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Dark and gritty, but also trapped by shallow unrealistic delivery.
quincytheodore6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There's always a niche appeal for submarine stories. The very concept promises many characters sharing a mutual predicament while confined in the depths. Black Sea offers decent psychological thriller with its good set-up and claustrophobic cinematography, but the personalities often do stupid things just for the sake of drama. One must wonder if the problems here could've been resolved with proper human interactions, such as conversations without violence undertone or not resorting to outright violence on a whim.

Robinson (Jude Law) is recently fired from his job. Disgruntled and very keen on making money, he jumps at the first opportunity of big pay. The gig is to recover sunken World War II submarine which allegedly contains heaps of gold. Thus, he assembles his team of merry misfits and dives for the riches. His whole team consists of either inexperienced or slightly mad crew.

Cue the crazy debacle where someone gets randomly stabbed or a few misclicks cause the submarine to nose dive, and the operation sinks faster than the submarine itself. Everyone is aggressive every time, there's barely any human interaction which doesn't lead in heated argument. I'm not an expert but surely when placed in crucial condition as submerged with actual chance of dying, one might need to cooperate instead of constantly picking a fight.

The visual is fitting for the theme, mostly shot in typical small corridor or halls, it is meant to be claustrophobic. The acting isn't half bad, Jude Law does his best though the accent is a bit jarring. It takes advantage of the premise well, and produces occasional morale ambiguity for gritty effect. A couple of the twists are decent in creating more dilemmas to elevate the tension, excluding the rest which are the results of tragic human error.

Black Sea is true to the deep nature of submarine film, sometime suspenseful and engaging, though most of the personality clashes are ridiculously forced.
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Nothing that will win awards or become a classic, but it was entertaining and very much worth your time. I really enjoyed this.
cosmo_tiger29 March 2015
"I know a way to not be like this. I know a way to get money." Captain Robinson (Law) is a submarine captain who has just been told he is no longer needed. When he tells his crew about this they are wondering what the next step in their lives will be. The idea comes up about trying to salvage a sunken sub full of Nazi gold and they agree to look for it. What starts off as a way to make money becomes something so much more. This is a movie that I can not do justice to in a review. The movie is nothing amazing and is not a classic but this is one of the biggest surprises I have seen in a while. I was sucked in right away and was interested and intrigued all the way until the end, which seemed to come almost too soon. This movie takes all the great aspects of a heist movie and moves the setting to a claustrophobic submarine. I could go on about how much I liked this movie but I will just say this is one you have to see to understand. I recommend this. Overall, nothing that will win awards or become a classic, but it was entertaining and very much worth your time. I really enjoyed this. I give it a B+.
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We all live in a rusty submarine
ferguson-617 January 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. One of my first favorite TV shows as a little kid was "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea". Each week I sat wide-eyed in front of the tube (yes, it was actually a cathode ray tube back then) anxiously awaiting underwater adventure. It wasn't until later that I discovered Irwin Allen's 1961 movie of the same name, and more importantly, Jules Verne's novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", which featured the wild exploits of Captain Nemo and the Nautilus. Since then, count me in for just about any movie based aboard a submarine (Down Periscope being a rare exception).

Director Kevin MacDonald is best known for his excellent 2006 film The Last King of Scotland (with Forest Whitaker's Oscar winning performance as Idi Amin). This time he works with a script from playwright Dennis Kelly to deliver a gritty, tense thriller that is lacking any traditional Hollywood fluff … it's a down and dirty look at greed, desperation and the survival instinct.

Inherent to a story based aboard a submarine is the immediate and constant threat of claustrophobia and death. This one adds another element of danger by blending a crew of Russians and Brits with the goal of bringing back millions of dollars in gold locked away on a sunken German U-Boat in the Black Sea waters. Lest you think the Russians are just another group of southern California actors faking the accent, director MacDonald confirmed that he cast actual Russian actors – including Grigoriy Dobrygin (A Most Wanted Man), Konstantin Khabenskiy (one of the most popular actors in Russia), and three others named Sergey, which MacDonald acknowledged contributed to on-set confusion. This decision elevates the onboard tension between adversarial characters to an armrest-gripping level. Yet another slightly psychotic Ben Mendelsohn (Animal Kingdom) role doesn't hurt, either.

Jude Law continues the second phase of his career – far removed from his pretty boy early films – as a tough, revenge-seeking sub captain fired by his long-time employer. Should you doubt Law's acting range, I would recommend not just this film, but also last year's Dom Hemingway (a wild ride). Law's performance here is very strong as he transforms from a p.o.'d former employee to an eye-on-the-prize, win-at-all-cost treasure seeker. The onboard tension mounts every time there is interaction between the Russians and Brits, and Law's character attempts to mediate. The progression of this three-way dynamic is fascinating to watch as it unfolds.

To provide that true underwater feeling, MacDonald filmed some scenes onboard an old Soviet submarine that is moored in the River Medway in Kent (UK). We never have that feeling of Hollywood soundstage; instead we as viewers share in the tight space and constant dread. This combination of characters, setting and mission deliver an intense thriller that is sure to please, and feels uncommonly welcome this early in the year.

The pinnacle of submarine movies is Das Boot (1981), a must-see for any movie lover. Other popular sub films include Crimson Tide (1995), The Hunt for Red October (1990), and K-19: The Widowmaker (2002), and for those of us who are fascinated by life (and possible death) under the sea, we gladly welcome a new entry to the sub-genre, especially one as well made and tension-packed as Black Sea.
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Maybe not a great submarine move...but a pretty good one.
joekanuck9 February 2015
All of the classic drama/suspense elements are there; intrigue, plotting, betrayal, redemption, class conflict, heroes, bad guys, the mandatory weasel...and a pretty darned cool submarine.

They really didn't break any new ground but there is certainly room for another, 'Holy crap...we're really deep underwater in a tin can' movie.

Unlike 'The Hunt for Red October', this movie was mostly dark with intermittent moments of hope but little humour...which is OK since as a pure drama, things moved along nicely. Good acting, dialogue and direction gave this film a finished and crafted look and feel.

Jude Law gave a truly gritty performance, which I really doubted he had in him. I expected some of the more typical smart mouthed, foppy behaviour we've come to expect from Jude, but he fit right in with the other rough and tumble members of the crew.

It's well worth seeing on the big screen but you better hurry...tonight I was completely alone in the theatre...which means a lot of people are missing out on some fine entertainment, and it probably won't be around much longer.
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Dive, Dive, Dive
bob-the-movie-man10 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The title of the film – Black Sea – is both descriptive and geographic.

Jude Law plays Robinson, a submarine captain put out to graze by his salvage company who finds an audacious way to get back at his old bosses and make some money at the same time. The "MacGuffin" in this movie is a wartime German U-Boat that disappeared without trace in 1941 along with a fortune in Russian gold. Robinson pulls around him a team of divers and submariners – some less mentally stable than others – together with a reluctant banker (evil, naturally) and they set off from Sevastopol in an old hulk of a sub in search of the loot.

They find the treasure, split the loot and all live happily ever after. Well, no, obviously not. This claustrophobic drama pits man against man as ethnic tensions and greed collide in the pursuit of the spoils.

The movie starts with the feel of a low budget UK film. Surprising given Kevin Macdonald of "Last King of Scotland" fame directs. However my lowered expectations were then progressively raised by an interesting albeit belief-suspending story, some decent acting and a modicum of suspense. Jude Law gives one of his better performances of recent years and also noteworthy is the youngster on board – Tobin played by Bobby Schofield – who you end up really caring about far more than most of the rest of the cast.

Followers of the Fad may recall my comments about the unsuitability of this year's "Under the Skin" to US audiences due to the impenetrable Glaswegian accents: here Jude Law gives non-British ears a similarly challenging Scottish accent, ably supported by tricky Liverpudlian and Russian dialects! This is not helped by a less than crisp vocal audio track, often drowned out by the music and foley work. #subtitles=on.

Bits of just about every submarine and underwater movie ever made – including Das Boot, K19: The Widowmaker, The Hunt for Red October, Run Silent Run Deep and The Enemy Below – are put into the movie blender, mixed with a dash of The Abyss and spiced with a soupçon of the finale of Caine's Italian Job. As such this has the feel of a film you have seen before, and its release timing – a thriller in the first week of December – suggests a studio view of this being cannon fodder: not good enough for the summer blockbuster season and not Oscar worthy either.

It is also not exactly a chick-flick with – from memory – only one female line (Jodie Whittaker, in flashback) throughout the whole film.

All that being said, on the plus side the moderately feel-good ending is quite innovative and surprising: I didn't see it coming.

Not a film that I will be hunting out on DVD, but not bad for a diverting rainy afternoon viewing.

(If you enjoyed this review, please see my archive of previous reviews at and sign up for future notifications. Thanks).
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Some holes, but still a good sub story
bob-rutzel-239-52543018 June 2015
Robinson (Jude Law) is laid off from his salvage company, but learns about a German sub deep in the Black Sea that is loaded with gold from WWII. Robinson gets the funding, an old Russian sub and a crew of 12 consisting of Russians and English to go after the gold.

All of the above sounds really good, but here's the thing: the crew members don't like or trust each other and tensions rise. Here is what I didn't understand: most were out of work and readily available to search for the gold. Yet, they acted like this was business as usual and would have liked it if some members were killed off and that would mean more money for them. Did someone say "greed." Robinson did say that all members would receive an equal share and this message was good and understood, by all, for about 20-seconds.

The Russians spoke Russian and Robinson needed translations. Why not let the Russians speak English as we sometimes hear in movies? I mean if the translations were deceptive, then I could understand their speaking Russian, but there were no deceptions. See?

One more thing: they hit something that breaks their drive shaft and they see the German sub and need to get that drive shaft to be able to move. Three go out with limited air supply in their tanks to retrieve the drive shaft and once inside the German sub, they discover the gold. Now here's the thing: a winch materializes out of nowhere to move the gold and the drive shaft. There is no talk of limited air supply and all work together to get the winch to move the gold and the drive shaft in the sea bed mud. Limited air supply indeed !

Then comes the big twist. I truly forgot there would be a twist. Hey, it happens. And it happened because I was so engaged in this tension-filled story, but there it was. Bummer.

The acting and tension all around were so good I felt as though I was on that sub, too, and yes, I was looking over my shoulder every 10-seconds like everyone else in these cramped quarters.

There are some holes in here, but this is still a good sub story. (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes.
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good tension but too contrived
SnoopyStyle22 November 2015
Robinson (Jude Law) has been a submariner for 30 years. He's obsolete and gets fired after 11 years with the company. He is recruited for an outlandish treasure hunt. Back in 1941, Stalin acquiesce to Hitler and sends tons of gold to Germany. The U-boat transporting the gold sunk to the bottom of the Black Sea. An investor has a plan to recover the gold while the Russians are fighting Georgia on the surface. His representative Daniels (Scoot McNairy) joins him along with diver Fraser (Ben Mendelsohn) and youngster Tobin. The crew calls Tobin a virgin and therefore bad luck. Robinson insists on equal shares for everyone and Fraser riles up the crew arguing against the Russians getting the same share.

Director Kevin Macdonald does well to infuse the movie with tension. Jude Law is good and Ben Mendelsohn is great. The main thing holding this back is the plot. There is a few too many exact coincidences. For example, they need exactly nine people to drive the boat but eight people would mean they can only surface. It's way too exact and leads to obvious conflict. I understand the need to raise the danger level but the plot takes a few too many twists and 15 minutes too long.
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A good thriller
Gordon-113 April 2015
This film is about a submarine captain who is fired because of downsizing. He decides to form his own submarine team to hunt for the gold that Nazi Germany is rumoured to have left in a sunken submarine at the bottom of the Black Sea.

I was initially put off by "Black Sea" because of the heavy accent, which made it hard for me to understand the dialog. Fortunately, the film is thrilling and captivating, so I was drawn by the film again. The plot keeps me on the edge because there is something happening in rapid succession. The divide between the British and the Russian crew is well portrayed. There are even mind games which is probably unexpected in a submarine thriller. The claustrophobic environment of the submarine, and also the constant fear of catastrophic events happening keep the adrenaline pumping. The ending is unexpectedly moving, I was very sympathetic towards the characters. It even gave me tingles down my body. I enjoyed watching "Black Sea".
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An enjoyable and solid thriller.
xenomorph_uk7 December 2014
If you enjoyed movies like U571, The Hunt for Red October & Crimson tide, then this movie is for you. In my personal opinion, it's not quite as good as the aforementioned titles, but it's certainly in the same league.

Black Sea has most of the right ingredients for a tense underwater thriller. It ticks pretty much every box in the genre from extremely intense survival scenes to flawed human characters. There are several thoroughly enjoyable claustrophobic scenes, which are only intensified by the clearly terrified crew.

There were only two weak points. They should've spent some time developing the characters a little more and perhaps making them a bit more likable so that you would care about their fates. The other minor point is the character's accents. Being British I was able to follow the various accents well enough, but I imagine it may be a little difficult to follow for viewers that aren't used to the inflections.

Black Sea is a solid and professional production and a must-see for anyone that enjoys movies with this sort of theme.
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We're sinking! We're sinking! What are you sinking about?
Drive-in_Zeppelin17 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's an interesting little film to say the least as it seemingly throws aside any character development or emotional complexity to jump to what…the next underwater blunder? Anyhow,for this type of movie you pretty much already know the routine. It's a treasure hunting movie in a submarine that unfortunately takes itself a little too seriously. Basically Jude Law plays a crusty sea-captain named Robinson that gets fired from his salvage job for some shadowy corporation. After finding himself at the bottom of a healthy looking pint of beer, he is told a salty tale by his matey that there's Nazi gold resting peacefully at the bottom of the Black Sea. You'll forgive me if I skip all the montages and build-up of the first act but you've no doubt see the same thing dozens of times by now. Robinson has his Ocean's Eleven (sea puns FTW) moment and puts together his crack team of sea-thieves comprised of a half Russian, half English crew. They take some old rust-bucket submarine out to look for the sunken submarine and naturally shenanigans ensue. Like any other good sub movie you get the usual claustrophobic drama mixed with the already elevated levels of tension that go with being 90 meters under the sea. Throw in a little greed-induced hysteria and that fact that the crew can't understand one another except through a handful of translators and you've got yourself a good ol' fashioned treasure hunt. I was thoroughly pleased to see Jude Law attempt a transformation from a fired blue-collar worker to an 'at-all-cost', obsession- driven treasure hunter. Unfortunately writer Dennis Kelly doesn't really give him enough depth as a character to make you care one way or the other. If I'm being honest you won't really care about any of the characters, or the submarine, or the sea, or the lack of any distinguishable threat, or the scientific and historical inaccuracies. We're all watching this movie for one reason and one reason only. Because there's Nazi freaking gold in it.
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Technical issues galore!!!
patrickelee27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why is it so hard for various producers to create storylines that even remotely pass muster of believability?

Sure, we'll just hop in a "vintage" Soviet submarine, that's been sitting around for however many decades, and off we go! No fuel polishing, taking on fresh fuel, servicing systems, batteries, etc- nope we're just going to grab some food and go!

How many times can we crash said vintage submarine and it not suffer structural damage/ implode?

Escaping in an "escape suit" (which looks like a red Tyvek painter's suit) from ~300 meters depth? Sure, why not! (the pressure from equalizing the tubes would kill you in 2 seconds)

"Sonar" with no pings but a dude can create a 3D map of the surrounding area via banging on the hull?

Speaking of sonar, if anyone thinks it's possible to just slither around underwater in a submarine without various Navies realizing that you're there, it just doesn't work that way.

My absolute favorite though, is the "driveshaft" mumbo jumbo. First of all, ships/ submarines don't have "driveshafts," they have "propeller shafts." I used the plural of the word "shaft" since the Russians have favored twin screw designs for their subs, and all of the exterior scenes in the movie show a twin screw vessel.

Diesel/ electric subs are exactly that. The diesels (again, more than one) turn generators which produce power to charge the batteries. The screws are turned by DC electric motors. They can either run continuously while surfaced, or within periscope depth (where the snorkel allows for engine and cabin air exchange and also hydrogen gas venting from battery charging). When submerged deeper than this, they secure the diesel engines, and everything draws off the batteries (including the propulsion motors). The norm was to run surfaced at night to charge the batteries, and submerged during the day. During combat, they could conserve power and remain submerged for, at most, a few days.

Back to the "driveshaft." Steel shafts don't "shatter" during a fire (especially ones there are 5" - 8" thick, which is what they'd be). What's far more comical to anyone who knows anything about mechanical things, is that what's pictured is a crankshaft from a car sized engine. The auxiliary generator engines on a vessel like that have a crankshaft that weighs over 1000 pounds. The main diesel engine cranks weigh several thousand pounds.

A propshaft for a vessel the size of a submarine is also several thousand pounds.

Even if we ignore the nomenclature, and substitute "prop shaft" for "driveshaft," there would be two of them (one for each screw). So, even if one "shattered," they can limp along on a single screw.

"Oh, we'll just machine it to make it fit." Sorry, but you can't "just machine" a BMW crank and make it fit into a Honda motor!

I seriously laughed out lout at the scene that shows the "driveshaft" spinning away with the throws (which are what the rods attach to in a piston engine) connected to nothing. Oh, the sparks flying were a nice touch too.

I get that this isn't a documentary, but is it really THAT difficult to keep things remotely within reason?
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Black Sea
funkb11 February 2015
As a former submarine sailor I watch every submarine picture that is exhibited. None are exactly as it was or is. Most are a lot of fun to watch. This movie was very good as it entertained and kept you on the edge of your seat. This is a good escape from all the movies that are all explosions, blood and gore, fantasy, and vampire trash. This has a believable storyline even if the FX are a little unbelievable. You should watch this movie and enjoy it. Jude law is surprising in the role of the Capt. and is a great deal different than previous movie roles for him. The clash of personalities adds to the excitement through danger and mechanical malfunctions.
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Jude Law is assigned to search into the depths of the Black Sea for a submarine rumored to be loaded with gold.
ma-cortes18 May 2023
This engaging and intriguing motion picture is meticulously mounted by director Kevin Macdonald who always manages to make a course correction in the nick of time and delivering another direct success . This nail-biter is a tightly-knit drama centered on the underwater maneuvers going after a valuable treasure in gold bullion . It follows a captain (Jude Law), who puts together a motely crew (Konstantin Khabenskiy, Daniel Ryan , Scoot McNairy ,Michael Smiley ,Bobby Schofield, David Threlfall , among others ) to search for a sunken submarine loaded with gold in the depths of the Black Sea. But greed and desperation soon take hold onboard the claustrophobic vessel and the misfit men start turning on each other, putting them as risk of never making it to the surface alive. Resulting in the unfortunate crew are decimating themselves little by little. Brave the deep!. Find the gold ! . Trust no one !. The only thing more dangerous than the mission is the crew !

The yarn is interesting with thrilling screenplay and authoritative direction by director Kevin Macdonald . There is suspense, thriller , violence and action, though the scenario is mostly into a submarine . This exciting underwater drama concerning the search for a treasure in a dangerous sea throughout Russian territory . Jude Law stars as a veteran commander who is scheming a dangerous voyage to find a Nazi treasure , then tensions run high and rise among crew members . They are pushed to the brink of death by the perilous mission full of risked incidents , twists and turns. The film is notorious as one of the best and recent submarine movies .

Suspenseful , rousing musical score by composer Ilan Eshkeri , as well as appropriate, colorful cinematography by cameraman Christopher Ross . Perfect production design in similar style to 'Das Boot' , showing competently the interior of claustrophobic rusted submarine . The motion picture was professional and decently directed by Kevin MacDonald (State of play , The Last King of Scotland , How I Live Now ,Touching the void). Kevin shot the film in such hard conditions that some cast members suffered health problems . Rating : 6.5/10 . Acceptable and passable submarine movie. The flick will appeal to Jude Law fans .
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Submarine heist that entertains & thrills adequately, logic be damned.
TheSquiss9 December 2014
As submarine movies go, Black Sea is probably the best one this year. That it may be the only one certainly helps. Kevin McDonald (The Eagle, The Last King of Scotland) has delivered a Boy's Own adventure under the sea that is part thriller, part drama and could easily have been a Desmond Bagley novel forty years ago. And that's no bad thing.

When submarine pilot Captain Robinson (Jude Law) is made redundant, he seeks solace in the company of a pint and some former colleagues. One of them mentions a missing German U-boat that was lost in the Second World War, laden with gold bullion from Russia, Robinson sets a plan in motion to seize the gold and end their financial woes. With an investor in place, a rusted submarine and a motley crew comprised equally of Brits and Russians, Robinson heads into the depths of the Black Sea for a deep water heist, but a tin can filled with greedy, desperate, jealous men doesn't bode well…

There is nothing remarkable about Black Sea. It lacks the tension of Das Boot, doesn't rewrite history quite as horribly as U571 and doesn't quite hit the (dated) adventure of The Hunt for Red October, but it is an enjoyable romp of angst, betrayal and underhand tactics that fills an evening quite adequately.

Screenwriter Dennis Kelly (Utopia) either doesn't understand the law of physics or has decided to bend them anyway but the screenplay rattles along quite nicely, building the drama, adding the odd explosive scene and even managing one or two very funny quips. He establishes a crew of embittered men on opposing sides without making any of them too much of a caricature. There are a few missing beats and some clunks as logic and reason tumble down the gangway but, for the most part, Black Sea holds the attention and entertains. There is little to surprise but, as long as the viewer isn't too bothered by historical or scientific accuracy, there is nothing to really disappoint.

Jude Law makes for an enjoyable, grizzled hero though he isn't given enough to add depth to his character. The soft flashbacks and memories of his estranged wife and son are intended to add meat to his bones but there isn't enough in them to make us really care and they are more distracting than affecting. We understand and care more about Tobin's (Bobby Schofield) emotional predicament through a brief exchange between captain and junior than the entirety of flashbacks from Robinson.

Black Sea has the feel of a movie dumped on the world because it is too light to feature in the summer blockbusters, too small (of budget) to compete against Hollywood's big studio flicks and doesn't even pretend to have any merit when it comes to awards season. For a low budget British adventure thriller it serves perfectly well on a cold, damp, winter's evening for a certain type of cinemagoer who is already sick of the barrage of Christmas schmaltz and family fare at the multiplex.

If you want entertainment with a smidgen of mystery, a dollop of action and a hint of thrills, Black Sea does the job adequately.

For more reviews from The Squiss, subscribe to my blog and like the Facebook page.
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Black Sea
jboothmillard8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The title made it obvious it was some kind of dark movie, in the water, I knew the leading actor in it, and that critics gave it good reviews, so I was just hoping for something worthwhile, directed by Kevin Macdonald (Touching the Void, The Last King of Scotland). Basically veteran sea captain Robinson (Jude Law) has recently divorced from his wife and is estranged from his son, he then receives the news that he is being made redundant, given £8,640 for his services and told to clean his desk. Later Robinson has drinks with former colleagues, he meets his friend Kurston (Daniel Ryan) and a Russian called Blackie (Konstantin Khabensky), Kurston tells Robinson they have an idea that could make them all a lot of money. A German Type VIIC U-boat from World War II that sank off the coast of Georgia, with a cargo of gold worth millions, their former colleague found its location, but it was never salvaged. Robinson agrees with Kurston to meet a backer named Lewis (Casino Royale's Tobias Menzies), who agrees to fund Robinson's expedition, on the grounds he receives a 40% cut on proceeds worth up to $40 million, a 20% cut on anything above that, and that his executive Daniels (Scoot McNairy) accompany the expedition. Robinson agrees to the deal, but then a young man named Tobin (Bobby Schofield) informs him that Kurston has committed suicide, Robinson decides to bring Tobin on the expedition, acquiring a Foxtrot-class submarine from the Port of Sevastopol. The crew is 50% Russian and 50% British, there are issues between the two groups almost immediately, only Blackie speaks both Russian and English, and Tobin is viewed as a bad omen, mistaken as a virgin, when in fact he is an expectant father. Tension begins to mount between the two crews due to the close confines of the submarine, and Robinson makes the decision that the take will be divided equally between each crewman. Due to mounting pressures the crew fall out, there is a fight, and Fraser (Ben Mendelsohn) loses his head, stabbing and killing Blackie, the ensuing scuffle causes a fire to break out, the sub is damaged, Robinson is knocked unconscious and at least two men are killed. Eighteen hours later, Robinson wakes to find tensions at breaking point, the Russians have taken over half of the boat, with the British in the other half, and with Blackie dead there is no way to speak to the Russians. The sub's drive shaft is damaged, they discover they are close to the old U-boat, they may be able to transfer its drive shaft and save the boat, but tensions continue to mount when it discovered Morozov (Grigoriy Dobrygin) speaks English. Robinson sends Tobin with Fraser and diver Peters (David Threlfall) to recover the drive-shaft and the gold, but on their way back, Peter perishes when his air hose gets cut. With Morozov translating the crew manage to get the Russians to install the drive-shaft and get the submarine moving again, at this stage, Daniels admits that they have been set up to do the dangerous job, his employer will seize the gold as soon as they surface. Robinson decides to remain submerged and travel to Turkey, to keep the gold and avoid arrest, he also decides, against the wishes of the crew, to attempt a risky journey through a narrow channel. Meanwhile Daniels persuades Fraser to murder Zaytsev (Sergey Puskepalis), there are no longer enough men to safely operate the submarine, and a second fire and explosion sends the boat back to the seafloor, and it begins taking on water. Fraser and the remaining crew members try to repair the leaks, but their efforts are futile, before the men can escape, a panicked Daniels locks the bulkhead behind him, three men are left to drown, but he traps himself snagging his clothing. Morozov closes the final bulkhead, Daniels if left to drown, and he, Robinson and Tobin are protected in the torpedo section, there are three hidden escape suits hidden. Robinson evacuates Tobin and Morozov, he explains he will follow using an emergency lever, the two men surface, but Morozov informs Robin there was no lever, Robinson chose to sacrifice himself, it ends with the thirs suit surfacing with some gold and Robinson's family picture inside. Also starring Jodie Whittaker as Chrissy, Karl Davies as Liam, Michael Smiley as Reynolds, Sergey Veksler as Baba and Sergey Kolesnikov as Levchenko. Law sports a strong Scottish accent and is good as the captain struggling to maintain control, the other cat members are fine as well, it is a simple enough story, westerners versus the Russians undersea, mixed with a desperate struggle to survive, and a treasure hunt, there is a fair amount of disaster to keep a pace going, overall it is a watchable thriller. Good!
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Way Way Too Many Holes, But Entertaining
Sam Sloan15 August 2016
The big big holes happened when the two divers found the gold and the drive shaft inside the derelict German submarine. Pulling and removing a drive shaft would have been a pretty big job if they had just had that to do, but they chose to deal with it by not bothering to show how they were supposed to do it and instead giving the impression it was such an easy job, it wasn't worth even showing it - hey, they found it and now they see it, now it's done! And the other big hole was all that gold they found within that submarine weighing two tons! Again, it would have been a pretty big job just moving all that gold to where they would be able to get it through the submarine beside the same place and way they got into the submarine to begin with - beside the pressure lock obviously. And there, they would have had to hand carry bars of gold into the pressure lock, fill it with seawater, carry the bars and then place them onto some cart which appears out of nowhere somewhere outside the submarine onto the seabed floor. It would have taken a whole lot of work, a lot of time, maybe a few days and a lot of trips with all those bars weighing a total of two tons! Where did they get all that oxygen? And then they would have - or rather the eighteen year old kid would have had a lot of work on his hands getting the gold into the salvage submarine, because the other guy was killed when he fell off the edge into a deep canyon. And the kid was not portrayed as much an expert diver to begin with. And where did that winch come from? If any of this was possible, before even attempting what they were planning to do, there would have been a scene where a few of them stand over a table making sketches and calculations about how they were going to even attempt a big job like this. But I suspect the makers of this movie nixed such a scene as that because of the impossibility of such a job to begin with and decided to just leave it up the viewers imagination which is the only way to do such a job as that - in one's imagination. But the movie was entertaining even though it lacked credibility.
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Dangerous Crew
claudio_carvalho24 November 2020
After working for many years for the marine salvage company Agora, the submarine captain Robinson (Jude Law) is fired in a downsizing without pension plan or any reward. While drinking in a bar with his friends Blackie (Konstantin Khabenskiy) and Kurston (Daniel Ryan), who were also fired, the depressed Kurston discloses that he knows the location of a World War II U-Boat loaded with gold that sank in the coast of Georgia. Robinson and Blackie meet a man called Lewis (Tobias Menzies) that agrees to be the sponsor of a salvage expedition of the treasure; in return, he charges 40% of the gold and demands his friend Lewis (Tobias Menzies) goes with them. When Robinson seeks out Kurston, he learns from the young Tobin (Bobby Schofield) that his friend committed suicide. He decides to invite Tobin to replace Kursten in the half-British half-Russian crew he has team-up. Along their journey, there is constant friction between the men jeopardizing the operation. Will Robinson be capable to control the dangerous crew?

"Black Sea" is a tense and claustrophobic thriller with good story and great performances, highlighting Jude Law. Most of the scenes are breathtaking and the conclusion perfect to the plot. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Mar Negro" ("Black Sea")
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Salvage or treasure is the question.
michaelRokeefe17 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After a former submarine captain Robison (Jude Law) loses his job, he is recruited by a questionable backer to lead a deep-sea mission in the Black Sea in search of lost treasure. Robison gathers former out of work friends and old cronies to take on the task. But the hard-bitten crew argue over getting a rattle-trap submarine to make the dive in with little or no security of returning to the surface. Half of the crew will be Russians and the only thing temporarily holding them together is equal shares of the payday. But are they really diving for salvage or the rumored gold bricks? Things become perilous when the sub sinks to the bottom. Quarrels break out and the mission is in dire straits.

Moody and tense. Law is really good in this role. A lot of the characters are not worth caring for their survival. If you have a thing for submarine flicks, BLACK SEA (not really filmed there) is worthy of a watch.

Also in the cast: Karl Davies, Daniel Ryan, Konstantin Khabenskly, Tobias Menzles, Michael Smiley and Scoot McNairy.
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Solid entry in the "Submarine Suspense" genre
lemon_magic8 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
All right, this isn't "Das Boot" or "Red October", or even "Crimson Tide", but it's pretty darned good and well worth seeing if you are a fan of the "Submarine Suspense" movie.

No longer a pretty boy (or at least no longer doing "pretty boy" roles), Jude Law is very impressive in this. At some point, he developed an amazing dynamic range and he is uses it here to good effect. In fact, there isn't a "flat tire" in the cast. Although I have to admit that the characters the actors played were somewhat predictable, once the movie established them. (It was obvious after the first 5 minutes in the sub who the weak link was and who the traitor would be).

The story hits all the beats you expect in sub movies, and gives everyone in the cast room to shine. The special effects work well in the context of the movie, and the director keeps things moving as briskly as you can hope for. My only real complaint was the downbeat ending seemed unnecessary (if more believable - but if you are looking for "believable", why are you watching a submarine movie?)

Your life won't be incomplete if you miss "Black Sea", but it's a fine piece of work and worth seeing.
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wilsonraustin27 March 2021
Alright, pretty predictable when it comes to building the plot. Overall alright movie, could have ended better.
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That's my emphysema.....
FlashCallahan5 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Robinson, an ex-Navy former submarine captain, gets fired from his salvage company job, and given a pittance of a pay off.

Divorced from his wife, estranged from his son, his luck is sinking faster than a stricken sub.

On hearing of a potential stash of Nazi gold in a sunken U-boat off the Georgian coast, he assembles a team to steal the treasure and strike back against a system rigged against him and his blue-collar crew......

I was really looking forward to this movie. I love Macdonald, his films are so realistic, yet touching, and Law is a fine actor, even if he is channelling Phil Collins in this. But as soon as he took pity on the homeless lad, and got him a job on the submarine, despite his insistence on having only a solid crew on board, I knew it would narratively sink.

Law is fine, and despite a couple of dodgy moments, his Aberdonian brogue is pretty good. The man carries the film.

But the rest of the film is so mundane, and despite it being in such an enclosed space, the important element of claustrophobia that should heighten the tension, as evident in Das Boot, Crimson Tide, even U-571, just isn't there.

So we just wait to see who will snap first, because any idiot would know that the less people there are, the more gold is there to share.

Smiley is the best of the support, but even he's relegated to gushing monologues about the dangers of submarines and spends the majority of the film freaking out the already freaked out Mcnairy, who is basically this films Burke from Aliens.

People start dying, people leave gasoline near engines, and come the end of the film, there's only enough suits for a few to survive.

It feels suitably cold, but that element of claustrophobia is sorely missing.

If this film were an album, it'd be 'No Life Jacket Required'

Disappointing stuff.
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Pretty Good!
stevenpoblete3 March 2019
Ignore of some the bad reviews, just saw this for the first time and really enjoyed it. Too many people looking for perfection in a movie, no it is not fast paced action but does you keep you into the story. Stop looking for perfect and just enjoy!
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Good U-Boat thriller
Luigi Di Pilla4 November 2023
Three reasons to watch Black Sea:

1) if you are interested in U-Boats this works for you 100%.

2) if you are a Jude Law fan then you will see one of his best performances so far. In fact he played the role as a hungry captain brilliantly and credibly.

It could have been honored even for an Oscar worthy role.

3) it offers entertaining value mixed with drama, adventure and submarine details.

I liked this movie cause it's damn dramatic with a touch of adventure.

The running time is okay and the special effects in the submarine are well done. The director Kevin Macdonald made a good a job with this story based on true events.

It merits a solid 6.5/10 that matches nearly the rating of 6.4 of IMDb.

If you like U-Boat movies don't miss K-19 with Harrison Ford, Killer Hunter with Gerard Butler or Red October with Sean Connery.
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The film disappoints due to its lack of tension and gaffes in realism, which should have been airtight
Likes_Ninjas905 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jude Law's new film Black Sea, directed by Kevin Macdonald, starts promisingly before its script and realism falter. Macdonald is a Scottish filmmaker, who started his career making documentaries including most famously Touching the Void. He has ventured into political dramas and adventure movies such as The Last King of Scotland, State of Play and The Eagle. Black Sea fuses a sociopolitical drama with a heist, man on a mission style film and also a cautionary story about greed. The director cites the greed aspect as being inspired by a film like John Huston's Treasure of Sierra Madre (1948). Foremost, it is a submarine drama about the claustrophobia of men stranded together, which inevitably draw comparisons with the German film Das Boot (1981).

While writer Dennis Kelly has penned several episodes of the television show Utopia, this is his first feature film script. The most interesting component he uses is motivating the characters through class struggle and redundancy. In this contemporary story, Captain Robinson (Law) is a submarine captain who's been made redundant by his salvaging company. He's also frustrated by being separated from his wife and son, who left him because he was absent from them. He's approached by his friends, some who haven't worked in years, about an assignment. He's invited to join Daniels (Scoot McNairy), who organises a meeting with a wealthy benefactor that is willing to fund a mission to locate some Nazi gold under the ocean. Robinson assembles a mixture of British and Russian crewmen to locate the treasure, assuring them that every man will receive an equal share. Boarding a creaking, old submarine and the social inequality is felt within the vessel as the tempers flare over bringing in the gold.

One technical miscalculation is how Kevin MacDonald has photographed the early scenes, prior to entering the submarine. The film's aesthetic flaw is shooting them in extensive close-up shots, paired with tight framing and grey colour tones, which is supposed to impose a fly-on-the-wall brand of realism. However, these are techniques which could have been reserved strictly for the submarine scenes to enhance the sense of claustrophobia and the tension levels. Some of the film was shot on-board a real submarine called the Black Widow using small cameras, while the rest of the movie was filmed on a set and also a massive water tank. Except for the odd jolt, the tight spaces of the submarine aren't as palpable or effective as you might be anticipating or dreading from a submarine drama.

The film also struggles with character development and upholding the realism of its situations and narrative. Jude Law's solid leading presence conveys the aggression and determination of a character trying to escape his working class boundaries, sometimes at the expense of the crew. With his head shaved, it is a physically and emotionally tense performance but the arc feels uncertain about whether he is growing greedy and mad or prolonging his working class resilience by continuing the mission. Late in the film he risks lives to bring in the gold but at the very end he has a late change in his motives and attitudes. With a large number of crewmen, there are no women in the film besides briefly flashes of Robinson's wife, it is hard to develop the side characters in much detail. Instead, they only represent archetypes or emotions like cowardice, the loose cannon (Ben Mendelsohn's thick Australian accent stands out too sharply in this role), and inexperience. The youngest crew member is Tobin (Bobby Schofield), a young man who has a pregnant girlfriend and is bullied by the other sailors, while also drawing Robinson's sympathies as he thinks about his own estranged son. Sometimes the story feels indecisive about how to treat these characters, switching directions between a horror style elimination game as bodies pile up (the director cited Alien as a comparison) and taking them on blockbuster style adventures when the crew board the abandoned ship containing the gold.

Believability was going to be problematic when combining social realism with a fictitious premise like assembling a team to find Nazi gold. The realism and attention to detail feels most lacking in the diving scenes. A small group of the men exit the submarine and dive out to find the Nazi ship. They reach a wall and they believe they're in the wrong area. With a swipe of the hand, a character erases the dust off the wall to reveal the swastika on the side of the Nazi ship for which they were searching. The camera then retracts to reveal the enormous war ship. Were the characters temporarily blind to miss this? In this sequence, not only are the crew allowed to dive without a mini submarine but they also have technology which allows them to talk under water. How handy and fortunate given the creaking state of their submarine. There are also jumps in the editing and continuity. After find the gold openly scattered in the ship, not locked away, the film jumps forward to the gold being neatly stacked up on a trolley under the water. How did they have enough air to move all that gold? The worst lapse in believability is a rushed plot twist, which explains in implausible terms how Robinson's working class friend was connected to a wealthy benefactor. It's a stupid and nonsensical twist, compounded by the film's sentimental ending and defiance of the weight of gold. While Black Sea starts promisingly with its sociopolitical topics and Jude Law's effective work as the captain, the film disappoints due to its lack of tension and gaffes in realism, which should have been airtight.
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Clear the desk and clear the decks.
hitchcockthelegend6 November 2015
There's a fabled Nazi U-Boat down in the depths of the ocean, aboard is gold, lots of gold. So it's time for a not so motley crew of submariners to go forth - in an antiquated submarine - and try to set themselves up for life. Naturally nothing goes as planned, there are hidden agendas, rival factions within, claustrophobia reigns supreme, will anyone survive? Will you want any of them to survive?

Black Sea is not without problems, though the complaints about credibility and believability not being available? Well these are surely from folk who don't watch enough of, or understand the workings of, genre cinema of this ilk. Kevin Macdonald (director) and Dennis Kelly (writer) have crafted a tight and efficient submarine thriller. Characterisations are clichéd, with nods to other genre type of films evident, but the group dynamics pulse with danger and the inevitable peril sequences strike the requisite suspenseful chords.

Black Sea doesn't define or reinvent the submarine thriller wheel, it just keeps the rotor shafts turning. Strong casting and earthy photography help matters, to make this - ropey accents aside - better than a time waster of a viewing. 6.5/10
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