
4 Reviews
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Senso (1954)
Film-making at it's best! A must see for all beings!
30 March 2001
This has to be one of my all time old favorite Romantic Motion Picture.

Visconti brings about Magic and beauty onscreen making every shot a glamour in experience!

There are so many great moments in Senso that it will take you ages before this Picture wears out in your memory.

Besides the fact that Visconti is one of the great Film-makers of all times it has to be said that this Director simply had a feel about shots to form a scene to imprint that exact emotion or feeling that was intended by him. He always knew to capture and captivate the viewer and bring about that special bond which nowadays we have lost with contemporary Motion Pictures!

For all out there whom enjoy the Art of Film-making, for all whom cherish good Film-making, go fetch "Senso"! It's an experience not to forget!

Senso is about the magic which comes about when a Picture finds it's way through the Projector unto the White screen! It's an experience rarely seen but so is this Art which is only understood by a handful of Film-makers!

Luchino Visconti, I thank you for this venture and understanding of the greatest Art form in this Universe!
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A trully work of art, where the word art itself comes up short!
6 March 2001
Shawshank Redemption is one of those few movies which can only be made when all things come together. Narrative, Scenario pacing, cinematography, performance and directing are only some of the main elements that make for a great movie when all are in balance to serve the main purpose which is the storytelling. But sometimes GOD says let there be that moment when every other aspect, of the greatest art form in cinema history, swells the other up to make magic happen on and behind the white screen!

There is no need to elaborate on Shawshank Redemption because those whom have witnessed it knows it's power and grandeur in appearance.

For those whom haven't crossed paths with Shawshank Redemption yet should by all means necesary make it a lifes effort to rent and buy this Movie. Before you leave this place you once knew as Mother Earth you need to have experienced one of the greater feelings in cinema history!

I hope I myself as a Filmmaker will come across a breathtaking story like this to film, there is simply no greater reward to a filmmaker than to have directed a Movie like this.

In closing I will add, for those running off to the store looking for Shawshank Redemption, look up these next films for they will change your life for they have changed mine and made me become a filmmaker.

It's a wonderful life (Frank Capra), Ben Hur (William Wyler), Ran (Akira Kurosawa) and M (Fritz Lang).

There are many other great movies but for starters just start with these cause you'll be watching these a many a times.
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Breathless and Speechless
15 February 2001
Well, I'll write a better review on this Movie in about a few week since I still don't know what made me so overwhelmingly impressed about this Movie! It's never happened to me yet as a Filmmaker, I mean when I have just witnessed a great Movie I know what the elements where but this Ang Lee's Movie still has me Breathless and Speechless! Usually a scene like the Fighting Flying Tree scene will make me leave in disgust but even this vastly exaggerated scene I loved!!!!

Even while I'am writting this I'am dazzed and appalled by this Masterpiece!
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Vivre sa vie (1962)
Godard's Experimental Cinema Verity proves a point beyond ever being functional!
7 February 2001
Great Cinematography concerning Lightning and Composition, Impeccable Acting and Compelling Storline! But in addition to the above Godard's choice of just being Experimental for Experimentals Sake to which many Directors find themself in a very Indulgence state where the discussion arises to fact out it's functionality. Movie making is a process in which all the elements which serve the Image telling are combined, woven into eachother like that which maketh Silk. It is much like preparing ones favorite dish, whatever dish this maybe, each ingredient should serve it's final purpose! If one of these ingredients stands out to sharp the taste may have a somewhat "uncomfertable feeling", it certainly register's in the subconscious as being unbalanced.

Godard makes the viewer too aware of his presence, I believe it's intentional since one is stained for being Experimental. Some of the scenes are downright distracting, tearing apart the scene nuance from the players. I hope Movie makers like me are there to tell and let you dwell, since it is shamefull to make you aware that the movie maker is at work disregarding the magic that was about to happen to the audience. Experiments should function as a whole and not be marked as stand alone.

Movie makers like Ford, Wyler, Dmytryk, Fritz Lang, Capra, Scorsesse, Martin Brest and many others know the secret of Image telling which is simply using all means to drive you, involve you and let you participate in the Art of Storytelling. Never alienating you. Never seek after their own indulgence. The Art is to decode your life experience and your message to the level of comprehension and compassion of the viewer. Yes, while one should never underestimate the audience, one should take great care in not tearing the greatest form of onscreen magic in front of their eyes. Share the experience and you will be respected!
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