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The Last of Us: Infected (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Christine Hakim's scene sets a wild tone
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The writing and acting of Ibu's character (the fungal expert) is done exceptionally well. They were able to take an idea that is generally far fetched and ground it in a not so far fetched reality. The discernment displayed by Inu upon the discovery that the fungus wasn't contained, the quick admittance of the hopelessness of the situation, and the recommendation of utter annihilation from a presumably soft spoken character created a profound tension and sequence that series show writers rarely capture. Well done. The series continues to capture the feel of the game very well, including some quirky dialogue, and some quirky camera shots that can briefly come across as your typical video game to live action adaption. None the less, the roots are spreading into a well thought, visceral, horror thriller adventure series that will have its impactful moments.
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This movie is boring
9 October 2022
This movie is so boring. If you go into this movie with no clue as to what it's about, you'll spend the first hour wondering what the story is even about. Everyone's praising Mila in this role; I found her wooden. The narrator dialogue was awkward and distanced you from the main character. The messages the story has is powerful and depicted very clearly toward the end of the film, it just felt like they could've done it in a way that was more entertaining. It's hard to outright call this film bad because of the impactful message it has to offer but what's weird is the main character had this in their head the entire film. They should've maybe had longer cuts to the past in earlier portions of the film, more character dilemma in the present, and something impactful at the end to tie it together.
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Fire & Blood (2018 Video)
Like reading a fictional encyclopedia
22 August 2022
There are some shining moments in Aegons Conquest and The Dance of Dragons. I've read 5/7 of the book and can't get past how there's nothing to gain from this read. All you get is the surface level 'what' in what could be a marvelous tale. It's the opposite of what you want in a 700 page George Martin book. This isn't a novel, this is a telling of a fictional history from 2 accounts that conflict each other in a not so interesting way.
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Almost overwhelming!
22 August 2022
A lot happens really fast! The tone of this show matches GoT! The acting is great, the writing is great, the cinematography and fight choreography is great! Like most, I was also worried that the lack of character source material would end up like the final seasons of game of thrones (which I ultimately enjoyed) and I was proven wrong! Don't listen to people saying "woke," as I saw nothing "woke" about this show... The Sea Serpent has children with Viserys sister in Fire and Blood. Anyone upset about source material is pretentious. This show exceeds the tedious read that is Fire and Blood and actually brings life to the characters. This is great TV! Very, very strong start for these writers and undoubtedly a good sign! Martin should take this and expand upon his bland narrative that is Fire and Blood, ditch Blood and Fire and make a 1000 pg novel of THIS!
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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Hard to rewatch the show now
20 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the writing of this show (considering this episode as well) surpasses the level of Breaking Bad. I think this because every character we follow has merits that make them all insightful and enjoyable to watch. Breaking bad didn't have that; it had characters that you wanted no screen time devoted to and in retrospect an antihero that takes things a little far. No discredit to Breaking Bad as a stand alone series, as it elevates this series by providing a pretense ( not in chronology of course) to what what to expect of SOME of the characters. This show by itself may not be as great as Breaking Bad but Breaking Bad does in fact exist, and with that series considered, it elevates the elements of this show to another level. One of those levels was Kim. While the supposed ending of the character is revealed, I just can't help but feel it was anticlimactic. Sure, it's the most reasonable outcome, but I personally can't help but feel "that's all?" And while rewatching the show with my wife I can't help but feel that way, unlike prior to witnessing the previous episode. Hopefully there's something equally realistic, but inconceivable, like most of the epic character moments this show and breaking bad has produced. Series is a 10/10 this episode is a 9/10 until the anticlimactic end to one of the best written characters TV has to offer. 7/10.

(Please follow up Kim with Gene)
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The synopsis tells the whole story.
27 May 2022
The task force rise and falls. You get a glimpse of the Baltimore streets. You get a glimpse of the corruption in the department from a high level. Ultimately, there's no development of a single character. It bounces around in time with no real purpose. It's not hard to follow because, you get the idea from the first episode, so the time frame is irrelevant. There's not much of a plot since it's a conglomeration of bad deeds that you already know reach a conclusion. I worked Door to Door sales in Edmonson Village, allendale, roselawn, sandtown, parkville, loch raven etc. Literally at the time this show took place... and can attest to some of these streets and the baltimore feel being real. Ultimately, there's no singular character or clear direction of the show as to what original point it's trying to make. But sure, they capture baltimore pretty well. The department was corrupt, so what, what's with this convoluted story telling? Lmao.
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Station Eleven: Unbroken Circle (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Wow incredible, Good for Tyler man.
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man that's really awesome that everyone lives happily ever after including Tyler, the dude who likes to tie bombs to children because of a graphic novel. It's all good guys even when he planned for it to happen again. Thank god it didn't, that sure was a hell of a lot of bombs! She thought Jeevah left her, thought maybe that could of been mentioned. This show is kinda bad...
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
24 May 2022
It's incredible how this show has trotted along at such a confident pace. Of course, some tedious episodes but all without vail. I have to say that at this point I feel the show has surpassed the level of Breaking Bad. Howard is such an incredible character. He didn't have an arc, he was consistently a good guy and an interesting character, that from the beginning was entirely undeserving of anything our "protagonists" did to him. His "arc" is one of the greatest for a character I've ever seen. I'm at a loss for how this show can consistently do this efficient meandering for half a decade; to build these incredible characters that effectively keep you watching. With the direction, writing, and weirdly attractive score throughout the show reassures you that it's heading somewhere. From episode 1 to season 5-6, your expectations become elevated and this is an episode that takes it over the top. 10/10 What's next for Kim... From here on out it's BREAKING BAD!
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
Has some laughs, some tears, and some questionable set ups.
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 3/4 of the movie has some laughable moments and some moments that I (28 year old male with 2 kids) found emotional. I felt all the actors did an incredible job with a tone that was... awkward. The actors expressions capture a truly tragic emotion, but the dialogue and transitions to lighten the tone take away from the impact the emotional scenes actually had. This is fine, until the last act where the lead, out of the blue abandons his child. This would make sense in infancy when it's tough, but when the child has grown into an independent intelligent child, and you have a support system like the lead does, with work accommodating, affording baby sitters to go out, a family that aches to see her... I don't understand the "struggle" of being a father here as opposed to the struggle of dealing with the grief of losing your wife. The decision was incomprehensible and detracts from the sound job he did during the hardest years raising his child making the redemption feel unearned and quick to wrap up. The film kind of skips the fatherhood part entirely and it's really just about a dude who has a minor breakdown and responds out of character from the set up.
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Halo (2022– )
3 episodes in
15 April 2022
I grew up playing halo. From lan Halo 1 parties to 50 in every game type in Halo 3. I don't find the acting or effects any worse than The Expanse which is well received. Sure it's generic sci-fi, but as a fan of sci-fi and a fan of the game I find the show enjoyable. It's a new take on the story, but there's enough audio and visual queues and similarities to the original series to make a true fan of the game smile. 10 for the haters, 7.9 for now.
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It would be terrible if it wasn't self aware.
26 December 2021
I get some of the hate, but this movie is totally watchable. I give it a 7 because it's premise is witty, and while the movie won't provoke a laugh, it has plenty of tongue in cheek moments that you can't help but smile over. It's very original. This movie feels like a Matrix film. It's a little slow and long but never not entertaining. If it were cringe it'd be terrible 3/10, but it's not, it's honest with itself and original.
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Formulaic but fresh
11 September 2021
As others have mentioned the fight choreography is probably the best to date in the MCU. Long panning shots like The Raid, John Wick, Daredevil (Netflix series), where it's almost like the punches actually land, and the use of the environment is almost comical in how ridiculous these fights become. The score reminded me of Black Panther where they incorporate some pretty awesome hip hop tracks, whereas in Black Panther some of the score felt forced and out of place, this films bass drops and transition to versus added a pretty slick feel to the film. Unlike other most MCU entries post Avengers, this film didn't seem to focus on the grand plans ahead in the MCU which is okay, I personally expected a little more. I also felt like the motivations of the villain were unclear for a large portion of the film, it was hard to feel connected to any particular cause. Some of the dialogue was stilted, jokes landed less often than usual and there were a couple moments that took you out of the film. Overall, it's a fun film with unique qualities that any fan of the genre should enjoy.
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Interstellar (2014)
I love this film. I get why some don't.
20 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I get why some people don't like this film. It's long, draining, and a little self indulgent in thinking it's writing is complicated so it reiterates its point a little too much, but ultimately I find this movie extremely imaginative, captivating, overwhelming, and visually stunning. It's probably my personal favorite film because the concepts it explores are already extremely interesting to me but we finally have a modern film that captures it so gorgeously and realistically. It has an incredible blend of practical effects, there's homage to scifi classics in the score, characters, and cinematography that gives the film an aesthetic that feels masterful, and classically familiar. The sheer scope of the endeavor is captured perfectly through every actor at every instance. Again this film can be draining but it's equally inspiring. I give it 9 because there are a few themes that toward the end make the film seem convoluted. Sure it comes full circle and makes perfect sense in the end, but the significance of love being equally important to gravity and non linear time, or in Anne's eyes the driving factor to this endeavor being inevitably completed, sidelines the brilliance of the daughter Murphy, and the will of Matthew that allowed the non linear time construct to guide them to inevitable survival. All fathers love their daughters but their own personal facets made them the perfect... tangent. My favorite sci-fi film, purely because of its scope, and how incredible it is to view.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Great performance, great set designs, mediocre payoff
17 October 2020
My opinion of this film is pretty simple. I felt the film presented insignificant reasons for sympathizing with the character. The one instance that was justifiable, the characters own justifications for responding did the opposite of garnish sympathy. The film trots at a slow pace, and some of the more substantial and thought provoking sequences are glossed over in favor of the more rudimentary sequences. Some will praise the Easter eggs and little nuances but overlook the tediousness involved to appreciate them. Joaquin did phenomenal job. The set designs were incredible and imaginative for a 80's Gotham. Unfortunately, the writing for "character study" this film presents itself as has been bested by countless other films. Other than Joaquins performance, there's not much to praise. I mean, the most significant plot development where Arthur imagined instances with his neighbor lasted 30 seconds, and back to the slow roll of straight self pity and mediocrity
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Slow burn without the burn
10 October 2020
This film reminded me of out of the furnace. A movie that presents itself as layered, but offers little substance. The way the film is shot, along with the performances, gives you the impression that if you stick out the slow pace you will be rewarded. Unfortunately, when the film ends it fails to provide a purpose for what you viewed. Normally, when a film evokes sadness that evolves into a borderline depression, I can appreciate the emotion the film provoked and praise it for its effectiveness. By the end it didn't feee effective. Like Out of the Furnace, I couldn't help but feel that what I viewed failed to offer any value. Exceptional performances and a professional ascetic couldn't make up for the frankly outlandish jumble of characters this film presented. Deeply depressing with no silver lining. Nonetheless I would recommend this film for its ability to truly get under your skin. Holland, Pattinson and Skarsgard were great in their roles as well and make the viewing a little more enjoyable.
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Simply a horrible production
6 September 2020
No matter how you spin it's post production advertising attempts, no matter how you spin what this film attempted to portray, no matter how much you think Shia is awesome, there is not a single redeeming quality to this film. It's embarrassing this film had the team it had, and what they put out. This film has no heart. What starts out as kinda bad turns into horrible. The first noise the film has, is a child screeching and the audio mix in itself is a goof. Both characters are horrible people with nothing redeemable. The writing is abysmal and offers nothing of insight. There is no action. The performances are entirely wooden. The pacing is so shotty that a 90 minute film feels like 2 hours 45 minutes in. When the action begins, you realized that this film just nose dived off a cliff into some of the worst moments of writing, acting and cinematography you'll ever witness. This film is pure garbage and entirely in poor taste. It's not so bad it's good. This is just abysmal.
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Black Panther (2018)
Good not great.
31 August 2020
When the film released it was praised as an exceptional film that does the African American community justice. Imo ONLY the character T'Challa does the community justice. A lot of the practical shots blending futuristic architecture with ancestral scenery were captivating. The script and plot are laser focused so the film moves seamlessly. It's technically good not bad. Where I think the film falls short is it's soundtrack, underwhelming action sequences, use of cgi and Michael B Jordan's overacting in some scenes. Hip hop as a score doesn't draw the same emotion as contemporary or Orchestral soundtracks and would've preferred hip hop being an addition to rather than a focus giving an amateurish feeling... and I love hip hop, but just not as a way to set tone. A cringeworthy scene is when Killmonger gets in the ambulance and makes out with his side chick. LOL and the cgi in almost all instances at no point garnished a realistic impression. Unlike the Whedon or Russo entries it felt like a cut and paste superhero flick. I can praise the film on presenting an Influential antagonist, strong performance by Chadwick, cinematography and the effective pacing. I will revisit this film.
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