
11 Reviews
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Just wretched...
26 February 2001
Bad, bad, bad... "Fire on the Amazon" stands as an example of how NOT to make a movie. The writing is bad, the editing and continuity (especially in the first 10 minutes of the movie) are shockingly poor...really amateur stuff. The characters are generally unsympathetic and their dialog is turgid and forced. The plot had possibility, but once someone started writing the screenplay for this, it was all downhill. Save your money.
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Avoid this like the plague.
15 December 2000
Bad, bad, bad. How do movies like this get made? Badly written, poorly acted; I could go on, but why bother? As an aside, note that the characters' first names are the same as the actors playing them : this is a dead giveaway that no one on the set is even interested enough in their role to bother learning someone else's characters names!
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Citizen Kane (1941)
21 July 1999
"Citizen Kane" is possibly the single most "important" film of this century. Setting aside the (then) controversial subject matter and the grief Welles went through over this film, watch the film at least once for sheer enjoyment. The black & white cinematography is brilliant, the direction is smooth, and the key players all turn in outstanding performances. Orson Welles richly deserved his Oscar for Best Actor this time around. Even the makeup, while seeming "overdone" by today's standards, is effectively used. This movie belongs in every movie lover's library!
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999 TV Movie)
Well done!
26 June 1999
Set as a narrative by Steve Wozniak, "Pirates of Silicon Valley" tells the story of Apple vs. Microsoft. Hall plays Bill Gates to creepy perfection, and Wyle captures the driven aspect of Jobs' leadership well. The funny thing is that no one side seems to come out the winner in this film: both companies and their respective leaders come off seeming like dysfunctional problem children. The film is remarkably well done for a "made for TV" production! Check it out!
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Nearly flawless storytelling.
28 May 1999
Kubrick's attention to detail shows well here. Some may find fault with the story for its vagueness, others who desire a more literal storyline may dislike this film. The film leaves a great many "how" and "why" questions unanswered - and perhaps that's for the best. The movie leaves us with a few questions to ponder, and that's probably the way it should be. The whole story is subject to interpretation on many levels, and Kubrick wisely left the interpretation up to each viewer.
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Enjoyable, but a bit formulaic.
28 May 1999
Very much a product of its time. Released in the thick of WWII, "Action in the North Atlantic" follows the unsung civilian heroes of the war (the Merchant Marines) as they ship materiel to various fronts. The characters are strictly by-the-book for wartime movies : Raymond Massey is the kind father figure, Bogie is his street-smart lieutenant. Alan Hale, Sam Levene and the rest of the cast are the requisite mix of gruff but lovable characters of various ethnic backgrounds. The whole thing is quite predictable, but fun to watch.
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A good cast deserves a better film than this!
20 May 1999
This film was, oddly enough, in the "war" section of the local video store. Mighty strange, considering the most violent scene involves removing adhesive tape from an amorous Marine recruit (played by John Payne, who appears to have his right eyebrow permanently cocked in a leering question mark). The plot is a tired one - a nonconformist recruit butts heads with the tough-but-caring sergeant who must make him into a Marine. Maureen O'Hara has the thankless task of playing the love interest in the movie - a nurse who must fend off the endless (and criminal, by today's standards) amorous advances of Private Chris Winters. Dull movie, with nothing new to offer even the most diehard Randolph Scott fan.
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The Jackal (1997)
Underrated action thriller!
15 May 1999
Although almost universally panned by the critics, I enjoyed "The Jackal". The action is almost non-stop, the characters generally sympathetic, and the plot smoothly tuned. Some will find fault with it, comparing it to "The Day of the Jackal", rather than letting it stand on it's own merit. Big guns, big crowds, big helicopters - big fun!
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Fun and energetic!
14 May 1999
Watch this movie to see Alec Guinness at his comedic best! The plot is somewhat contrived and does have its weak spots, but the stars really shine here. Guinness is at the top of his form here - his sly, sotto voce comments to the audience, his expressive face, and his manic capering show why he should be remembered for his comedy roles as well as his more serious roles. Robert Morley plays the role he's played a hundred times: a stuffed shirt of a character who bulldozes his way through the movie (but in a good way). Gina is lovely to look at, of course, and her excitable character is sympathetic enough. The last two-thirds of the movie are almost non-stop grins as the various characters encounter and "near-miss" each other in the Hotel Paradiso.
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Chaotic fun with the Marx Brothers!
7 May 1999
The Marx Brothers lampoon higher education in this loosely plotted, high-energy film. Although some will find fault in the directing, and others will be less than impressed with some of the supporting roles, look past the faults and just enjoy the show. Groucho is at his finest, a new college president with rapid-fire dialog and a sensational collection of one-liners. Chico plays the easily-confused iceman to near perfection with his deadpan delivery. Zeppo plays the student (and son of Groucho's character, oddly enough), and lends his fine singing voice to a tune or two. Harpo is the sweetly manic dogcatcher with good luck on a telephone. Be sure not to miss Thelma Todd in her sweet/dangerous role as the "college widow". For perfect direction and technical excellence, go see "2001 - A Space Odyssey"; for belly-laughs and grins for over an hour, watch "Horse Feathers"!
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Mostly tolerable, in an odd way...
29 April 1999
"Ground Control" tells the story of Jack Harris, a former air-traffic controller who quit after a "situation" with a flight he was handling. Jack is pressed into service as an ATC again during a staffing crisis at the control center. Needless to say, Jack has brief "flashbacks" at work. Also needless to say, he steps in to "save the day" during an extraordinary problem at the control center. Predictable? Heavens, yes. Oddly enjoyable? Yeah, sure...keep your expectations low, though...
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