
2 Reviews
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Karu süda (2001)
Real northern spirit of "A Bear`s Heart"(10/10)
19 April 2002
I really enjoyed this movie. It was something really different from all the other crap.

Lets begin by bringing out all the good sides of the movie. First the acting was great. Estonian actors really showed they`re class, even in the naturalistic scenes where they had to get naked or do other crazy stuff(let it be a surprise for those who haven`t seen the movie yet). Now the effects... All the effects there were in this movie, were the very best. Etc the one with the beating heart. OK, no hints anymore.

Now about the script. It was really something. The script unforseenably original and magical. Though there is a love story in it, love is viewed from a totally different angle. Actually even the final point is that love is not the most important thing in life. The whole story is about finding out who you are and accomplishing inner peace. And all of it is played out to perfect by Rain Simmul.

The movie really gives something to think about - it`s a one made with soul and heart. I wish only more movies like this were made, I wish that all big bucks would not be wasted on big budget action movies... There are so many more film directors out there with a message to people. But not many of them get a chanche.
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No-one is perfect
15 April 2001
I think this is an OK film. Americans really don`t know much about Estonia or even worse - absolutly nothing. Even the step-dancer in the film said "Estonia - where ever that is". But this film has a greater idea - to tell the world that we are here! Estonia has had had a tought history. About a thousand years ago we lived here near The Baltic sea, Estonians were great sailors. Then the germans came and after a great war, we were put into slavery. 700 years later we were occupied by russians. And in 1918, when there was a revolution in russia, we became independent. but not just so easly - after a great war, The War of Independence. Then we lived happily for only twenty years. Then came the time this movie talks about. The russians just occupied us. And about 40% of our people were sent to Siberia or killed. We were occupied until the Soviet union fell in 1991. The historic background of this movie is absolutly correct. The American actors are nothing special, never heard of them. but there are the best Estoinan actors acting in this movie. Sorry, that in such a small parts. They should have been given bigger parts, all the Estonians in the movie should have been Estonians. And if the script would have been also more Estonian-like, this movie would have been perfect.
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