Hometown Holiday (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Jackbv12331 December 2018
The acting is bad by almost everyone except possibly Sarah Troyer. Mishael Morgan, as the original girlfriend, Amber, is especially bad - so cliche. Bradley Hamilton is pretty timid for a big city lawyer and just doesn't match up well with Troyer.

The story has many silly situations that just don't make sense even if they are supposed to be humorous. Other situations that aren't about humor are clumsy also. Grown adults are acting too much like high schoolers even for this type of movie. There is a bit too much musical montage. The movie covers more than just the Christmas season, but that's OK. On the plus side, the premise isn't completely based on overused tropes.

The ending, though just as ridiculous as anything, is kind of cute and unique.

P.S. I noticed a lot of reviews with either very high or very low ratings and most had very short, generic text - almost all have reviews of no other movies.
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Not great
Lew77714 February 2020
I'll keep it brief. Not a convincing performance in the whole film. Poor chemistry between the leads, although their acting was ok. Some support performances were amateurish and clumsy. The script needed a rewrite & then maybe there's a half decent film in there.
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Extra points for hot guys only.
adamjohns-4257517 January 2021
Despite the veritable bevvy of hot guys in this one it really was quite wet. You start off thinking that the heart throb internet sensation is going to be the lead focus, but sadly it turns out to be the guy who not only resembles Zach Braff, but is actually even more awkward than that actors character in Scrubs and without that funny charm. He's just a bit meh (Not Zach, he's awesome).

You feel like it's all building up to something dramatic, but it just flows very generically.

Time either passes really quickly or the two leads go on more dates than we know about before the big finale that just doesn't make sense and seems to just fizzle out and :-p (Blows Raspberry).

The hot, hot, hot Brother-In-Law Darryl is excellent and would have been far better in the lead role. In fact, actually, swap Ryan and Wes and I think it would have been a far better film, because Stephen Huszar (Darryl) made a great expectant Dad. Ryan did not have the strength of character to be a big fancy solicitor, he's actually like what 12?? And still wet behind the ears and Wes was not humble enough to be an internet sensation set up by his son, because he's too modest to believe in his singing abilities. Yeah right whatever? The two sisters were also far too smiley and friendly with each other. My teeth started to rot, because they were so "Sweet".

I did manage to watch it all the way through, so it can't be that bad, but it will be a good few years before I would watch it again.
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This movie is terrible
rhonda-mckinney24 December 2018
Wow. I'm not sure which was worse, the acting or the writing.
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Just BAD
andrea51018 November 2020
Terrible. Nothing made sense. Sarah is mad her boyfriend cheated on her yet pursues a man who's in a relationship, lol. So many things wrong with this movie. Don't waste your time, script is awful.
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linda-plant211 July 2020
How old is Bradley Hamilton (Ryan) ? 15 ? Even on his IMDB there is no age for him, - so that's a bit suspect. Acting? like its his first job, wooden, so a broom handle would have as much romance in it as he did.

As for the rest of the film, I needed subtitles. The young cast need lessons on how to project themselves succinctly, because they sure didn't learn at drama school. All the dialogue was quietly garbled so it was indistinguishable. Its all very well the crew listening through headphones on set, but do any of them actually watch it on a tv ? probably not.
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Worst acting ever
wjohnston-9017618 November 2020
Literally couldn't make it through 10 minutes....the acting was that terrible
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valica-3384927 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK this is more of a golf than anything else even though like we say this is more like a hall mark where everything is so typical when you watch these movies anyways about 30 minutes in after they've toured the little town they're sitting on a bench and she takes a picture of him then he says oh why don't you get in it, takes a picture of them, then she goes can you send it to me and he texts the picture to her and you hear a ding and he says oh you got it. What I wanna know is where is her phone? She has no pockets on her dress, it's not in her hand so how is it that we hear a ding that she got the photo but we see NO phone?
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Less interesting than horticulture
nwxcthvt27 November 2020
The land that never gets dark...

My friend got so bored she got up to spritz her plants. I found myself watching her because it was more entertaining than the movie. Needless to say we didn't stay till the end.
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Stars only for Stephen Huszar and Kevin McGarry
msarajoy26 July 2020
This review is just my personal view but ...

How old is Bradley Hamilton?! He is certainly very good looking but he looks and behaves like he should be in high school (albeit he would be the cool high school kid). And we are supposed to believe his character, Ryan, is a high powered lawyer? He has the confidence level of a snail. He is so useless at his job that his hysterical pregnant sister has to have a public meltdown with Wes to help Ryan's career along. And we are supposed to believe that this Ryan character is on track to make partner? He doesn't look like he can tie his shoelaces without his sister's help! As much as we love sappy love stories, some things are too much of a stretch even for us!

Watching Ryan and Krista on their courtship journey was really uncomfortable because they both look underage and Sarah Troyer is a beautiful woman who should try smiling less because after some time, it is annoying and unreal. Her character is forward and she has no problem walking up to a stranger and asking him to dance which is fine but then she complains that the guy in her shower (!) was trying to be too forward? Can't be both sides of the coin gal.

Also, why wear heels she then had to take off to dance which for her was shifting her body weight from her left leg to the right leg - that wasn't charming, it was ridiculous. Wear heels only if you can actually wear heels.

Ryan tells her of his tragic childhood and her response is "Wow that's deep." Seriously?! She is simpering and a pretty awful actress who delivers her lines unconvincingly.

Ashley's crush on Wes is not real and pretty stupid. They haven't spoken since high school and I get that they barely spoke even back then! At the party, Wes comes up to Ashley to talk to her and she just stands there dreamy eyed and doesn't say a word. Of course they are in love right? No!

Krista and Ryan's relationship is also absurd ... they went on one (barely) date and she is already tagging him as "the one" - what kind of ridiculous thinking is that?? She knew so little about him that she didn't even know he is a lawyer. Girls, can you please both up your understanding of what it is to be in a relationship and stop with your childish notions which will only end in divorce! I don't think any family member would encourage a wedding proposal after their brother has gone only on 2 dates with a girl. Mental. Of course then on the 3rd date, they quarrel over petty and jumped to conclusions. But by all means, please propose and get married.

It is really tragic that the real male leads in the show got relegated to support roles - Stephen Huszar and Kevin McGarry - both were totally wasted in this show. We want more of them please! I hope both get cast as the romantic leads in more shows whilst Bradley Hamilton is given time to grow up. He could be Batman or Superman in say 15 years.

Stephen Huszar and Kevin McGarry on the other hand are perfect. Very handsome, very charming and their swoon qualities are rocket high! Their acting range is also amazing. They both are completely convincing in whatever role they are given from detective/mounty to powerful rich CEOs to ranch owners.

P.s how long was that poor woman pregnant for?? On Labour Day (ironic), she says she was 6 months preggers and in December she is STILL pregnant? That makes her FOURTEEN months pregnant and six months overdue!! NOBODY in the entire show realised this little fun fact?? And Ryan announced baby as coming two weeks early?? Hahahahaaaa hysterical!

The stars I have given are for Stephen Huszar and Kevin McGarry only.
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Oh my
nananow18 January 2020
I really wanted to like this movie but 1. Sisters way too syrupy sweet to prove their love. 2. Lead actor miscast. Being a high powered lawyer means not being tentative. 3. Most people do not smile 98% of the time. 4. Icky plot to use a child to get to a man. Poor acting, flimsy script and constant long pauses. The whole thing was just uncomfortable and not needing to be finished.
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This is one of the worst Hallmark movies ever...
danielledelellis9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hallmark Christmas movies are expected to be cheesy and almost never portray the realities of falling in love. With that being said, I like most of them despite the predictable and fantastical story lines. I have to say, though, that this one was beyond bad, in my humble opinion. The story is flawed to the extent that if two people in the lead role positions actually fell for, professed their love to one another, and decided to get married so quickly their families would be challenging their sanity, not pushing them forward to propose after dating for one week! That said, there have been other films where love is professed after what seems to be the same amount of time, but it at least didn't make me gag and seemed that the characters had actually come to know each other more than these two did. There is the expected element of someone from the big city moving to a small town - we all know that is a common theme. But, this time there is just no thought put into such a huge decision! As if it is completely easy and reasonable to make the decison to throw away years of tireless work to get where he is in his career and then give it up without even having a chance to be sure about the woman or relationship. Basically, all she did was smile sweetly and they have a misunderstanding which leads them both to feel heartbroken after their week of dating, of which very little is actually shown or described in the film. Then, without ever even discussing the confusion, pain, or rationale behind their sudden parting of ways (and no one even texted the other for a few weeks!), he proposes and she says yes on stage in front of people! They both need to be committed to the mental hospital! Lol. That isn't even mentioning the ridiculous background story about the singer and his crush. They live in this tiny town and went to high school together, but are scared to speak to one another for - what? - 15 years by the look of their ages! It is absurd. The dialogue between siblings, of which there is an abundance while failing to show the budding romances to make them slightly more believable... well, it is just utter nonsense. What siblings are just constantly that nice to one another that every sentence is a compliment to the other? It genuinely made me gag. "You're amazing!" "No, YOU'RE amazing!" And so on....

Finally, even if the story had been at least bearable, the acting takes it down even further! I am shocked that people have stated that Sarah Troyer's acting was the best of the bad bunch. I thought her constant smile and dreamy eyed look was because it was the only face she knew how to make. Even her short-lived sadness was incredibly poorly portrayed. On the whole, I found her irritating and so very limited in ability that it managed to make an already bad story and dialogue worse still. People have noted here that the lead male's acting was too timid, but that was at least part of the character and noted a few times in his back story, and that the ex-girlfriend actress in LA was the worst actor, but she was supposed to be a bad actor, portraying a model trying to use the lead male and others to try to break into an acting world of which she had no business being part.

I honestly could go on with gripes about how awful this movie was, but I've definitely written enough and feel rather silly for feeling so strongly about it, lol. It is worth saying, though, that I have never left another film or tv review in my life and created this account just to rate and slate this shocking film so people don't waste their time! LOL

Honestly, if this was the first one I'd seen then I'd swear off hallmark movies forever. Thankfully, I've seen enough of them to know that this is the worst one I have ever put myself through!
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vanessa_ny22 July 2020
The movie was shot in very charming places and the actors are very beautiful. However, most of them were overplaying and the plot was predictable.
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kylestryker-3982418 November 2020
Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any worse..

You throw on Hometown Holiday.
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Laughably bad, don't miss it.
josephmartin-6736618 November 2020
Must watch. The acting is very bad. The script is something out of a Michael Scott diary. And the plot is predictable and just a waste of time. That said, you gotta watch it. It's that bad! We had plenty of laughs. The thing about all the Canadian romance movies all over Netflix, they're all about the heartland and love and family, but no religious references, it's great! Damn, I love Canadians.
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Find a different movie
Pizza_Parker22 December 2018
Apparently you cabt leave a negative review about this movie, after leaving my 1 star review, complaining of the awful plot abd acting, and stating that the lead actor seems to have gotten by only on looks that the review was taken down and replaced with mostly perfect reviews. This movie is god awful.
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rawhidesmith17 December 2020
I thought about turning this movie off to find another, but I could not resist watching to see just how bad it was really going to be. Whoever put this together should be ashamed.
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The sweetest movie
bethanyhopeflorence5 December 2018
Such a cute movie. I'm not normally one for too much romance, but this one was just so sweet. Loved the leads- I will definitely be looking for more films with them. I'm also excited to see more of Jennifer Mote, I loved her as Maggie.
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Worst acting ever
dianita_arh23 November 2020
From all the Christmas movies that appear every year on Netflix, HBO etc, this is by far the worst. The acting is sooo bad it hurts.
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Worst Movie Ever
Terrible acting and a ridiculous plot make this movie worthless. Don't waste 1 hour and 24 minutes of your time.
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1 hour and 24 minutes of my life lost!
catladyjah18 November 2020
This is a terrible movie! Did the film makers put out a casting call for "Good actors need not to apply!" If so, mission accomplished! I'm convinced someone left the camera on and accidentally captured some random footage!

Like wtf???
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So sweet I got caries
MIssM1915 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so sweet. I found myself rooting for the main characters since their first scene together. They had a nice ease together. Their acting a times was doubtful.

However, yes to Kevin McGarry. And he sings! I did not know he was here, it was a nice surprise. He was one of the two man who had their own lead role in Hallmark several times. The other was Stephen Huszar, whose character and wife were adorable. Probably my two part of this.

In the words of Ashley, "Love, isn't it a bit fast?" I get they only have an hour and a half or less to tell the story, but yes this was very fast. Specially the ending part. They barely know each other for God's sake. I hate when they include a marriage proposal at the end. And Ryan interrumpting the play? I cringed, so hard.
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Cute story line....
schuyangheu19 November 2020
But, cringing acting. The chemistry was NOT there (Ryan & Krista) and Krista is "too giddy" and tries too hard. Ryan needs more confidence and to RELAX. Everyone needs to seriously get into their roles and act like the part. Wes (EYE-CANDY), Maggie and Darryl were my favorites in the movie. I didn't really notice Ashley... Amber, LOL, she's terrible. This movie needs a redo!
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jchaulk-8996021 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The poor timeline definition, cliche parts, and grotesquely overdone supporting roles made this hard to mark as a favorite even with the holiday movie bar set so low to begin with. At least hallmark movies give real chemistry with their bad acting. Darrell alone was so odd and overtly done. It is riddled with gender roles for days and they love to keep underlining the point that women can't live without men. OOF.
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Fun and worth watching
AJ-Reviews12 January 2020
Hello friends, I won't "steer" you wrong with this small town rancher flick :D The movie rough for the first like 20%. There were some obvious poor choices in shots and direction and in addition to that there were a couple "cringey" acting scenes. However, the movie in my opinion completely redeems itself by the end. As far as these movies go, there are a couple really hilarious scenes. I tfelt like the lead man could have been well... a better actor. I said to myself, "man this guy is kinda boring and lame and the lead female is so optimistic and bright and outgoing..." then I paused, and I remembered that I had seen many couples like that in real life. If you ignore a couple rough acting scenes, the movie holds together really well. The lead male's sister and her husband are the true stars of the show. They are perfect and their acting is spot on. Great chemistry. The brother-in-law is hilarious! Overall, definitely worth the watch!
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