
26 Reviews
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What is the whole point of remaking movies?
28 December 1999
I think watching this movie is nothing else but a waste of time. If you watch Point of no Return you will loose, pointlessly, two hours of your life. Oh sorry I've done a mistake. All the above are verified taken into consideration that you have seen the original film La Femme Nikita by Luc Besson. I am saying this because Point of no Return is nothing else but a chip remake of the original one.

As far as the directing is concerned it is alike to Besson's one. In my opinion remaking a directing with the same way is something stupid. Bridget Fonda performs badly in contrast with Anne Parillaud's performance. The only actor, whose performance is comparable to the original one, is Harvey Keitel. The screenplay is the same so I have no comment to add. In conclusion I give Point of no Return 6 out of 10 or * out of ***** stars.
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True terror, a real horror film...
20 December 1999
The sixth sense is not a movie that will try to scare you by means of visual or sound effects like in Haunting. It is a thriller masterfully directed and written by the unknown M. Night Shyamalan. And I assure you that this is not the only worthwhile feature of the film. Although all the actors, apart from Bruce Willis, are unknown they perform tremendously. In particular, Haley Joel Osment's performance as the endued with the sixth sense little boy is excellent!

One future of the film that I will never forget is the unbelievably amazing end. Of course I will not disclosure it. Finally I have to add that the sixth sense is the first movie that left me sleepless nearly all night long!

I give the sixth sense 9 out of 10 or **** out of ***** stars. I recommend it unreservedly!
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We'll miss you Stanley...
4 November 1999
Stanley Kubrick finished his filmography as a director with a real masterful. His 13th movie `Eyes Wide Shut' is undoubtedly one of his best pictures.

Dr. Bill Harford and his wife Alice attend to a party, which is organized by one wealthy friend of them whose name is Victor Ziegler. There they both receive sexual proposes but no one accepts them. When they return home they have sex and after it Alice confess to his husband that she had two-timed him in the past. After this Bill starts wandering and in two nights his life is changing dramatically…

As a matter of fact the script, written by Kubrick himself and by Frederick Rafael, is perfect. But the worthwhile feature of the film is the directing, masterfully created by Stanley Kubrick.

As far as the performances of the leading actors are concerned they were absolutely… different. What I mean? Have you ever seen Tom Cruise and especially Nicole Kidman in better performances? I think not. They both proved to be talented actors in… serious movies.

To sum up, I give Eyes Wide Shut 10 out of 10 or *****out of ***** stars.
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Shivers (1975)
Why Cronenberg surprises me every time?
28 October 1999
David Cronenberg surprised me with M.Butterfly, with Crash and now with Shivers. Really what is the reason? Maybe I am just a sixteen-year-old boy and cannot understand the meaning of his pictures or he simply likes to surprise. In M. Butterfly I was surprised congenially but in Crash and especially in Shivers I was surprised badly. What is all these nonsense that Shivers is one of his best pictures. I undoubtedly do not agree. The movie was completely disgusting and ridiculous. In addition the story was a complete trash. An organism in the shape of excrement has incredible side effects when is being inserted in a human body. In particular the person is getting mad and the only thing he wants to do is to have uninterrupted sex. As far as the performances are concerned they were simply bad. Lastly, criticizing the directing I found it lewd and nasty. In conclusion I give Shivers 5 out of 10 or - out of ***** stars.
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Tremendous directing and performances...
27 October 1999
One of the worthwhile features of the film is without a single doubt the remarkable directing, masterfully created by Brian De Palma. As a matter of fact I think De Palma is one of the best directors of all times (after Alfred Hitchcock of course) and the Untouchables one of his best pictures. Only the word reminds me of a great number of scenes, for example the scene in the train station with the baby carriage, the scene when Eliot Ness went to kill Al Capone and so many others. Furthermore the script was really tremendous, written by David Mamet. As far as the performances are concerned, what can I say, they were marvelous. Robert De Niro and especially Sean Connery did their best to offer us unforgettable performances. The second one deservedly won the academy award of best supporting actor. Finally, if I had one complaint this would be the fact that the movie had not a single nomination in the categories of best picture, best directing, best original screenplay and why not a nomination for De Niro's performance in the category of best supporting actor. I give Untouchables 9 out of 10 or **** out of ***** stars.
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The Mummy (1999)
Why it reminded me so much of the Indiana Jones films?
18 October 1999
I think Mummy would be undoubtedly better if it were not so similar to the Indiana Jones films. I do not mean that this is bad but it is not an asset. The story, the script even the directing was alike. But doubtlessly Mummy was not better. I think it is the most suitable movie to watch it in a nearby cinema one Saturday night, nothing more and nothing less. Although I have to admit that the visual effects were splendid. The screenplay was very interesting and well written. Stephen Sommers, although, has a lot to learn to direct the same way Steven Spielberg does.
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Disclosure (1994)
Disclosure differs from the others...
13 October 1999
Most of times, movies, which are sexy thriller, have a completely unintelligent script and a bad directing. The majority of the scenes include a lot of sex in order the movie to be appealing. But I have to admit that Disclosure differs. It was quite delectable. It had a noticeable directing by Barry Levinson. As far as the performances are concerned they were suasive as well as persuasive. One week before I saw Disclosure I had seen Striptease. Oh my goodness, Demi Moore had not a single sample of talent. As a matter of fact I had lost any interest of her. But in Disclosure her performance was somehow noticeable. I give Disclosure 6 out of 10 or * out of ***** stars.
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It was very good but somehow did not satisfy me very much!
12 October 1999
In the Mouth of Madness is a very good movie. In other words the master of horror John Carpenter masterfully created the directing, the script was very interesting and a very original one, the acting was unexceptionable but the whole movie somehow did not satisfy me very much. This may have been caused by the fact that the movie reminded me of the series `Tales from the Crypt'.

But I accentuate that the movie was not bad. I highly recommend it to everybody who likes reading `cheap' horror books. I give In the Mouth of Madness 7 out of 10 or ** out of ***** stars.
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Maximum Risk (1996)
Neither to my worst enemy!!!
4 October 1999
Maximum risk was a completely bad movie. It had a very simple in the same time confusing screenplay and a bad directing in the usual style of American action. I found this movie boring and totally uninteresting. As far as the performances are concerned they were all damnable and bad. Jean-Claude Van Damme played very expressionless. So the other actors did. In a few words I really don't recommend this movie to anybody. Neither to my worst enemy! As a matter of fact I regretted watching it.
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Rear Window (1954)
The best director of all times!
4 October 1999
What can I really say about Sir Alfred Hitchcock? Whatever I am going to say is little about this man. He is just perfect. As a matter of fact Hitchcock is the best director of all times. This is being verified in all the movies made by him. All the directors make sometime a bad or not so good movie but Hitchcock is an exemption. Psycho, The birds, Notorious, Frenzy and all the others. And of course Rear window. How masterfully he directed it. The entire movie was shot in a room. Although the suspense has dominated the movie. If one had not seen the movie and had heard the plot he would have thought that the movie would certainly be very boring. I would agree if I knew that the director was not Hitchcock. But with Hitchcock as a director you have to expect everything. As well as the performances are concerned they were very good.
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A fabled but touching as well story.
2 October 1999
Edward Scissorhands is that kind of movie that from the first you have to regard it as a fabled story. Of course it is not the movie that will fascinate or amaze you but it is that kind of movie that will charm you. Tim Burton directed the film very good. Johnny Depp was perfect as the fragile scissor-handed boy. As the tagline says his story will touch you, even though he can't.
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Striptease (1996)
How stupid a movie can be?
29 September 1999
Really, how stupid a movie can be? As far as Striptease is concerned very much! First of all I could not realize what kind of film it was. Was it a comedy, a drama, a thriller or a movie with a social inclination? I think the director himself do not know. The performances were not so good. As a matter of fact they were bad. Robert Patrick showed to have a noticeable talent in Terminator 2 but he totally wasted it in this movie. Criticizing Burt Reynolds I really have no comment to add. Lastly and... least Demi Moore. What can I say. Probably she had no money that period and wanted to make a movie that could be appealing and attractive to a great number of people. She has a very sexy body but not a single sample of talent!
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The Matrix (1999)
A perfect combination...
28 September 1999
Matrix is one of the best movies in which the combination of visual effects and a very intelligent as well as original screenplay is tremendous. The most common thing in all movies, which have outstanding visual effects, is that they have a completely unintelligent script and most of the times they don't respect the spectator's intelligence and aspect. Although I have to admit that Matrix is completely different. This movie really amazed me. I recommend it to everybody who has just one time have seen a dream that he thought it must have been true. I give Matrix 8 out of 10 or *** out of ***** stars.
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17 September 1999
I have to admit that the island of Dr. Moreau is a completely bad, very bad film. I found this movie boring, uninterested, ridiculous and sometimes quite disgusting. When I went to the nearest video club I saw in the movies' picture Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer. At first I thought that it could be a good movie. Then I saw that the director was John Frankenheimer. Without loosing much time I took it. After four hours I realized that it was not a good choice. As a matter of fact it was a bad one! The directing was quite damnable and the script completely mischievous. As far as all the performances are concerned they were undoubtedly grotesque!
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A real masterpiece!
10 September 1999
Dead man walking is a real masterpiece. The directing was amazingly marvelous and the script was tremendous. Tim Robbins is a quite good actor but now proved to be an astonishing director and screenwriter. But one of the worthwhile features of the film was the excellent performance. Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn did their best to offer us memorable performances. But had Braveheart better directing to win the academy best directing award?
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Misery (1990)
Kathy Bates' best performance
31 August 1999
Stephen King has the ability to create horror from everyday situations. Misery is one of the films that when you hear the plot you can't imagine that it will frighten you at all. I have to admit that Misery scared me to death! Rob Reiner directed the film masterfully and Kathy Bates did her best to offer us unsparingly a great performance. As a matter of fact Kathy Bates' performance was excellent. I give Misery 9 out of 10.
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The Godfather (1972)
A real masterpiece!
26 August 1999
The Godfather is a real masterpiece directed masterfully by Francis Ford Coppola. The screenplay, which is written by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, is just perfect. All the actors did their best, which actually result in memorable performances. Marlon Brando was excellent. Regardless of the fact that The Godfather was one of his first movies Al Pacino was very good. The Godfather is one of the movies that make me love the cinema.
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Showgirls (1995)
An icky movie...
24 August 1999
I thought Paul Verhoeven was a good director. Oh yes he… was. When I saw Showgirls I could not believe me very eyes. The film was awful and stupid. Some of the dialogues were completely icky. As a matter of fact the screenplay was unbelievably bad. Another thing that makes the film absolutely bad is Elizabeth Berkley's performance. She plays her role curbstonely but she is not the only one. Gina Gershon's performance is also bad.
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Fargo (1996)
A masterpiece
19 August 1999
This time the Coen brothers did their best to create a masterpiece. Fargo has a remarkable direction and an intelligent script. But one of the things in the film that I will never forget is the music. The music of Fargo (composed by Carter Burwell) is perfect and the most suitable for the film. Fargo is the kind of movie that make me love the cinema.
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Waterworld (1995)
A bad movie...
19 August 1999
Waterworld is a futuristic film with remarkable art direction, visual and sound effects. But the directing and mostly the script were horrible. I am really wondering how far in the future the film is taken place. Hundreds or maybe thousands of years? I have this question because the tankers that we see in the film can stay at sea twenty or thirty years at the most. I think that is rather short time for everyone to forget about dry land!
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A different Oliver Stone...
19 August 1999
Natural born killers is a film about the influence of the television programs, which have a lot of violence. Mickey and Mallory Knox are two mass murderers who go on a killing spree across America just for. fun! They both have been influenced by the violence that unsparingly media offered to everyone. Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis played very good but the actor who deserved an Oscar for his performance is Tommy Lee Jones.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
A stupid action movie...
18 August 1999
Broken Arrow is one of those stupid action movies, which do not respect the spectators' IQ.The directing was awful and the script completely unintelligent with some huge mistakes. The only thing that makes the film worthwhile to be seen is John Travolta's great acting. The music also (composed by Hans Zimmer) is very good.
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Psycho (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock's best...
18 August 1999
After all these years Alfred Hitchcock decided to make himself the master of horror. Psycho is the film that terrified the generation of '60.But the weird and spectacular thing about Psycho is that it can terrify as well our generation. When I first saw this film I could not have a shower for at least one week! I had the impression that Norman Bates could kill me at any moment. Sir Alfred Hitchcock is the master of horror!
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A very good film with two huge mistakes!
13 August 1999
Terminator 2 is one of the sequels that are better from the first film. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton were perfect in their role. The directing was very good but the script had two HUGE mistakes. These are: 1. Only things that are covered by living tissue can go through the time transporter, thus explaining why the Terminators can't bring guns and bombs and knives and such. Therefore, Arnold Schwarzenegger can go through because he is covered with living tissue. However, the T-1000 is NOT covered in living tissue - he is made out of a liquid metal that only looks like living tissue Therefore, the T-1000 technically should not have been able to go through the time transporter. 2. The computer that the T-1000 reads in the police car (at the beginning of the film) reads that John is 10 years old and was born in 1985. This means that the movie would have to take place in 1995 ( 2 years before Judgement Day). Yet, Arnold claims in the car, (while driving towards Mexico) that Judgement Day would happen in 3 years, just after the Skynet funding bill is passed by congress. Finally the visual effects of the film were AMAZING!!!
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Sleepers (1996)
Barry Levinson's best...
8 August 1999
I think SLEEPERS is the best film Barry Levinson ever made. The directing as well as the acting was perfect. SLEEPERS is one of the movies that respects the spectators.Robert De Nero was as usually very good but the actors that did their best were the little kids.
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