Indivisible: Healing Hate (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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How Can We Heal ANYTHING With Only One-Sided View
czer5137 February 2022
I don't write reviews normally. I wanted to like this, to understand how someone ends up in a hate group, but where are the far right groups? We can't heal any divide by pointing out that one side hates. Hatred is awake and well on both ends of the political spectrum. Maybe someone could take an honest look at how we got here, and open a dialogue instead of pointing fingers.

There are parts of this documentary that are insightful. To listen to people who were members of hate groups speak of how they became a part of the group was helpful. We are all swayed by the company we keep, and the mob mentally can be deadly.

5 stars for telling half the story.
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What a missed opportunity
mbachinski20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I heard about this from a Podcaster I respect. I was looking forward to an objective look at the dumpster fire this nation has become. Instead, I see five of six episodes telling us that the right wing is apparently where the hate Iives. There is PLENTY of hate and division on both sides of the spectrum. You would never know it from watching this. The last episode was good as it showed what we all need to really do. Ignore the pundits and agenda driven "journalists" and just TALK TO EACH OTHER. And more importantly listen. I am not at all blind to the hate on the right, but this show sure is blind to the hate on the left. By spending all that time focusing on the right, it paints everyone on the right with a broad brush as driving the hate. If healing is the goal, this effort misses the mark.
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We are a Constitutional REPUBLIC
cmentele-4019622 June 2023
Just the opening statement was a turn off "our Democracy" knowing history and being very well read I know that the United States is a Constitutional Republic. Perhaps others haven't read the "Records of the Federal Convention of 1787". My second issue is that in referring to the Jan 6th incident the narrator failed to mention that the violent attack started at 12:20. The people there for the rally with Trump were still in the park 22 blocks away. There was a failure to mention that as many as 100-200 FBI, BLM, and Antifa member. Some were among those that arrived before the event ended at the park. Some were dispersed throughout the crowd that arrived after the rally ended.
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A good history lesson
lefeverdk1 February 2022
This documentary does a good job of recounting actual events that have happened since the 1980s. When you're living through events it is hard to keep up with all the incoming information at the time. Looking back on these events gives you a good, self-drawn perspective on how these events have shaped our lives.

Don't listen to the nay sayers about this docuseries, it's worth a watch.
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Gripping narrative
gidi230 January 2022
Yes the imagery of January 6th implies that Trump was behind everything. But the rest of the reviews here are obviously written by people who stopped watching after that. There is plenty here for conservatives to cheer about. The FBI comes off looking dreadful at Ruby Ridge and Waco. The media is seen to over-reach and mislead. Even Timothy McVeigh is portrayed as having been disillusioned by a government that betrayed him, albeit with terrifying results. It is definitely worth a watch wherever your politics lie. Hollywood will bend the facts so that the nuance is anti right. But if you think they got away with it this documentary you weren't paying attention.
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A British Perspective on Democratic Propaganda!
Alienmoon27 January 2022
I live in the UK and I have been watching American Politics for the last 10-Years. I've seen how the Democrats have change and how they have divided America by pitting Democrats, BLM against Republicans with Conservative and centrist, left, Right values.

I have to say, this is a one sided view of what happened that day, without the full facts of what really happened as there yet to come to light, but how can the truth be unveiled when you have Democrats withholding and hiding documents and their reasons for their actions?

This is your typical Democrat Propaganda, spreading hate in the hope it'll continue to divide the US.

Your All Americans and Russia, China, Iran are watching you destroy each other, and this Frelling scares me!... American is supposed to be the Beacon of Democracy, Liberty & Freedom for the world.

All we see across the pond is It's either Democrat or Republican, Black or White, Win or Lose,... you've turned your political system into a sport and its begun to tear America apart from within the Institutions that are supposed to protect ALL American people.

I fear your Enemies are and will take advantage and Biden clearly doesn't see the reality for what it is!
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It is a shame
It is a shame that on a site whose purpose is to review and rate a film for its execution many people by the rating at present and reviews are giving it a thumbs down because they do not like the content and message that it draws as a conclusion.

For me the episodes show a linear timeline exposing the deep divisions amongst us an American people that is clearly escalating.

Democracy as an institution only survives if we believe in a majority rule. The inability of many Americans to accept this principle shows up in our everyday life every day. And now has even seeped into this user review section of IMDB.
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Honest Examination of Difficult Subject
josh-murphy13 March 2022
For a documentary focused on the rise of modern right wing radicalism in America, done in partnership with the former head of CBS news, this documentary was surprisingly non-partisan. Recommend.
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Reviews based on ideological views
r-177914 February 2022
Most of the reviews on here reflect biased outrage by a population of individuals who are unable to perform critical thinking and confuse facts and opinions. The low rating is itself a symptom of the division this show highlights. The fact is (and verifiable primary source research supports) never before has a political party in this nation explicitly endorsed violence, no matter what the memes and cartoons flooding your timeline suggest. This documentary chronicles the history and lineage of hate groups that led to January 6th. It's a difficult and deeply important story to hear if our democracy matters to you.
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This should be -10, unfortunately they don't allow the actual rating!
JustUs200114 February 2022
This unfortunate propaganda debacle made its point known in the title as well as the first few minutes. A collage of fictional stories woven together by people who've fabricated their entire life. If it wasn't just another hate fueled propaganda piece it would have been difficult to discern this from hollywoods version of reality. Then again those who fantasized and manipulated this into production are from hollywood and about as far from reality as an American can get. Similar to the wealthy elites pretending to be from the working class while arresting truckers who stood up for basic human rights. Those pushing these lies has gone too far these last few years, and thankfully they've completely lost the narrative! They just can't accept it yet.
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Excellent overview of the insurrection & history of ignorance
lharper136-264-51948912 February 2022
The only people giving this a low rating are those that can't see the forest because the trees are in the way.

This series explores how the ignorant & uneducated people are happy to be ignorant & uneducated. There are interviews with people that have thought for themselves, left their safe spaces, and educated themselves on literally everything the world has to offer.
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Excellent insights and historical overview - answers why to a lot of questions
This is a must watch for anyone concerned about the rising violent extremism in the US. This series far surpassed my expectations. I wasn't aware of the driving forces behind some of the organizations. I appreciated specific details rather than just big picture information. The timeline really helped understand the growth factors. The last part is a much watch for citizens who actually want to unite this country. Since this is one documentary that exposes insights into some of the organizations that radicalize people, its understanding to see the negative reviews. When light exposes the darkness, they must find new cover. If you are actively trying to divide the US, you won't like this documentary. It just made your job a lot harder.
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Well researched and balanced
wslusser-916658 February 2022
I never write reviews but for the first time feel compelled to. This is the first documentary I have viewed that revealed to me the context about events I grew up knowing about like Waco, the Oklahoma bombing and more recently Charlottesville and 1/6. Putting all of these events together and weaving stories of people impacted by the hate into the narrative should raise the alarms for all of us about where we are going as a country. We should be grateful the creators are willing to educate us and if you don't like this dark history, let's work together to make things better. The Sheriff from Washington State depicted in this documentary is a leader trying to do this.
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This does not show the truth
rickforemanjr3 September 2022
This is a one sided view of 1/6. The reasons that are given for 1/6 do not match the truth. Maybe they should talk to someone not interested in being on TV. Alot of events over many years led up to jan 6. Seeing many groups of people get away with illegal activities and government officials telling them to do more led to this outcome. No one ever looks to that side of the issue. Justice should be fair across the board. One law for everyone, not just certain people. It is currently happening right now to this day,a two tier Justice system. Race has very little to do with the things that happened on Jan 6.
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Fragile conservatives can't handle honest scrutiny, as the 1 star reviews show.
katiehatleykent5 July 2022
This docuseries is gripping and should be mandatory viewing in schools. If we don't learn from the mistakes we see, we'll just keep repeating them. The far right wing has transitioned from an easily manipulatable group, to a truly psychotic and reality-denying unstable cohort. For everyone who tries to downplay the events occurring leading up to and on January 6th, you need simply look at the Trump-appointed judges finding the treasonous invaders guilty. The same Trump appointed judges who also couldn't find proof of any election fraud or tampering (unlike the now understood rampant vote manipulation happening at State level elections in Republican states).
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zuesvh1 May 2022
One of the most idiotic dramatic episodes I've ever seen that is not only complete trash but a huge lie. If I could give it a negative rating I would. Lol.
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Limited sample Size
mclaughl-987308 February 2022
Pretty good. Sadly my family went through this once they started watching Fox News and started believing what they saw. I wish they would watch this, so they could see how they come across. The rating are misleading, if you review the 1 Star ratings you will see one gave the Thanksgiving Day Parade 1 Star for not representing enough "Christian Values." The documentary Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U. S. Capitol, has much higher ratings, but is the same subject matter.
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It's worth a watch.
prico1112 June 2022
This documentary chronicles the history and lineage of hate groups that led to January 6th. It's worth a watch. Democracy as an institution only survives if we believe in a majority rule. Most of the reviews on here reflect biased outrage by a population of individuals who are unable to perform critical thinking and confuse facts and opinions.
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An Eye Opening Connection of Recent Events
starhuea22 June 2022
Part of the fundamental problem in today's society is we seek out confirmation bias, almost as a lifeline to our own sanity. Which explains why there are so many polar responses to this mini-series. You can infer the political party of the critic based solely on the number of stars given. 10 Stars = Democrat, 1 star = Trump Republican. Make no mistake about it, their political views cloud their opinion.

But for those of us that might not think of our party as the absolute epitome of morality, or are independent, the absoluism can be a bit less convoluted.

The series begins with telling the tale of an ex-skinhead trying to make sense of his past, one that saw him utterly fail in his hate crime against a synagogue where he was arrested and sent to jail for his crimes.

Throughout the series it returns to his disillusionment about what being a part of the arian nation means.

In the meantime it weaves national news story after national news story that have entranced the country for years, and examines how they are connected in a fundamental way that even the participants might not fully comprehend or understand.

It examines how the flow of news we choose to to view shapes our very understanding of the story itself.

It manages to string together a narrative of wildly diverging stories from the past several decades into one that actually makes sense.

It is a good examination for those looking to understand the events of Jan 6 beyond simply a coup attempt by Trump.

It examines what Trump was tapping into and relying upon in his attempt, and it's much deeper than him simply attempting to usurp power.

The journey is well worth the time to explore.
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Only love conquers hate
ahawn113 June 2022
Anyone rating this poorly clearly didn't watch every episode. 🙄 #missedthepoint

We need leaders like Sam in Washington, not the idiots we have. But like attracts like so dumb voters are going to elect dumb politicians who will create dumb legislation and policy that we all have to live by. The focus needs to be on education because right now Americans are the dumbest clowns in the world.
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False equivalence: riots against police killing Black Americans and radical terrorists trying to upend the foundation of American Democracy
loganp-2963016 June 2022
The trolls here are obvious and disgusting. The trolls call back to the days of left wing protesters who protested, rightly so, against police killing Black Americans in highly concerning, tragic numbers. These trolls then compare it to these right wing protesters breaking in to the seat of American democracy to try and disrupt the legal changing of presidents. It isn't simply trespassing when you're trying to stop congress from doing one of the most important things in a free nation (besides probably voting itself): certification of the vote. One thing is clear: Donald Trump is the one who lit the fuse of rage that day. Democracy is the bedrock of the United States. Truth is the bedrock of journalism.

These trolls think they know what is right because they can somehow read between the lines of what Trump is saying. They can discern what their almighty son of God is saying. His tweets are apparently replete with meaning: all caps sentences reveal hidden meanings, numbers reveal plans, etc. I imagine these people are either Russian or pinning string to the wall connecting pictures of Democrat politicians.

The only truth that matters to the trolls is the one felt in their gut. Listening to the gut only goes so far. Listening to the experts got us to the moon. And, Journalists have revealed huge government scandals. The media has helped drain way more of the swamp than Trump has or intends to.

Also, a completely anonymous neckbeard going by QAnon holds a lot of sway too for his completely unsubstantiated claims of things that will happen, which ultimately come and go with nothing. But secret meanings and all that. I can't discern.

Lastly, Russia, Iran, China aren't just watching us destroy ourselves. They are spending money feeding all this disinformation to these trolls.
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It's difficult to watch if you're sensitive to scrutiny
rachelcormier10 February 2023
Well done and well researched, with interviews and commentary from former and current members of far right groups. The 1 star reviews are clearly from those butthurt about being exposed and scrutinized, as this is presently and historically accurate, which is what makes it terrifying. Hate does come from all directions, but there is no question on what direction is responsible for the current threats to our nation. Of some comfort are the interviews with former members of hate groups who have grown to understand and change their ways, renouncing their beliefs in white supremacy . Maybe there is some hope for us yet.
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