
3 Reviews
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Hannibal (2001)
Missed opportunity
25 February 2001
Hannibal seems to me something of a missed opportunity, not that it isn't stunningly filmed and acted. Anthony Hopkins has once again turned in a brilliant performance and Julianne Morris performs well in the shadow of Jodie Foster. The musical score adds to the films atmosphere and the film is worth seeing for the stunning backdrop provided by Florence (surely the perfect setting for Dr Lecter). I would have considered this film a classic except for the travesty of the last half an hour. It was always going to be difficult to translate the ending of the book into visual form, both for practical and reasons of taste. It seems that the script-writers haven't bothered, instead we get the gore and none of the explanations or psychological elements that the rest of the story is leading to. Thomas Harris managed against all odd to produce a book that surpassed what had gone before. The film with all the positive points it has does not. My advice is to see the film but if you have half a brain leave after Lecter is captured.
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A likeable if dated view of working class London life.
26 April 2000
A very likeable if dated view of working class 60's London viewed the eyes of upper crust Polly Dean. Several tough and controversial issues (illegal abortions & wife beating) are covered which must have been brave at the time that the film was made. Strangely prophetic in the 'gentrification' of Battersea (one of the up-areas in recent property prices). Having been in the year I was born, I cannot fully comment on the authenticity of this films view of 60's life. However from my perspective and that of older relatives it is fairly accurate. The soundtrack (by Manfred Mann) is a superb slab of sixties beat\psychedelia. The characters are very likeable and the film is in my opinion a good introduction for any scholar of the period. 9/10
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Pleasantville (1998)
Well executed 90s fantasy/social commentary
24 April 2000
A very well executed fantasy which is only let down by a rather ham-fisted, if well intentioned slide into social/racial commentary. The special effects and use of colourization cannot be faulted, and the humour created by 'libertated' 90's teenager meets claustrophic staid 50's society is genuinely funny. Once the film attempts to tackle its 'serious' sub-theme some elements become rather cliched, however the film is generally well put together and recommended.
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