Chariot (2013) Poster


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Flight of confusion
hondo_sinclair29 January 2014
I've never taken time to write a review here on something along the lines of this type of film. I will hope that my attempts do not spoil this.

An unknown 727 flight with seven passengers on board who wake at nearly the same time. We are taken on a trip at 65,000 feet with these individuals who rather quickly expose their personality types and the view can easily see how each effects the outcome.

The Secretary of Transportation, Government Contractor, IT Expert, Master's Degree Student, Language Specialist, House-wife and a Truck Driver. Interesting, diversified group. What could they have in common?

Cole, the first to wake from his drug induced sleep, becomes the leader of the passengers and the misfit as he didn't belong to the "group". I liked his character and found him to be a believable individual and a likely leader due to his even temper and levelheadedness.

Sadly the strength of the other participants, to included the remaining three individuals, are weak, but are supported by a script that seems to be lacking depth. Confrontations are cold, unfeeling, unrealistic and even seem stiff at times.

The premise is a good one and one that I enjoyed. For a 90 minute film, it did keep me watching due to the story line and I was interested to see how it played out, although I had it nearly pegged about halfway through.

I believe it ended properly. In fact, I am happy that the director and writers decided to end the film the way it did. Had this ended any other way, I think it might have ruined what was already a not-so-great movie.

A watchable film and somewhat likable flick.
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What the hell kind of ending is that
angiris6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lets me be frank and simple because I'm not gonna make something big out of this.

The movie is damn interesting... Like really REALLY catchy. Something new and confusing but in a good way tends to appear through out every 10 minutes.

There's a deception, lies, plotting, betrayal and much more stacking up through out this mysterious experience...

Simply said this movie is really good....that is up until that dreadful ending. I won't spoil to much here but its like the director just freaking gave up. They went this far with this type of conspiracy theory based story and it unfolds with great intrigue. Characters turning on each other, some working together trying to overcome the situation without the major Hollywood action packed bullshit. The film is different that way.

But that ending is still just such a major anti-climatic joy kill that really messes up the entire thing. It's such a disappointing way to end something that developed so well through those 90 + minutes.

Giving up in the end is the perfectly correct term to describe how this concluded a really interesting story with aspects not cliché whatsoever.

It reminds me of the Alien Colonial marines video game ending: One sentence that sums up the entire thing and.... fade out...done....the end... Anti-climatic doesn't begin to describe such endings are. Especially considering how this could've unfolded instead. They came this far with fiction and coul've ended it the same way. Instead its like fiction for almost 90 minutes and then...freezes...Due to what really happened which nobody knows except for the government (ha ha) it's decided to leave it up to the viewers to fill in the blanks....bull s h i t. Hell... You know what, even Vanishing on 7th street had an ending to the Croatoan mystery thing...which isn't even a real mystery anymore.

Anyway... All in all its a good film. Could've been better if not for that dreadful climax...

Worth a look definitely. Really get your mind going... damn interesting but be mindful... The bigger the pleasure the bigger the disappointment...
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Starts out alright but doesn't really go anywhere
Seth_Rogue_One17 October 2015
Decent enough acting and gains some initial interest in wondering what exactly is going on, but after the big reveal it becomes quite mundane.

And you do feel robbed off a proper ending as the movie ends with an endings that are open for interpretation with not much really resolved.

For that type of ending to work to movie as a whole have to have been interesting packed of substance through out, but this isn't one of those movies.

So yeah overall not terribly impressive, there are far better air-plane thrillers to watch such as NON-STOP, FLIGHTPLAN, SNAKES ON A PLANE and RED EYE for instance, heck even ALTITUDE and PANIC BUTTON was better than this.
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Chariot might start off in rapid pace, but it stumbles on bumpy roads with much too extreme twists and ends up with inconclusive finish.
quincytheodore15 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting how small budget movie with good script and actors can be a decent thriller. Chariot sets exclusively in one spot. The ensuing human drama between characters stuck together without their consent can be fascinating. However, it plays out the premise too long and when the jig is up, there are several twists which hamper the logic.

Several people wake up in a plane, not knowing how or why they are on board. Using classic mystery thriller, their personalities clash as everyone reacts to this predicament differently. There's not much in term of technical since it's a straightforward ride, so much of the burden rest on the actors, who perform admirably.

Characters are quite convincing. Some might react in life-threatening manner, but they cover the bases for thriller well and the scenes play out affably. As problems start to appear, such as how long they can sustain flight or the inherent question about the motive, situation escalates with more bickering. Arguments start to get physical and this is where things become far fetch.

It is later revealed that the people are there for a secret government test. However, some of them are actually killed and it's just contradicting the actual purpose of this emergency aerial ark. The men and women involved are risking their lives without insurance. While national security is definitely a serious business, they can at least switch the gun to fire blanks or doesn't use missing plane that might get shot down without proper failsafe. It won't matter to the result if they are dead from random variable that can be solved by proper communication.

This is a pleasantly pretty intriguing flight but it runs out of fuel towards the end and doesn't culminate in satisfying conclusion.
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Better than expected.
Sleepin_Dragon10 November 2023
Seven strangers wake up on board a plane, with no idea why they're there, or who their fellow passengers are, it seems as though the world below is gone as they know it, and they must work together to survive.

I honestly had no idea where this was going, or how it was going to end, I was expecting it to turn into a sort of horror, but instead it turned out to be a thriller, shocking to consider it's inspired by real life events.

I can't really understand why this film got a generally negative reaction, surely it's low budget, and some of the acting is a little questionable at times, but this film was packed with intrigue and suspense, you truly had no idea who was involved, or how it was going to end, I thought it was quite well written.

I suppose Cole was the hero of the piece, and probably the best character here, and for my money the best acting performance also.

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At first I thought it was good - and then I realized why it wasn't
mike-ryan45530 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I got a chance to watch "Chariot" last night and I enjoyed it and then went to bed. At the time I thought it was an imaginative low budget movie with generally decent performances.

Then I woke up and it hit me smack between the eyes just where they had gone utterly wrong.

In the movie, seven people wake up on an airplane. They have no idea how they got there. They learn from a mobile phone that they find that the country is under nuclear attack and that they are in the plane as part of a secret operation to preserve a remnant of humanity. They also learn that their destination (Andrews Air Force Base) was destroyed and that they have to get the pilot to divert the plane. Of course the crew is locked in the cockpit and won't answer.

One of the seven passengers (Genevieve) is a government employee in the program. She verifies everything about Operation Chariot.

Before long, we have one person dead. Genevieve takes the available gun and gets into the cockpit, killing the co-pilot and severely wounding the pilot - who quickly dies from the injuries. One of the passengers is killed by the co-pilot as well.

We later learn that the whole thing was an experiment and that Genevieve knew it. She was on the team trying to figure out how to get people to calmly sit through this flight during a nuclear attack and she shot two people to death. That's three counts of homicide, two people she shot and one count of felony murder for the guy who was shot by the co-pilot - all for a fake experiment she knew for a fact was a fake. If she survived, she'd be going away for life in any state of the union and that's a pretty big if because she just shot the pilot and copilot of the plane and nobody left alive can fly it.

I do applaud some parts of the movie. A thriller set in just an old airplane was a good idea. No other sets whatsoever. The cast was small but quite good, especially Anthony Montgomery. If you're a Trekkie you'll know the name as the black navigator on Star Trek: Enterprise but he acted so completely different he was almost unrecognizable. Unfortunately that logic hole is so big you could ... fly an airplane through it.
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Pretty decent indie flick
stvb200929 January 2014
Well what can I say about this movie, first off I rarely watch low budget movies, in fact I didn't even realize that this was a low budget movie until I finished watching it and decided to take a peek at what people thought of it.

Wow what can I say a $40,000 budget is to me really simply amazing to come out with such a well done project, the movie is certainly not without flaws but the skills of all involved pull this micro budget off really well.

Bottom line is this movie is a very entertaining time killer and for it to be set on a plane and still keep you interested the whole way through takes some real skill to pull off, plot wise it's not the strongest script to hit the shelfs, but by far nothing worse than most Hollywood big budget movies.

My praise really is not so much the script (not that its bad) but the fact the director/actors and editing is so flawless, basically one of the better movies I've seen in the last 6 months and to find out it was done on a shoe string budget WOW!!
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are you KIDDING me?????
imizrahi200229 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
maybe i should've titled this 'crash landing'.

for YEARS i've told friends that the hardest part of a story to write is the ending... that if they had a good ending they should start from there and work backwards, as little sense as that seems to make... and it's not as if i'm always looking for a 'hollywood ending'...Disney and capra and all of that yoda, darth and obi wan spirits alive in the tree jive... but i do WANT an ending. don't take me through all of this drama leading up to the gate and then...and then... uh uh... for what it's worth it held together, at worst, OK till the ending. or lack, thereof... i think this is the only time(out of at LEAST 40 LEAST!) i've ever written a spoiler. consider it a public service. i know EYE was shocked when i got to the end and there was none.
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focused, compact and cleverly written
mjfhhh8 February 2014
Seemingly unrelated people wake up on a plane. Very soon they discover that US is under attack. When a dead body is discovered paranoia kicks in. Could these random people work together to survive? And why were they taken on the first place?

The market these days is flooded with low budget horror movies and most of them have nothing on offer but cheap thrills and weak CGI. CHARIOT is not one of those films. It is focused, compact and cleverly written. You can start watching it out of curiosity and will stay with it until the credits' roll. It has some descent acting and characters you genuinely care about. On the negative side - it is hard to finish the movie like this. The writers put themselves into a corner because every possible ending would ruin the story told so far. So they have chosen the only option available. It is frustrating in a way, but a satisfying one all the same.

It is interesting to see how little money may be required to tell a good story. With the similar premise Liam Neeson movie NON-STOP hitting theaters soon it is interesting to see if the big budget flick can pull a better rabbit out of the same hat!
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nogodnomasters24 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seven people wake up on a stolen 727 not knowing what is going on. With the use of a limited cell phone, they figure out the US is under attack and they were selected to be saved. The problem is that their destination has been destroyed and the pilots refuse contact with anyone. Upon opening the cockpit door, the pilot has orders to shoot to kill.

The whole thing was ill conceived. Their reaction was atypical. Once you know the whole tale, the film goes from bad to worse. Nothing like spending an hour watching people having anxiety attacks.

Not recommended even as a rental.

Parental Guide: No sex or nudity or F-bombs that I can recall.
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Listen after the Credits are done!
lewbr200231 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
All of you reviewers have no clue do you? First of all this is one of the best movies made for such a low budget. Most of the acting is good and it kept our interest to the end.

Spoiler Alert : OK so we finished watching the movie and we ALWAYS watch thru the credits to see them to the end and the projector shuts off etc. What apparently NONE of you did was listen to the credits and when they were done rolling guess what? : What came from my theater setup was amazing! From one side to another side of the room was plane noise roaring ! And get this : A quick sound of tires hitting the ground for a normal touch down and safe landing (but was very brief!!) There you go! So next time before ranting and raving about no ending, sit thru the credits before you conclude your movie viewing time! Lesson Learned!!
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Not bad for a low budget flim better than expected
yuankai-4804613 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Chariot" impressively navigates the challenges of a low-budget production, weaving a captivating tale with its unpredictable storyline and engaging characters. The film successfully keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, maintaining a sense of mystery and anticipation. Despite financial constraints, it manages to deliver a compelling narrative.

However, the major flaw surfaces in the film's conclusion. After building tension and excitement, the ending feels like a sudden cut, reminiscent of a part one finale. This leaves viewers with a sense of dissatisfaction, longing for more resolution and closure to the intriguing plot. Despite this setback, the film's strengths overshadow its weaknesses, providing an overall enjoyable cinematic experience that defies budgetary limitations. "Chariot" is a testament to the potential for creativity and storytelling, even within the constraints of a modest budget.
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One of the worst movies i've ever seen
cwjarrett7822 January 2014
I don't even know where to begin..... the acting was wretched...... the story is full of holes and the ending....oh my god the ending. I was actually angry i wasted time watching this dreadful excuse of a film. Here's a spoiler alert for ya.....This movie is terrible! Actually, let me correct myself. In order for a film to have a bad ending, requires the film to actually HAVE an ending. This piece of dung just ends around the 1hr & 30min mark. I'm guessing the powers that be intended the ending to be a perplexing cliffhanger......Welp, they couldn't have been more wrong. The ending looks more like the script wasn't finished when the deadline came around so the writers said f#*k it!!! This is good enough. (which it certainly wasn't!)
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Your chariot awaits
Harry_Henderson_NZ30 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
7 strangers wake up on a plane not knowing how they each got there. All communications on the plane have been cut so no one on the plane can contact anyone on the ground, though someone finds an iPhone and through it they find out that most of America has been destroyed in a nuclear Armageddon.

Poor to average acting (and overacting galore), lots of shouting, no real stand out performances by anyone. The characters are all generic cutouts that you've seen a hundred times before, the reluctant hero, the arrogant computer nerd, the powerful government official with a weak personality who crumbles under pressure, they're all here.

Visually I liked the way that it was filmed, it looked decent enough. Don't expect any action shots or shots from outside the plane though. The entire movie is set inside the passenger cabin of the plane.

Now onto the story, it wasn't bad, it kept me interested, though I am a sucker for anything that is even remotely related to the whole end-of-civilisation genre. The writing wasn't the best, the overall plot was OK but the individual characters actions sometimes made no sense at all. For example (SPOILERS) at one point in the movie there are F16 fighter jets coming to shoot the plane down if they stay on their current heading. Someone asks "how long do you think we have?" to which another person replies "minutes, if that". So does the only person who can fly the plane immediately jump in the cockpit and alter their course? Does anyone show any signs of urgency at all? Of course not. With "minutes, if that" remaining, the only person who can fly the plane then spends the next 5 minutes having heart to heart conversations with the other passengers back in the cheap seats!! If you can get past nonsensical things like that, and there are quite a few of them in the movie, but if you can then the movie isn't so bad.

Be warned though, if you don't like cliffhanger endings then you'll hate this movie. I would of given it a 6/10 if it wasn't for what I would consider a very lazy cliffhanger ending.
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Surprisingly good B-Movie!
brusouribeiro5 October 2015
Make to mistake, this movie is a typical B-Movie, but one, that even with all the obvious plot-holes keeps you absolutely entertained for the whole run. Visually this movie is great, and the acting it also actually spot-on. The story is fresh, (or at least more original then most of the A-Movies) that we all know. But again, this is not even news, since B-movies got more to prove then all this typical Hollywood flicks. Anyways, the only bad, or not so good part in all this, are the details, not even the story as a whole. Many things seem just completely illogical, as for instance the reaction of the characters to specific dramatic situations. Even thru the flaws in this regard are in my opinion the only big major problem, it will not bore you the slightest. This movie actually managed me to keep me watching to the very end, ( something that Black Mass (2015), totally failed me to do. And that, says something.

Overall, a great B-Movie to watch if you want to kill some time. I'm giving this movie a good 6/10 just because of some IMO big irrational flaws in the script. Otherwise, it would be even a solid 7/10!

PS: don't skip the credits!
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Just see it!! Amazing!
ronjinz8 October 2015
Amazing... please do take time to see this. I downloaded and saw and it was time... no regrets at all... nice suspense... good story line... and... everything comes together (mostly at the end)...

It is nice so please do take time out to see it... doesn't answer all the questions but does answer the right ones!!!

nice acting by all (except the pilot) but overall the concept was very well captured and kept you on the edge of the seat... i actually FF'ed some parts to get to the end quickly... yes it makes you do that...

So if you are bored and have some time for a nice movie...

.... Just relax on a comfy sofa on a nice evening and see it!
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Destination: Bad Ending.
nixxwolfwood31 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to keep this very short and to the point. A missing 727 plane goes missing and resurfaces for something called Project Chariot where 191 people were to be boarded on a plane and taken to safety. Things go wrong when only seven people are aboard this plane for a 'dry run' of the project. Now, up until the ending I thought this was a decent movie (which is I gave it 3 stars instead of just one.) I enjoyed the suspense, the drama and the different personalities along with certain unexpected situations. So, in the end (I did check that this has major spoilers by the way) they find out it was all a hoax and that the 727 plane wasn't stolen but refitted for Chariot but when the pilots die and the project is deemed a failure the commanding officer keeps it classified by faking a terrorist attack, blocking communications and letting fighter jets blow them out of the sky. Well, at the last second of this movie, right when you're faced with the moment of truth; will these civies land the plane or will they be blown away, it cuts to black and you're faced with text that basically says what happens to the plane is a mystery.

If that is not the most bullshit, cop-out of a cheap ending I have ever seen... I was so disappointed I actually made an IMDb account just so I can bitch. I mean, this ending is so bad the movie might as well have been called "Flight Disappointment." I don't know what else to say about this movie except don't watch it. I mean what? Did they buy one too many coffees and just suddenly run out of budget to make a proper ending so they hired some college undergrad who's an intern as a graphics artist to put text on a black screen? I bet they paid for his services in pocket lint and life savers (if they could afford the lint.)
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A low-budget but excellent movie
peterp-450-2987165 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Nobody thought 9/11 could happen either."

Sometimes there are such movies that keep me glued to the screen, claim my full attention and are so intriguing that the sense of time is off and I wholeheartedly admit after wards that the movie I just saw was excellent. ˝Charity˝ is one out of that category. A low-budget Indie thriller that only costs a small $ 42,000 (that's actually unbelievable) and was made in mere 12 days. The fact that it all takes place in one location, namely a Boeing 727, probably also ensured that the cost of this film was so low. The biggest drawback is that it surely needs a peerless script since there aren't a lot of action elements (although ˝Non-stop˝ actually proved the contrary) or breathtaking locations. And according to my opinion this script was of a high entertainment level. A level many blockbusters could learn something from. Obviously that's my personal opinion.

Seven people wake up in a Boeing 727, not knowing how they ended up there and what's the destination. Together they try to figure out what the purpose is of them being trapped there. After finding a cell phone, because apparently theirs are gone, they discover that the U.S. was massively attacked and cities such as New York, Washington and Houston vanished off the face of the earth. After a while they realize they were destined to be on this flight.

Despite the limitation of taking place in one single place the entire movie, namely aboard a Boeing, the director Brad Osborne still managed to keep the suspense. And this because of the sustained pace and the brilliant camera-work. The topic seems unlikely and the story also has some flaws. And yet it's not unthinkable that the U.S. authorities worked out a similar scenario in case such a situation would arise. And now certainly in the aftermath of 9/11. As the team of ˝Chariot˝ formulated it : ˝Chariot paints a cautionary tale of what can happen when the good intentions of the U.S. government are poorly executed.˝

But the things that made it an entertaining movie were the insightful elaborate dialogs, the amusing interactions and the brilliant performances. Michelle Sherrill as Genevieve, contractor for the U.S. government. Brina Palencia who once worked as interim for the White House. And Leslie Hippensteel also got a moment to excel in her role as the alleged housewife. But especially the acting by Anthony ˝Star Trek: Enterprise˝ Montgomery as the seemingly misplaced truck driver Cole was a hit and he was the star of this movie. Forthright and determined he tried to point everything in the right direction. He was alternately straightforward and extremely funny. Cole : ˝You wanna try the cockpit door ? Maybe it'll open up for a woman.˝ Emily : ˝What makes you think it's not a woman flying ?˝ Cole : ˝Well, maybe she likes girls.˝ Even David DeLao as Ra was extremely funny. ˝I look like a terrorist. I know. It's okay. You can stop pretending.˝ It's thanks to the talented and highly motivated cast this was a captivating film.

As the film progresses the tension increases. In retrospect, the fact that you are a spectator who's unaware of the real situation is a plus. Everything stays mysterious and you continue to follow the developments cause it stays fascinating. Perhaps the film is abruptly broken off and it makes you wonder how it ended. But ultimately this was the most logical way to end it. I expected such a final but the way all the puzzle pieces fell together was extremely surprising.

˝Chariot˝ is an exciting, entertaining, intense and successful thriller. A film that also appeals to your imagination. It makes you wonder if this could be a true story and what the ultimate result was after the denouement. A successful experiment with a low budget. This proofs again that even with limited resources, wonderful things can be achieved. Highly recommended !

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Crashed And Burned
texasarcane6 October 2016
Try harder.

This film required three more rewrites to whip it into shape. The script they went with was student project stuff. Anybody who knows the rudiments of cinema would know this story needed a lot of work and a lot of tightening up.

Music, lighting, acting, pacing, staging and direction was just flat out terrible.

The film has a great premise. With a talented director they could have made a cult classic. Unfortunately the movie starts to go into a tailspin in the first five minutes and is unable to pull out of it's plunge earthward. What could have been a tense Twilight Zone episode ends up a direct-to-video embarrassment.

As for the ending ... give me a break. This is not how you end any film. Reading the reviews up here has convinced me there are a lot of cast and crew writing them.
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It is all there, but are they telling it right?
face-819-93372631 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not one of the best films I have seen this year. Not terrible, just no where near the top. This is a decent movie with a unique story that could almost be believable; told really well over all with good effects, and a nice group of actors who all did a great job. I just felt lied to from the start though, and never really bought in, and I think that most people will feel the same. The writer obviously wanted to keep you wondering which thing was the truth until the end, but there is just too much of the man behind the curtain that we are shown just a bit too often for this to feel real. I did Enjoy this movie though due to the great cast, and the effects that I mentioned. No shortage of direction, and over all the production does have a real movie level to it. I recommend this movie to most people, a bit of violence, and very little in the way of language, this is just a thriller, mystery twist that you might like.
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Easily One of the Worst Films I've Seen Since Ed Wood's Time
danew139 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Why such a low score? That's what any story or film without an ending or dramatic resolution deserves. The 2 for the actor's over acting efforts to salvage a plot that was so convoluted and absurd it defied description. I find it hard to believe any producer would waste money making this.

Basically, a few people wake up on a 727 jetliner and have no idea how they got there. They find out its part of a survival test in case of attack on the USA.

In the end we go though everyone's life story to pad out this joke of a plot only to have the film suddenly end on the money pitch...I mean it just ends right amidst the climax with a brief written statement how the operation was covered up.

Had the writer developed this into a Twighlight Zone style story it might have worked...But don't waste your time on Chariot.
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Where do you go in a low budget movie when there's nowhere to land?
joshistirgendwieschwul29 January 2014
It's one of these (rare) movies that surprise you! And what can you expect when the 'Trivia' tag explains that, throughout the movie, the audience is never allowed to see anything the characters can't see 'n therefore the movie contains no exterior shots of the airplane... Just like theater. And yet I was thrilled the full 90 minutes. Don't let you fool by others, just see it yourself. 6 of 7 'hostages' act fully believable. There's just one really bad acting here by Michelle Sherrill. As the story continues, all kinds of conspiracy theories are in the minds of the hostages. Within a breathe the end of the movie is near and happily for the passengers one seems to be a real hero. But don't think that will guarantee you a happy ending, that's up to you. Each of the 7 hostages have their own skills and so have we all. Amazingly how less dollars you need for such a thrilling story!
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Overall Good Movie
alek-dvorzhetskii-twatch7 February 2014
I'd recommend this movie

Overall I actually thought this was a good movie. There were two actors who I felt spoiled the movie, Anthony Montgomery (Cole), and Brina Palencia(Emily). Montgomery seemed to be thrown into that role, he seemed out of character, and his accent did sit right with me.

I think the best actress was Michelle Sherrill followed by Leslie Hippensteel. Whoever wrote this script must love calling women the b-word because it's said throughout the movie in such a context that makes the dialog appear to be coming from the screenwriter which also appears sexist in lieu of it actually developing from within character itself.
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jadoll-8415621 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first part of the movie was intriguing and suspenseful, but I was so pi$$ed with the ending. C'mon, what the hell was that.

Did the writers just want to take of early. Don't waste your time. Give us something to leave with instead of just a few sentences indicating nobody knows what the heck happened.

Also, they wasted so much time talking at the end, the fighter jets would've most likely been on them already. The acting was good but, the plot was intriguing, but after the big reveal everything just kinda fell apart. Ugh.

There were a lot bad decisions made throughout. I just expected to get an answer at the end and I didn't.
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Avoid this boring dog. One set, no script no ending.
dilbertsuperman19 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a boring movie that tries to be edgy by being shot in a plane and referencing black ops and military contractors and America under attack to get some street cred. It's a horrible plot vehicle that has been used in other movies ad nauseaum... you wake up not knowing how you got there, with a room full of other people from varied backgrounds try to figure out why they are there... SAW did this idea in an interesting fashion... every movie -after- SAW did it in a boring ripoff fashion and this dog is no exception.

There is one set.. it's an airplane interior and the acting is mediocre at best. It leaves a lot to the viewer's imagination because the writer had no imagination. I will concede this movie was made cheaply but I hope copies of it can be burned just as cheaply.

PLOT: Wake up on an airplane with 6 other people and don't know how you got there... pointless banal dialogue and no ending was written for this movie. I won't give a spoiler but let's just say you can end this movie at any point and you will have created an ending as satisfying as the director gives you...
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