
7 Reviews
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End of Days (1999)
Arnie, what in the h...**..**!!! are you doing?
18 October 2000
I'm an Arnold fan from way back , but this one really disappointed me. Arnold can definately do better! This was a lot of "entirely staged phony action" that seemed to be forced into a couple of hours of bad acting and bad taste. And Arnold, if you're listening, do not ever do a movie with Rod Steiger....da 3 pts.
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This movie contains dirty humor....I laughed my butt off!!
18 October 2000
One of, if not the, funniest movies I've ever seen. The downside is the humor is rude, uncooth, foul-mouthed, nasty, sexual innuendos, stupid and just plain idiotic!! Guaranteed to make anybody laugh if they can stomach it. 8 pts.
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Arnold is CONAN! There will never be another!
18 October 2000
This movie displayed the making, survival, and triumph of the one man, who delivers a character all guys wished they could be (more than once)! I didn't know much about bodybuilding, but I got the fever after seeing this flick. The budget wasn't great, but the actors and music fit together like a sword in a sheath. James Earl Jones was mesmerizing, and get a kick out of Max Von Sydow. This is the BARBARIAN movie of the century hands down.. 10 pts.
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Pitch Black (2000)
Sci-Fi at its' best. An attention grabber that's not shallow.
17 October 2000
This story is interesting from the start. An odd, but not so odd, group of people, who are the only survivors of a crash landing, band together (more or less) and try to find a way to continue their journey to Mecca, another planet. The idea of this movie is original (other than who's afraid of the dark), but what I think really gave it the depth,that these particular movies need so much, was Vin Diesel. Count on seeing more of this guy. His character was fit to play. Riddick (Vin) is a convicted murderer that you learn to respect first and then possibly like. His coolness is outdone by his straightforwardness and you might wonder if he really is a bad-guy. So an eclipse takes place and these wild-looking creatures (they can't tolerate light) come out to eat. Riddick is the ace (he has night vision and alarming strength), and he and the attractive, now in command(captain was killed in crash) Fry, are the strength in this gradually diminishing group. But in the end ( I had to watch the film twice to get the message finally) the last death seems to give Riddick another chance in life (more ways than one). Enjoyed this.
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Little Red Riding Hood meets puberty in a nightmare.
17 October 2000
A very unusual flick! The entire movie is like one dream inside another (nightmare if you will). With a lot of symbolism, especially in individual scenescape. Definitely a thought provoker and may leave some a little puzzled at the end. Angela Landsbury is the "Grandma" (well done) in this, and the music complements the dreamy passages.
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Gladiator (2000)
No Braveheart, but a strong, compelling storyline. EXCELLENT
16 October 2000
Want to be a warrior, just have everything you love destroyed. Russell Crowe was made for this part. They call him General, Spaniard, and General again, but always MAXIMUS! Even the name is larger than life, and it suits him. The battle scenes are fairly short and intense, giving room for the story and not just a bunch of blood. The final battle (between good and evil, of course) leaves you with a kind of satisfaction when MAXIMUS is walking through that field. FREEDOM.....
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Orca (1977)
Dramatizes, separate and combined feelings of man and whale.
15 October 2000
The very beginning of this movie displays the peace, beauty, and greatness of Killer Whales. A person is saved from the jaws of a shark, by the mercy and strength of one of these whales. The event is witnessed by an ocean hunter, who decides to change his choice of prey to these great beasts. He eventually harpoons one allright, but what he thought would be a simple kill turns out to be something closer to murder! This is a "ONE OF A KIND" movie, that I think delivers "not bad" , for its' time. Unusually, artistic soundtrack. A must see for movie lovers.
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