Alien Origin (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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The Lunatics Are Taking Over the Asylum
graeme-206-25500212 June 2012
Or, to be perfectly honest, they are running the film industry.

Actually, that's a typo - it's not running, it's ruining.

Another Asylum lunatic fringe production that adds nothing to any genre - it tries to be found footage, but misses the point, it tries to be horror, but misses the point, it tries to be scifi, but misses the point..indeed the only point it manages to successfully achieve and surpass, is the point when you realise that that's another 90minutes of your life that the Asylum have stolen from you.

And that's depressing.

I'm curious as to what future blockbuster they were trying to mimic - I sincerely hope it wasn't Prometheus, because if it was, the fail factor is off the chart - it's like they read a précis of the prequel to Alien, and tried to pre-empt what Ridley Scott was going to make. And failed with such catastrophic ease, that it's actually criminal to try and market this movie to the general public.

If it wasn't Prometheus, then I'm left with the only other option, and that being that it was an Asylum original movie. And that's wrong on so many levels.

The story itself was all over the place, I can't even begin to try and explain the mess the writer came up with. First they were doing an exercise in the jungle, then they were chasing "unknowns", then they were rescuing archaeologists (which, when you see the cut away scenes, will make you cringe), then were finding alien spacecraft in the middle of the said jungle whilst expressing not one bit of amazement at the discovery...

Casting selections looks to have been made with blindfold at the end of a drunken night out with the boys, whilst they were decent enough actors, the mish mash ethnicity just didn't work coupled to the abysmal script and director-less production - all added together to leave us with a dogs dinner of a movie.

Still, the fireworks throughout the tail end of the film were pretty.

Oh wait a minute....I just's a true story, and really happened...and they're all still missing...

Ah well - that's okay then.

In short - watch this movie at your own risk - a little piece of you may wither up and float away if you do.....

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The worst Asylum Movie, and the worst Found Footage movie ever made
kdnor201121 June 2012
I don't like the Asylum, I haven't seen a lot of their movies, but most of the movies I have seen I have absolutely hated. Transmorphers, the Day the Earth Stopped, Titanic 2, Monster, all bad. They made two movies, that weren't horrendous. One was Paranormal Entity which was actually not a bad movie, it was flawed, but descent. Gacy House wasn't really good, but at least it was watchable. So their only two somewhat descent movies were found footage movies, so maybe Alien: Orgin, which is also a found footage movie would be OK.

It isn't, this is not only the worst Aylum movie ever made, but it's the worst Found Footage movie ever made. It's a rip off of Prometheous, and it has one scary part. One scary part, and the scene underwater wasn't too bad. That's it.

Most of this movie is just walking, which wouldn't be too bad, except that while walking, there is also no talking. Nothing happens in this movie, for like 50 minutes it's just walking with no diolougue. And then the rest of the time is just repetitive. I mean it, the last half hour of this movie follows the same pattern. Shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot, run. It get's very repetitive and very boring.

Alien Orgin is the Asylum's worst movie, the worst found footage movie ever made, and one of the worst movie's I've ever seen.
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Winner of worst movie since movies went color.
will-411-13505130 June 2012
Well that's about 90 minutes of my life I don't get back! Truly the worst movie I have ever seen! I picked it up at Redbox and boy do I feel ripped off. I've been better entertained by watching workers paint the stripes on a crosswalk! I hope the director has a good day job, this movie is going to cost him any respect he might have thought he had when it comes to making movies. My only recourse is to come here and warn others not to waste their time. The acting, the direction, the video, the sound, the plot. How does a movie like this even get produced? I've seen my share of bad movies, but this is so bad it is an epic FAIL. The production company The Asylum Home Entertainment must have some really drunk investors who like losing money. This movie makes me want to burn my DVD player in case it is now infected.

If you read the reviews here and still rent the movie than congratulations, you're even dumber than the producers. In fact, I've been more entertained by the people here writing reviews. They in fact could have done a better job writing this movie.
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Alien Junk
TheLittleSongbird30 August 2012
I watched Alien Origins with an open mind and low expectations, but I do agree with other commentators that the film was just awful. The poster was cool and the scenery but that's it. In fact, I'd go as far to say that Alien Origins beats Titanic II(Transmorphers was rubbish as well) as the absolute worst film that The Asylum has ever produced. Alien Origins looks cheap, with choppy camera work, some of the worst special effects I've seen for any movie and footage that is clumsily incorporated and adds little if anything to the atmosphere. The aliens look fake and have no menace whatsoever to them. Another big problem was the story. The tone itself is all over the place, you are never sure whether it is trying to be mystery or sci-fi, in both those elements it fails abysmally, never being suspenseful or thrilling enough. It is also lethargic in pace, and never recovers throughout, and there are even times where next to nothing happens. The music and sound effects are generic, with little creepiness, in fact when something does happen they make it all too obvious, which I dislike intensely regarding movies. The dialogue is stilted and aimless, while the characters are stereotypical and have no likability or development to them. The acting is terrible, the actors show no passion or sense of what's going on and all too often it feels as though they were not even directed. All in all, Alien Origins is junk. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Thankyou but it was not good
jreynoldsfilms1 July 2012
I hate people on-line that give bad reviews and list their reasons and go on about how bad something is however I feel I need to express my feelings about the film. Basically do not bother watching this film it was so bad I had to watch it to the end just to make sure it was rubbish till the end. I understood what the director was trying to do, the build up of tension and the slow scenes that made the viewer wonder what was going to happen but that was the main problem for me was the fact nothing did happen. If the last 15 minuets of the film was done right it could of turned the film around and it possibly could be amazing if it did have a good ending but it didn't. This film did not deliver. Sorry but I felt that this film wasted my time.
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Perfect for a "Bad Movie Night" or Those with Insomnia
demonic_kitten28 June 2012
Now, I'm not saying this film was boring..... I'm just saying that I've seen more action in a Care Bears film.

It took 50 minutes before anything remotely interesting even happened, and even that was pretty bad.

The explosions looked like they just set off a bunch of fireworks.

The only interesting thing about the film was the scenery, the country of Belize is beautiful.

The acting was sub-par and the graphics were horrible. They kept switching between black and white, colour, night vision, and infrared. My guess is to distract you from how horrible the film is. If you're looking for an intelligent film, look elsewhere. If you want a film to put you to sleep, then by all means, watch it.
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There's ninety minutes I'll never get back
jjoseph20214 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a waste. I shouldn't have rented it from Redbox, and I shouldn't have stuffed it in my DVD player.

The promises made in the film previews and ads never materialize. I thought for sure I'd learn something about the alien origins of mankind.


In a style reminiscent of CLOVERFIELD or BLAIR WITCH or APOLLO 18, this film tries to assemble itself out of bits of supposedly recovered video from two or three or four sources, all mangled or shredded in the goings-on in this film.

So it's confusing as blazes. Just when you think you're going to see the alien, the digital video goes all haywire (which a digital video wouldn't do) and makes the alien impossible to see. At least CLOVERFIELD didn't do that.

The closest analogue I can find to what this movie thought it was doing was PREDATOR. You know, a heavily armed group of professional soldiers caught in the jungle getting hunted by an annoyed alien which is better armed than they are.

Complicating the story is the injection of a cute blonde news bimbo who is trying to make a 60-minutes kind of segment.

I still can't figure out what was supposed to be going on.

FORTUNATELY, the movie tells us all the people disappeared.

So odds are we won't be subjected to a sequel.

The last 60 seconds of the film are supposed to explain it, BUT, since the film was supposedly assembled out of bits and scraps of video, WHY THE BLEEP WASN'T THE LAST 60 SECONDS OF THE FILM SPLICED INTO THE FILM IN SEQUENCE WHERE IT BELONGED? It wouldn't have made the story make more sense, frankly.

But watching the film, the last 60 seconds looks like someones afterthought. Like they got in the editing room and said, "Oh yeah, we got to the end of the film and didn't explain the alien origin! Let's splice in this bit of nonsense at the end!" And yet it doesn't explain anything to me.

All it looked like to me was someone's opportunity to shoot off a couple thousand rounds of blank ammo in automatic weapons.

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This movie will change your life
whipaho_567 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Normally when I watch these sorts of movies, I come in with a certain set of expectations. From the cover and the title, I can normally guess the movie it's trying to rip off, and from there, I prepare myself for a train of comedy brought by a laughable premise, hilarious characters, and generally bad direction and editing. However, with this movie, I found my expectations completely surpassed - in fact, this movie obliterated everything I knew about film. A film like this forces you to look upon your life and wonder just exactly what you have been doing with it. Why do I say this? Well, dear reader, I say this because this movie was literally so unbelievably boring, so horrifically boring, that it made me break out in fits of hysterical laughter as a fail safe override due to my brain receiving no input whatsoever. The 90 minutes feel like an eternity in which you're forced to reflect. That, or you've become comatose and are experiencing the time dilation effect of dreaming.

In case you want to save yourself from permanent brain damage, I will give you a detailed synopsis, but first, an overview of the scene variety and progression. This movie features such exhilarating scenes including: walking through a jungle; walking through a cavern; gunfire sounds and random fireworks at certain intervals; shaky camera running and terrible distortion effects; and finally, more walking through a jungle.

At one point in time, the characters went into a space ship. After this, they went back into the jungle. Then, they all died, and the movie was over. 0/any imaginable metric*. Do not watch this movie if you are in any way suicidal. NOTE: Pay attention to the opening scenes. There you will notice a chubby black fellow sitting at a table with some other soldiers. Pay attention to his expression, for it is a fairly good representation of what to expect from this movie.

*I wish I could give this movie a zero, because a 1/10 means that it still has something worth rating. It doesn't.
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Beyond awful.
bilejo28 June 2012
Well....I can't conceive how anyone could make a worse movie! Too bad they don't have a minus no star rating. If that was the case I'd giver it a minus .000000000000001 Star.

I won't give the plot away but it apparently low budget. Actors/actresses are mediocre at best. Filming was shabby at best and many attempts were apparently made to heighten suspense. But that's what they were...attempt.

I don't want to give anyone the wrong opinion but there are very few movies I have seen that I was as displeased with.

I realize I have a 1,000 words but that isn't enough to describe my experience watching it. I can summarize by saying I'd rather watch a buzzard puke.
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jessebanke17 June 2012
The movie is horrible, I got a head ache from the constant shaking of the camera. The plot was very drawn out for no reason, the movie was %50 running around with the camera shaking for no reason. save your $2 and don't watch this failure flick.

This would have been a cool short film. If they minus all the running around camera shaking mess. Unfortunately I wasted an hour before I stopped watching it. Its not like there was going to be a surprise ending. The ending is told at the beginning of the movie.

Time that I could have rather watched the flies buzzing around the living room, maybe even pick one and cheer it on to do the most laps. Either way anything would have been better then watching this movie. It has earned the failure of the month award from me. The name is not even relevant to the movie. The movie name is Alien Origins, but it doesn't say anything about any type of origin. I could understand if it showed a 2 minute clip of their home world, or something, but NO, they failed.
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Good movie to use your imagination.
donnajpierce1 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
People say this movie is bad because you "don't ever get to see the alien". Well I say two words: bad opinions. Seriously just use your imagination! It's so easy! Say it's face looks like what it is on the cover and it's body is like the alien from Alien, without a tail.But the movie itself was awesome! The fact the whole thing is a documentary/footage/chronicle.But again, the Negative Nelly come back and say that's another reason it's bad. And critics, the Asylum is on a good streak, but it's not like Alien Origin wrecked it.

If anything, this movie should be their second best{second to 2012: Zombie Apocalypse} movie made!I literally went to every Red Box I could think of to get this movie, and it was worth it! This is finally a movie the Asylum has made without some kinda monster. And really why wasn't this in theaters, it should have been, or maybe it has too short of a running time? Who the hell thinks this is a bad movie? Well whoever does, READ MY REVIEW!!!
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darktowerquest16 March 2013
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit! I read through the reviews and can not believe that it is being called the worst movie ever and a waste of time. This was very good and I actually thought while watching it that it was going to be another "Predator" movie.

Sure the special effects were bad...but look past that and the story is really neat. This really reminded me of movies from the 1980's with limited special effects and OK acting. Honestly, this was on par with a lot of older movies and you will really like it of you can get past the low budget special effects.

My kids loved the movie and my 10 and 6 year old children were often times trying to hide behind their arms and blankets.

If you are a fan of old sic-fi and old horror/suspense movies, you will most likely enjoy this movie.
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TOTAL TRASH. The entire crew should be ashamed of themselves for this ....
louisianafilmcrew23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The most horrible piece of trash I ever sat through. As often with trash movies nothing makes any sense, the plot is full of holes and the whole scenario could not actually happen given the circumstances in which it was set up. This movie is so bad I wouldn't even call it a "throwaway idea" for a film. The whole notion of the movie is something that one could think up in two seconds then promptly discord because it doesn't make any sense. And the cherry on top is that the "aliens" which you never see, have technology that can get them to Earth from another star system but still use RPG like weapons against the humans. TRASH.... Anyone involved with this movie especially the director, writer, & cinematographer should be ashamed and should get out the business altogether if this is the kind of junk that they produce ...
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Great poster. That's about it...
netmange16 June 2012
I watched this movie stupidly thinking it was one of the Alien vs Predator line of movies. God was I wrong. This is arguably one of the worst movies I've ever watched. It gives a 5 minute clumsy attempt at movie making by pimpled prepubescent geeks a real run for their $5 budget. The show was probably shot on a $100 budget and about $80 was put into designing a real kickass poster. Then the director though," Hmm. Another $10. What can I do with that?? Well, let me just grab a bunch of desperate superstar wannabes and offer them a shot at stardom if they each contribute another $100 to my budget! Brilliant!!" Well unfortunately it's quite likely the investment put in by the wannabe superstars won't be paying off anytime soon. The director should be thrown in the slammer for grievous waste of viewers' time and irreversible brain rot. This movie is not worse your time or money for rental. Avoid it like the plague even if someone pays you to watch it. (Unless you're in the mood for exchanging some brain cells for a couple of bucks)
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Accurate portrayal of soldiers running through woods
ronniedarko-0231121 July 2022
If you enjoy watching soldiers endlessly run through the woods, this movie is for you! There are lots of scenes of soldiers running through the woods. Sometimes their running is frantic, sometimes very cautious. Sometimes they shoot their guns. But usually they are just running through the woods. You will feel like you are right there running with them. In the heat of the pursuit of forest running. Sometimes they see something and stop and check it out. But for the most part they stick to running through the woods. I have always wanted to join the army but will think twice about it now. I had no idea there would be so much running around. A great flick to watch if you enjoy soldiers running. A must see!
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You kooky boys from The Asylum, you got me again!
JoeB13115 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
you're such a bunch of lovable scamps, making these bad movies for the deposits on recycled beer cans, and then waiting until you can market them in co-ordination with a big name movie. I think they were going with a Prometheus tie-in here, but not having special effect, or a budget or people who could write, they just decided to recycle the whole Blair Witch Concept, because that never gets old.

Okay, you get the whole fake anticipation thing, waiting for the aliens who never actually show up until a grainy image at the end of the movie. THings move slowly for the first half of the movie, and in the last half, people are being picked off as the last few survivors decide to emulate Wile E. Coyote and make traps that end up killing them off.

I give them credit in that the military guys actually looked like they knew what they were doing.
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Biggest Pile of Crap. EVER.
asheluga24 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Worst. Movie. Ever.

I watch movies from a purely entertainment viewpoint. My standards are very low when it comes to liking a movie- was I entertained, yes or no? Since I am not picky in the least bit, I have never contributed a single review, let alone a single rating because I have never felt suited to give my opinion...... until now.

I know that this movie is the biggest piece of garbage ever produced. I hated it so much, I feel obligated to spare as many others I can of having to sacrifice $1 and 90 minutes of their lives that they'll never get back on this poor excuse of film making.

Plot line? Absent. Dialogue? Minimal and nonsensical. Acting? Comical. Horror? None. The only interesting moment in the entire film was SPOILER ALERT! a freakin boat in the middle of the jungle.

Never, ever, EVER waste your time and money on this movie. There is not a single redeeming factor in this movie.
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Awful is right
Daggerbank28 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Last 4th I had better fireworks than the bombs exploding in this about low The guns looked like my kids soft pellet guns with the orange tips cut off.

I don't know what the alien looked like because I never seen it. Must have been hidden behind a tree for 60 minutes.

I got a fast look at a spacecraft that didn't appear to move, or maybe the hand held camera moved.

I was sick after I spent $1.29 on this movie. I could not understand who would let this crap bare their name. There weren't any actors it was all real stupid. I guess this is the one they wanted to make a quick profit on. If they make anything over $1000 their into profit.

I got robbed out of my valuable time and money, I hope you take everyones warning and stay away from this one. Awful
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Please do not encourage them
FilmMcCool22 July 2019
What an awful excuse for entertainment, I do hope these guys make no money from the ten bucks they invested in this movie least it encourage them to make another. This is not even a waste of time, its minus a waste of time, effort and having to use your senses.
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Starts good, ends awful
tecnogaming13 October 2012
Another found footage film makes it's entrance in an already crowded market.

The idea of Alien Origin is sound, very "predator" like and with a decent start.

A group of soldiers are sent to the border to install cameras for detecting illegal immigrants, they are accompanied with a group of cameras that film the whole deal (obviously) and soon after they started the mission they are assigned to change targets for a lost 'archeologist' near the area.

Well, I want to be fair with this, the movie starts good, it has nice scenes, their surroundings are pretty amazing, I love my continent to be honest and the visuals are amazing (not because of the talent of the director or filmmakers but for the place they choose).

Up until the "cave" part the movie was promising, the cave scene is amazing, wonderful cave, more movies should be made with natural surroundings like this instead of inside studios or north America and I don't say this to defend the movie, but, judge for yourself.

From the cave scene onward the movie start spiraling down from good to bad and then proceed from bad to mediocre, ending in such a low point that the whole idea seems so radically horrible i can't understand how the director managed to destroy it so easily.

The major low point in this movie is the bleak expression of each actor, i could accept the fact that they are soldiers but after they just boarded an alien aircraft they should had changed their ways, instead, they keep talking and walking and doing the mission like nothing happened and this totally destroyed the credibility of the movie, from that point onward it was a disaster.

The special effects are so awful that they could't hide the fact that they created just a room full of lights and tubes as a scenery inside the "spaceship" and we see a full 10 minutes of this guys walking the corridors and you can clearly see they are walking in circles! because there are no corridors, it's just a room !.

When the shooting start I could swear the alien bullets where Bengals or cheap Chinese firework, it was SO out of place that the movie quickly scaled from bad to worse.

After the ending I felt betrayed, I hoped this was a good one, Asylum had nice ideas in previous movies, but it was such a good place to film something great, totally thrown away by bad filmmaking and a completely bleak and boring script.

If the director had choose a different ending and shortened the movie about 30 minutes, it could probably be a passable one, but, as it is, I simply cannot recommend it for other than to watch the wonderful jungles we have on Latin America and this is just for the first 45 minutes. The rest of the movie is totally unnecessary.
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best POV ever
hotsonu847 September 2012
guys i liked this movie and thinking of making one myself with my newly bought CMOS camcorder wait for my next release ;) I simply do not follow movies which are very high budget with great stars but poor storyline and just like following the crowd people assume that they liked the movie. I strongly suggest to get this perception out of our minds and start appreciating work of people newly entered in the movie industries. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and if you like films of this genre then you should enjoy it too. There were a few bits of the film that I guess weren't explored far enough (for me anyway, I pay too much attention to detail perhaps) but all in all I enjoyed it enough to want to watch it again sometime in the future.
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Asylum = Asylum
akosvarg22 July 2017
Amazing Asylum production! Absolutely good Sunday movie during cooking! Somebody is going to find something, somewhere and something will happen in the jungle.

If you are expecting different from Asylum then this is your fault!

I like „ZS" category movies and Asylum is the master of them!

In Hungary, the alphabet's last characters are : …V, W, X, Y, Z, ZS

Thak you guys! Nice job!

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I was rooting for the alien to take out the actors 10 minutes into the film
shoppsi11 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert...although if you saw the trailer this alert is unnecessary as the trailer basically tells the story in whole, better than the movie.

A lot of reviewers said there wasn't enough action, but I could live with that if the action that was there made any sense.

First, you have a group of military men plus a journalist going heavily armed into the jungles of Belize to set up spy cameras to catch any possible illegal activity. For some reason, from the start they decide they need to sneak into the jungle with guns out, as though they're walking into the middle of a war zone. Having never been in a Belize jungle, I guess it's possible that makes sense...but it seems unlikely.

Then, despite their paranoia, they go to sleep without posting someone to night watch duty, although they do set up some night vision cameras to record some animal visitors. In the morning some of the cameras are missing and the trees have weird slashes on them which causes some concern, but not much.

The behavior of the actors...whether due to acting or direction, I have no idea, was either flat or unreal.

They're told their mission has changed and they have to investigate the disappearance of some archaeologists.

They find one of the missing archaeologists with some Mennonites and she leads them to what clearly looks to be an alien spaceship. Do they radio to their headquarters to let them know to send back up? Scientists to investigate? Does the journalist look happy to have found the scoop of a lifetime? Do they do anything at all? Nope; they just head on inside, barely reacting to the fact that they're in a freaking UFO. They only get concerned when they decide it's a "maze" in there and they may get lost.

When the journalist picks up what looks like an alien skull with pointy teeth, an alarm goes off and they run screaming out of the ship. They finally radio in to their headquarters, but do they mention the UFO? Nope; they ask for extraction...and are told to walk several miles to a road to meet some trucks. When they get to said trucks, they are empty and don't start. Do they radio in to let anyone know this; nope; they decide to walk to the next extraction point. Along the way they find the exact same cave that the archaeologist's found earlier. They're desperately running from aliens and looking for extraction so of course they ditch that plan and decide to investigate the cave.

I stopped watching at that point. It wasn't the horrible graphics. It wasn't the bad acting. I just couldn't hold on to my "suspension of disbelief". I couldn't believe trained military personal would behave so stupidly. Because of that, I was rooting for the alien by then. I already knew from the beginning that these people would disappear. I not only didn't care anymore if they did; I couldn't wait for it to happen.
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Don't waste your life
igorvovk26 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I understand what the director and writers were trying to do, really I do, and the Colombian soldiers or whichever S.A. country they were from were very collective and looked really like soldiers, well to someone who has never been in an military service. But nothing ever happens. The production company could have hired some 2nd graders to make some paper mache aliens or something. It never reaches any focal point. It looks very promising sometimes, in some moments you think something cool will happen. But it never does. This movie would have had so much audience and so much potential, but I have to say this, don't waste your life on watching this movie.
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Alien BORE-igin
jvilliard15 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Alien Origin is the love child of Predator and The Blair Witch Project. And let me tell you, folks, the offspring is not pretty. In fact, it's down right ugly.

In the tradition of such films as Quarentined and The Blair Witch Project, the movie documents the mission of a group of soldiers who head off into the jungle and are never heard from, again. Of course, a camera with video documenting the events of the fateful mission, (thanks to the fact that the troops were being accompanied by a cute, female reporter and her trusty cameramen)is recovered some months later, and this supposedly the "actual footage" of what REALLY HAPPENED! And what wonderful video footage we have!!! At least a good hour of almost nothing but the soldiers marching through a rain forest in search of.... well, something. We're never really sure what the original mission is to begin with. The reporter tells us something, but she's quite vague. And the inane babble between her and the troops doesn't give much in the way of details on this matter. We do know that this eventually becomes a search party for two missing scientists who found something of interest and then disappeared themselves.

But aside from those few points, we know NOTHING about this mission... except that it takes place in the jungle..... and that these people spend a LOT of time walking around in it.

As the name implies, the troops and their media comrades eventually encounter aliens. Or, at least that's what we think they are. They do end up encountering a space ship, and they end up fighting... something. Is it an alien? Is it Bigfoot's cousin? Is it an angry fireworks salesman? Nobody can be sure, because the camera work becomes extremely jumpy and of poor quality. And we never get a look at what the threat really is, because the cameraman (who, if he was really in the media, would probably WANT to get at least a quick shot of an extra-terrestrial, because that would get him an instant bonus from his bosses when he got back home) is always shooting the reactions of the soldiers and his reporter-girl instead of whatever the hell it is they're fighting.

This movie is bad so many ways that it almost isn't worth listing them all. The special effects are so low-budget, it's easy to tell that all of the explosions and rockets being fired are nothing more than fireworks left over from the Fourth of July (no, I am not exaggerating). The plot is almost non-existent. There is hardly any acting involved. The journey through the jungle is mind-numbingly long and dull, and the action scenes don't really provide any action; just confusion as to why they're happening and what's happening in them due to the poor camera-work and terrible jump-around editing.

Don't bother with this movie.
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