
9 Reviews
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Aussie Thriller based on true story
30 March 2001
Great aussie thriller though hard to find now on video to hire or buy and not been screened on aussie tv for some time now. Based on a true story surrounding the dissapearance of juanita nielson,this movie shot in and around sydney received mixed reviews despite the talented cast led perfectly by the gorgeous elizabeth alexander.This movie is worth watching over and over again just to look at elizabeth.A truely talented Australian actress whose talents seemed to be wasted and never reached the success her acting talents deserved. For those who like aussie movies this is a must and proves aussie filmmakers were turning out high quality dramas/thrillers long before the likes of "muriel's wedding" and "prescilla queen of the dessert"(2 fine aussie comedies)were even thought of. Ending of this movie was a little dissapointing but is thought provoking as it leaves the viewer with many unawnsered questions on the real dissapearance of juanita nielson. I rate this an 8 out of 10.
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A Christmas Romance (1994 TV Movie)
A gift of xmas wishes
27 February 2001
Olivia plays a widow with 2 young daughters living high in the mountains and facing the prospect of a bleak xmas having lost her job and with the threat of the bank taking her home through non mortgage payments.

Gregory Harrison plays bank employee who is to deliver the fatal news on xmas eve gets stuck in her house due to a car crash in a snow storm on xmas eve.

Making xmas cakes to try and make some extra money for the holiday season,Olivia and daughters,one of whom is played by real daughter Chloe whose acting at such a young age is quite credible.

Despite his somewhat nasty character Olivia falls for gregory harrison who although already has a fiance and in true disney fashion all ends happily with Olivia getting to keep her house and is given a framed drawing of her two daughters by harrison.

Bleak settings help to give atmosphere to the film and Olivia is maturing as a tv actress with this film being made not long after her successful battle with breast cancer.Not a glamorous role for Olivia but one with real grit and determination. 8 out of 10.
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A Message from Holly (1992 TV Movie)
Tear Jerker with slight miscasting
27 February 2001
This is my favourite Lindsay movie,hired the video several times before finally managing to get an imported copy of the movie from the UK which had different cover to the rental copy. Lindsay plays single mother,highly educated,free thinking,talented sculptress dieing of liver cancer wanting to make sure her only child was well looked after,after her death but due to her not liking the way her family would bring her child up called on long time college friend played by shelley long - this is where I think the miscasting came in,long is more noted for her comical roles and am sure there were plenty of other actress in hollywood who could have given the role more creed. Lindsay always slim,was totally convincing in the latter scenes as her illness progresses as she looks so emancipated and undernourished.Displaying a range of emotions throughout the film from happy,to determined to extremely independent to anger and jealousy,this film is a must for the collections of all wagner fans and definately requires at least 2 boxes of tissues onhand.10 out of 10 for this movie.Bravo!
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Voice of the Heart (1989 TV Movie)
Compelling Drama for the most part
27 February 2001
I liked this movie,wagner is at her best,she looks gorgeous as always and is convincing in the role.The plot has lots of twists and turns especially the final scenes. My only couple of complaints is that as is often the case wagner is not always totally convincing in the love scenes - or maybe the director called"cut" too soon. Next I found the running time of the film a bit long and finally victoria Tennant's acting left a lot to be desired,found her screen presence boring and with as much sex appeal as 2 week old stale bread. Fortunately just about any movie with Lindsay in is at the very least above average and this is no exception - my rating 8 out of 10.
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Shattered Dreams (1990 TV Movie)
Realistic portrayal of too common an occurence today
27 February 2001
One of Lindsay's best,totally convincing in her portrayal of a battered wife who gives up her self respect and self esteem for love and to protect her children. Based on a true story Lindsay's portrayal was convincing and keeps the viewer glued to the screen throughout. This is one of my fave films of lindsay which scored high ratings when screened on Australian television in 1994. I give this a 9 out of 10.
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A Mom for Christmas (1990 TV Movie)
xmas fantasy for all
27 February 2001
This is true xmas fantasy in the best of disney tradition.Lighthearted,sentimental escapism that can be enjoyed by all the family. Olivia plays amy a store mannequin that comes to life as the xmas wish of a 9 yr old little girl.Storyline is a bit flimsy but that's what fantasy is all about right? Olivia looks good(as always!)and does an adequate job with the script given her.A bit cutesy and sugary in places,but it's a xmas movie after all,something light for all to enjoy,it's not ben hur or schindlers list it's a wholesome xmas fantasy to be enjoyed by young and old alike. I rate this an 8.
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From the Dead of Night (1989 TV Movie)
Thrills Chills and Lindsay - a winning combination!
27 February 2001
I'm a fan of lindsay's i like a good thriller and have an interest in the occult,so this movie has it all for me.Shown as a mini series in two parts over 2 nights in Australia over a decade ago. The suspense keeps you on the edge of the seat and is genuinely scary without the use of too many special effects - a too common occurence in more reacent horror/thrillers. The movie deals with so many aspects of the occult and interweaves them all without them becoming too confusing to the viewer,direction is first rate and the supporting cast is more than adequate also. As always(well almost always)Lindsay is first rate,definately one for your Lindsay collection - my rating 9 out of 10.
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Hostess with punch!
27 February 2001
Based on a true story, Lindsay plays air hostess Uri Dereikson on a hijacked plane by Iranian terrorists. Good direction and enough suspense to see the viewer through to the end of the film. I wonder how cool and calm hostesses would be in real life? If I was on such a flight I'd want someone like Wagner as hostess, that's for sure.

One of the few Wagner movies available to purchase in Australia (most go straight to video)and scored well in the tv ratings when screened here more than a decade ago.Rating 8 out of 10.
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Catweazle (1970–1971)
Charming and hilarious
27 February 2001
This UK series about a magician from the norman times trapped in 20th century england is really charming and hilarious to watch.Sadly only 2 series were ever made and fortunately have now become available on video for those of us now in our late 30's and early 40's+ to enjoy all over again.There are memorable scenes and performances but all involved and richard carpenter who wrote the original storylines was arguably a little ahead of his time dealing with such themes as astrology and the runes etc. I loved this series,the second series being my personal favourite of the two.I can watch these episodes over and over and still laugh my head off.10 out of 10 all they way.Simply brilliant!Salmay dalmay adonay!
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