but it is a scenario that would be played out in every hospital on a regular basis.

Well worth a look.
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The redemption of a lost soul
10 March 2017
I have to admit, this story passed me by. Up until the release of this movie, I had no knowledge of the story. So, without the expectancy of an avid fan, I watched the movie. At first it made me uncomfortable. Here was a guy, crushed by drug abuse and already looking like a train wreck. His zombie like world was gray and foreboding. His future was bleak and his lifestyle was demeaning. Even though he had some support from his case management lady, James just saw his life as misery and the drugs helped mask it. The intervention of the cat, later named Bob, could have been a fleeting one, but the two bonded through a need for each other. In reality, two lost souls. Without spoiling the basis of the movie, it is, basically a journey back to normality, one step at a time. The scenes involving the cat are pure eye candy. This is no ordinary cat by any means. He has an almost zen nature about him. He became the bridge James needed, to be seen by the public as a human being, rather than some faceless busker living on the street. I would not recommend this as film for young children to see. Even though the drug scenes are brief, they are dark and harrowing at times. The acting is flawless and the cinematography is well done. The cat point of view snippets are a nice touch. A wonderful mix of dark and light moments in the telling of the story. It will make any one smile by the end of it. Check it out, you won't be disappointed. Everyone needs a friend like Bob at sometime in their lives.
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A story of lost souls
8 February 2017
It's always tricky to make a movie that might blindly be perceived as a black vs white melodrama when here it's not really the case. For me this movie is a simple told story of lost souls. Two young people, one in search of an almost fanciful re-connection with her wayward father and the other, desperate to see his mother before she dies. The two young lead actors do a fine job of portraying their characters. Although the dialogue is a bit twee at times, it still manages to get the message across to the viewer. The cinematography is great, utilizing the sometimes stark, but beautiful Western Plains district of New South Wales to full advantage. I did think that the scenes involving the pair's interactions with the police were, at times, a bit over the top. Other than that, this is a good movie.

It is sad to note, that Damian Pitt, who played Vaughn, was killed in a car accident near Grafton NSW in 2009
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Why We Ride (2013)
From a rider's point of view
4 March 2014
If you are looking for a documentary about outlaw motorcycle gangs and all things associated with that side of motorcycling, then this documentary is not for you. What this it is, is a look at the wide variety of ordinary folk who happen to ride bikes. From two year old kids to folk approaching old age. Off roaders, hillclimbers, track racers, drag racers, land speed racers and people who just hit the highway and ride. Beautifully shot motorcycling scenes, intersected with comments and anecdotes from a broad range of riders. I ride a bike, so this movie just fortified my thoughts on why I choose to ride. If you do not ride a motorcycle, but are just a slight bit curious as to what all the fuss is about and as to why there are so many bikes out there, then watch this movie.. it will broaden your horizons and, quite possibly, convert you. One thing is for certain, there are several characters in this movie that you won't soon forget. In particular, a double amputee, who, instead of giving up, decided to ride a converted Harley Davidson on a tour of the World. Truly amazing. This is a nicely put together documentary and well worth a look.
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A Classic Documentary
15 February 2014
Animals Are Beautiful People was made in 1974 and was a staple at most movie theaters and Drive-ins at that time. It was shot in the desert regions of West Africa and traces the trials and tribulations of animals trying to survive throughout the wet and dry seasons of this harsh region. The narration and editing endeavor to give it a comical slant, although there are a few harrowing scenes as well. The cynical technical geeks will quickly note the occasional crude use of 1970's computer/animation tricks, but it does not really detract from the context of the movie. It is interesting to watch and would suit most ages. Given the age of this movie, the region it covers has probably changed a bit over the years, but the situations there today are probably similar to this. If you enjoyed documentaries like The Vanishing Prairie and The Painted Desert, you will enjoy this as well. Well worth a look.
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A road trip with heart
11 February 2014
There have been countless road trip movies made over the years, some were great, a lot were not so great. This 1999 road trip movie is based on a true story... the story of an old man's determination to visit his sick brother. The problem is he cannot drive a car, so, he elects to take the trip driving a John Deer ride on mower. Given that premise. it could be mistaken for a comedy scenario, but it is definitely not. It is a warm and touching story that hold your interest for the entire journey. The great Richard Farnsworth plays Alvin Straight and his character portrayal is excellent. The people he encounters along the way and the awesome scenery make this movie work. The acting is natural and believable. Notable cast members include Sissy Spacek as Rose Straight (Alvin's daughter) and Harry Dean Stanton as Lyle (Alvin's brother). Although their roles are small, they shine as their characters. I have watched this movie several times.... it just works for me. There is nothing to dislike and there are a lot of life lessons to be learned from watching it. Sadly. this was to be Richard Farnsworth's final movie.. he couldn't have finished on a finer note.
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One Week (I) (2008)
"What would you do?"
2 February 2014
A movie that makes you stop and think... A tale of a man, diagnosed with terminal cancer, who decides to postpone any treatments, buy a motorcycle and ride west, across Canada. In fact, he puts everything on hold, including his upcoming marriage, so he can have one last adventure. Along the journey, he meets a variety of characters. From each encounter he learns more about life and what is important from other people's perspectives. This movie has some beautiful scenery and a scattering of quirky landmarks. The movie is narrated in part and is quite cleverly written. The acting is subdued, but realistic. Ditto for the dialog. The question the movie asks is "What would you do?"... my answer.. exactly what Ben Tyler(Joshua Jackson)does... go on one last adventure. A bucket list addition well worth including in your own list. It's a good movie. The ultimate road trip.
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Matewan (1987)
Awesome and heartbreaking
31 January 2014
I live in Australia, so this type of American history is quite often unknown here. Over the past few weeks, I have been studying the history of the American coal mining industry. It has not been pleasant taking it all in. I recently watched a documentary Called "Harlan County USA", which covered the miners strike in the 1970's. I learned from that there was more to learn about the strike in the that occurred 1920's in Matewan, West Virginia. Fortunately I found this movie, "Matewan" and watched it. It is hard to imagine this kind of of corporate brutality being tolerated today. The acting is first rate and the screenplay is excellent. This movie looks gritty and believable. The main character, Joe Kenehan (Chris Cooper) is a pacifist union man sent to Matewan to try to organize the workers to form a union to fight for better conditions. He finds the workers and their families are divided and cautious on the idea. To try to quell the issue, the mining company sends two heavies in to intimidate all those concerned. The two heavies, Hickey (Kevin Tighe)and Griggs (Gordon Clapp), would have to be the most vindictive characters that I have ever seen on screen. They make your skin crawl. The events that play out until the final confrontation, are tense and realistically done. This is not a "feel good" movie, but it is a very important dramatization of a time and place that should never be forgotten. A must see movie.
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Club Paradise (1986)
Williams in paradise
27 January 2014
This is possibly one of Robin Williams' lesser known movies, but it is quite good. Williams plays Jack Moniker, a jaded firefighter who retires to a small Caribbean island named St. Nicholas. A pretty good cast,which includes, Twiggy, Rick Moranis, Gene Levy, Peter O'Toole, Joanna Cassidy and Jimmy Cliff. Robin Williams is a wee bit subdued in this, not a lot of his familiar quick one liners, he's still funny though. Without giving the plot away, the movie involves holiday resorts, beach bars, corruption and chaos. It was shot in Jamaica and it looks good. The highlight of the movie are, the great Reggae music, performed by Jimmy Cliff, the madcap antics of the character, Linda White, played by Andrea Martin and Joe Flahery's role as a wacky aircraft pilot. The down side is seeing the great Peter O'Toole looking so poorly. His health was obviously not the best when they made this movie. Other than that, this is funny movie.
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Convoluted tale
26 January 2014
If you watch this to see the Lone Ranger legendary story unfold, then you would be slightly disappointed, if not a bit confused. It is a bit "loose" on the facts. Forgetting that issue, it is a freight train ride of a movie. The real stars here are the CGI effects, and there is a train load of them to enjoy. (pun intended)... Great array of villains and heroes to boo and cheer about. Even though the movie is about the Lone Ranger, it's really Tonto's movie. Johnny Depp plays Tonto in his usual over the top style. Armie Hammer plays the Lone Ranger. At times it's hard to perceive him as a hero, as such, he is quite often too much of a goody two shoes. The main villain, Butch Cavendish, is played to evil perfection by William Fichtner. The movie looks great and, at times, it's hard to tell where the reality ends and the CGI starts. Don't watch this movie if you a fanatic on historical facts, it's all over the place in that department. If you enjoyed the movies, Wild, Wild West and Cowboys and Aliens, then you will enjoy this as well. It's not really for children though, some of the themes might disturb the littlies. In fact, given it's violent moments, it's hard to believe it was produced by Disney. A slightly convoluted movie it maybe, but it is a lot of fun to watch. Grab some popcorn and hang on to your hat!.. Hi Ho Silver.. Away!
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Alec Guinness at his finest
25 January 2014
A very powerful and, at times, quite moving story. A tale of about a Major of a Scottish army regiment who's command is going to be replaced with a new commanding officer. Alec Guinness play the part of Major Jock Sinclair, a career soldier who rules with a iron fist and a critical eye. John Mills plays Lt. Col. Basil Barrow, the officer who is to take command. The change of commander brings on a battle of wills that will test both men to the core. The supporting cast includes Dennis Price, Gordon Jackson, Susannah York and Gordon Jackson. All in fine form and well played. The movie is set in Scotland during winter, this gives the movie a sombre appearance and suits the scenario perfectly. As the story evolves, the tension builds... You can tell from the get go, that no good will come from the change of command order. The scenes involving Guinness and Mills are tense and believable. Great acting, great story... and Guinness at his finest.. well worth watching.
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Aussie Fun
12 January 2014
For anyone outside of Australia, this movie will seem a little bit corny and old school. Possibly along similar lines to the old Ma & Pa Kettle movies. Most Aussies will know this story though, it's based on characters created by author, Steele Rudd. His books are considered folk law classics. The books, and this movie, are based around the Rudd family. The Rudds moved out into the remote Queensland bush in the early 1900's, to build a home and farm the land. These farms were known as selections. The stories relate to the trials and tribulations they endured on their bit of land. What makes this movie work is the principal actors... Leo McKern (Dad), Dame Joan Sutherland (Mum), Geoffrey Rush (Dave), Noah Taylor (Joe), Ray Barrett (Dwyer)and several other top performers that fit the bill perfectly. A lot of effort was put in to make this movie look good. The set design is first class. Any, non-Australian viewer, will be at a bit of a loss to understand some of the Aussie slang used, but the visuals will smooth over any confusion. It is really Leo McKern's portrayal of Dad Rudd that makes this so enjoyable. He is a grumpy, feisty dreamer, who is forever the optimist that things will get better. Whilst Mum Rudd is the cement that endeavors to keep it all together. Dave is the loose cannon of the family... Geoffrey Rush plays him to the max. A fun movie the entire family will enjoy... like the movie promo says..."Cripes..what this country needs is a bloody good laugh"
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A strange turn of events
12 January 2014
I must confess, I gave this movie a miss when it was released, so I gave in and finally checked it out. I am a big fan of John Clarke and Sam Neil, so I thought it would be pretty good. To be honest, I just could not get comfortable with this movie, the story is a mish-mash of situations that, at times, lack a lot in creditability. The movie is a black comedy one minute and a tense drama the next. There is one scene, set it in a church, that was ridiculous and helped destroy whatever realism the story was trying to convey. (it involved a shaft of light). Sam Neil's character was so inept, that I grew to dislike him fairly quickly... and I'm sure that was the way the character was supposed to be viewed, but I all wanted to see was for someone to knock the tar out of him. The snide racial overtones in the story will put you on edge at times. The few scenes that John Clarke was in was the only thing that kept me interested. It is a poor man's Quentin Tarantino style of movie. Not really my cup of tea.
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Riveting Stuff!
7 January 2014
I like movies about trains, but this one might change my mind about riding on one in the future.... Last Passenger reminds me of movies like, "The taking of Pelham 123" and "The Cassandra Crossing", although the story in this is somewhat different, the similarity is being helplessly captive on a train.

A small cast of characters and a tight script. All set on a train ride to perceived oblivion. It is almost claustrophobic at times, but the story moves as swiftly as the train. I liked the way the characters evolved to reveal themselves..their strengths and weaknesses make this story work.

I suppose it is a movie where you ask yourself "what would you do?" The movie is one hell of a ride of terror and emotion.... Great actors, great direction and atmosphere.. A must see for sure.
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The Hill (1965)
Telling it like it is...
3 January 2014
I had all but forgotten just how good this movie really is..I just got the chance to see it again.. Wow... It's gritty, well written and directed and, particularly, well acted. Those tight camera angles, that put you on edge and dialog that is, at times, mind numbing. While it is sometimes hard to sympathize with the prisoners plight, it is not too difficult to despise the way the prison officers carry out their "duties". I doubt this film would have had the same impact if it had been shot in color. The stark black and white strengthens the movie no end. The Hill is by no means a family movie, but if dramatic movies like.. "12 Angry Men", "To kill a Mockingbird" or "Inherit the Wind" are your kind of movies, then this is a must see... lot's of thought provoking dialog and well developed characters. It is not a war movie,as such, but it is definitely is a battle of wills.
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Buckets of tears....and fears
19 May 2010
I'll have to admit that I knew very little about the premise of this movie before I watched it, so I had not critic's hype to blur the story for me. My partner and I watched it together. The movie is a bit slow at first and doesn't pick up speed until the two main characters begin to interact. After that nothing short of an earthquake would drag you away from it. It is almost documentary in it's telling and it works. What makes it work is the actors, they ease into their roles almost with an almost uncomfortable confidence..The final scenes are highly emotional and justifiably so.. there is no fairy tale ending to it. The very last scene almost releases you from the emotional ride the movie gave you.. After watching it, my partner and I discussed writing our own bucket lists and then sat down an did one each... It was a great inspiration to us both... A must see movie!
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Dimboola (1979)
More like - DUMBoola
19 May 2010
I originally read this story as a novel and I liked the brash humor of it.. The movie, however, is an embarrassment to the Aussie film culture. Everyone tries too hard for laughs and the gags flop like a fish out of water. The production standards are pitiful... it looks like the movie was made for a $1000 and they had change left over. There are some good Aussie actors in this and they must now look on this dud and cringe. On the DVD version there is included a stage version of the story... it's actually more watchable than the movie....... This nightmare belongs in a Melbourne fringe art show.... which is pretty much near where it originated. yuk!
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Why a Movie and not a documentary?
14 February 2010
Slim Dusty was an institution in Australia (he passed in 2003)- a much loved entertainer without equal and an almanac of Australian folk law. He continuously toured and recorded for over sixty years (all with the same company EMI - a world record in it'self. He received numerous awards and honours during his career... at the end of it all he was granted a State funeral... a truly amazing life.. So- how do you make a ninety minute movie and ever hope to tell it all? Kent Chadwick thought he could achieve it, and, up to a point, he did. Using an around Australia tour with Slim interlaced with flashbacks. Unfortunately the story at times comes across a little fragmented and somewhat contrived. Even the glorious scenery could not save the choppy and, at times, clichéd script.(Some beautiful scenes 'though, particularly those shot in the outback) At the end of it all you tend to feel a bit jaded, as if you only been told some of the truth...which, of course, you have. It would have made more sense to make this film as a two or three hour documentary rather than a miss mash melodrama. Given these ups and downs, you might think I hated this movie... you'd be wrong to perceive that.... I loved this great entertainer just as much as any true blue Aussie... and any footage of this man in concert is OK by me.
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Man this sucks!
30 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love comedy movies.... you know movies that have a funny plot or are carried through by an actor who is funny.. This movie has neither of these attributes. The lead actors are miss cast and it shows. The "actors" playing the kids are horrific, not only with their acting abilities, but they are cast as two monsters from the planet Vomit and they have a personality that would only appeal to the fans of South Park..... The lead role of Nick is played by Ice Cube and he must cringe when someone mentions this movie to him... he was a co-producer. The story line (for what it's worth) relates to Nick driving these two brats across country to meet up with their mother, played by Suzanne Kingston. Watching these brats wreck Nick's slick Navigator ride is not in the slightest bit funny and would do little in making buying one an option. This movie sucks.... my favorite bit was when the end credits ended.... End "credits"... there's an oxymoron for you!
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Classic British Movie
25 July 2006
I must confess that I have a great passion for steam trains... I also have an equal fondness for classic British comedy. The Titfield Thunderbolt is, in my opinion, one of the best comedy movies of it's time. A great cast and beautifully localed in English countryside that would be possibly rare to find these days. John Gregson and Stanley Holloway drift through these fine comedies with ease. I just love this era of film making. Old stalwarts Sid James, George Relph and Hugh Griffith add the icing to the cake.

The attention to historic detail is a little questionable but is fairly insignificant to the story it'self.

The runaway locomotive scene is a bit twee, but it is soon forgotten as the pace of the story carries it through.

It is great see that this classic is now available on DVD.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Hard line to walk
7 June 2006
When I first heard that there was to be a "Johnny Cash Movie"... I was fairly skeptical. I grew up listening to Johnny Cash and I was horrified to think that Hollywood would/may/could destroy the legend as it stood in our minds. How wrong I was... This movie is awesome. The acting is flawless and believable, the music is great but not overdone and the created atmosphere of the 1950's and 60's is near perfect. It is a sad, funny, uplifting and demoralizing cornucopia of a story about a man who rose from a dirt poor and bitter childhood to become a music superstar to the world. Along the way he encounters the likes of Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and Waylon Jennings, all introduced in a passing parade kind of manner. The drug issues that almost destroyed John's life are there in all their stark honesty. The failed marriage and an almost predatory pursuit of June Carter are skillfully handled. The whole thing just works. Add to that the fact that the actors actually performed the musical numbers in the movie can only been seen as a credit to their dedication to the project. It is a story and a movie to behold and to be long remembered.
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