The Second Coming of Christ (2018) Poster

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KsrgmcK28 August 2018
I never review movies, but have to comment on this one. It's AWFUL!! Bad acting, poor cinematography, weak plot.

For the record, I am a Christian and I appreciate the "bottom line" message the filmmakers are trying to get across, but movies like this are what make so many folks laugh and scoff at Christian films. My biggest gripe... there doesn't have to be a division between science and faith. Just take a look at the website Biologos dot org and see.
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The bad acting is worth the watch.
davidermold23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to detail the premise of the movie because it's simple. It's apocalypse, and the second coming, hence, the title. My favorite moment of bad acting is when Alba, the little girl, is quickly struck with a heart complication and she is lying on a table convulsing, or rather, shaking her body up and down until her mother comes into the room in which she immediately stops and is able to have a full conversation with her. Then of course, when the bit of dialogue she needs to get out is over, she dies.

Even better is that her mother goes to meet the devil at his temple, and two people are shown digging a hole in the dirt to bury Alba. They only get a few scoops in when they bring the girl out and point to the ground to throw her in the hole. The whole scene felt like they were burying a dead rat or something.

There all kinds of things in this film that just make me completely dumbfounded how it made it into the final script. When they are experimenting on the bees and waiting for the reaction, Dr. Cera's lab partner says that the bees legs are moving but the wings haven't developed even though the bees are flying around the cage. Clearly, his observational skills could use some improving.

I'm also partial to the end of the film when Jesus hovers in the sun to give a lecture to the camera. All I could focus on was his immaculate hair. I wonder what type of conditioner he uses because those golden tresses are luxurious. I can only wish I had such locks.

I really want to say that this movie is "The Room" bad of a movie, but there is just no humor in any of the bad acting. If you're bored, and you need something to play in the background while you are doing something else, this movie will probably suffice. Otherwise, just know that the acting here is likely the worst ever committed to film.
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dscully-2190224 April 2020
I gave1 star because I believe in the attempted message of what lies ahead. I added a 2nd star because Jason London was in it! But wow! What a poorly acted and executed "movie"! They must have scraped the bottom of the barrel for supporting actors and director. This was just awful-sorry to say.
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mistersnail-1341422 September 2018
This is an awesome movie if you're a religious zealot with no regard for acting ability, story line or rational. I don't believe the writer has ever opened a bible let alone attempt to recreate any portion of it. Watching this movie is analogous to your friend trying to get you to taste something awful just to prove how awful it truly is.
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pdrichtmyer21 April 2018
This movie is terrible lol. the acting, the writing, the sets, the sound. wow. it's like watching an amateur adult movie studio's venture into serious filmmaking lol
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IT IS a comedy
reiji_nakama15 June 2018
This is a movie you can't make fun of. It's just awful in every sense. I want to bang my face to the desk after watching it. The sets are glaring fake. The actings are awful. The plot makes no sense.
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ndthomas22 April 2018
The script, the acting and the camera work are absolutely appalling !!! Without a doubt one of the worst films to be produced !!! How it has any rating at all is worrying !!! Don't waste time even giving it a chance !!! Terrible !!!
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Impossible to even make fun of this film
Ethical_Anarhist1 May 2018
Sometimes in films there are mistakes, people pick up on those mistakes and make fun of them. Every so often there is a parody of the film: "Shawn of the Dead" to "Dawn of the Dead", "Space Balls" to "Star Wars". But this film is so horrible that it would be impossible to actually make a parody of it, because in order to do that you would have to make something which made less sense or had worse acting.

The "Sweeded" version of the film would actually be an improvement to the stupidity that was created here. The makers should be ashamed. All the actors have just seriously damaged their carriers.
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swukjay30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film is terrible, the acting is just awful, the script is appalling, when the Chinese kid dies the heart rate monitor is still showing heart beat of 100 Lol,
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Please kill me
julien-8637612 May 2018
All i want to do when watching this movie is take a rope and hang myself. Time is to important to spend on this S****T Save yourselves. PS. I wonder how much the producers paid the chinese for this great rating because i don't see it. Bad acting, even when they die.
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Must watch!
gurioela4 May 2018
I watched this movie today and I was positively surprised. This movie was action packed, but still tasteful and fun to watch. I haven't seen the prequel and still enjoyed this movie a lot. If you want to see a good movie with action, this is a must watch.
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jeanterrycopping24 October 2021
Right off the bat to have a very busty glamorous young woman cast as a world famous scientist puts me off. Very poor casting in my opinion. The opening scene had me in tears. But from there..
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It's so easy to dismiss this film...
bcm924-13 February 2021
Obviously, this was not a major blockbuster heavily funded by the huge studios in Hollywood, so it's easy to nitpick the low budget aspects of this independent film.

I for one, appreciated the message and the effort behind this film. Jason London is an exceptional actor, and he brings a refreshing amount of honesty and authenticity in his role as John in this picture. Tom Sizemore made a small appearance in this film, and I would have liked for him to have a larger role, since he is also a great actor.

Some of the other acting was not great - but that's to be expected in a lower budget film. The set design could have been better in places, even with the limited resources, and some of the CGI landscapes and backgrounds looked artificial. Those resources would have been better spent elsewhere.

Overall, I did enjoy the film, even with its shortcomings. Without the brilliance of London's acting talent, this film would have suffered far more. However, my biggest issue with it is its departure from biblical accuracy in its telling of the second coming of Christ. This aspect of the film left much to be desired. That aside, I did enjoy it for the most part.
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All good intentions...
icreate-126 June 2020
Good intentions, but horribly written, mediocre acting and way off from the true biblical end times prophecies. If there's nothing else to watch...
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No spiritual heart
tthylayia20 November 2020
Dr, Beatrix Cera, the leading character in this movie was completely unbelievable. There is no way anyone would ever believe the actor playing the lead role of Dr. Cera was a world renown Scientist. The movie was more of a Sc-fi than a Biblical picture. There wasn't any spiritual content or flow to the movie.
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An interesting end times movie with a structurally challenged script.
Randy-Dreammaker13 February 2019
The Second Coming Of Christ is pretty much what I have come to expect for most attempts by the religious community to create an evangelistic end times movie.

The cinematography is actually pretty good, the acting for the most part is better than average. Unfortunately, the weak part of this film is in its story; which while interesting, has poor execution of bump points to move it forward, causing progression to occur abruptly. The story also has a poorly executed resolution that occurs abruptly and lacks earlier set-up to explain what is happening and causes a loss of connection with how the story was developing. The ending feels like the screenwriter wrote to long of a story, and then needed to cut out significant parts of the background story that is needed to resolve the ending.

As for its content, as a reviewer of Christian and religious movies, it felt like this movie introduced quite a few strange doctrinal ideas, while also trying to introduce a science theme to explain end time prophecy. For an endtimes themed movie, it strays away from what could be considered the typical and most common endtime storylines.

One aspect of the movie that bothered me, was the decision to have the opening part of the film in either hebrew or aramaic, which completely assumes that the viewer already has a standing knowledge of the crucifixion story. Another part of the film was also filmed in another language, but the film is obviously written for an English speaking and comprehending audience. This added nothing of value to the film and if anything made an already structurally challenged story, more challenged.

Bottom line, its just a very odd and unusual story even for a Christian film. I didn't mind watching it, I found it interesting enough to watch it all the way through to the end, but the ending in particular is so abrupt, with poor build up and advance setup, that it left me feeling unresolved. A well written movie, even if its a bad movie, should always leave the viewer feeling both resolved and understanding what occurred.

All that being said, I am impressed that this was filmed as a short film and won first place at the Action on Film Film Festival where my short films have also appeared. I gave it an extra star, just because I saw that it premiered at AOF.
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Bad reviews made me curious
Freethinker_Atheist1 December 2020
So many reviews saying this movie is awful that I just had to check it out. Lo and behold, they were right: this movie really is awful. In addition to the ludicrous story (Science is atheistic and, therefore, satanic), it is so badly "acted" (it is not even acting anymore) that I had to keep fast forwarding. It gives you the feeling that, just outside the church, after a sermon, one of these (fanatical) Christians shouted: "Hey, brothers and sisters, let's make a movie!".

Save your soul. Do not watch this.
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Biased reviewers?
ludlummckenzie14 June 2018
Unusually, I will not review the film, rather I will review the reviews. The GROSSLY negative reviews are, I strongly suspect, from non faith people, perhaps even atheists or followers of science who are following their own agenda in refusing to give ANY recognition to films, or the idea of faith. On the other hand, the 10/10s are clearly from the other side of the fence and appear to be OVER defensive of faith, and perhaps of faith films. I have seen it, and whilst not the best film ever, you should watch it, perhaps your opinion of BOTH sets of reviewers will be the same as mine afterwards. Now " Paul, The apostle of Christ ".... THAT is a fabulous and VERY dark and surprising film. Don't miss that one.
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Barely scratches the surface, has numerous theological issues. So undramatic
jfgavina13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie, there is no mark of the beast, no stars falling down to the Earth, no 100 lb hailstones, no immortal fools who accepted the mark and proactively suffer, no winepress of the blood of the wicked, the 2nd coming scene was totally cheap and undramatic (Indiana Jones was more disturbing than this), nobody going to Hell, nobody going to Heaven. The earth was not destroyed but merely restored (in violation of a new heaven and new earth). The violence and death is severely understated, one one person is beheaded, basically there is just so many theological and eschatological problems with this movie, such bad acting, and such lack of drama, that I can't take this movie seriously. The news reports are a bunch of cheap tricks. A movie that most accurately represents the end times would best be reserved for a R rated or NC-17 film, not a watered down piece of performance like this. The success of The Passion Of The Christ is proof that you can't downplay the horrendousness of the end times.
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TheValleyHillBilly8 May 2023
Many of us are familiar with the Bible's Book of Revelations, and many filmmakers have tried to develop a plot around the scripture. Difficult. If this film was produced by a high schooler interested in a career in filmmaking, this production would have earned a strong "B".

Unfortunately, this wasn't produced by a teenager, but instead by a purported professional. How sad. The acting was plastic, the casting abominable and the plot sophomoric. When the lead actress first appeared in the story, I couldn't figure out her role Scientist? Hard to convince the viewer.

This movie is not even worth watching while doing some meaningful chore. A Great High School Cinema Graphic Project.
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I'd give it zero if I could
trmccarty-775984 April 2022
This movie should have had a different title, because it is not biblical in anyway. Yes, we are getting closer and closer to the coming of Christ, but this movie does not paint the picture that is Prophetic from Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and Revelation. If you are searching for good solid teaching look at the teachings of pastor Amir Tsafari, Jack Hibbs, Gary Hammrick or Perry Stone. Their understanding of the Rapture, Tribulation, 2nd Coming of Christ, His mellinial reign and the end of the world as prophesied by the Bible are very sound. Do not lean on this movie to direct your soul. Acknowledge God in all you do and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6. May God bless and keep you all.
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You need watch this movie
ditinosic3 May 2018
Three words... WOW, what an amazing action movie, the story starts getting better and better, such a beautiful story, with so much touching moments, amazing soundtrack, congratulations to Two Down , total respect to you guys.
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First time I ever reviewed an End Times movie; it won't be the last
tarwaterthomas18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So last night I watched this welcome entry in the End Times genre, and when you consider the low budget of THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST it was rather well done. The feature starts off with Jesus being spiked to the cross, with nails pounded into the palms of his hands. Then we flash forward into the near future, with good ol' Earth plunging into worldwide chaos, with the world's agriculture being destroyed due to the lack of bee pollination and a devastating food shortage that results in food rationing in excess. Civilization is taking a nosedive, and on the scene is a powerful world leader known as the Resident (played by Vincent Rivera) who promises to make all mankind immortal; he is actually the Anti-Christ. Diana Angelson takes center stage as Beatrix Cera who takes it on herself to create a new species of honeybee capable of immortality and the ability to pollinate flowers and plants; however, every new strain created by her drop like flies. Her adopted daughter Alba (played by Jessica Zhou in her only feature film so far) is at her side, only she winds up dying from a rare auto-immune disease. Then there's a preacher named John Zachary who used to be s multi-billionaire until he followed Jesus' command to give all that moolah away, take up the cross, and follow Him. John will meet up with Beatrix later on, pray over Alba, and have his head chopped off by the Resident who is wielding a broadsword in front of the Resident's ornate temple. And just when everybody is dropping like flies from all that smoke in the atmosphere, Jesus returns in glory, and the Anti-Christ and his temple plunge into Hell and the world is restored to its paradise origins, and John Zachary and Alba are resurrected; they reunite with John and become a family. There was no mention of the Rapture and nobody was seen taking the Mark of the Beast, but that was all. My humble opinion: the movies about the End Times are going to have to be made by low budget outfits like Cloud Ten Pictures and PureFlix, because it doesn't look like any of the major studios like Disney and Universal will get it done. And I don't see Jerry Bruckheimer, George Lucas, or Steven Spielberg stepping up to the plate. Yes, sir, the fly by night movie companies will have to get it done. THE SECOND COMING OG CHRIST is a pretty good example. And there were a few heavy hitters, including Academy Award nominee Sally Kirkland and Tom Sizemore (SAVING PRIVATE RYAN). And let's not forget Quinton Aaron (THE BLIND SIDE) and Meredith Salenger. 7/10, go and check it out.
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Impossible for it to be any worse
davidjhuntley22 March 2022
I honestly don't know how the writing could be any worse. It's possibly the worst writing I've ever seen. They would have been better off donating the money to make this 'film' to a deserving charity. I'm not even saying that jokingly. They really should have just donated the funds to help people in need rather than attempting to make a movie. The entire time watching it (which was a monumental task in itself) all I could think about was the people the money would have helped. I really is a zero rating. That's how bad this thing is.
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TeonJaya4 May 2018
Many times you ask yourself ,how can i spend my time watching something worthy ?! this is how! Great cast , great story, scenario , pacing, and that feeling about wanting more and more !

i can say ,this is something especial .

I hope you can watch, and after you do that, please review this amazing movie,and be pleases to leave a 10 as i did. This way ,all of us can make a difference , the difference that puts something special at the top, not all of those crappy movies that gives you nothing but a truly time-wasting!
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