
6 Reviews
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Circus (2000)
Sly Comedy
18 May 2000
My American Girlfriend and I (2 of the 8 people in the cinema, watched this film after a 2 hour wait, and were impressed with what we saw. The film itself is constructed with the same narrative as Pulp Fiction, with the comedy stylings of Shallow Grave. The comedy within the film are subtle and not the laughing out loud that many expect of a comedy. Twists and turns that evolve into a plot that make the film worth watching from start to end. As for the acting, John Hannah is great as the sneaky Leo, and as for THE Eddie Izzard, the man never fails to make me laugh, even when he is playing a villain. Eddie has taken a lot of flak from this film but he manages to keep a nasty dark edge to his character, and it annoys me that people expect Eddie to make them laugh every time he is in a film, when acting he is NOT a stand-up comic, he is an actor, and whether bad or good should be viewed as that, but I think he was great in this film, as he was in Mystery Men, and The Secret Agent as Vladimir. Overall the film is enjoyable and entertaining, for those who have not seen it yet, indulge yourselves!!!!
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Star Wars fan let down!!!!!
26 June 1999
OK...I will admit it is a very good film..but lets compare....

The original Star Wars films were for their time, ground breaking in special don't even notice them they are that good. It keeps this genre of Cowboy-Sci-Fi...which is what it is...and the characterisation is brilliant..I love Star Wars don't get me wrong, but the new film........

The advances in technology of special effects have twisted it seems to colourful, and you can tell that it is all computer generated graphics, Ewen Mcgregor, while he makes a good Obi-Wan...seems to try and re-create Alec Guinness's accent but it comes across as just taking the p**s!!!!!...ALso...Due to the advances in technology as well regarding special effects...the spaceships and various vehicles used in the Phantom Menace, seem highly more advanced than those in the original trilogy.

For me...the only redeeming feature of the whole film is how smooth and amazing the lightsaber fights with Darth Maul are...and Liam Neeson's performance is brilliant...

All I can say is....when all three new films are not watch them and then follow with the classics as you will disappointed, due to the fact that this film seems an excuse for George Lucas, being the bad Director he is, to just show off..I'm sorry.but that is what I think...but don't get me wrong as a film, it is very highly entertaning, but as a Star Wars film.....only watch it for the fight scenes....
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Vampires (1998)
A unique look at Vampires
3 June 1999
After the mass of vampire films being projected into Hollywood it is nice to see that John Carpenter takes a different approach, for it is the first and only vampire film that takes on the religious point of view. While it follows the same location as From Dusk Till Dawn (Rodriguez 1995), the whole film has a unique style. It has the same basic revenge style storyline, for example, James Wood's character Jack Crowe had his mother bitten by a vampire therefore he goes on what can be seen as a revenge streak killing vampires, similar to Blade (1998), but the storyline to Vampires is the same as Blade to, a vampire looking for a way to exist in Sunlight. VAMPIRES has a fresh new way to look at the vampire myth and is utterley enjoyable, and reccomended viewing, and sees Carpenter at his VERY best.
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14 April 1999
It is not often a film comes along where you can say this about it....superb script..superb direction...superb soundtrack, superb storyline, superb acting...SUPERB!!!!...The plot revolves around a group of friends who lost £500,000 in a game of Brag...and this creates a torrent of people getting involved from Drug Dealers with an array of Firearms, to the suppliers, to two small time thieves. All meet eachother in a climatic end, botha funny and disturbing film towards the end. Highly reccomended viewing..and unlike other films you can watch this over and over and over..and still enjoy it!!!!
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Psycho (1998)
An insult!!!
12 January 1999
OK...I know I am a film student and mabye biased..but anyone in their right mind that has seen the GOOD version....Hitchcock would laugh at this version!!!..Fair enough..I will say that the film is very good..with great acting...Hech is great as Marion..but well..hmm....Vaughn is bit dodgy...The whole film is great up until the shower scene...OK...not being the film student I am..I will say this....the film is probably very good for those who have never seen the GOOD Hitchcock version..but if you are a fan of the original avoid Gus Van Sant's.."I want to include Oliver Stone Subliminals" Version...I'm sorry....I will always love the original more....Also it does have an a funny credit line......."Thanks To John Woo for the use of ghis kitchen knife"...only this if you want to..but Hitchcock is the master..and that is that!!!
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
A search for a lost wife....A well thought out Thriller
22 December 1998
I was blown away by this film....Kurt Russell explodes onto the screen again. He searches for his wife after she goes for help from a friendly offer from a truck driver to drive her to the next payphone..but she never arrives.....What happens becomes a story of Blackmail and Love. Russells acting is superb...and goes to all lengths to save his wife..including some original ideas of torture on Russells behalf. A film that cannot be revealed storyline wise otherwise it will be rubbish to watch,......Watch it and of the few films were I have actually wanted the character to kill and save....
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