
3 Reviews
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Latter Days (2003)
26 December 2004
When a film tells us the truth, it can move mountains. I was deeply moved by this film.

C. Jay Cox, what a beautiful heart you must have.

I am an actor and I would walk on broken glass for a chance to speak your words. Those were very lucky actors to have had the chance to tell your story and move us with their rich performances. I rented this film, but I will now buy it. We need more films like this. Gay or straight, just watch this movie with a friend, with a lover, with anyone you care about. It will make you care that much more.

I know I probably sound like a sentimental sop, okay...guilty as charged!
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A TRUE Christmas Classic!
20 December 2004
I waited a few weeks to finally see The Polar Express because of the negative reviews that I read. Yet, as always, I still wanted to judge it for myself. Someone I know said, "If you do go see it, see it in 3D at the IMAX." Wow, was I glad I listened. This beautifully crafted film is not only an emotional holiday gem, it is a MUST see in 3D IMAX. So many of the scenes were enhanced by seeing the 3D effects. I found myself wanting to try a catch the snowflakes on my tongue. 3 BIG HOLIDAY CHEERS to Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks for making us believe! Go see this film, bring a kid, ANY KID! but you will also find the kid in yourself.

And yes, I do still hear the bells!
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George Lopez (2002–2007)
Hey, are you watching the same show I am?
5 September 2003
I can't believe that you don't think this show isn't funny. It is full of rich characters and has loads of heart. The cast are all respectable actors and the scripts take chances and score almost every time. With all the drivel that is on the air, this show is breath of fresh air. I am not Latino, but I don't think its "full of latino cliches". Most of the Latino humor is general, so that everyone can understand and enjoy the jokes. It is in no way offensive and all my latin friends say that it's the most even handed depiction of a latino family ever to hit the air waves. So 3 cheers for The George Lopez Show, may it enjoy a long run. ABC has a winner with the one!
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