Bad Is Bad (2011) Poster


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Liked It
wandernn1-81-6832741 March 2021
I liked this one. Kind've your typical kid gets left out by the dad he never knew revenge type movie. It's obviously low budget but they did pretty well for that. Acting aside. 5/10
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Gratuitous rip-off.
jeromepride-actor28 September 2020
If you've seen Michael Haneke's Funny Games you've seen the original and far superior movie that this is based on. Its only redeeming feature is the largely solid performances from the leads. Uninspired, less crafted, and gratuitous version of its more illustrious predecessor.
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harryhoustonastros27 April 2019
I was surprised by how clever this was for a NO budget movie. Gotta hand it to the people who made this because it was actually good for what it was working with. However on the scales of comparing to other movies it won't be on the same par.
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Hat's Off To You Guys
MossThat847 October 2011
I respect the hell out of this film and it's makers. I heard about this film through a friend and read a little back story about how it was made by a few friends on a very tight budget. That being said, these guys took the knowledge and creativity they had and combined it with every resource at their disposal to create a very watchable feature film. It's people like this and films like this that truly demonstrate what it means to be a 'filmmaker'. Nowadays, there's so much special effects combined with such big budgets that you don't need to be creative to make a film. Look at Bad Boys 2 for example - $130 million dollar budget. You give me that amount of money, I can make that film - throw in some explosions, gun fights and car chases and there you go. These guys didn't have those sort of resources or any funding and they still managed to make a good flick. You guys truly inspire eager filmmakers, and I'm anxious to see what you can do if and when you get a sizable budget. Good luck to you guys, and again, Hat's Off!
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The first half is great
steeledanton20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really throws you around. Its got a good pace until jesse meets up with his sucks a bunch and goes overboard. I can see how pulp fiction and dusk til dawn have their part in this disturbing film. Im mostly disturbed because like i said it had a good pace to it but then the second half of the film was shot inside a house and for the director to find that necessary as if it were a cliffhanger ...well it didn't end up like i thought it would but it did end perfectly. Dang to compare a film like this to Break Point one with different stars but a similar budget makes me give it less stars...because lots of films are worth seeing.
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Bad is Bad Review
gdaddyhansen5 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
How this movie ranked 6.9 is beyond me. Lets start with the acting. Bad, just like the title says. Jesse's character didn't seem to show much emotion when the scenes called for it. The 2 main characters are not very believable as "hit men". Bad scene changes. The cuts between scenes made no sense. The props seem to be low budget. The gun is definitely a toy gun. There were some parts that made no sense and I feel did not need to be put in the movie. Overall, the movie was like a train wreck... I had to watch it until then end, and to be honest, I think the movie was a waste of time to watch. Yes, I know many people thought this film to be ingenious, and I will get negative feedback, but it is what it is... A bad movie.
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Shocking for the budget!
snootsncoots20 March 2021
Hollywood should be ashamed. I thought this movie was good, but when I saw the budget, I was shocked.

Yeah, no special effects, CGI, big name stars, elaborate soundtrack, but it was better than much of the crap that comes out nowadays, and for the cost, it's impressive.

I am a big fan of movies before 1970. They knew how to tell a story without graphic violence and sex. Today, the need to spell out every detail of a sex or violence scene actually takes away from the movie, in my opinion. This movie got the message across the old fashioned way, which is one of the main reasons I liked it.

Hollywood has done this story before, in many ways. I'm glad this movie showed emotions instead of nudity, soft porn, graphic violence and gore, and a ton of curse words.

They did a good job, but after seeing the budget, I think they did a great job.
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Bad. Like, really bad.
rokinjim-116 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is subpar. The emotionless women at the end as their world is caving in? Please. Nice little plot twist at the end though.
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a significant achievement in independent film.
kiranmatthews5 February 2012
BAD is BAD was really very good. This thrilling home invasion story is known chiefly for it's absurdly low budget, and for being one of the few narrative features to be shot entirely on a consumer DSLR, the Canon 7D.

Unlike much low budget cinema, it is easy to become absorbed in BAD is BAD, after a few minutes you find that instead of critiquing and looking for imperfections (which are scarce), you're only interested in 'what happens next'.

I enjoyed this film more than Gran Torino (not exaggerating).

More people need to see/know about BAD is BAD.
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Give This Film an Hour!
TheJonesBones12 February 2021
So, okay, it's not mainstream Hollywood. But that's also the BEST part of this film!

How independent is this production? SO independent, that its main stars (Chris Fornataro as "Jesse" and Bill Brock as "George") don't even have profile pictures on IMDB!

Yet, they actually shine in this story! Mr. Fornataro plays the menacing heavy with convincing style and Mr. Brock's portrayal of the unbalanced psychopath would be award-winning material in a mainstream film (it's SO hard to look at him in his makeup - it makes me cringe and his style totally blends with the effect).

Give it an hour of your life. If you're into something fresh, you won't regret it.

Well done, people!
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Bad is an understatement
robertvgsutherland17 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Bad has no explanation for man they killed for money near the beginning. We have no explanation for why the nasty face guy is a chronic liar, or how they know each other, or why they are even together, although we can use some conjecture yes. The acting is sometimes very very good, sometimes horrible. I didn't find it much of a plot twist at the end, it was somewhat predictable. The very end is about as vague as one can get, and the nasty guy, whatever became of him ? Big thumbs up to Katie.
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Not at all what I expected. It's really good.
screamingfoot24 March 2012
There are a few things that typically ruin micro budget Indie films: A terrible script.

Terrible acting.

Technically lacking execution.

This film is solid in all those respects and even though the premise is something we've seen before, it has its own unique edge that makes it VERY watchable and in my opinion - riveting.

My only hope at this point is that the filmmakers try to be a little more original when germinating their future film projects, but this is definitely a solid film.
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tabathatanses10 February 2019
This movie was absolute garbage. Horrible acting. Horrible story line. Trash. I would not recommend this to anybody.
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leomurphy27 October 2019
This movie was total waste of time. I would NOT advise anyone to watch. A ZERO recomendation!!!
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Not bad for a low budget movie
vmalast27 December 2018
It honestly wasn't as bad as some reviewers stated. It wasn't fantastic but definitely not the worst I've seen. The beginning of the film started well. The acting was believable however, it did get a bit over dramatic in the middle and end. The typical antagonist furrowed brow look. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this. Its definitely worth a look
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Superb acting and a very good plot
heinzrogel18 November 2017
In the reviews above no one says anything about the superb acting of the two young men. I especially liked Kevin Gottschalk's performance. Look at the way he moves. Listen to his creepy voice. Rarely have I seen a better bad guy in any other neo-noir movie. You have to be rather courageous to gather all these disgusting, stupid, childish, beastly parts of yourself in order to depict a character so depraved and pitiful at the same time. I'm sure the director Kent Lamm had a large share in this. The other actor, Chris Fornataro, did a very good job, too. His task was almost more difficult. He had to play this torn, broken, lost young guy pretending to be evil, brutal and hardened by crime.

The ending of the film shows how good its plot has been devised. If this had not been an independent production the ending would have been ruined by some studio boss or some other one-track-minded idiot. But Fornataro and Lamm have found the right mixture between credibility and suspense throughout the action of the movie and have sustained it till the end.
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The title says it all!
ninergirl-885872 June 2018
Wow! I don't even know where to start! The acting is soooooooo bad!!!!! The previous ratings must be from the producer and family cuz I don't get it at all! Zero suspense! Unbelievable characters! Just WOW!!!!!! What a waste of 2 hours!
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Crap hole movie
beauxm11 June 2018
Do not absolutely believe anything other than this movie sucks crap. I would rather watch grass grow.
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An EXCELLENT and interesting movie with superb directing skill!
infp_281 July 2018
I loved this film, and all the details that went into making the characters multi-layered and complex. I thought the direction was amazing, and by the end, I wanted to know who was behind this production, and are there any more I can watch.

From the moment I heard the guy with the pizza face talk in that deep voice of his, telling his friend that the guys at the gas-station called him a 'shit-head,' followed by the sigh of the one driving the car (who reminds me a bit of a young Kevin Bacon, btw) I knew it was going to be worth watching.

The scene at the restaurant, where the pizza-face gets lost in his own private sick world while staring at a girl sitting on the other side of the room, and all you hear is her breathing - that was so incredibly well done.

How the two of them, in the midst of murder and chaos, exchanged such realistic small talk about being hungry, lock the door behind you, stop picking at your acne, etc...I noticed all of that, and I thought it was incredibly refreshing to portray them in this very human light.

The bad reviews, here...they don't know what they're looking at. They probably wanted more action; blood, slashing, violence, etc. No. That's not what this movie is about, and thank god. It's more psychological. It's intelligent. It's for people who 'get it.'

Congratulations to the director and all involved. I hope to see more in the future! This movie deserves recognition!

But the one thing that puzzles me in a way that doesn't leave me with a good feeling is...who was in the shower at the end??
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Boring and BAD
joshua-847791 February 2021
Horrible acting, horrible script, boring. Pointless. Painful to watch.
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Its good in some ways, terrible in others
combsz-2867524 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit, this movie is both, bad and good. The antagonists could have been used better, but they were definitely an interesting duo. There were many parts in it where you felt bad for the characters, mostly George. The ending is a bit, stupid not gonna lie. I'll follow up, the ending just felt flat out wrong, it was way too out of place. The writer basically just killed off the characters. It's also a little uncomfortable to watch to be honest.
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I mean, it had promise
clark-9617216 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Concept of the film is good, two unlikely hit(men/boys?), one a badass and the other a nerdy weirdo, run into the former's father while out on a job... then he proceeds to make him relive the assault and also dish out his own version of revenge.

Could've been a good movie if it had better acting, a bigger budget, and a real director.
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Creepy times 10 = super!
willcallaway10 January 2019
Chris Fornatado--Wonderful work. Super creepy depiction of resent, vengeance. Best creepy sidekick ever also. Pacing, tension and expectation all first rate. Just a gem!
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Bad all around
LaverneandShirleysucks12 March 2021
Bad acting, bad editing bad everything. To make matters worse it was excruciatingly boring. This is a home invasion story....where's the suspense?! And that ending was so over the top it had the opposite desired effect because I laughed at the absurdity of it instead of felt the intended shock. I don't mind amateur films and think some of them are quite good....but the title of this one should be taken as a warning...because this bad really is bad. With better actors and editing, it could've been good.
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Bad isn't bad
fmwongmd18 July 2018
The acting is first rate and kept me engaged after the gas station scene. Chris Fornataro is arrogant and tough contrasting with the slow witted character played so well by Kevin Gottschack. The tension is palpable and keeps you guessing right to the denouement, The photography is spare and trim and always focused, A worthy film indeed!
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