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A "10" well deserved
24 August 2002
I gave The Breakfast Club a 10 out of 10. I can hear many shouts of approval, and even more of derision already. However, I don't claim that this movie is the best ever made. I gave it a 10, because The Breakfast Club is one of the best movies I've ever felt. When I watch a movie, typically a few mistakes stick out. Mostly things that seem inconsistent, or contrary to the theme or message of the film. When watching The Breakfast Club, I don't notice anything left out, or overdone, or anything that defies the purpose of the movie. This film received such a high rating from me, because it is perfect in its own right. It has done everything it was set out to do, and more. There is no way I, or anyone else, could improve it. Highlights: Paul Gleason's portrayal of a high school principal is uncanny. I'm in my senior year of high school, and I swear the principal of my school learned everything he knew from Richard Vernon. That includes wardrobe. Ally Sheedy defines the era of film making in which she starred. I find it startling that she has so effectively portrayed a social outcast like the secretly beautiful Allison Reynolds, and also the outgoing, ravishingly cute Jennifer Mack, in War Games. I'm running out of words here, so I'll end saying, if you've seen this movie and love it, keep watching, there's always something new. If you've seen it and don't like, stop watching it, you're missing the point. If you haven't seen it yet, you'll be trapped emotionally at age fifteen until you do.
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Rollerball (2002)
What is this? Some kind of terrible joke?!
28 July 2002
This movie is a disgrace. That statement has been used to describe many movies, but in the case of this absurd Rollerball remake, it extends to many planes of meaning. For one, this movie destroys the original's plot, pacing, and anything at all that set it apart and made it a classic. This disgusting remake disgraces its original more than The Avengers, more than Godzilla, and yes, even more than Batman & Robin. Beyond the initial corruption of the classic 1975 Rollerball, this remake is a disgrace to Jean Reno. Seriously, this man needs to do more research before choosing a movie. We know he can act well, we just know he can do it. Look at Leon (The Professional). This is yet another crapball to tarnish his record. The worst disgrace this movie is guilty of, however, is its absolute ineptitude. This film fails in its basic charge as a motion picture. This movie is unforgiving. If it's not hurting your brain with idiotic lesbian jokes, or attempting to titilate you with frontal nude shots, it's forcing you to observe brainless, pointless eXtreme!! sports, like death-luging or an action favorite, driving like an idiot. And don't forget the thirty-minute scene filmed with a green filter lens, to simulate night-vision. I have a camcorder, too, guys, and turning that little green thing on in the dark does not make your movie clever, edgy, interesting, or even watchable. I'd hoped I could forget this terrible film, but I've taking it upon myself to dredge up the awful memories of it once again, to warn others. DO NOT see this movie. It is not so bad it's funny, it's so bad it's painful. And if you've ever see the original Rollerball, just ignore this awful remake. Hopefully now I can sleep at night, hoping this message has saved at least a few poor souls.
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A bit unusual, but excellent nonetheless.
11 July 2002
Like any Lupin film, Walther P-38 is completely entertaining, with a wide appeal base. That is to say, anyone can enjoy any film of the Lupin series, be they an otaku or someone not familiar with anime. Unlike others of the series, this film is deadly serious at times, with mature imagery and violence. The slapstick humor is ever present, for that is what endears fans to the Lupin series. For fans, those who find Goeman particularly more entertaining than Jigan (myself certainly NOT included), this film is perfect. The plot centers around an inescapable island on which the greatest cabal of assassins is trained. This fact is certainly reflected in the writing and plot; most of the action take splace on this island and most characters are stoic badasses. Whoever you are watch this movie, but specifically those of you who have watched Lupin, but felt it couldn't complete with more graphic, more adult anime. This one will hopefully have you rethinking that.
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Our Mr. Sun (1956 TV Movie)
One hopes the only thing learned form this is to never make anything like it again
5 November 2001
'Our Mr. Sun' is the worst type of religious right propaganda I've ever seen in my life. Perhaps the matter is made worse consideration the circumstances under which I viewed, that is, during a class in school. This terrible "educational" film begins with a quote from the Christian Bible. That should have tipped me off from the beginning, but I gave it a chance, one can't judge a movie by the religion of its makers. However, it simply got worse. The sketchy science, and far too convenient summations of incorrect data are bound to confuse and confound anyone who is meant to learn from this video. Five minutes spent with a modern astronomy book and one will see that most of the information in "Our Mr. Sun" is rather inaccurate and overly simplified. Of course, that was before the "comically" grumpy cartoon rendition of Father Time instructed me, and the rest of the impressionable kiddies watching, to pray to god. Perhaps this passed as appropriate in schools during 1955, but to show it now, in a high school class, no less, in hopes to genuinely learn astronomy is simply disgusting. Saint Francis was quoted, of course. Gospel music served as the soundtrack, as did Christian hymns. And cocky old Mr. Sun got his when Father Time knocked him a down a peg by reminded him that though he may provide energy for the Earth and all living things, God created them, and that people should pray to god and thank him for the great gift of the sun. Where does that leave any non-Christians? Evidently there weren't any during the 50's. There are plenty of other details to encourage good Nazi's, as well, not just Christian fundamentalists. "Dr. Research" extols the virtues of solar power and the bright shining future it can provide, given the right education and creative thinkers of tomorrow. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Sure it does, until you realized that the montage of close-ups of graduates tossing their caps into the air are all blond haired, blue-eyed Johnny Americans. It is subtle considerations such as these, and blatant Christian-right influences that further mar an initially flawed piece of worthless, potentially dangerous crap. I feel bad for any children who had to see this video when they were young. I only hope not TOO many of them were brainwashed by this terrible offensive, disturbing tripe. I'm going to go bathe once again, and hopefully wash the last of the residual scum gathered on my skin from this film off of my body. Furthermore, if you are ever forced to view this film during school at any time, and it offends you too, raise your voice, be heard, and demand that this film, others like it, and the terrible influences they contain spread be stopped.
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Snatch (2000)
21 August 2001
An instant classic of the crime genre, anyway you slice it. Snatch was a perfect combination of action and violence found in the best proportions, the special humor that seems to be specific to the crime genre, and the quirkiness and attention to detail present in the most artistic movies. Thought not likely to be hailed as one of the best movies, if Snatch's graces were to be measured in entertainment value, it would greatly outweigh some of the other classics of the genre, including Pulp Fiction, and possibly even The Godfather (most certainly the sequels.)
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Everything promised, and more.
15 July 2001
As one of the recent slew (I mean that in the best way possible) of computer animated films, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within is a masterpiece. As a subtle, yet compelling and integrated, spin-off (I mean that in the best way possible, as well) of a video game series, it is excellent, leaving enough to the imagination and yet filled with inside jokes and references. As a science fiction movie, Final Fantasy is one of the best I've seen in the past two decades. Not since Alien have I seen alien creatures as new, creative and well thought-out as those in Final Fantasy. Overall, I can honestly say Final Fantasy is one of the best science fiction movies ever. Every detail (both visually and plotwise) is amazing, and the overall effect is even better than the sum of its parts. I only wish i could see it again, for the first time. As for more traditional considerations (writing, direction, script, etc.) I'm sure some film grad will point out problems, but then, that's inevitable. To a layman like me, the writing was top-notch, and the script especially pleasing. The one-liners were good, and at a perfect frequency. The viewer is never bogged with too much plot or explanation at any given time. Unlike some sci-fi movies with particularly scientific or convoluted plots, no characters are found to say things that they wouldn't in real life, simply to explain what is happening. I rated this film a nine, but as I'm writing this review, I'm struck with the thought that perhaps I underrated it. This movie is deffinately a nine, probably an eight for some, but for most would be a ten. Thoroughly enjoyable. I recommend Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within to anyone, but especially to fans of science fiction, final fantasy, animation, or movies in general, which, I would assume, covers just about everyone.
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Little Nicky (2000)
Great movie, quite a pleasant surprise
19 November 2000
When I walked into the theater, I was expecting the usual comedy drivel Hollywood has been pumping out en masse lately. When I left, I was laughing my ass of and recalling some of the best lines with my friend. Not only did this movie crack me up, however, it really engrossed me, more than comedies usually do. For some reason (the rockin' classic soundtrack, most likely) I was absorbed in every moment of the film. I was laughing hard, and constantly. This movie supplied a sustained laugh, but not by endlessly pointless jokes. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of tasteless humor in this film. Tithead, is all I have to say (just go see it!) But, underlying the whole film was an epic, incredibly suspenseful and exciting sense of adventure. The plot is well thought out, and one of the best applications of hell used in a movie ever. I highly recommend this amazingly funny gem of a movie.
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