"9-1-1" Ghost Stories (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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It's not Ghost Stories it's a nightmare!
hessah-177-797949 November 2021
What's really going on with the writers this season, a great episode and then a bad one I want my favorite show to come back as it was.

Did anyone think we wanted a taylor kelly heavy episod !!

Suriously Its existence is absolutely useless.
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Bad, but not a 1 score definitely.
cibelekzm10 November 2021
I'm not going to be the person who is going to give ultimate low score only because a character I hate got focus and a "fav" is nowhere to be seen. This episode was bad, but not that awfully bad, just by focusing on secondary characters.

I'm going to be fair.

The only good scenes on this episode were the ones with the main cast (mostly in the beginning and the ending).

So basically:

  • The firefighter action in the beginning
  • Harry taking the first step to move on from his trauma
  • Harry and Lou bonding
  • Notice how the latest 2 points are me stretching a single scene from the ending in part
  • Lou (I actually want to se more of him)
  • Grant-Nash family finally reunited after the Jeffrey trauma
  • Chimney surprise appearance
  • Karen and Hen (although I don't particularly like how they recycled the Eva story line again, it felt a bit out of nowhere)

With the positive point said, my general thoughts about this episode are all about how the staff behind this show obviously need to work out the communication between their departments (Marketing mostly) because nothing from the promo was on the ep, heck barely the main characters were on it, LOL, They got as ghosted as the ghost roommate call.

Now let me be honest, I don't mind other secondary characters such as David (in next ep) Lou or (even) Taylor getting the a spotlight, if it is for the plot to move on and make the show better. The thing is: this ep didn't feel like that. We got a single call, then the focus shifted to secondary characters who kept going in circles for 40 minutes until suddenly the episode had to be over.

Now, I can see Lou bonding with Harry as a positive thing for the plot since it helped Harry to move on from his trauma in some extent, but this wasn't in Lou story-line focus, it was Harry's. Now I can only hope this Taylor story line is the writers giving a last screen-time to build up the character leaving, because there is not much explanation on why they did a morning news journalist reporter play detective.
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[5.8] Ghost Stories
jimmyishere-377483 May 2022
My excitement didn't last for long. Where are the ghost stories? This episode was bizzare. It seems production lost their ability to make actual horror stuff like they did, in the older seasons.
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TIN-370-9183279 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What was this episode exactly? The reshoots served no purpose in making it more well rounded clearly. A storyline in the promos wasn't even featured in the episode. While I love Karen so much (seriously, utilize her more), I'm so confused as to why the Eva storyline was tossed in there randomly and over in minutes.

I loved getting to see Chimney, and Harry dealing with his trauma outside of Athena and Michael's reaction to his trauma. But, the rest was just a mess.

Is this 911 or the Taylor Kelly show? Why do I care about the reporter aspect or her weird back and fourth with the Lou? I don't. I also don't care for the set up of her backstory. She's an average character with growth that we're supposed to believe but haven't actually been shown and now it's too little too late. I do not care.

Also, a simple Eddie mention, sneak peek, anything really might have done this episode well. But, alas, it was 50% Taylor Kelly and not much else.

Hard swing and a miss.
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One of the better episodes!
jesseceline9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely one of if not the best episode of the season so far! It was refreshing to get a look at some of the more overlooked characters. Often Hen and Chim lack in screentime in favour of Buck and Eddie who seem to monopolise a large amount of the screentime despite being two of the more monotonous characters, more so Eddie than Buck but I digress.

Glad to see Chimney again and hopefully we will be seeing him more in the next episodes too! Very excited to delve further into Taylor Kellys backstory as well, definitely looks like one of the better backstories we've seen for characters so far.

Hen and Karen my beloved! Probably the most under appreciated of the 911 couples by the writers. I'm intrigued to see where their storyline goes. I hope Eva is gone for good, i can't bare to see Karen upset although Tracie Thom gives an amazingly tragic performance.

Definitely a brilliant addition to a hit or miss season.
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Great Episode
lthornborrow9 November 2021
One of the best episodes of this season!!! Loving all the backstory some of the side characters are getting, can't wait for them to explore them more deeply.
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tangostargirl-161-1808339 November 2021
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Not even the temporary return of Kenneth Choi as Chimney or the otherwise transcendant Tracie Thoms returning to her role as Karen could save this episode.

We watch this show because we like our first responders - our firefighters and our call center folks - not because we want to watch a procedural investigation with a detective (not a first responder by definition) and a reporter.

Edit: just learned that the storyline cut from this episode with the ghost roommate (the storyline that appeared in ALL of the promotional material) was supposed to be five scenes, and would've highlighted an actress who can actually act (as we know from her short appearance in Wrapped in Red episode 5.10) and would've included our mains and actual first responders, in order to give more space unnecessarily to Taylor Kelly, who is not a first responder and is not a played by a competent actress. Dropping this episode's rating to 1 star.
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amazing stuff!
crueliability9 November 2021
Absolutely loved this episode, one of the best they've ever made! Cannot wait for certain storylines to continue in future episodes especially certain relationships. The set up for certain character developments got me really excited for the rest of the season.
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the confusion continues
YouGotTimeForASinner9 November 2021
Ok....what was that?? Not sure where to even start with this episode. Clearly the writers didn't either? How was half the promo cut from the episode? It looked like they'd sprinke some fun in there (the ghost roomate? Ravi teasing buck?), which was needed more than ever this season but somehow that got cut for miss wannabe Nancy Drew's storyline? That is certainly...a choice? Didn't feel like a Halloween episode at all, guess that's why it got switched.

Was nice to see Chim again....and Eli....but kinda disappointed he still seems to be hating on Buck 😬. I really wish this brought them closer together and not further apart. Sigh.

Really felt for Karen and always love the Karen and Hen storyline but man....can we please leave Eva behind?? And little Harry was a star but please can we finally be done with Jeffrey? (will also note May was great).

But all these storylines mixed in with whatever they are trying to get at with Taylor Kelly was so confusing and muddled. I want to see the core casts issues resolved, I really can't see who cares enough about TKelly to have her storyline be the focus of a whole episode. Also Buck, lol, you're irritation shines through more than ever. Detective Ransome was speaking for all of us too.

And I get it was a jam packed episode, but damn, not even a mention of Eddie? After what he went through last ep? Couldn't even have him send a photo of him trick or treating with Chris or literally anything? 911 if you don't deal with the aftermath of last ep and it's parallel to 3x13-14.... I don't even know what to say anymore 😭

You know this may have been the worst ep of the season (and I thought peer pressure took the cake there), it's constantly up and down week to week. The consistency in episodes it's jarring and seems thrown together last minute at best. They really need to come through for mid season finale.....
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Boring episode with no plot whatsoever
stillnotyourbusiness9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why they had to bring Eva back, or why Det. Lou had to investigate this when we have Athena, and why a reporter should be tampering an ongoing investigation.

We didn't see Eddie at all, Bobby was there fore a few seconds, Hen was there for like a minute and Buck's screentime consisted on looking mad.

The only positive thing was Chimney being back and seeing Tracie again, they are both good actors, I wish they had more scenes instead of someone that doesn't even know how to read from a promter.

I would talk about the emergencies but the main plot was solved in 4 minutes, so I don't even have much to say about that

This was supposed to be last week's episode, Halloween related, and it clearly shows.
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Never disliked a 9-1-1 episode so much
catlove-053419 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Least favorite episode this season. We are 7 episodes in and the only main with somewhat of a continuous storyline is Chimney, but he's gone majority of the time. The show keeps wasting screen time on Taylor even though majority of fans don't care for her. Instead of trying to give a very disliked side character a storyline, give it to a character people actually care about and want to see more of. They heavily promoted 2 scenes for 3 weeks and they weren't even in the episode. Upset there wasn't even a mention of Eddie, especially after such an Eddie centric episode. The episode was terribly written or the editing room just did an awful job putting it together. Usually I love every episode of 9-1-1, but this his was probably my least favorite ep of the show. Chimney and the happy Henren scene at the end were the only good part of the episode.
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I take back what I said, THIS is the worst episode of the season!
Eminira9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok where do I even begin? First of all the promo is so misleading, none of the fun parts of the promo happened in this episode (Ravi scaring Buck, ghost roommate). Instead we got a dreadful story with Taylor trying to investigate(?) a case, getting on everyone's nerve. Lou is right she's a menace.

Second, where the hell is Eddie?? And we barely even saw our beloved main characters. Sacrificing everyone's screen time for what? So Taylor can play detective? Oh don't get me started on the potential sob story for her, a bit too late now don't you think? They could've done that last season, now it's obviously a last resort because no one like her.

Lastly, GIVE SCREEN TIME TO SOMEONE WHO CAN ACT! IDK like Karen??? The actress is so good but we barely see her anymore.

Don't get me started on Eva, what was the point?? Drama for the sake of drama?

Only good thing about this episode is Chim, can't wait for Maddie and Chim to be back so we can get rid of useless side characters who bring nothing to the show.
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What a letdown...
kmt03010-476-2568649 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think I would ever say this about a 9-1-1 episode but it was so boring. There was barely any screentime for the main characters. There was no Eddie or Maddie. The only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 was because we finally got to see Chimney again. I'm so very tired of Taylor Kelly. All of her scenes are either boring or irritating. I whole heartedly agree with Lou's comments about her. If they wrote her off the show it would be so much better and there would actually be screentime for the main characters. The promos for this episode had so many scenes that just were not in this episode at all. And bringing back Eva again? Putting Karen and Hen through more heartache? For what purpose? Enough with Eva, please don't ever bring her back again. Please give Hen and Karen some happy storylines for once. It didn't even feel like a 9-1-1 episode. It felt like a knockoff crime show. I'm honestly so disappointed right now.
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grupodabigairada9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were only two good things about this episode, Chim being back and Karen too, Henren was bittersweet (cause they keep giving them angsty storylines when they deserve happiness only).

This whole episode was a mess, no Eddie (or even mention of why was he absent, when he's not there the episodes are already weaker) no Chris as well. Wasn't this supposed to be the Halloween episode? There was nothing Halloween about it, they could've easily had the Diaz boys going trick-or-treating to at least have them there or to actually seem like a holiday episode...

Lou represented all of us when it comes to Taylor, she's an horrible character, no one cares about her backstory and the fact that they gave more screentime to guest stars instead of the main that we barely saw? It was terrible. The lack of chemistry between Taylor and Buck are also very telling and their break up has to come soon cause that relationship makes absolute no sense!

This show used to be so good and now with these storylines and not giving us screentime to the main characters it's becoming boring and it's very disappointing.
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Eddie and Chris Missing, Eva is back, and TKelly got too much Screen time
natalieh-038759 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The highlights of this episode were the conversation between Lou and Harry, seeing more of Karen, and having Chimney show up. That's it. This was also about 15 min max of the episode. The whole ghost (roommate) storyline, and funny 118 interactions were cut from the episode. So were Chris and Eddie. They weren't in the episode at all, and no reason was given for their absence. This episode could have been good. Cut the tkelly detective storyline, add some quips between the 118, have another rescue or two where the main cast interacts. If they were going to give a long story like this one they seem to be setting up for Taylor Kelly, they should have made one for Karen instead. She's a better actress and has been on the show way longer.
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worst episode of the season
TARL0S9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the harry kidnapper storyline, maddie exit with a doug mention, eva coming back, no eddie mention, new 188 member getting no mention, taylor being a bad person AGAIN. This is definitely the worst episode of the season.
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Worst Episode Ever
sfier-544319 November 2021
I just watched this and can't remember a thing it was supposed to be a Halloween episode but it was just about characters that aren't even central to the plot truly the worst episode of 911 In 5 years Chim and Karen couldn't even save It Taylor and the detective stuff was so so boring she's so unlikeable but in the most uninteresting way possible Eddie was absent and the other mains were barely apart of it a bland dumpster fire....
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where is eddie diaz
viviciuz9 November 2021
See what happens when you don't show Eddie Diaz in an episode?

I'm sorry but this was just a mess.

Taylor isn't an important enough character to have a whole storyline in an episode so I'm HOPING this was just a set up to her leaving the show. Hope she confronts Buck about her past (the article) and she leaves to become an investigator or whatever, I don't care. Either way, their relationship definitely isn't working and neither are her storylines.

My highlights were Chimney (I have missed him SO much. The sooner Maddie comes back the better for everyone - and the show) and Karen. The rest was just MEH. Also glad this Harry storyline is finally over.

Not even gonna talk about the fact that this was supposed to be a fun lighthearted episode according to the promo and we got the opposite. This season is just so HEAVY, I was really looking forward to scenes like Ravi scaring Buck, them talking about ghosts or whatever. That whole part was completely cut out of the episode and for what? Taylor Kelly playing detective? No thanks.

I just hope that things can go back to normal after the midseason finale. I miss the old 911.
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Where is Eddie
maceyisboring9 November 2021
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Lest favorite episode no eddie and had barely any scenes that were in the promo and wasn't even a Halloween episode. The only interesting scenes were henren and.chimney scenes.
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Worst episode ever
cottteee9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is supposed to be about the first responders and today's episode saw the least of it.

If they tried to make Taylor Kelly likable, they failed epically. It was proven once again how unethical she is and how far she will go to get a story. Worst episode ever.
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What did I just see?
psmomini9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What was that episode? Seriously. Boring, all over the place, so much focus on side characters. I'm sorry but I just can't get behind Taylor's character. At all. Sometimes side characters are brought in and they work, sometimes they just grate on your nerves. She's the latter. Seeing Chim was lovely but no Eddie? Just a weird, unenjoyable episode altogether.
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worst episode
dontwannatalkboutit9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The way not even chim and karen could save the ep...where were the firefighters in the FIREFIGHTERS show lmao?? The way they cut off half of the episode i swear yall aint right. Also no one wants the incoming taylor backstory take it back.
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The worst episode of the show
celss-555809 November 2021
That was the worst episode I've ever seen. Thanks to Karen and Chim for making this better because that was THE MOST BORING EPISODE EVER. Anyways, nobody wants to see such a boring character like Taylor Kelly having a backstory when they can't even focus in the main characters. What about Eddie's trauma, what happened with his panic attacks? I hope they fix this soon, because I'm not watching the next episode.
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Worst episode ever
andreagragomez9 November 2021
Really no eddie, no calls, no firefighters practically?!!!and we have to put up with tkelly most of the episode, this sucks. They no longer make want to see the show.
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aaronwonderland9 November 2021
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